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Fated (Of Blood and Magic Book 1)

Page 11

by Delicious David

  “Take me.” She would moan, and, like her humble servant, he would gladly succumb. His cock would kiss her pussy, causing her to shudder with each tease, her body screaming with ecstasy, and with a mad longing for his fullness. And then he would plunge right in, sliding his cock in and out of her pussy, delving deeper with each thrust. She would angle her floating hips, jerking her pussy up to meet his incoming train. Up, down, up, down, they would both go, in reverse order, until he hit her G-spot. He would feel her vibrate like a leaf in the breeze, shuddering like mad as her pussy juice squirted out of her, spraying like a fountain to the sun. And then he would come, in a glorious jerk, his rod as straight as lightning and turgid as a wizard’s staff. It would be an explosion of pure bliss, and then his eyes would jerk open.

  He had the same dream, each night, in the same order, like a prerecorded video in his head playing on repeat, and he would wake with his cock standing in all its fullness, battling with his zipper. And his skin would feel cold and clammy, and sensitive to the touch. He would feel this same way every time she looked at him with those eyes of fire. His knees would jerk involuntarily. Somewhere in the recesses of his mind, Timou was sure that Elena had a thing for him, though she had never been one to show emotion. He just could tell. But he had always been at a loss on how to make a move. What would he say? How would he say it? Could he even put the words together?

  “You’re up, Elena.” Seydoo grinned, jolting Timou out of his thoughts. He stood facing the flight attendant with a sly look on his face. Timou watched Elena float toward her with a gaunt face. The airline agent had a bright look on her face like she had no worry in the world, though her desk was piled high with what Timou thought was two paper piles too many. She looked like she had so much work to do, but she beamed brighter than the sun as Elena approached. But her bright smile soon slackened as Elena reached her desk and began a conversation. In seconds, the agent was walking away from her desk and computer like a zombie, her teeth chattering discreetly. Elena had petrified her. Elena floated behind her as she walked toward the restrooms, with Seydoo panting with excitement right behind them. A minute later, Elena floated back out with a now restored agent walking right behind her, but this time the agent had a mad glint in her eye that could only belong to Seydoo. Timou was sure that the actual agent was still caught in a vision Elena had forced into her mind, and that she was tied in a toilet somewhere, stuck in a state of half-sleep until Elena released her hold.

  Timou approached the desk as Elena and agent Seydoo reached it. Timou found it amazing, how Elena had been able to condense Seydoo’s large hairy body into the petite, bespectacled frame of the airline attendant whose desk they were now crowded around. Her powers were vast and amazing. He couldn’t help but wonder how she could do the things she did sometimes.

  “We need to get to the security room,” Seydoo said with the agent’s delicately high-pitched voice, “There’s not much on this laptop.” Timou found himself overcome with a mad urge to burst into laughter at the ridiculousness of it all, but all he did was grunt. “I’ll check the security room and look through the footage.” Seydoo offered, his grin not fading and looking weird on her curved lips.

  “Get on with it, then.” Elena scoffed, clearly irritated that she didn’t already have Lukai in her grasp. Seydoo merely cackled and walked off to the security room as fast as his new attendant’s gown would let him, unbothered by Elena’s tone. Timou eyed Elena as she hummed a striking tune to her floating orb. He tried to be discreet, but he could tell that she knew he was staring. She didn’t acknowledge it, but she didn’t seem to disapprove, either. Timou felt blood rush to his cock.

  As Elena sang, her orb did acrobatics. It morphed into a star, then it grew spikes like the head of a mace, then it became a dagger with sharp glinting edges, and for a moment he thought he saw it become a cat before fading back into the solid sphere he had always known it to be. Elena was such a show off, but she was so skilled he couldn’t find her obnoxious.

  “You’re gifted with that, you know?” He piped, gesturing at the floating orb. His own voice sounded raspy and gruff, and alien to him. Even Elena’s eyebrows rose at his words, becoming the shape of an apostrophe. “You talk?” She asked in a bewildered tone, and, then, unexpectedly, she burst into a raucous laughter. She laughed hard and Timou blushed tomato red. “Now this is the kind of surprise that I live for.” She blurted. Timou had never heard her say so many words in such a short space of time, and he felt his cheeks redden even further. He had indeed done a number on her. She chortled a little longer, then wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. She looked so pretty. And what was that? Had he shocked her so much that she laughed until tears poured from her eyes?

  Elena kept manipulating her orb into strange shapes. A tall man passed, covered from head to toe with a wide-brimmed hat, high leather boots, and large overalls made from animal skin. He had a balaclava on, which had only holes for eyes. The weather in Transylvania was mild at this time of the year. It was the early fringes of fall, yes, and the chilly winds were arriving, but it wasn’t chilly enough to call for such complete covering. Was this man hiding something?

  Timou sniffed the air, zeroing in on his essence as he walked briskly by. Then he caught it; the unmistakable stench of midnight—the fragrance that all vampires share. Timou felt a strong urge to go after him, his hands hungrily massaging the sanctified dagger strapped across his chest, but he let go. It was unlike him to back down, but he did. They had a much bigger mission ahead of them and could not afford to be derailed.

  When Seydoo returned Elena had already assumed her trademark scowl once again. It was almost as though she had never smiled in her life. Seydoo was glowing as he tended to do when he brought good news. As he spoke, Timou perceived the metallic tang of blood from beneath his breath. Seydoo was such a beast.

  “I found the necessary footage. Lukai took a flight from here in the early hours of yesterday.” Timou wondered why, though. He knew for a fact that Lukai could, unlike all other vampires, survive under the full glare of sunlight. And, just like all other vampires, he could transform into a bat and fly wherever he wanted. Why had he boarded a plane. This only seemed to corroborate his earlier theory that Lukai had found his fated mate; the dominatrix. Was she his hostage, or had she succumbed to his dark charms already? They needed to get to him, else the invasion took them by storm. Maybe he should tell the team, Timou thought. Elena seemed to love that she spoke up, so he might as well speak up more. But before he could even string the words together, Seydoo was done punching a string of numbers into the agent’s laptop.

  “Bingo!” He exclaimed. “Our next stop is Atlanta, Georgia, folks.” He smiled radiantly and faced Elena. “Care to do the honors of a quick cloning spell to get us tickets?”

  Elena scoffed. “You may decide to travel by plane for hours, but I’ll just get a coconut. You’ll meet up with us for the after party, after Lukai is put back in the prison where he belongs.”

  Seydoo’s eyes lit up like shining stars. “We’re teleporting there?” He sounded so excited his real voice came out through the girls body, suppressing Elena’s magic. Elena merely yawned and began floating away.

  THE WALK out of the chamber was silent, but it was of the mutual kind. As Luke contemplated the merit of having told Becca his history, Becca hummed with a strange excitement. She reached the dark, high wall and pressed the keystone that caused the wall to retrace until there was a rectangular doorway that fit her perfectly. Luke crouched out after her, bending almost halfway to fit the frame.

  The sharp glare of the sun at high noon greeted them as they stepped onto the culvert that ran around the sides of the stadium’s outer walls. Becca glanced back at Luke, who looked so polished under the flaming sun. Ambrogio’s contract with the Lady of the Sky must have been so potent, because his immunity to the sun’s rays seemed absolute. He was even more relaxed than she was, which she found quite hilarious. He was the vampire, yet she was the one who felt li
ke she was melting in the heat.

  His silky hair stood proud on his head, shining like a loom of golden thread in the afternoon sun. The heat accentuated his sharp, eyes, so much so that they now looked more scarlet than crimson. And his thick lips. Oh, those lips. Becca recalled how they worshipped her breasts until she felt heaven in her areolas. Those lips were fucking sexy, and Becca found herself biting her lower lip with fresh longing.

  They took a right turn and came onto a park. The streets of Atlanta were busy as usual. Large shops lined the street; barbers shops, cafés, restaurants, the florist’s, a pharmacy, several supermarkets, a filling station. Most of these shops had their fronts illuminated with bright neon lights, flashing signs like ‘Happy Hour begins 5pm’, ‘We’re open 24/7’, ‘30% off our Fall Collection!’

  Becca watched Luke rake in the scenery with searching eyes. It was only then she recalled that he was new to this world, to this age of modern technology. But if there was something she knew, it was that Luke was an intelligent individual. He would catch up sooner than later.

  Luke wouldn’t give in to chance, though. He assailed her with questions as they walked, each of which she answered with a unique glee. The questions were broad like an umbrella, covering a variety of things but nothing personal. He asked about airplanes like the one they had boarded from Romania down to Atlanta. She giggled when he called them ‘flying birds’. He asked about telephones, and neon lights, and the SUVs that decorated the streets of Atlanta. Then he asked about politics and money and leadership, but he was most particular about politics. As she fed him as much information as she could provide on each issue, she watched him absorb it all like a sponge. His responses told her that he was well aware of the nuances of power, and his eyes quivered each time he thought about knotty issues. She thought he looked cute.

  Luke couldn’t help staring at her ass as they walked across an old basketball court. He had run out of questions, and had only asked another when he noticed the patterns on the floor of the court and the baskets hanging atop the tall upright poles at both ends of the court. “This is a game?” He had twisted his nose in mock derision as he thought of it. Becca had laughed and began explaining it, but he drifted, not listening to her words, only captivated by the largeness of her ass and the voluptuousness of her rosy lips. He felt like taking her right there on the court. He would tie her hands behind her and spank her ass until it reddened, even as he rammed his cock into the depths of her pussy until she could squirt no more pussy juice. But then, the tingling at the back of his neck was intensifying. Something sinister was approaching. He could feel it, and his instincts were hardly ever wrong.

  They reached a grove of trees that seemed to lead nowhere. He was overcome by a sudden surge of fury. Had she tricked him again? In a burst of pure rage he seized her from behind and clamped his arm around her neck until she gasped for breath.

  “Where’s your grandmothers? Is this some trick?” He growled, filled with a sudden premonition. Becca gasped, her boobs rising as she struggled to breathe. “We... We… We’re he… We’re here!” She sputtered and he loosened his hold. His face held a quizzical look. Did Becca’s grandmother live in trees? He was nonplussed, not knowing what to make of it.

  Becca rubbed her painful neck, gulping breaths and feeling her diaphragm expand. “And here I thought we were making progress.” She had a fierce look on her face. Then, as suddenly as it appeared, it dissolved into a dreamy look. “It sort of turned me on, though.” She confessed, and suddenly his mind was filled with an image of her pussy lips, red and horny, dripping juice into her panties like a tap.

  She turned to face the grove with the wry smile plastered on her face. Holding her right hand out, she spoke with a possessive voice: “Akoma, weyyuull, tangast!”

  As she spoke, a bright white light erupted from the middle of her palms and shot toward the grove of trees like a laser beam. Luke’s eyebrows rose as the light shattered the image of the grove of trees like glass, revealing a majestic mansion. It looked like an ancient castle, with spires and chimneys and a bell tower at the west wing, but it also carried the modern glamour of some of the buildings they had walked by on their way here. Becca turned back to face him and beamed. “We’re home.” She announced, and walked toward the large entrance guarded by two giant dogs and a mighty door of carved, dark oak.

  ELENA materialized first, followed immediately by Timou and Seydoo, who had been restored to his original form. Elena seemed to glow in the sunlight as she muttered a command and her orb morphed to mirror the green of the grass beneath them. Seydoo looked like he was about to puke where he stood, which made his face look even more grotesque than usual. Timou took a few steps back from where he stood, just in case. He didn’t think he could handle Seydoo regurgitating all the human body parts digesting in his gut all over him.

  “Get your shit together and follow the scent!” Elena scolded, clearly appalled by his weakness. Seydoo’s grin vanished from his face for a tiny moment. “Don’t be mean, Elena,” he whined, then his grin returned just as quickly as it had vanished, “I never knew teleportation would be so chaotic.”

  Timou grunted what would’ve passed as a laugh and looked toward the horizon. Elena would never cease to impress him. After they exited the airport, she had restored Seydoo to his original form. The clothes had torn like tiny rags around his bulky, hairy frame, and his nude body had looked so repulsive that even Elena had flinched before conjuring a combat outfit around him, to shield his bare body from contaminating the vision of anyone else. Then she had teleported a coconut from a nearby fruit stand, broken it, caused the coconut water to levitate around her mid region, and then she had spoken the words of a spell which had heated the water into a white mist, and then she had calmly said “Walk through it.” And she had done just that.

  Walking through the mist, Seydoo had felt his body disintegrating into a million molecules and floating through the air, like he was nothing. And just as he was beginning to feel like he had faded away, he felt the molecules zap together with supersonic, and painful, speed. And the next thing he knew, he was staggering over the grass, about to lose his lunch, in a place that was almost certainly Atlanta, Georgia.

  “What would we do without you?” He asked her dreamily, when he began to regain his composure, but Elena was never one for games. “Seydoo!” She had snapped and he had gotten the message. They had work to do.

  And so he went back to tracking. As had been characteristic of Lukai’s movements since the beginning of their hunt, the trail had led to disconnected places. There was an abandoned field, then they passed through parks and narrow streets until they reached a stadium. Lukai’s essence was particularly strong around a region of one of the large walls in the vicinity of the stadium. “He was here for quite a while.” Seydoo noted and the others nodded in quick understanding. Then they followed culverts until they burst out onto the highway. They passed a million shops, and then a park, and then an abbatoir which made Seydoo salivate to Elena’s unrestrained disgust. And then they reached an abandoned basketball court, after which was a grove of pine trees.

  “The scent trail ends here.” Seydoo announced, looking nonplussed. This couldn’t possibly be it. What sorcery had Lukai done to make his essence vanish so absolutely? The grove of trees in front of them clearly led nowhere, and there was no sign of the undead vampire.

  Instinctively he turned to look at Elena. He observed that Timou was studying her, too. “What do we do? Do we scout the forest?”

  Elena held out the index finger of her right hand, gesturing Seydoo to shush. “That’s not an ordinary forest,” she said sagely, “I can feel it.”

  As if propelled by an unspoken language, Elena’s orb floated toward the grove with the speed of a race car. As it approached the first tree, it hit what seemed like a magical barrier, sending a ripple across the image and revealing the magical façade. Elena’s face lit up with her classic ‘I knew it’ look.

  “Stand back, both of yo
u.” She ordered and they obeyed. Her orb zoomed back to her with the same speed with which it had tested the barrier.

  “Qui ribbit orumaserufiore!” She screamed the spell out loud, which only meant that she was casting a serious spell. And indeed it was. A giant ball of fiery lava materialized before her, growing larger and larger as she chanted the spell over and over. Dollops of lava dripped from the ball, landing on the concrete and burning holes through it. Seydoo’s eyes widened with glee. Timou stood with that signature impressed look on his face.

  And then she launched it right at the grove, a dark smile overtaking her face as the giant mass of lava collided with the grove.

  Chapter 10


  WHEN they walked into Grams’ mansion, the living room was exceptionally quiet. Luke ran his hands over the beautiful upholstery. There were statuettes of sacred creatures; unicorns, sphinxes, griffins. There were origami art pieces of swans in different graceful poses decorating the mantelpiece. The art looked beautiful and, though the figurines were still, alive to Luke. He felt a surge of emotion like he hadn’t felt in a long time, and images of his garden filled his mind once again, in a mixture of sad longing.

  “Grams! Where are you? Grams!” Becca called as she left Luke in the living room, checking the lower kitchen and peering through the windows at the outer courtyard. She fondled the pendant on her neck, the cold dullness of the metal filling her with the warmth of safety. Sorry that he had misjudged her on the basketball court, Luke had handed her the pendant. “Yours.” He had said with a playful smile on his face.


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