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Fated Fae: A Why Choose Fantasy Romance

Page 17

by Jarica James

  When he sees us, he freezes, but my head is swimming so much it’s hard to focus. “What’s wrong, Bella?” He rushes over to us.

  “Nothing, it's silly. I’m a queen. I can handle this," I mumble to myself as he walks. He studies me for half of a second before grabbing my hands and leading me into the room.

  “Don’t let him get to you, you’re strong and your confidence will grow. He’s not worth your sadness,” he says firmly. His words are harsh, but oddly comforting. With renewed confidence and panic falling away, I give a nod and walk into the room with my head held high.

  We still can’t hear Allwyn, so clearly my magic held strong. I look across the room to find a table set up with the food we brought with us.

  “I miss Jacob. Let’s eat so we can go," I suggest, taking my seat. Maddox and Gerwyn were already seated, and the others quickly join us, openly ignoring the bubble prison. “I know it is a bit unorthodox, but would you mind telling me about Faerie, and the courts, and what kind of magic you have? I want to learn all I can so I can be a good Queen.”

  “Who are we to argue, if the Spirit of Faerie chose you herself?” Gerwyn says firmly, his eyes dancing at the prospect of our discussion.

  “Let’s start with magic. I have an affinity for illusions. I can also do basic combat and general spells we were all taught," Maddox starts. He gives me a smirk before putting his hand in front of him, palm up. A bright flame flickers in his palm for a minute before he closes his palm around it, the fire fizzling out.

  “I have an affinity for nature magic. I can control the wind, plants, soil, and can communicate with animals," Bowen adds around a bite of his muffin, flicking his fingers at me and hitting me with a quick blast of wind. A laugh escapes at the look on Emrick’s face but Gerwyn starts speaking before he can cause a scene.

  “I can use mind manipulation, forcing others to do my will. It takes immense concentration though. I also have an affinity for ice magic, as most Winter fae do. I also can communicate with and see the dead," Gerwyn explains, looking proud of his skills. He blasts a frosty wind at the jug of water in front of us, freezing it solid. He looks at me and wiggles his eyebrows and chuckles happily. I love seeing them like this, relaxed and happy. They’re so open with me and willing to help me learn, but I don’t think they understand how much that means to me.

  “And you?” I ask Emrick.

  “I’m an elemental battlemage, which means I can use the elements to aide me in battle. I also have a knack for healing magic, but let’s try not to use that one right away... or ever," Emrick adds. My eyes widen as I watch him shove a fourth muffin in his mouth. I guess if you are that big, you need more fuel.

  Bowen lets out a bark of laughter before turning to Emrick. “Did you just crack a joke?” Emrick glares as he chews.

  “That’s amazing, I never realized there were so many different forms of magic,” I said, genuinely impressed. The fact she chose four kings to help lead Faerie makes even more sense to me now. With such a variety of skills, we’d be unstoppable. “I’m sure that made the war even more brutal.”

  “It was,” Maddox agreed. His eyes were shadowed as he got lost in his own thoughts. I’d felt Faerie’s pain, but seeing theirs made it even worse.

  “What was Faerie like before the war?” I ask, hoping to focus on happier times.

  “Faerie was beautiful and prosperous, but it was harsh. The Royal Fae treated their people like no more than servants. They also forbid intermingling between courts. The only ones allowed to travel between were the merchants, so we were stuck in our courts indefinitely until the war. Greed and power destroyed our land, and our people were the ones who had to pay," Maddox spits out, his explanation bringing out his anger once more. The royals sounded like real assholes and I really hope that the fae coming home don’t think I’ll be the same.

  “It will be kind of nice to see the other courts, even in this state,” Gerwyn agrees.

  “I promise, we will never go back to the old ways of Faerie. We’re creating a new Faerie that won’t fail.” My promise is heartfelt. I already feel so connected to Faerie, and I want to see it do better. Our people deserve it.

  “I pledge myself to your service, Queen Bella," Gerwyn states. “I know we already did, but this changes nothing, we stand beside you.” The others all nod in agreement.

  “What should we do with Allwyn?” I ask, peering over at our prisoner. With a heavy sigh, I set aside a cup of water and a muffin, then walk through the first layer of his confines. After placing his food on the ground, I back safely out of the way.

  Once I’m far enough away, I strengthen the outer barrier and dissolve the inner. Wincing at his arms still being bound, I also dissolve them so he can stretch and move. He curses as he shakes out his arms, but snatches up the provisions without hesitation.

  Bowen finally breaks the silence, his planning voice serious. “I say we bring him with us. Maybe one of us can use our magic to bind his. Though I think only Bella would be strong enough for that. Then we proceed as planned. When we return we have an open trial. It will be a good show of power for Bella, and deal with him at the same time,” he suggests.

  “Brains and funny… impressive," I joke. He laughs at my response and wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

  “Bowen is our best strategist. Never start a prank war with him," Gerwyn cautions, but of course that just intrigues me. Mental note… talk to Jacob about pranks. We might have to start a little friendly fun when we get back.

  “Let’s do this then, I like the plan.” Standing up, I check to see if Allwyn is finished. When I notice he is, I use my magic to create handcuffs that cancel out any magic but mine. I keep pushing more magic out until I feel like the cuffs are secure. Once I dissolve the barrier around him, I waver on my feet. Thankfully Gerwyn is behind me and reaches out to steady me.

  “You will pay for this, you have no right to rule this land!” Allwyn yells, starting up his angry tirade again.

  “How could you, Allwyn? How could you pretend to care for me, make friends with us all, and then turn on us?” I ask in a monotone voice, forcing a blank expression to hide my hurt.

  “I didn’t turn, I was never on your side. I used you to get back at those fucking humans,” he spits out, his eyes flaring with hatred again. It’s such a look of loathing that I feel the pain of it lancing through me for a moment. How could one fae be so angry?

  But it helps me to see him. I look at the man who I once found gorgeous and strong. Now I just find him repulsive and sad. Shaking my head, I take the lead. Gerwyn slips his hand into mine and walks beside me, offering silent comfort. It’s exactly what I need, the buzz of magic a calming addition to the contact. The one thing I can’t figure out with my four new protectors, is how they can know me so clearly already. Like the can sense my needs before I do.

  “Well you seem to have moved on just fine," Allwyn gives a cocky chuckle. He’s acting like Gerwyn and I are fucking right here in front of him. “Have fun with her, she’s a tease and a prude. Jacob told me she’s never even slept with a man. He let it slip out when he thought I was courting you. I knew that just meant you would be an easy target, eager to hop in bed with any man who looks your way. Pathetic. You are unlike any fae that has ever existed - you are just a human in a fae disguise.” He laughs hysterically at me, though it sounds hollow, like he is putting on a show for us. Despite the fact he meant little to me, I hated that he was exposing my personal business in front of the others.

  My cheeks flush and I force myself to look ahead, head held high. Gerwyn squeezes my hand, silently reassuring me yet again. My steps falter as I hear a thump and turn to see Allwyn on the ground clutching his manhood and almost crying like a child.

  “Don’t speak about my queen that way," Emrick bellows before yanking him back to his feet and forcing him to walk even as he curls in on himself. “And next time, I’ll cut it off you fucking snake.” Damn, why is that so attractive?

  Emrick gestures for us to cont
inue, and we follow his command. But I can barely suppress my laughter. It was such a Jacob move that I can’t wait to tell him about it. I’ve never had anyone punch someone in the dick for me, but it was kind of a great feeling. And just like that, my sadness is gone.

  Get you a knight who dick punches your enemies, apparently it’s the cure for all sadness and hurt.

  Chapter 16

  “How sturdy do you think the rope is?” I ask as we all peer down into the well. We didn’t run into the others, so I assume they either made their way back to the neutral lands, or they’re further into the village. Either way we have a job to do. Though, now it’s a fight to figure out who will go down.

  “Not sure, but Emrick and Maddox are out, they’re way too big to fit and would snap that rope in seconds," Bowen says, looking at Gerwyn and sizing him up. I snort at Gerwyn’s uncomfortable look as he takes a step back.

  “I have to go. It’s my magic that needs to find it," I remind them. All four narrow their eyes at me and frown before turning back to their discussion. Am I invisible? What the fuck?

  “You or I?” Bowen asks Gerwyn, completely ignoring me. They all start arguing amongst themselves and I figure if I want to get it done, I may as well do it myself. I focus my magic on strengthening the rope, the same way I created Allwyn’s bindings. A small string of magic wraps around the thick rope before it absorbs into it. Satisfied, I grab onto it and start my way down. I’m not exactly athletic, so it isn’t the easiest task. But as long as I don’t look down, I should be alright.

  “You idiots realize she’s gone, right?” Allwyn’s voice drifts down the well after me, immediately followed by noises of outrage.

  “Bella, what the hell are you doing?” Maddox yells down at me. A loud thud lets me know someone, probably Emrick, decided to take his frustration out on the stones.

  “You forget that I’m the queen. I do not need permission and I told you this was something the Spirits said I had to do. Me. Not Bowen and Gerwyn," I calmly explain, projecting my voice so they can hear. “Plus, ignoring your queen is rude.” Refusing to listen to them argue, I focus on slowly climbing down the rope. Blisters are already forming along my palms and fingers, the rope rubbing me raw until my hands are flaring in pain. Blood starts to cover them and it makes it even harder to cling on, the fibers slick now.

  When I finally hit the bucket at the bottom of the well, I let out a sigh of relief. Until I look down and see that I have about five-feet left to drop. Apparently the well was deeper before the land changed and the water dried up. At least it doesn’t smell disgusting down here, and isn’t filled with water.

  Letting go, I try to jump down carefully, but end up falling on my ass like the graceful queen I am. With a groan, I stand up and brush myself off. As soon as I step away to explore, I hear grunts coming from the opening above. I look up to find Bowen making his way down the rope toward me.

  “Don’t worry, fair queen, your knight has arrived,” his smooth voice makes it seem so much more suggestive. He curses as he continues climbing down, the rope clearly blistering his hands too.

  “What would I have done without you?” I call back to him, using my best southern belle voice. Just as I turn to look around, the rope snaps with a loud crack and Bowen curses as he falls to the ground. He was already most of the way down, but fell at least eight-feet. I rush over and find him groaning on the ground.

  “Are you hurt?” My voice is high pitched with anxiety as I run my hands over his legs and arms, checking for injuries.

  “Just my ego, darling,” he says in a tight voice. He clearly is hurt, but is trying his best not to show it. He manages to stand and winces as he straightens up all the way.

  “Are you alright, down there?” Maddox bellows down at us, his voice echoing down the stone surface and into the open area below.

  “Fine, but we won’t be coming up that way. We’ll find another way out. Head further into the village with the others and we’ll meet you there," Bowen shouts back at them.

  With only a single circle of light that beams down from the well opening above, it doesn’t leave much chance for exploration. Wandering through empty wells in the pitch black doesn’t exactly sound like a fun adventure to me.

  Bowen must have had the same thought. “We need light, help me look for a torch. There should be one mounted to the stone somewhere nearby. The wells have a way to enter in order for the guards to check the water for contamination,” he explains as he walks out of sight.

  Before I follow him, I eye the rope and decide to untie it from the bucket and take it with us, just in case we need it to create our own torch or something.

  Unable to actually see, I follow the sound of Bowen’s footsteps. But with the echoing it’s not the easiest task.

  “I can’t find it in this, and I don’t have a flame affinity. I’m barely able to light a simple campfire. Nature and fire don’t mix well," Bowen complains.

  But maybe I do? Reaching into my magic like Andras taught me, I focus on forming a ball of light to illuminate the area we’re in. Light flares against my eyelids and I open them to see a ball of light floating about six-feet above my head.

  “Well that works," Bowen states, walking back to me. He’s grinning over at me, clearly impressed, and pride runs through me. If I can impress a fae who knew magic his entire life, then I’ll take that as a win. Now that we have light, I look around and notice we are standing in an underground cavern.

  “This is hardly just a well. Most wells on Earth aren’t attached to a big underground lake.” Everything here seems to be so much bigger than on Earth, though likely far more efficient too. The water is gone at this point, and I don’t see anything that screams stone of power. Am I looking for a pretty, shiny rock among all this moss? “I need to concentrate on my magic. See if I can detect it, otherwise this will be a challenge.”

  Trying not to get frustrated at the search ahead of us, I sit down in the middle of the dry lake, immediately calling on my magic. I send out the tendrils in all directions, like tentacles doing my bidding as they feel for any remnants of the magical reaction I found yesterday.

  As soon as the magic brushes against mine, I jump up from my position in excitement. Unfortunately it makes the magic snap back into me, losing the exact location. Closing my eyes again, I focus on my search and make tentative steps in the direction I felt it, hoping that Bowen won’t let me crash into the cave walls. Though given his love of joking around, he just might.

  The pulse of magic intensifies as I make my way forward, until the pulse grows so strong I can barely stand it. Opening my eyes, I scan the ground around me until I spot a small metal box, half obscured by stones and covered in enough moss to almost make it indecipherable.

  “Did you find it?” Bowen asks from behind me. Holding up the metal box to show him, I clear it off and try to pry it open. It isn’t locked, but the latch was rusted shut from years of being submerged in the cold water.

  Unable to give up, I keep trying for a few minutes before leaning down and picking up a rock from the ground. The rock is large enough I can hold it securely in my fist, and I slam it onto the latch a few times like a makeshift hammer, until it finally starts to give. The metal box is empty, save for a dull green stone. Disappointment filled me at the sigh of the pathetic little rock that had seen better days. But I doubted the Spirits of Faerie set me up for disappointment.

  “Not very impressive, is it?” Bowen grimaces down at the dull, dirty stone. The moment is anticlimactic, but the magic is still strong enough that I don’t give up.

  “The Spirits of Faerie said I had to cleanse it, that they would be corrupted.” Holding the small stone in my palm, I focus and push all of my healing magic into it, much like I did in the Spring gardens.

  At first nothing happens, the stone stubborn and lifeless. Then a spark of magic flared to life, faint at first then growing in intensity. The magic is sickly and thick, making my stomach churn at the feel of it brushing over mine. But
underneath all the bad, is a pure, strong form of nature magic. It feels similar to Bowen’s magic, but so much stronger. If this is how it reacts while tainted, I’m excited to see what it’s like at full power.

  The underlying magic boosts my determination and I push my healing magic forcefully into the stone until it overtakes any lingering corruption within. I push harder than I have before, not caring if it knocked me out in the end.

  It takes almost every bit of my magic, but I’m still steady on my feet as I pull it back into my center.

  The stone is no longer dull, but radiant and glowing in a beautiful shade of green. The color reminds me of the vines that grow everywhere in the Spring Court. And the depths of Bowen’s eyes.

  “I stand corrected. Do you add it to your crown now?” Bowen pulls the crown off of my head and inspects the four indentations.

  “Maybe? They weren’t exactly thorough in their rules,” I say with a shrug. “But it can’t hurt.”

  The stone I hold is the first, so I figure the first spot should work. Not having a better plan, I simply push the stone into the crown and hope for the best. When the two objects make contact, a pulse of magic shoots out, knocking Bowen a few feet away and lifting me into the air again. The crown starts glowing a vibrant rose gold as the first stone melds into its spot. It’s a testament to all the crazy shit happening to me that I don’t even flinch at being moved around like a puppet and things transforming in front of my eyes. Faerie is anything but dull.

  “Are you doing alright, darling?” Bowen asks, sounding nervous. Opening my mouth, I try to answer, but the magic is now coursing through my body and it’s so intense and powerful that I feel like I’m being ripped apart. He keeps talking but I couldn’t answer him if I wanted to. Each moment the magic burns more, an involuntary scream ripping from my throat.


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