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Sword from the Sky

Page 29

by R. Janvier del Valle


  Regardless of the fact that the Davinians had managed to escape the hall, they still had to manage getting through the catacombs and to the passageway leading them away from the school, which was a long, narrow tunnel that stretched deep into the earth. On most days, this passageway would be hollow and dark, but that night, life animated all the lengths of the winding tunnel, and hundreds of torches and lanterns lit up the space throughout the narrow path. The tunnel reached over two miles long, and the warriors made great progress, using all the energy they had left in order to pull through to the other side.

  The higher Davinians were at the rear as they herded the lesser ones to the front. Luleh and Lereh carried Jeskun, and Vohro was being helped by his son. Pabru, Tamru and Nefiru brought up the rear of the pack. They all traveled with a single goal: to reach the safety of the forest and to join the Bunish people who waited for them at the end of the passageway. And after a long stretch of running and shuffling in silence, the first Davinian broke ground into the light of the setting sun.



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