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The Blood Lottery

Page 13

by K.N. Lee

  It was then that she noticed something out of the ordinary—something…odd.

  Two pairs of glowing red eyes emerged in the looming darkness as the sun set. She held her breath, tensing her neck as she watched a two-headed basilisk creep through the forest in search for food. The snake-like heads sniffed and searched the thick underbrush of the forest floor and let out a shrill sound unlike anything Wren had ever heard.

  Lips parted, she watched in awe as they seemed to communicate with one another in a series of shrieks and grunts that reminded her of a pig. Swallowing, she reminded herself of why she was there in the first place.

  She carefully pulled an arrow from the quiver on her back, not blinking and barely breathing. As the storm raged on, she nocked the arrow and pulled the string back as far as it would go.

  Rain fell into her eyes, clouding her vision. She blinked them away and clenched her jaw. Perhaps it was a bad day for a hunt, but she had no choice. She’d taken this mission, and would execute it.

  She sucked in a long breath of the cool air, and said a mental prayer, asking her wisp guides for clarity.

  Releasing the breath, she also let go of the arrow and watched it soar through the night and into the chest of the deformed basilisk.

  The roar that resulted made her jump, almost falling from the tree. She held steady, shivering as the massive creature ran. Her arrow protruded from its body.

  “Fiddlesticks,” she growled, and with a leap from the tree, she descended down to the forest floor, landing with barely more than a soft squish in the mud.

  The basilisk ran, and she chased it, nocking arrows and shooting as fast as her skilled fingers could go.

  The hide was tough, and as she ran behind the frantic creature, it took two more arrows into the back of the beast’s heads to send it crashing down to its death. The thud made the entire surrounding area vibrate, and sent dirt flying through the air.

  Skidding to a stop, she breathed heavily, lifting her hood and exposing herself to the onslaught of rain. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she knelt and felt the beast for any signs of life. Closing her eyes, she thanked the Mother for her blessing. Then, she removed her dagger and cut out the beast’s heart.

  As she did so, her body trembled at feeling the spirit leave the the beast. For a moment, she was overcome with sadness for the poor creature. Her hand glowed a faint orange, and she placed it onto the belly of the beast, and closed her eyes.

  “On to the Mother,” she said. “May your journey be peaceful.”

  It was the only way she could do this job—to come to terms with bringing death to any living creature.

  She was a fairy, through and through, even if she only had scars where her wings had once been—even if she was one of the last of her kind.

  Available on Kindle Unlimited!

  An Exclusive Look at Throne of Deceit

  The sound of hooves thundering down the main road rang in Elise’s ears.

  She jumped up from her spot on the ground. A summer breeze wafted through, sweeping ebony hair around her face as she peered downward.

  Sure enough, it was an armored messenger, astride a horse, with a red banner in his hand.

  Elise raced through the garden to the road at the outskirts of the grounds of Devynshire Castle.

  Bright sunlight cascaded through the trees, highlighting every ebony wave as she bounded down the grassy, poppy-littered hill.

  “Elise, Dear.” Lady Devyn shouted after her, shielding her eyes from her spot on the blanket sprawled across the grass. “Where are you going?”

  “The messenger!” Elise shouted to her mother. “He’s here.”

  As she glanced over her shoulder, she caught a glimpse of her mother’s smirk as she waved her on.

  At eighteen, this would be her last year of seclusion from the world.

  Today, she just wanted to be a young lady, fuss over what elaborate gown she would wear, and try her charms on handsome suitors from all over the realm.

  Despite the fact that several eligible young men would be in attendance, her sights were set on only one—one very special prince.

  Practically giddy, she grinned to herself. To think, she might have her choice of husband in just a few short days.

  A giggle escaped her lips as she skidded to a stop, right before the messenger who leaped from his horse and gave her a bow with his head.

  “Good day, Harry,” Elise said with a slight curtsy.

  Harry cleared his throat. “Good day to you, my lady.”

  “Do you have something for me?” Elise’s eyes peered at his brown satchel, hoping to catch a letter or parcel with the crest of the kingdom of Arundell on it.

  “Hmmm,” Harry said, rummaging through his bag. “I don’t believe I saw anything for you today.”

  Shoulders slumping, Elise sucked her teeth. “Nonsense. You wouldn’t be here without a message,” she said, leaving the plush grass to stand on the hard-packed dirt road that led through the forest and to town.

  “Aye, I have a message for your mother,” he said.

  “It can’t be!” Forgetting decorum, she stood right before Harry and dug her hands into the bag.

  Instead of scolding her, he chuckled. “All right! All right,” he said and pulled out a cream-colored envelope with the Arundell seal of a golden lion.

  “You scoundrel!”

  Elise took the envelope, a smile spreading from ear-to-ear. He handed her another letter, and with a giggle, she ran back toward the castle.

  “You’re welcome,” Harry shouted after her with a laugh.

  Looking over her shoulder, Elise shouted back. “Thank you!” She gathered her skirts in her hand and quickened her speed.

  Smiling, her mother sat on her knees and ushered her back to their picnic.

  “What is it, dear?”

  Elise grinned, plopping back down onto their blanket and handing her mother the letters—one from Arundell, and another from the palace in Perth.

  She picked up Princess Polly, her pet pig, and held her in her arms as she watched her mother open the letters.

  Her grandmother Inora emerged from the castle to join their picnic.

  “Morning, Grandmama,” Elise said, and she nodded to her.

  “Good morning,” Inora replied. “What is all of the fuss about? Another cut in the household budget?”

  Inora stood, towering over them, her hands clasped before her gray gown.

  Her auburn hair was worn in a bun with a black veil secured to it.

  “Just the best news ever,” Elise said as her mother held the seal up for Inora to see.

  “Prince Tolwin will be in attendance,” she said, and gave Elise a wink.

  Inora eyed the letter and nodded, though her mouth remained in a single line. “Is this what you truly want? A match with Prince Tolwin?”

  “What kind of question is that?” Elise asked. “Of course, I do. He’d be a perfect match. Not only is he the crown prince of an empire, but he is closer to my age than most of the suitors I would consider.”

  “She is the king’s only daughter,” Mother said, lowering the letter. “It could unite the kingdoms.”

  Inora snorted, and lowered herself to sit with them. “That would be true if King Caden were a rational man, Seyena. Alas, he is not, and chances are that he will keep Elise imprisoned in this place until her death.”

  Shoulders slumping, Elise and her mother shared a look of worry. She’d only ever heard stories of her father. How when he came to see her as a baby, he didn’t hug, kiss, or hold her. It was said that he looked at Elise as if she were a monster. Perhaps that was why he kept her prisoner in her home.

  “Let’s pray that isn’t true,” Seyena said.

  “Didn’t Prince Tolwin just run off to fight in the Tidelands?” Inora asked.

  “What does that matter? It is the duty of a prince to act in service for his kingdom,” Elise pointed out as she kissed Princess Polly’s snout. She fed the pig a strawberry, and then popped one
into her own mouth.

  “It is also the duty of a prince to marry whomever his father chooses. Do you think the king would choose a bastard for his son?”

  That stung. All traces of a smile faded from Elise’s face. She stood and frowned down at her grandmother.

  “Thank you,” she said, taking the letter, as tears stung the backs of her eyes. “For reminding me what I am; a bastard—someone not worth loving.”

  She turned to head toward the forest where her favorite place of solitude awaited. The Crystal River ran through the Hempstead countryside and all the way to Perth. It was the only place she felt safe, or at home, despite the stone walls that made up the castle she had been forced to live in since she was born.

  “Elise,” Inora called after her. “That is not what I am reminding you of, dear. It couldn’t be further from the truth. You are loved, and you are more than a bastard. More than anything you have ever dreamed. When you see that, you will know the truth of your fate.”

  Ignoring her, Elise trudged away from the castle and to the grove where the falls frothed and pooled and glistened beneath what trails of sunlight shone through the ancient trees.

  Didn’t Inora understand that marriage was the only way she’d be free to truly live? She had to know that Elise craved a life of her own.

  Her father would never let her leave Devynshire Castle, unless it was by being bound to a man of great standing—one he could use as an ally. Of course, that wasn’t all she wanted out of life. But, Tolwin was the best option. He hadn’t been promised to any of the other eligible princesses in the realm, or anyone of great standing.

  She was the natural choice.

  Dark stones lined the river, and piled onto one another just before the white falls. She sat on the cool rocks with a sigh and kissed Princess Polly on the top of her fuzzy spotted, pink head. She brushed her hair back over her shoulder, and opened the letter.

  Just the fact that the prince had agreed to come to her coming-out ball was a sign that things might be changing.

  Princess Polly snorted and Elise smiled down at her despite the tears on her cheeks.

  She brought the letter to her nose and sniffed the parchment, hoping for a brief whiff of his scent. There wasn’t any. His father had probably signed the letter.

  Once she’d read it through, she placed it onto the water and watched it float down the river.

  She rested her cheek on her bare knees and followed it as it curved and vanished around the bend.

  The sound of the forest sang to her, and as she hugged Princess Polly close to her chest, she prayed for an escape from her life in exile.


  About the Author

  K.N. Lee is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who resides in Charlotte, North Carolina. When she is not writing twisted tales, fantasy novels, and dark poetry, she does a great deal of traveling and promotes other authors. Wannabe rockstar, foreign language enthusiast, and anime geek, K.N. Lee also enjoys helping others reach their writing and publishing goals. She is a winner of the Elevate Lifestyle Top 30 Under 30 "Future Leaders of Charlotte" award.

  She is signed with Captive Quill Press and Patchwork Press.

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  Also by K.N. Lee

  The Dragon Born Saga:

  Half-Blood Dragon

  Magic-Born Dragon

  Queen of the Dragons

  War of the Dragons

  Fate of the Dragons

  Curse of the Dragons

  The Chronicles of Koa Series:


  Dark Prophet

  Blood Princess

  Crimson King

  The Eura Chronicles:

  Rise of the Flame

  Night of the Storm

  Dawn of the Forgotten

  Prophecy of the Seer (Coming Soon)

  Empire of Dragons Chronicles:

  Fallen Empire

  Reign of Magic

  Fire and Fury

  Realms of Ruin

  Dawn of the Seraphim:

  The Blood Lottery

  The Fallen Wall

  The Ashen City




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