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Next Man Up (Making the Score Football Romance Book 2)

Page 6

by Tawdra Kandle

  I nodded slowly. We’d discussed Nate’s lack of longevity, although neither of us dwelled on it, any more than we did on the hit that had taken away my ability to walk. I didn’t want to go down either road. Not right now.

  “You said your girls are coming over tonight?” I changed the subject.

  He chuckled as he eased his foot back down to the floor. “Not sure that any of them would like being called ‘my’ girls, but yeah. Quinn, Gia and Zelda are coming over to hang out. If that’s okay, that is.”

  “Of course. I mean, I don’t care. It’s your room, too. You can do whatever you want.” I found the spot in my textbook where I needed to read. “I’m just going to be studying, anyway.”

  “Okay. If you’re sure.” Nate studied me. “I know you don’t mind Quinn and Gia, but Zelda’s going to be with them.”

  My stomach clenched, and a part of me a little further south twitched. “Uh huh. So?”

  He lifted one shoulder. “I know you two don’t really get along. I didn’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

  I scowled down into my book. “Why would you think that? I don’t have anything against Zelda. I don’t even really know her.” I turned the page, even though I hadn’t read a word yet. “She’s not my type. Of friend, I mean.”

  “Mmmm.” Nate sounded thoughtful. “She can be a little . . . in your face, I guess. When I first met Zelda at the beginning of the year, I didn’t think I was going to like her. She’s—um, Quinn says she’s brash. And she doesn’t beat around the bush—she tells it like it is. But I can relate to that. I like the honesty. She’s always respectful of Quinn, and she treats me well, too. And she’s scary-smart, too. Did you know she started this year with her associates degree already completed? Quinn says Zelda will graduate with both her bachelors and her masters. She doesn’t seem to study that much, but she just digests the information faster than most of us.” Nate sighed, shaking his head. “She doesn’t make a big deal about it, though. She just is who she is. No apologies. I can appreciate that. So it turns out I guess I do like her, even if I didn’t expect to.”

  “That’s great for you. Doesn’t mean I have to feel the same way.” I swallowed, not looking up at Nate. “I appreciate honesty, too. But Zelda . . . she says things for shock value.” I gave a little cough. “From what I hear, she does things for shock value, too.”

  “You mean, she sleeps around.” Nate’s matter-of-fact take on the subject surprised me. My roommate wasn’t exactly a prude, but he was also very private about his feelings toward the opposite sex. Of course, it wasn’t like either of us was bed-hopping these days, and the girls weren’t lining up at our door. We didn’t even talk about women very often. I knew that on Nate’s side, that was because he only ever saw one woman, and unfortunately for him, that one girl was fathoms deep in love with their mutual best friend. I’d seen glimpses of the pain Nate suffered from having a front row seat to their romance. He kept it under wraps most of the time, but I didn’t miss the expression in his eyes when Quinn talked about her frequent visits to Carolina to see Leo Taylor.

  I didn’t talk about girls because that would be an exercise in futility. I might’ve still had the capacity to have sex, but I didn’t have the opportunity anymore. Sometimes, I wondered if I’d used up all of my chances back when I had two working legs. If I’d only been smart enough to appreciate what I’d had in those days.

  But regret was a bitch, and I didn’t need to dwell in that land. There was nothing to be gained by brooding on what used to be. So for now, I’d shut down that part of my life. I didn’t flirt; hell, I didn’t even try to get to know women anymore. My sole interaction with the fairer sex happened when Quinn and Gia visited our room.

  As for Zelda Porter . . . she remained a mystery I wasn’t sure I wanted to solve. Nine months after we’d met, I still hadn’t figured out how I’d known her before, but I was more certain than ever that we must’ve hooked up. Whenever we were in the same room—which wasn’t often—I was tense, wondering if today would be the day Zelda finally dropped the bomb and blasted me for being the dick who fucked and forgot her.

  But it had never happened. I was beginning to wonder if maybe whatever had occurred between us was something she didn’t want to revisit, either. That only made me more uneasy.

  “Yeah, she sleeps around,” I responded to Nate. “But that . . . I don’t judge her for that. Shit, how could I, after the way I used to act?”

  “Some people might say that it’s different for girls than it is for boys.” Nate sounded carefully noncommittal.

  “Some people would be hypocrites,” I snapped.

  “Whoa, I didn’t say I felt that way. Just that it’s the way the world thinks sometimes. It might suck, but it’s still true.”

  “I guess.” I turned another page. “If that’s how Zelda wants to live life, I say more power to her. If she’s honestly happier having lots of sex with different people than with being in a relationship, I get that. I never had a girlfriend. Never wanted one, either. I can’t look down on her for fucking around when I did the same.”

  “Maybe—” Nate began, but he was interrupted by a commotion on the other side of our closed door.

  “The fun has arrived, boys! Open up for party time.” Gia’s voice floated in from the hallway.

  Nate grinned, shaking his head. “Door’s open. Come on in.”

  They did just that, fairly tumbling into our room, three laughing girls with short, clingy dresses and shirts, their faces glowing and their voices filled with the exuberance that only comes from relief and freedom. It was the end of the school term, and these women were ready to celebrate.

  Gia stumbled over to me and wrapped me in a tight hug. I winced as I scented the rum on her breath.

  “Eli Tucker! You hottie hot hottie, you. Are you ready for a good time?”

  Patting her back, I gently pushed her away, and she dropped onto the bed next to me. “Hey, Gia. Looks like you started celebrating a little early, huh?” I glanced over at Nate, raising one eyebrow to signal him, but I saw that Quinn was speaking to him quietly, probably letting him know that Gia was wasted. Nate closed his eyes and shook his head.

  I’d gotten to know Gia pretty well this year, mostly because she and Quinn were usually together, and Nate and Quinn also hung out just about daily. I’d realized pretty quickly that Gia’s tough-girl exterior hid a girl who’d been by turns ignored and used as a pawn by her warring parents, a girl who pretended that she didn’t care about anyone or anything. She’d done some pretty heavy-duty partying early in the school year, but then on a trip to Carolina with Quinn, Gia had hooked up with Leo’s roommate, Matt Lampert, who’d gone to high school with all of them.

  I didn’t know Lampert personally, though I’d heard of him. He was the quarterback on the Eatonboro team during his junior and senior years, but I’d never been on the field against him, since my injury had happened before we’d played Eatonboro that year. Still, I was perceptive enough to realize that neither Quinn nor Nate liked Matt. Nate told me that Lampert had picked on him from grade school on and that he’d been a consistently bad influence on Leo as long as they’d known him.

  It seemed to me that he was repeating that trend with Gia. Although she constantly assured us that there was nothing serious between the two of them, her mood swung in a crazy arc depending on whether Matt was paying attention to her or off screwing another girl. I was willing to bet that they’d had a fight today, and Gia was drowning her sorrows in the bottle.

  “I miiiiiiight’ve had a leeeetle something.” Giggling, she blinked at me upside down. “But don’ worry. Quinn and Zelda didn’t have any, so they’re my designated walkers. They made sure I didn’t get lost on the way over here.”

  “Lucky for you,” I observed, raising my eyes to glance at Zelda, who stood across the room, leaning her back against Nate’s closet. She stared back at me, her poker face in place.

  “We’re going to Scorpio, that new bar in town.” Gia wrigg
led to a sitting position. “It’s going to be so much fun. You’re coming with, right?”

  “Uh, no.” I lifted my book. “I’ve got to study. My last final is on Monday.”

  “Oh, Tuck.” She nudged my knee, clearly forgetting that I couldn’t feel it. “You’re no fun. You never go anywhere with us.” Scowling at me, Gia fumbled with the small purse she was carrying, poking around in its contents. “Aha!” Standing, she held up her hand, dropped her bag and began dancing. “I found it!” She showed a small silver tube to Quinn. “See? This is that lipstick I told you about, the one I bought in the city from that organic skin care place, ‘member?”

  “Uh huh.” Quinn nodded. “Do you need help getting it on straight?”

  “Nooooo . . .” Gia took the cap off the lipstick. “I just need a mirror.” She swayed precariously, making me wonder if she was going to make it to the bar tonight. I felt a headache lurking behind my eyes, and Gia’s voice wasn’t helping.

  “Open my closet.” I pointed to the closed door. “I’ve got one on the inside of the door, but it’s low, so you’ll have to bend over.” The sooner they all left, the sooner I could get back to my reading.

  The room fell silent as Gia concentrated on staring into my mirror, carefully applying the lipstick. I noted with a sort of clinical detachment that the silk of her dress stretched over her nicely rounded ass, which was sticking out as she bent to see her reflection.

  “I can’t wear lipstick,” Quinn remarked with a laugh. “I’m always jealous of girls who can pull it off.”

  “How come?” Nate cleared his throat, and I felt a rush of sympathy, knowing as I did that Quinn’s lips were probably a painful subject for him.

  “Oh, I don’t know. It always ends up on my teeth, and I feel like I look stupid.” She shrugged.

  “There’s a trick to it, you know.” From her spot by Nate’s closet, Zelda spoke up. “To make sure you don’t get lipstick on your teeth.”

  “Oh, really?” Quinn rolled her eyes. “Do share, oh, makeup guru. You know I live to sit at your feet and listen to your wisdom.”

  Zelda’s lips twitched. “It’s pretty simple, but you do need another person. A guy. You put on the lipstick, and then you go down on the guy.” Her voice was nearly a monotone.

  Quinn’s face didn’t hide her shock. “You, um . . . what?”

  “Blow jobs are the perfect way to make sure you don’t end up embarrassed later on.” Zelda flipped over one hand. “Like I said, the biggest issue is making sure you have a guy on hand who’ll let you suck his cock. But I’ve never met a guy who’d turn down a bj.” Her eyes met mine, and I had a sudden, sickening feeling. Had Zelda given me a blow job at some point? Was that what we’d done together?

  Gia smacked her lips and closed the lipstick. “Okay, I’m all set now.” She made a kissing sound, grinning at us all. “Now . . . who’s going to volunteer to let me go down on him to make sure my lipstick doesn’t end up on my teeth?”

  Nate made a noise that was halfway between a gasp and a groan, his face going red. I stared at the floor, frustration and irritation eating at me. I knew Gia didn’t mean anything—and I also knew that what she’d said came from her current state of mind and drunkenness. But it didn’t change the fact that her words had made me feel . . . less. As if it was safe to tease about shit like this, because I was about as likely to take her up on the offer as Nate would be.

  And that made me feel bad that I’d automatically jumped to the conclusion that Nate was in the same boat as me. As far as I knew, my roommate was perfectly capable of having sex and regularly turning down offers. It was just that his preferred partner was out of reach.

  I was irked enough that I almost opened my mouth to tell Gia I’d be glad to help her out. After all, back when I’d been a player—literally and figuratively—I’d had a special soft spot for girls who were a little buzzed and ready for fun.

  Before I could make a complete ass out of myself, though, Zelda spoke up.

  “I think you’re out of luck in this crowd, G.” She tossed her head and laughed. “Nate’s too honorable to help you out, and Tucker . . .” Tilting her head, she pursed her lips, regarding me, a mix of dark humor and cynicism on her face. “Tucker wants you to think he is. Of course, if the rest of us weren’t here, he might take you up on it. Drunk and horny girls are his favorites.”

  I flinched as though Zelda had physically struck me. That she’d voiced almost exactly what I’d been thinking hit too fucking close to home. All the eyes in the room swiveled toward me.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I balled up my fist and glowered at Zelda. It was the first time I’d addressed her directly—aside from maybe Please pass the ketchup or Excuse me on occasion—but I wasn’t going to sit back and let her bash me like that, even if that smackdown was disguised as some sort of joke.

  She lifted one delicate shoulder. “Just an observation.” She pushed off the closet door and twisted to stretch. The material of her dress strained over the alluring curves of her tits, and I looked away out of a desperate sense of self-preservation. “Are we ready to go, bitches? Mama’s got hearts to break tonight.”

  Gia laughed, Quinn sighed and Nate groaned. “Are we sure it’s a good idea for us to go out tonight? Maybe we should just . . . settle down and turn on a movie or something.” He flickered his attention toward me, and I read a fleeting apology there. He knew that at this point, I just wanted all of them gone.

  “No.” Zelda stood by the door, her hand on the knob and her foot in its black high heel tapping the floor. “We’re going out. Gia wants to dance, and I . . . I don’t want to be here anymore.”

  Quinn stood up, too. “Nate, if you don’t want come along, it’s okay. I understand.”

  He shrugged. “If you’re going, I guess I will, too. You might need some help with—” He coughed. “Things.”

  “Yeah, you might be right. Thanks.” Quinn hesitated by the foot of my bed. “Tuck, you coming with us? I can use all the moral support I can get.”

  I smiled at her. Quinn was a decent girl who tried to do the right thing by her friends, even when they were being idiotic. I had to respect that. “Thanks, but I’ve got to study for this last exam. I’ll leave you all in Nate’s capable hands.” I paused before adding, “I hope you have fun. All of you.”

  Zelda opened the door and ushered Gia out in front of her. “No worries about that. We’ll have a blast. Enjoy your books, Tuck.”

  Nate tossed me a glance that was pure misery as he and Quinn followed the other girls out in the hallway. Even after they’d closed the door behind them, I could hear their voices and laughter.

  Suddenly, my room seemed very empty and quiet.

  That was a good thing, because I hadn’t been making an excuse to Quinn—I really did have a shit ton of studying to do. I flipped back a few pages to re-read what I’d been pretending to see before, but even with the silence, I had trouble focusing on the words.

  I kept seeing Zelda Porter in my mind.

  Nate wasn’t off-base when he’d noted that Zelda slept around. That was a nice way of saying she had lots of sex with lots of men. I’d overheard guys talking about her more than once. She had a reputation, and she didn’t seem to mind that. If it didn’t bother her, I wasn’t sure why it should bother anyone else.

  With a grunt, I forced my attention back to the reading. This time, I managed to focus for a solid half-hour, at which point I was interrupted by a knock on my door.

  “Hey.” The dude who stuck his head inside after I’d called for him to come in wasn’t anyone I knew, although he looked vaguely familiar. “Sorry, I heard someone say Zelda Porter was in here. I wanted to tell her about the party tonight at Theta Lambda. She should go. It’s going to be epic.”

  My lip curled. “Well, as you can see, she isn’t here. I promise, I’m not hiding her under the bed.”

  My visitor leered. “Man, I wouldn’t mind keeping her under my bed, for nights when I’m too lazy
to go out and find some decent tail. She’s a good fuck.”

  An unfamiliar rage rose in me, and once again, my fists clenched. “That’s a really nice way to talk about someone. She’s a person, you asshole, not a . . . resource.”

  “Whooooa.” He held up his hands. “No need to get testy. It’s not like she’s your girlfriend or something, right? Because if she is—” He smirked. “Dude, you’re either a really generous, sharing kind of person, or you’re an idiot. That chick gets around.”

  Jesus Christ, what I would’ve given to be able to leap to my feet and bash him in the face. As it was, I swallowed hard and gritted my teeth. “She’s not my girlfriend, and she’s not here. Get the hell out of my room.”

  “Fuck you, dude.” He said the words without much malice, even as he flipped me the bird and closed the door again.

  I tried to get back to reading. I tried to ignore the restless, roiling mad that wouldn’t go away. I tried to tell myself I was better off staying here, reading and getting ready for the test.

  But ten minutes later, I realized I’d been reading the same line over and over. I needed a break. I’d been a hermit all fucking year. I’d been as celibate as a monk for longer than that. Wasn’t I entitled to let off a little steam, just like any other normal college guy?

  Tossing my book to the other side of the bed, I growled out a curse and picked up my cell phone to call the U-van.

  Apparently, I was going out.

  Back when I’d been in high school and still had two working legs, I’d gone to parties on Greek Row at Birch now and then. It didn’t happen often, because college guys didn’t really want high school boys competing for chicks—though they were more than happy to invite girls from my class. But some of my former teammates had gone on to attend Birch, and they’d invited me to parties every once in a while.

  All I really remembered was that the fraternity houses were always bursting at the seams, with people spilling from the doors out into the yards, that the music had been just a little too loud and that the beer had been crappy.


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