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Overlord: A Dark Shifter Romance

Page 14

by Delta James

  “I claimed my fated mate who had best reconcile herself with the idea of sharing with me what has her out of sorts.”

  “I know all of you keep telling me that everyone is going to be happy to have me at Ravenscar...”

  “No one has lied to you or tried to mislead you. They speak the truth. It is a wonder to me that you continue to doubt us. Fallon sings your praises, you have Ruari completely under your spell, which is no small feat, and the remainder of our men are quite convinced that you are the reincarnation of our ancestress, Shea, herself. They have wanted me to mate for a long time. When they meet you, they will know I was wise to wait for my fated mate. As much as those at Calon Onest cared for you, your pack at Ravenscar will be devoted to you.”

  “If you say so. Gareth, what happens if Ruari’s brother dies?” she asked.

  “I suspect we will lose our beta. Ruari is an alpha himself, but with his brother inheriting the position of leadership at home, he struck out on his own... much as Alaric did.”

  “How did he come to serve you?”

  “He asked to join Alaric and me when we reclaimed Ravenscar. With Alaric set on leaving, I asked him to consider staying on as beta.”

  “Why did you have to reclaim Ravenscar?”

  “When our father died, Alaric and I were off seeking our fortune. Those of us at Ravenscar have never been popular with the Ruling Council; they made a preemptive move to bring Ravenscar back into the fold by displacing our family. We convinced them their arrogance was misplaced and dangerous.”

  “That wasn’t a very smart move on their part. Was that wise... to have another alpha in your pack?”

  Gareth nodded and smiled. “It was never an issue. Until we have sons and they come of age to lead, Ruari would have ensured that our pack was never vulnerable and that my mate and family were protected.”

  “If he leaves, what will you do for a beta?”

  Gareth nuzzled her. “Most alphas would caution their mates not to worry about such things.” He chuckled as she growled at him. “But I am not most alphas and my mate is not one to be sent to do needlework. That has always been a concern at the back of my mind, but I think I may have found the solution.”

  “And what might that be?”

  “Edan seems to be a strong, capable wolf. I know he served as Rowan’s beta these past five years. I would like to know your assessment of him.”

  Sloan thought for a moment. “I think few would serve you as well. While he doesn’t resent Tristan assuming the position of beta under Alaric, he was an excellent beta for Rowan. He works tirelessly and even Alaric’s men came to see him as captain of the guard very quickly. And I would welcome a familiar face, although those with whom we have traveled already feel like pack to me.”

  “Because they are pack... your pack.”

  “Speaking of familiar faces, you don’t think Alaric will use Arielle as some kind of inducement for an alliance with another pack, do you?”

  “I do indeed. She is quite a prize—a captivating beauty with a sweet disposition raised to be mistress of a great pack. And she will bring with her an impressive dowry and the alliance with two strong packs—those at Calon Onest and Ravenscar.”

  “Rowan and I will never forgive either of you if you force her into pairing not of her choice.”

  “And yet both of you were forced and have forgiven both of us...”

  “That was different...”

  “Yes, beloved, because it was with a fated mate. Alaric would have nothing less for Arielle. Besides, he is well able to deal with Rowan’s temper. After all, both she and Arielle herself would have seen Arielle mated to me.”

  “There are times I’m not sure that still wouldn’t have been a better idea.”

  Gareth growled. “Never. And should I hear you say so again, you will find yourself with a very sore backside for continuing to doubt my wisdom in knowing you are the only one for me. Arielle is destined to be with another... and one which might surprise you both.”

  “What do you mean? I know Edan is fond of her...”

  “She would not be mistress to a great pack with Edan.”

  Gareth grinned at her and his eyes danced with merriment.


  “I am not at liberty to say. Rest assured that Alaric will see to her best interests and I believe you and Rowan will be quite pleased.”

  “Why is that you are allowed to keep your own counsel, but I am not?” she asked.

  “Because I am alpha... and you are not.”

  “You are infuriating is what you are,” she said, trying to get up from his lap.

  Gareth stood but refused to let her move away from him. “What I am, mate, is in need of the satisfaction that can only be found between your thighs.”

  Before she could put up much of a fight, the Alpha of Ravenscar had swept her into his arms and had her in their bed where he proceeded to satisfy them both for the remainder of the evening and well into the early morning of the next day.

  When she woke, Gareth pulled her close and kissed her temple. “They have our horses ready and the camp is packed; if we push hard, we can make it home by tomorrow evening.”

  Gareth helped her up on her horse and they turned east toward Ravenscar. They rode hard all that day and the next. Toward the end of the second day, Sloan began to smell the ocean and smiled.

  “What brings a smile to your face, my beloved mate?”

  “How far are we from Ravenscar?”

  “Several hours at least. If you don’t feel up to it, we can stop and set up camp or we can take a break and I can send for a carriage.”

  Sloan shook her head. “If I didn’t feel up to riding, I’d just go sit on the wagon. It’s that I can smell the ocean. It’s different than the one outside of Calon Onest but it’s... I don’t know how to describe it...”

  “Familiar?” offered Gareth.

  She nodded. “That might be it. And I don’t think if I were still human, I’d be able to smell it from here.”

  “You’re right. Were you still burdened with your humanity, you would be unable to detect the salty tang in the air. Even now it is barely detectable. I suspect your genetic memories of this place are allowing you to pick up its scent. Do you find it comforting?”

  Sloan scented the air again. “I do. I always loved the smell of the ocean at Calon Onest, but this is different... better somehow.”

  Gareth leaned over to her and brushed her lips with his. “It is better. It is home. What do you say we pick up the pace? Are you up to it?”

  “If I knew where the hell we were going, I’d race you!”

  He signaled his men that they would be increasing their speed. Sloan was still amazed at how well they coordinated their actions. Like Alaric’s men, Gareth’s were well trained and had experience moving together as a unit.

  Finally, they crested a hill, and stretched out before them was a lovely town that made the villages around Calon Onest seem tiny. Beyond it lay farms, huge windmills, and the great manor at Ravenscar. Gareth was right, all of this seemed right—like she had been here before. The sun was setting and dusk was beginning to settle; Sloan could barely make out two figures riding along the road between the town and the house that lay beyond. As they rode, dots of light began to appear.

  “It would seem our people are expecting us and are lighting the road for you,” he said with affection.

  “They light the road for their alpha,” snorted Sloan.

  “No. Ravenscar has always been my home. Normally the torches are only lit for those unfamiliar with our territory, which would rule you out as well as this has been your home for many lifetimes. The other reason they will be lit is to welcome home a victorious alpha at the head of his army... usually with a great captured treasure. And there is no denying that I was victorious...”

  “With Rowan’s help...”

  “The battle with Edwyn? Pfft, my brother needed no help with that. I speak of my victory in finding and claiming my mate.”
  Sloan laughed before she spurred her horse to a gallop and sprinted ahead of him, calling back over her shoulder, “Not much of a victory if your mate beats you home.”

  The big roan charger was strong and fast. He was also headed for the warmth of his own stall and he knew it. He surged forward, putting a huge amount of distance between her and Gareth. She could hear Gareth’s horse trying to close the distance and his men cheering him on. Sloan was determined to make an entrance and the point with her new pack that she was not some simpering mistress who had no mind or will of her own.

  She was certain she could have made the door first, except for many of their people had gathered outside to greet them. Sloan did not want to seem unfriendly or see anyone get injured, so reined her horse into a more refined trot. Gareth caught up to her.

  “You ride far too well. I may end up putting you on one of the smaller mares to ensure I can always catch you.”

  “Are you afraid, my alpha, that I might actually get away from you were I to try a third time?” she teased.

  “Based on my experience with you, it would not be prudent to believe that the happiness you find in our coupling will keep you from being the naughty mate you are, and you have a proven proclivity for leaving me when angry or upset.”

  Sloan halted her horse and Gareth did the same. This time it was Sloan who leaned out of the saddle and kissed him deeply. “Perhaps, but you should know if I do, it is only to teach you a lesson and that I will always return.”

  Gareth chuckled. “That may be so, but it won’t save your backside from a good blistering for having done it in the first place.”

  They rode together down the drive. People called to both Gareth and Sloan. She was surprised they called to her by name.

  “How do they know?” she asked.

  “I sent word and some of your things ahead so you will be comfortable from the beginning. As much as I’d like nothing better than to take you down from your horse and up into seclusion in our chambers, I will need to refrain as I’m quite certain our people wish to meet their new mistress.”

  “Remember, I don’t know how to do this. I’m even less prepared than Rowan. At least she’s always been wolf and part of a pack.”

  “A pack that did not care for its she-wolves the way it should.”

  “The women at Calon Onest were happy...”

  “As well as undisciplined and unmated far longer than they should have been. They had neither the structure nor support they needed to feel truly cared for. You will find, my beloved, that our women are neither treated badly nor allowed to carry the burdens that those at Calon Onest once did. I can assure you that Alaric will put that right.”

  “He may find Rowan disagrees with him.” She stopped her horse in front of the main entrance.

  Gareth stepped off and then came around to help her out of the sidesaddle. They had argued briefly about whether or not she could or would dismount without his assistance. While he agreed she was quite capable, he was also insistent that she wouldn’t be allowed to do so.

  “I really can get off a horse without your help and if I rode astride, I wouldn’t need help getting on either,” she whispered.

  “You will do neither. Behave yourself,” he replied in a quiet tone.

  Gareth led her to the top of the stairs and stopped before entering.

  “People of Ravenscar,” he called. “May I present to you my fated mate and your mistress, Sloan!”

  Sloan was somewhat shocked at the cheer that went up. Her new pack seemed genuinely happy to meet her. The feeling of well-being that arose from the crowd was palpable and their affection for their alpha apparent.

  “Mistress, I am Tyler, omega to the pack. Welcome home!” A man with medium brown hair and a welcoming smile took her hand in his and rubbed his cheek against it. Sloan looked at Gareth, who smiled and nodded slightly.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Tyler.”

  He turned to Gareth. “She is truly glorious, Alpha. Many blessings on your pairing. Come inside; there is food and drink. Everyone has been watching for you.”

  “Have we heard anything from Eire?”

  “We had one more message, that Ruari’s brother worsens. He is not expected to live.”

  “Pass the word amongst the men; I will see those who lead various groups of our people after dinner. We defeated Edwyn handily but are vulnerable until the rest of our army returns from Eire and are certain of Edwyn’s whereabouts. In addition, we have discovered a clan of dam-builders with a strong foothold just outside of Alaric’s territory. I fear I will be hard pressed to take Sloan into seclusion at this time.” He turned back to Sloan. “Forgive me, beloved.”

  “Nothing to forgive. The safety of the pack has to come first.”

  “A wise choice indeed, Alpha,” said Tyler.

  Tyler withdrew as Gareth led her toward the main hall.

  Sloan glanced around at the opulent foyer and furnishings. “I thought you said this wasn’t a castle...”

  “Technically, it’s not. And unlike Calon Onest it is not a fortress, but it is large, and the main house easily accommodates our needs for meetings, dining, and common areas. All the staff as well as the ranking pack members live in it. And we have several guest rooms. We have a number of other large buildings that house our bachelor wolves, mated couples, army barracks, and the few unmated females that we have. Alaric has promised to take a look at those girls at Calon Onest that aren’t suited for anyone there.”

  “We aren’t some kind of commodity you can just pass around amongst yourselves,” said Sloan testily.

  “You, beloved, are most definitely off the market,” he teased. “But the others need to be mated. It is unnatural for wolves to live alone without a mate—male or female.”

  He silenced her protest with a kiss that provoked another cheer as well as humorous and well-intended ribbing from their people. Sloan was beset with people wanting to meet her and offer their congratulations and well-wishes to their alpha’s mate. She was almost on the verge of being overwhelmed, when an older, daunting she-wolf presented herself. As had Tyler, she took Sloan’s hand in hers and then rubbed her cheek against it.

  “Mistress, I am Winifred. I have been the head of the household staff here at Ravenscar and will serve here until you choose another.”

  Sloan looked at Gareth, who said, “She’s a sort of Dawson here.”

  Sloan looked back to Winifred. “Are you unhappy here in your position?”

  “No, Mistress. I have been the happiest of my life since our alpha found me and took me in.”

  Sloan kept hold of her hand and turned to the rest of the pack. “Anyone here think Winifred ought to leave?”

  She smiled as the idea was quickly shouted down and calls of support for Winifred echoed throughout the room.

  “But, Mistress, you don’t understand, he found me trying to steal...”

  Sloan couldn’t help herself and burst into laughter. “Really? How absolutely divine. That’s how I came to be at Calon Onest! We must compare notes. Perhaps we can find others who enjoy a bit of stealth and make a game of it. Tell me, Winifred,” she said, nodding toward Gareth, “did he threaten to tether you to his bed to be used for his pleasure?”

  “He would never,” Winifred said, quick to defend Gareth’s honor.

  Gareth placed his hand gently on the older woman’s shoulder. “My mate makes a jest at my expense...”

  “I did not,” said Sloan in an incensed tone. “That’s what he said he’d have done if he’d found me instead of Rowan.”

  “I think, Mistress, our alpha would have had you in his bed regardless of what you were doing,” said Winifred with a sly smile.

  “You may be right,” agreed Sloan. “But then it’s not the worst place a she-wolf could find herself.” Sloan turned back to the larger group. “Why are you all standing here? Winifred’s food is getting cold, and if she’s anything like Dawson at Calon Onest she wants her pack well fed in a timely manner.”

  The older woman grinned at her, completely at ease with her new mistress. Winifred separated herself from Sloan, and Gareth guided Sloan to the head table. He ushered her into her seat and kissed her cheek.

  “And you thought you didn’t have what it takes to be mistress here. Winifred is not easy to win over. She is highly protective of our pack and will run you a close second for a hard worker. Perhaps we should seek out more thieving she-wolves. Ouch!” he exclaimed as Sloan kicked him under the table.

  “Be nice. She didn’t really think I’d just turn her out, did she?”

  “Eloise wanted her gone and tried to banish her to the kitchen. Reestablishing Winifred as head of the staff here was one of the first things I did after Eloise’s death.”

  With Gareth at her side, Sloan was very much at ease sitting in their dining hall surrounded by her new pack. She found Tyler to be charming company and that Gareth had been right that their people would make her feel welcome.

  Chapter Twelve

  Gareth was pleased to see that Sloan’s reception had been even more welcoming than he had thought it might be. Clearly his people were glad to see him mated and Sloan’s behavior with Winifred had been enchanting and reassuring. Tyler had left their table and Gareth had watched as he gathered those who they needed to speak with.

  He leaned over to Sloan. “I need you to remain here in the dining hall. I must speak to some of our men to hear the report of the patrols we had arranged prior to my departure. I may need to make adjustments in light of our sending Ruari to Eire.”

  “You’re worried about Edwyn, aren’t you? The man’s a snake.”

  Gareth smiled. “Beloved, when one wants to offer a slur to a wolf, she calls him a mutt.”

  “I know,” she said. “I once lobbed that insult at your brother.”

  He chuckled. “Why am I not surprised? I think worry is too strong a word for what I’m feeling, but I don’t trust Edwyn. With Alaric at Calon Onest trying to settle his fractious mate, the mutants, and Edwyn’s unprovoked attack, it might be seen as the ideal time for him to attack Ravenscar in retaliation for our part in his humiliating defeat.”


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