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Sidewinders: Ever After (Las Vegas Sidewinders Book 12)

Page 26

by Kat Mizera

  Anton made a face. “Yeah, I don’t get that either. It’s really stupid and I kinda want to kick his ass.”

  She smiled. “That’s sweet, but he’s not worth it.”

  “A lot of girls go to college specifically to find a husband and a guy who has a rich dad? I’m a target for those kinds of girls.”

  “That’s kind of cynical,” she responded quietly. “But after what happened to me, I guess you’re right.”

  “That wasn’t the issue with my last girlfriend,” he said, looking away.

  “Then why’d you break up?”

  He met her eyes slowly. “We kind of weren’t… compatible. In bed and out.”

  Her eyebrows slowly rose and she cocked her head. “No? You super kinky or something?”

  He snorted out a laugh. “Not hardly.”

  “Wait—was she one of those girls who hasn’t figured out that it’s okay for girls to love sex the same way guys do?”

  He gave a slight shake of his head. “She was one of those girls who thought a guy with a big dick always hurt her.”

  A look of surprise was quickly replaced by a slow, sexy smile that spread across her face, emphasizing her beautiful mouth. “Let me get this straight… you had a girlfriend who, I’m assuming for conversation purposes, really liked you and you liked her.”

  He nodded.

  “And she had a problem with the size of your dick?”

  “To be fair, she’s not the only one. Hence the reason I’ve only been with one woman.”

  Sasha reached across the table and squeezed his hand. “I’m going to just put this out there now—bigger isn’t always better, but it’s pretty damn hot if you know what you’re doing.”

  “I’d like to think so, but most of my only sexual relationship was her asking me to stop, slow down, or hurry up.”

  Sasha laughed and for some reason the sound delighted him. She wasn’t making fun of him, merely shaking her head and saying, “There are multiple solutions to whatever was ailing her, but the two easiest are oral and lube.”

  He laughed too. “I will admit to not thinking about lube, but to be fair, she was my first so I didn’t know that much.”

  “I probably started younger than I should have,” Sasha admitted softly.

  “How old?”

  “Fifteen. But he was my high school boyfriend. We were together three years and we ended as friends. I still talk to him sometimes. He’s at Yale.”


  She shrugged. “We grew apart, but nothing bad happened. I’m glad he was my first. I’ve also learned a lot since then.”

  “Have you ever had a one-night stand?”

  Her cheeks turned pink but she nodded. “Yeah. I guess you haven’t.”

  He shook his head. “No. Well, I guess I got a blow job but that’s as far as it went cause she said she barely survived blowing me and wasn’t interested in intercourse with something that big.”

  Sasha shook her head. “I’m finding this so hard to understand. I’ve never looked at a guy’s dick and thought, oh, wow, no, that’s not going to work. Who the hell have you been hooking up with?”

  “Apparently all the wrong women.”

  “Well, if we get to that point, I promise it won’t scare me off.”

  He squeezed her hand. “That’s good to know.”

  They spent the next couple of hours walking around the Fremont Street area. Though it was a busy tourist spot, there was a lot to see and do and the light show was breathtaking. Sasha had seen it multiple times since she’d grown up here, but Anton never had so she was excited to show him a part of her home town that was new to him. They danced in the street to the music that seemed to blast from speakers everywhere, had ice cream cones, and finally walked hand-in-hand back to the lot where they’d left Anton’s truck.

  There had been a lot of kissing and touching over the course of the evening and Sasha waffled between wanting to jump his bones and playing it cool. She liked him too much, especially considering this was only their second date. He was intoxicating, though, as kind and sweet as he was good-looking. She’d never met anyone like him and wanted to know him inside and out.

  “Where to?” he asked as he started the engine.

  “Up to you,” she responded automatically. She didn’t dare tell him what she really wanted to do, so she stared straight ahead.

  “We could go walk around the Strip and people watch,” he said quietly. “We could go to a late movie and make out the whole time. Or…”

  “Or?” She glanced at him.

  “We could get a hotel room.”

  She turned her head, cocking it slightly as she watched him. “I’m struggling with this, Anton.”

  “We don’t have to,” he responded quickly. “I just thought… I’m sorry. That was a rude assumption.”

  “It wasn’t rude.” She took a breath. “I’m a little gun-shy after what happened with my ex. I’m not shy or embarrassed about sex and we’ve been flirting and hinting all night. I love everything about sex, but I learned a hard lesson about who to trust. I don’t believe you’ll do anything to humiliate me, but I also don’t want you to get the wrong idea. Like I’m some kind of bimbo.”

  “No, not even a little.” He reached for her hand, his deep-set blue eyes finding hers in the semi-darkness. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested, but that’s not what tonight was about. I can wait. Tonight, next week, or even not at all. I’m not about pressure. That’s not the kind of man I am.”

  “And that’s why I want you so bad.”

  “Option number four is we go home and watch a movie.”

  She laughed. “That won’t end well for us, at all. We’re going to start making out and then someone might walk in and…just no.”

  He laughed too. “Okay, then let’s go to the movies. There’s a late showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Have you seen it?”

  “Have I seen it?” Her eyes widened. “I grew up watching it. My mom’s a Rocky Horror fanatic. I’ve probably seen it a hundred times.”

  “Well, that settles that.” He put the car in gear and pulled out of the parking lot.

  It was close to three in the morning by the time they left the movie theater. It had been a blast and Sasha loved that he sang all the words to the songs right along with her. The fact that he shared her obsession with the campy movie from the 1970s warmed her heart, and if she was honest, other places too. She hated the games women had to play, being careful not to put out on a first date or other antiquated sexual norms. She didn’t want to wait and neither did he. He’d been quick to back down when she’d hesitated, which made her like him that much more.

  “We should get home,” he said with a smile, dropping an arm around her neck as they walked out to his truck.

  “Curfew?” she teased.

  His eyes found hers. “No, but it’s late.”

  She turned, wrapping her arms around his neck and stopping their progress. “I don’t want to go home,” she whispered. “I want to get that hotel room we talked about.”


  Anton rented a room in a hotel not too far from home and they walked into it without saying a word. A million concerns went through his mind as he put his keys, phone and wallet on the nightstand. He’d never brought a woman to a hotel before and though it had been her idea, he was a little nervous. His emotions were all over the place, jumping from excitement and sexual arousal to insecurity and a desire to really get to know her.

  “I was the one who was nervous before,” Sasha said with a soft smile. “But now it looks like you’re the one who is.”

  “Maybe a little.” He sprawled on the king size bed and held out his arms.

  She joined him without hesitation, kicking off her sandals and nestling into his chest. “How come?”

  “Cause I really like you and don’t want this to go sideways.”

  She lifted her head and met his eyes. “Let’s get that worry out of the way then.” With a wicked glint
in her eyes, she slid down the length of his body until her chin rested on his crotch. “Let’s see it.”

  He snorted with laughter. “That’s a different approach.” He unsnapped his jeans and slid the zipper down. He was already harder than granite, so his cock was going to spring free the minute she slid his jeans down and—

  “Oh, sweet Jesus, that’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” she breathed, wrapping her small hand around it. Before he could respond, or even think of a response, she had the tip in her mouth, sucking lightly and swirling her tongue around the head.

  “Oh, god.” His head fell back and he let out a breath. She was tracing magical unicorn lines with her tongue, up and down his cock, in slow, sensual movements that had him squeezing his eyes to stay in control. Shit, he didn’t want to come too quickly, but his ex had sucked his cock twice before announcing she couldn’t do it anymore and that had been it for his experience with blow jobs. Sasha, however, didn’t seem to have any such reservations.

  “I probably can’t deep throat you,” she murmured, “but I’ll give it the old college try.”

  “You don’t have to, uh, you know, this is good just like this.” Good wasn’t the right word. Great probably didn’t describe it either. Mind-blowing came close, but even that paled in comparison to what she was doing.

  Sasha wrapped her lips around him and sucked deep, taking him about halfway before she coughed. He jerked back, horrified that he’d choked her, but she was laughing.

  “No, I’m fine,” she said, grinning up at him. “Relax, would you? I love giving head.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes, I do. Now shut up and let me enjoy this.”

  He closed his eyes again and let himself relax. If she was enjoying herself, then he sure as hell would too.

  There she went again, doing some sexy little thing with the tip of her tongue. Now she was sucking one of his balls, and holy fucking shit, this was da bomb diggety of sex. His hips found a slow, sensual rhythm that he hoped wouldn’t be too much for her, but Sasha wasn’t acting like a girl who couldn’t handle him. Hell, she was sucking harder now, taking him deeper and when he felt the back of her throat, that was all it took. He came with a guttural cry, pushing as far into her mouth as he dared. She sucked and swallowed, the contractions around the tip of his penis sending him into another round of spasms, until he fumbled for her hair and gently tugged her up to lay with him.

  She nestled into his shoulder and smacked her lips. “I don’t know what was wrong with those other girls, but I’ll suck your dick any day.”

  “Will you marry me?” he joked, wrapping his arms around her.

  “You’re gonna have to reciprocate first,” she laughed.

  “I have every intention of doing that,” he breathed as he leaned in to kiss her.

  Things got heated quickly, their mouths locked together as if they were now permanently attached. Every swipe of her tongue against his lit a fire he hadn’t thought possible. Sex with his ex had been fun, memorable even, but this was exquisite. Sasha was exquisite. This wasn’t like any other woman before. She was special and he wasn’t sure why.

  He paused to pull off his T-shirt and then reached for hers. She wore a skimpy pink lace bra beneath it, her rosy nipples showing through the fabric. He leaned down to suck one into his mouth, fabric and all, and her happy sigh encouraged him. Moving the fabric out of the way he sucked harder, until her little gasps had him hard all over again. Fumbling with the snaps, he managed to pull the bra free and drop it to the floor as she straddled him. With her breasts in his face, he suckled one and then the other, moving between them until she let out a whimper.

  “More,” she whispered. “I need more.”


  Sasha loved sex and had remained sexually active since her first time nearly five years ago. All of her experiences had been with steady boyfriends, so while she wasn’t in any way ashamed of her sexuality, she also had never been casual with it. Anton was different, though. He was open about his inexperience and didn’t seem to mind her taking the lead, which was turning out to be a huge turn-on for her.

  She gazed down at him as he pulled off her panties and watched as he used his finger to gently stroke between her legs.

  “You’re so wet,” he said softly.

  “Well, yeah,” she murmured. “Shouldn’t I be?”

  He didn’t answer, and merely nuzzled her sex with his gorgeous face. God, he was beautiful, even as he seemed unsure what to do next.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered. “Whatever you want to do.”

  “Is there something specific you like?” he asked.

  “Lips, tongue, fingers…” Her voice trailed off as he tentatively ran his tongue along her aching pussy. “Explore, Anton. I’m good with anything you want to do.”

  Their gazes met for a brief moment, and the raw desire she saw in his eyes made her insides clench with excitement. He used his fingers to separate the aching folds between her legs, and began to lick her in earnest. Her body moved of its own volition, in rhythm with his mouth, and before long he was the one in control, taking her over the edge the moment he found her clit.

  “Anton.” Sasha let out a shriek, fingers digging into his hair as she bucked against his face. “Oh shit… yes!” There was nothing for her to do but ride it out, forgetting all about his inexperience or anything except the feel of his mouth between her legs.

  When she could breathe again, she realized her fingers were still curled around his long hair and he’d remained perfectly still. Forcing her eyes open, she looked down to where he was watching her. She couldn’t tell what was going on in his head; he was just gazing up at her with an inscrutable look on his face. She slowly loosened her grip on his hair and ran her hand along his chin.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered.

  He moved quickly, sliding up her body and finding her mouth with his. She didn’t know if it was instinct or luck, but inexperience aside, but this kid could kiss like there was no tomorrow. She never wanted him to stop, and she had a feeling if they continued to sleep together, she was going to fall hard; he was everything she’d ever wanted.

  “Do you want to fuck me, Anton?” Her voice came out breathy, sexy; she’d never heard herself sound so aroused.

  “God, yes.” He was breathing hard, reaching for the condom in his wallet.

  “Do it.” Her eyes glittered with desire.

  He fumbled with the condom, finally managing to slide it down his throbbing cock as she crawled on top of him. Their eyes locked and their fingers twined together. She paused, wanting to savor this moment, knowing they would only have a first time together once. He was poised at her entrance, and she glanced down, loving the way his thick, beautiful cock looked as she slowly inched down. He was huge, far bigger than anyone she’d been with before, but she loved it. She stretched to accommodate his girth and squeezed her eyes shut as he began to fill her. It was nice, but it was starting to get uncomfortable and she hesitated.

  “Lube,” he whispered, one big hand covering her hip. “There’s a packet in my wallet… can you reach it?”

  She nodded, leaning over and grabbing it before handing it to him. He tore it open, put some on his fingers and gently pulled out. He slid two fingers between her legs, rubbing the cool gel up and down her slit before using the last remnants on himself.

  When she positioned herself over him once again, he slid in easily. Her breath caught at how good it felt to be so completely filled by him. She sank down all the way and nearly exploded with need. All discomfort was gone, replaced by absolute perfection.

  “Oh, god, Anton…”

  “Better?” he asked.

  “So fucking good.” She licked her lips. “You feel amazing.”

  “So do you.” He leaned up, capturing the side of her face with one hand and kissed her again. They didn’t move, their mouths locked together erotically, his cock pulsing inside of her as she squeezed and gripped him as deep as she could.
r />   “I need you to move,” she rasped, finally breaking apart.

  He flipped them over, pinning her beneath him and sliding his hands under her ass. “I can do that,” was all he said.

  It was breathtaking. A gorgeous, sexy merging of bodies and souls and hearts. She felt every stroke, watched every emotion on his face as he ground into her. Every time he tried to slow down she encouraged him to go faster, until there was nothing but hot skin slapping together, hard and sweaty and borderline animalistic. No one had ever pounded into her like this and her orgasm started deep in her core and exploded out, a scream leaving her lips. She bucked against him, raking her fingers down his back as white lightning ripped through her.

  Anton had never known sex could be this powerful; feeling her orgasm against his face had been the hottest thing he’d ever experienced and he’d been dying to bury himself deep inside of her and fuck her hard. Lori had always complained he was too big, too rough, too something, so intercourse with her had always been a lesson in holding back. Sasha was the opposite, taking everything he could give her and drawing out even more. If this was what his father had been talking about, he was doomed, because this was as emotional as it was physical.

  Laying there together in the aftermath, neither of them moved. He’d rolled off of her, but she was now nestled against his side, her hair lightly tickling his shoulder and arm. His arms were around her and he wondered what he was supposed to say. They’d gone out on two dates and known each other a couple of days. Was he supposed to ask her out again? He wanted to, but it felt a little awkward, because he basically wanted to ask her to go steady or some other ridiculous thing.

  Worse than that, what if he’d sucked? He didn’t think so—she’d made an awful lot of noise for a woman who wasn’t into it—but what if she wasn’t? Or maybe it had been nothing but sex for her. Which should have been fine, but it wasn’t, because every second with Sasha was magical. Either that or he was just a dumbass who was letting his dick override his brain and take over his heart.


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