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The Guy Next Door Amazon Final

Page 4

by Angel, Claire

  “You’re every bit as beautiful as I thought you would be.” He told me, kissing my mouth before he moved down my neck. His fingers stroked over my nipples under the lace, and I leaned back on my hands to offer him more. Jacob deftly unclasped my bra, and I felt his breath against my skin as the dress hung between my legs.

  He sucked me between his lips gently as I let out a low moan. I worked to move the material from me, and he slipped a hand over my outer thigh, gripping me tightly. I was near naked now with the cloth hanging around my body, but all I could think about was his teeth on my skin as he tugged my nipple. He stroked my thigh with his hand, slowly moving it down to cup my ass. “Oh,” I whispered as he squeezed. His mouth moved to the other nipple, lavishing it with the same enthusiasm as he pressed closer into me. It was me that took his hand and placed it between my legs over the lace that matched the bra. “Touch me,” I begged, feeling myself wash over the edge.

  “Rory,” he murmured in a broken voice as his fingers stroked over the material. I was drenched and needy as I wrapped my legs around him.

  “Baby, you’re so wet.” He moved his hand over me, slipping a finger underneath reached my shaved womanhood. He circled it before tugging, and I cried out. I hadn’t come from someone else in years now, having convinced myself that stolen moments alone after Sienna was sleeping were enough for me. Jacob watched me closely before sliding his fingers down and finding my ready entrance. He kept working my clit with his thumb as he slid a finger inside, telling me how tight I was. I closed my eyes as I realized how fast this was going to happen.

  “Jacob. God,” I murmured before exploding against him. He kissed me, and I held onto his neck as pleasure pulsed through me. If it was this good with his hand, I was worried about what his cock could do to me. I breathed slowly as he thrust gently. “That felt so good.”

  “Yeah. It did.” He agreed as he pulled his fingers out. “So sweet. Can I taste you?” There was a raw need in his voice as I stared into his eyes. I never intended to go this far tonight, but I was beyond reason.

  “Please,” I begged as he pulled me against him, carrying me down the hall to what I knew was a bedroom. I clung to him until he lowered me down, sliding the dress away from me before he pulled my panty down. I blushed as his eyes took me in ravenously, dropping to the bed. A lamp lighted the room on a table beside the bed that cast a warm, amber glow. It was perfect as he dipped his head down, taking a nipple into his mouth as I slid my hands into his hair. He kissed down my stomach and between my legs, stroking me with his tongue. I cried out as desire washed through me, closing my eyes, and giving in. The release was explosive and long, making me shake under the skilled mouth and tongue before he finally pulled away.

  Jacob dropped beside me as he took a deep breath. I looked at him before staring at the ceiling and playing back the last few moments. I felt alive again, and the feeling terrified me. I jumped as a finger smoothed over my tingling lips, and a taste invaded my mouth. “That’s you. So sweet and addicting.” Jacob’s voice was rough as he slipped the finger between my lips, and I sucked gently. I had never done this with anyone before, but he made me want to try everything.

  Chapter 7


  I watched as she sucked gently, and my cock hardened. There was an innocence to this woman that was sexy despite the fact she had a child. I knew it wasn’t her first time with a man but it felt like her first time.

  It was hot as hell.

  “Do you want me to do anything to… relieve you?” Her voice was soft, and I turned my head to look at her. “You just did so much for me.”

  “I enjoyed every moment of it. There’s a lot more I’d like to do with you, but I don’t want to rush this.” I reached out to stroke her cheek with a finger. “It’s going to hit you at some point and regret isn’t what I want you to feel.”

  “I don’t know how to feel right now. This is so new to me.” She smiled weakly. “Do I go home tonight, and we’re done? I don’t know how to do this anymore.”

  “You don’t have to go home. I’d like it if you stayed.” I assured her, watching as she blushed. “I think your sister would be happy to watch your daughter overnight. She seems like she wants you to live.”

  “I’m living.” She protested weakly as her eyes crinkled up. “My mom needs me right now, and I’m trying to do my best for Si.”

  “You’re doing all of that, Rory. You deserve to have some time to yourself.” I reminded her as she tugged her dress back down. She was feeling something from this, and I wondered if she wished she hadn’t been with me at all. She could walk across the hall and be done with me. I hated that feeling, and it caught me off guard.

  “I haven’t felt like I do since I started doing everything on my own.” Her voice was weak, and I turned on my side to see her pulling her bra back together. “I felt like I was thrown into a river and trying not to drown. I came here because I’d have help. I mean, my mom was a big reason, but I didn’t have anyone back home apart from mutual friends. They were going through their things, and I felt alone quickly.” She managed to get it back on and pulled the dress to cover her.

  “Have you told anyone else about this?” I asked her, and she blinked slowly.

  “I guess I haven’t. Jane presses me sometimes but then just tells me to move on. I know she means well.” Rory sighed. “She is a lot more carefree and does what she wants.”

  “She’s younger; I take it?” She nodded. “She’s not living your life. Jane is helping with your mom and doing the right thing, but she’s got less responsibility than you after that. It’s just a different life.” I slipped a hand over her stomach and pulled her against me. “You are doing great.” She smiled weakly. “Relax, Rory. Stay with me tonight and get some sleep. I can hold you while you just be in the now.”

  “It’s pretty late. I think Sienna would stay there anyway.” Rory murmured as she turned on her side to press her face against me. “I haven’t slept in a house without her in a long time, if ever.”

  “She’s safe. I can see how much Jane loves you both, and she wouldn’t do anything to hurt Sienna. I pressed a hand down her stomach over the dress. “You can take this off. I can give you a shirt if you want and make us a snack. We can have our little sleepover.” I watched as she looked at me with curious eyes.

  She nodded slowly, and I grinned. “I have to be at Mom’s in the morning when the nurse gets off at eight.”

  “Okay. I’ll try not to keep you up too late.” I promised, feeling a rush of warmth wash over me. We ended up getting up and making waffles to eat, dressed in worn t-shirts. She looked beautiful with her hair pulled up and relaxed as the night went on.

  When I took her back to the bedroom after securing the front door, I noticed that she appeared to be jumpy. “Are you okay?”

  “I feel like I should leave. This isn’t me,” Rory said as she turned to look down the dark hallway. “I need to be home and focused on my mom.” She pulled away, and I gripped her hand tightly to keep her from running away.

  “Rory.” She looked at me, and I met her eyes. “Stop. You’re allowed to live in this moment. Sienna is safe, and your mom has a night nurse. You can relax.” I slipped my free arm around her waist and pulled her against me. I kissed her softly, and she molded against me. “I want to see you, Rory. I want to spend time with you.”

  “I have baggage, Jacob. A child and family responsibilities. You just have you.” I kissed her again, pressing her against the wall.

  “I’ve met Sienna. I like her, and she likes me.” I claimed her mouth again as she started to protest. I slipped my hand down to urge her legs around me, and she clung to my neck as I carried her to the bed. I pressed her body down and crawled over her, keeping some distance between us as our tongues mingled with each other. She was lost in my shirt, and I felt the cotton drape between her legs as she ran her hands through my hair.

  “She likes you, but… I don’t want to tell her about t
his.” Rory stammered as I smiled down at her.

  “I am not suggesting that. She’s not opposed to you having a new friend.” I brushed my nose against hers, and she shuddered. “We’ll keep it light around her and see where this goes.”

  I kissed her until she was breathless before pulling away to take slow, deep breaths. I needed to stop this or else I’d take it too far. Rory wasn’t ready for that. I kissed her hair and tucked us under the covers as I told her to get some sleep.

  I didn’t sleep in my bed with women without sex, and even then, I slept alone afterward. I didn’t want this before, and I watched as she drifted into a peaceful sleep for a moment. The idea of ever dating someone with a kid was out of any realm of possibility for me, but I liked Sienna. I liked Rory.

  I ended falling asleep about an hour later after tossing everything around in my head for a while. We were forced to take this slow, and I could see where it went. I knew that I was attracted to Rory and enjoyed Sienna’s company, but it wasn’t more than. Not yet.

  Her phone chimed what felt like five minutes later, and Rory was trying to slip out of bed. I held her for a moment as she protested, laughing as she pressed against me. “I have to shower before I go to Mom’s house.” She told me as I kissed her neck.

  “Fine.” I watched as she grabbed her clothes and rushed into the bathroom to change, shaking my head. I saw plenty of her last night and chuckled at her need to be shy now. When she came out, she smiled at me and stood for a moment.

  “Thanks for everything,” she told me with a blush washing across her skin. “I had fun.”

  “I had a great time. We’ll do something together again soon.” I stretched, and she watched me with a hungry look in her eyes, making me slow down. “I’ll call you later. Maybe tonight.”

  “Si goes to bed at eight.” Rory told me as I licked my lips. “I’ll talk to you soon.”

  I rose and walked her to the door, slipping on some workout shorts first as she looked away. I slept in boxers and a t-shirt, so it wasn’t like we were naked together, but she made me smile. I kissed her softly at the door and watched as she walked across the hall, glancing furtively around.

  When her door was closed and locked, I closed mine. I locked it and felt a surge of adrenaline flowing through me that shouldn’t be there after staying up late the night before. I glanced at the clock on my wall and figured I could get a run in before work, prolonging that as long as possible. Lachlan wasn’t going to accept any vague answers about last night. I just didn’t know what to tell him.

  He was sitting at his desk two hours later when I walked through the door to our small office with a steaming cup of coffee. He kept tapping away at his keyboard, and I prepared myself for the interrogation. “Morning, Jacob.” Lachlan greeted me as I set the cup down and took my seat across from him.

  “Morning. How’s everyone doing?” I asked, hoping that he’d get distracted by the mention of our group.

  “How was your date last night?” He asked as I rolled my eyes. “It was a date, wasn’t it?”

  “Yeah. It was.” I might as well get it out there. “She’s my neighbor across the hall.”

  “Pretty girl,” Lachlan noted as I smiled. Rory was beautiful.

  “Gorgeous is more the word I’d use.” I let it slip out before I realized it and cringed.

  “That’s what I thought when I met Peyton,” he mused after a moment, and I heard his love for her in his voice.

  “What if she had a kid when you met her?” I pressed, just giving up on secrecy. Lachlan was like a brother to me.

  “A kid?” He asked, and I heard his chair spin on the hardwood floor. “How old?”

  “A girl that’s four,” I replied, sipping my coffee before looking at him. “Cute kid.”

  “What’s the deal with the dad? Is she divorced?” Lachlan asked with concern in his voice as I shook my head.

  “He passed away in Afghanistan a few years ago. Sienna was just a toddler.” I replied as something washed over his face.

  “Fuck, Jacob. That’s big. Is she fucked up over it?” He asked, and I considered my answer.

  “She’s dealing. She’s here because her Mom is sick and she’s helping with that. Her sister lives here, and they’re splitting the duties along with a night nurse.” I offered him the truth, and he ran a hand through his hair.

  “That sounds like a lot of baggage.” His eyes were serious, and I took a long drink from the coffee again.

  “I guess it could be, but we’re taking it slow. Just getting to know each other and Sienna won’t know me as anything more than a friend across the hall.” I explained as I leaned back. “I know that I need to be careful here.”

  “Good. This can end badly, Jacob. She’s your neighbo,” he reminded me as I nodded. “Let’s get to work. I could lecture you for hours on this, but I know what happened when I met Peyton. I can’t stop any of this from happening.”

  “I guess it’s good she doesn’t have a brother to threaten my life,” I joked, remembering the story about the two of them. It was sweet but complicated in the beginning when everyone fought it.

  “Does she?” he asked sharply, and I laughed as I shook my head.

  “Just a younger sister. She’s protective, but she watched Sienna for our date.” I told him as he raised a brow. “Not like that. We didn’t… not yet.”

  “Huh.” He turned back to his laptop, and we moved on to the topic of work, responding to some emails and making some calls. We worked through the afternoon and went to lunch after two, both starving. We grabbed some sandwiches at the deli and sat outside as I watched the people drift by in the streets.

  I liked New York. The vibe was great here, and the idea of having someone to enjoy it with appealed to me. I grinned and leaned back, taking a sip of the iced tea in my hand.

  Chapter 8


  I made it to Mom’s as the nurse was sliding her bag over her shoulder. “Hi. How was she last night?” I asked as the woman took me in with keen eyes. I looked her over, forgetting her name as I cursed myself.

  “She slept fairly well. I stayed up and listened to her over a monitor, so she’d have some privacy.” The woman replied, and I fought the urge to smack myself in the head. Lily was her name, and she came highly recommended.

  “Great.” I set my own bag down and went to pour some coffee. Getting ready this morning was a chore without Sienna, and I rushed over here. I told her to have a good day and walked into the living room to see Mom in her recliner as she watched the news. “Morning, Mama. How are you?”

  “Where’s Sienna?” Mom asked as I rolled my eyes.

  “She stayed with Jane last night. They’ll be here later,” I reminded her as Mom nodded.

  “Did you go out?” She asked, and I took a moment to think about my answer. Jane was eager to see me get back into the world, but Mom was the more cautious one.

  “Just a quiet night to myself. They’re so rare.” I said, sitting on the couch as she frowned at the story playing on the screen.

  “That’s good. You need to relax, and having Sienna over is good for Jane. Hopefully, she went to bed at a decent hour.” Mom mused after a commercial came on, and I watched her quietly. We were told the treatments seemed to be working, but she looked tired. It was taking a toll on her.

  “I think an hour with Si would make someone want to collapse,” I deadpanned as she chuckled.

  We talked about the appointment the following day that I’d be taking her to. Sienna usually came along, and I took her somewhere in the city to distract myself from reality. I liked wandering around and seeing my new home, and the way Sienna looked around with stars in her eyes sent joy through me. I spent the day there, happy to have my daughter throw herself into my arms when she walked in with my sister.

  We went home to eat dinner since Jane said she’d stay and wait for the nurse. I made some noodles and salad for us and watched a show with Sienna before gett
ing her into the bath. I spent time with her in there playing and read her a couple of books to get her to sleep early, dropping on my couch as I closed my eyes. I let my thoughts drift completely to Jacob and the way he made me feel last night.

  Jacob was sexy with his confidence and the way he took care of me. He was sweet the way he interacted with Sienna. Dinner last night was so natural, and I thought about how we couldn’t keep our hands off one another.

  The way he felt when he kissed me made goosebumps wash over my skin. I never wanted a man the way I did him last night, and I was in love with Kyle. He was everything to me, but the raw need hasn’t been there like it was with Jacob. Was that bad?

  R: What are you up to?

  J: Just finishing a game on TV. Are you home?

  R: I am. She’s sleeping.

  J: Can I come over?

  R: Yes. Please do.

  I dropped the phone to the couch and walked to the door, glancing down the hall at Sienna’s closed door. I waited until there was a soft tap and opened it to peer out at Jacob. His hair was messy, and he was dressed in worn jeans and a fitted t-shirt, making desire flood my body.

  “Hi,” he whispered as he slipped inside, closing and locking the door. I moved my arms around his neck, and he kissed me as he turned me around. Jacob pressed me against the door, and I moaned softly into his mouth.

  I pulled him to the couch as I realized where we were. He dropped down and pulled me against him, stroking my hair before he kissed it. His touch was sweet sometimes, and I closed my eyes as I inhaled his outdoor scent. “How was your day?” I asked as he pulled me against his chest.

  “The usual. Worked for a few hours and answered questions about you.” I widened my eyes but stayed still. “Lachlan was all over me.”

  “What did you say?” I asked as he kissed my forehead.


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