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Savage Fae (Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac Book 2)

Page 5

by Caroline Peckham

  “Ah, Mr Nox. I’m afraid Miss Callisto has been having a little trouble distinguishing facts from fiction about what happened to her last night. We are aware that she took…or was given Killblaze which causes hallucinations, but she assures me you saw what happened too. So if we could just get your account of things…?”

  Gabriel looked into my eyes for a long moment and I stared right back, waiting for him to back me up. He pushed his tongue into his cheek then looked away from me, turning his gaze to Greyshine instead.

  “I’m not sure what you mean,” he said slowly.

  “Miss Callisto said you found her in the woods. And that there was something going on there?”

  Gabriel hesitated a moment before answering, his fingers curling into a fist as he did.

  “Yeah, I found Elise in the woods. She was lost, screaming for help, crying about people trying to hurt her. But there was no one else there,” he said.

  “What?” I asked, my mouth actually falling open as he stood there and just fucking lied. “You saw it! You saw them kill that boy, you-”

  “Saw who? There was no one out there but you, Elise,” he said, frowning like I was confused and I wanted to punch his pretty fucking face until it was nothing more than a patch of pulp.

  “Why are you lying?” I demanded, getting to my feet as I raised my voice.

  “Miss Callisto, it seems clear that what you think you saw was really just a manifestation of the drugs you’d taken,” Greyshine said kindly.

  “I told you I was drugged,” I snarled. “Someone drugged me and tried to kill me and you’re not going to do a fucking thing about it. Are you?”

  Greyshine looked to Gabriel like he was asking for help and tears pricked the backs of my eyes as Gabriel shrugged like he thought I was crazy. How dare he? How fucking dare he??

  “Fine,” I snapped, shoving my chair aside so I didn’t have to pass Gabriel to get to the door. “Don’t believe me. I don’t know why I convinced myself I’d be able to rely on you for help. Either of you.”

  I headed for the door, ignoring the murmured conversation they were having behind me and storming straight out into the corridor.

  “What’s wrong?” Leon asked as I almost barrelled straight into him.

  “He doesn’t believe me. Gabriel’s a fucking liar. Can we just go before he comes out here?” I started walking but I wasn’t fast enough because Gabriel stepped out into the corridor a second later.

  He cast a dark look our way then started walking fast, keeping his eyes on the far end of the corridor. I let him pass me, my gaze fixed on his black wings as he strode away without so much as a glance back in my direction. My heart was pounding and tears stung the backs of my eyes. I hated that I’d let myself think I could rely on him. I hated that I’d let myself feel anything at all for him. But the small, stubborn part of me that was tearing open at his betrayal couldn’t just let him walk away without explaining himself.

  I shot after him, leaving Leon behind and skidding to a halt to block Gabriel’s way before he could make it out of Altair Halls.

  “Why?” I breathed, locking my gaze with his as I kept my chin high in defiance.

  “Why what?” he asked coldly.

  “Why?” I demanded, hating the fact that I was almost crying. Last night he’d saved me, I’d actually convinced myself that maybe I could count on him, only to have him make me look like a goddamn liar and a drug addict the very next day.

  Gabriel’s tense expression broke for half a second, his gaze sliding over me slowly as his lips parted to give me the explanation I needed.

  “What’s going on?” Leon asked as he strode up behind Gabriel, looking around him to me with concern.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Gabriel snapped, his gaze hard again as he sidestepped me, knocking me aside with his giant black wing before striding straight outside.

  I could only stare after him as he took off into the sky and something ripped open inside me. When was I going to learn not to put my faith in people? Why did I always keep trusting in others when all anyone ever did was let me down? Even Gareth had abandoned me in the end.

  “What was that about?” Leon asked softly, reaching out to take my hand.

  I bit my tongue, fighting off the hurt and anger as I turned to look up at him. “Gabriel called me a liar. He said I imagined the whole thing and Greyshine thinks I’ve got a Killblaze addiction.”

  Leon frowned, reaching out to trace a line down the side of my face with his fingers. “But you’re still sure of what happened to you?” he asked softly.

  “Yes,” I replied defensively.

  “Then fuck them. I believe you. And if Gabriel’s lying then maybe we should think about why. Maybe he knows more about what happened to you than he’s letting on or-”

  I tiptoed up and pressed my lips to his, cutting him off as I fisted his T-shirt in my hand, dragging him closer. The heat of him coiled around me as his strong arms drew me in and I melted against him, the ache in my chest lessening as I lost myself in him. He was always so calm and self assured, like this perfect beam of sunshine which could never be breached by clouds. Maybe I never should have let myself trust Gabriel, but I was sure I was right to depend on Leon.

  I broke our kiss and looked into his golden eyes as he ran a fingertip down my spine, making me arch into him with a shiver of pleasure.

  “Let’s go get lunch,” I suggested.

  “Lunch?” he asked like I was mad. And maybe I was. But that was okay by me. If the broken parts of me that had been left behind after Gareth’s death only formed a semi-sane person then who was I to question it? I was just pleased to make it through each day without falling apart completely.

  “Yeah. I tried to deal with this the mature way and no one wants to believe me. So now I just wanna drown my memories of last night with a plate of something greasy and a mug of hot chocolate.”

  “Just like that?” he asked disbelievingly.

  No, not just like that. I’d be investigating all of the shit that had happened to me on the night of the party on my own, but Leon didn’t need to know that.

  I shrugged. “I’m not going to go around shouting about it to everyone and anyone and have the whole school calling me a liar as well as a Killblaze addict,” I said. “I just want to move on and forget about it.”

  “Are you sure? We could go to the FIB ourselves…”

  “No. Thank you for believing me and for caring. But I’ve learned my lesson about trusting the FIB in the past and I don’t think I’ll be making that mistake again. If the boy’s body is found I’ll come forward with what I saw but until then, I just wanna go back to bed.”

  “Okay,” Leon said simply, not even pushing me on why I didn’t trust the Fae Investigation Bureau to do their job. He pulled me under his arm and we started walking back toward the Vega Dorms.

  My mind was whirling with everything that had happened to me combined with rage over Gabriel’s lies but I wasn’t going to let it shake me. Nothing had changed. I was still here to find out what had happened to my brother. And it was time I focused on getting back to my investigations again.

  “Dammit,” I hissed, slitting my thumb open on the knife I was using to chop strawberries before quickly healing it. And it wasn’t the first time. Ten percent of the red juice coating the chopping board was probably my blood. And that might have been gross to most people. But luckily for me, the Fae I was preparing them for had a taste for blood. Not that she’d bitten me yet and she wouldn’t be doing so until I was ten inches deep in her. Alright nine. Gah fine. Eight and a half.

  I’d used my skeleton key to raid the storage fridges in the Cafaeteria kitchen and was preparing a picnic for Elise in a big wicker basket I’d found just lying around. I mean all of those Rising Sun Foundation pamphlets sitting in it in the Cafaeteria were probably better off dumped on that table anyway. Or in the trash can beside it. Couldn’t quite remember where I’d shoved them. Anywho, Elise was gonna be so thrill
ed when she saw the incredible lunch I’d made for her. I’d told her to meet me up on Devil’s Hill at one o’clock which was - I checked my watch – ten minutes ago -shit!

  I shoved the strawberries into a bowl beside the sandwiches I’d made then threw a dish towel over the basket and headed for the door.

  I was soon striding through Acrux Courtyard which was quiet seeing as it was Sunday and all, but the Kipling brothers still manned their emporium. I tipped my head to them as I passed by and they nodded back to me in unison like some creepy kids in a horror movie.

  I jogged past Lunar and Oscura Turf which were empty and headed up the hill to where Elise was sitting under a tree. She was laying on a blanket taken from my room, holding a book above her as she read it, flicking through the pages, her expression thoughtful.

  I slowed my pace, tilting my head as I read the name of the book. Fate: Fortune or Fraud?

  My gaze shifted to her tits and I smiled dreamily.

  “Stop staring at me, Leon.” She rolled toward me, dropping the book with a smile pulling up one corner of her mouth. She wore her Pitball shirt and a pair of academy sweatpants and I vaguely wondered why I never saw her in her own clothes.

  “I wasn’t staring,” I purred, dropping down beside her and placing the basket between us. “I was leering.”

  She laughed, reaching out to slap my arm playfully. I caught her hand with a grin, threading my fingers between hers. I was getting the serious feels for her. Like legit emotions. And I was okay with that.

  “I got you something, little monster,” I said, excitement bubbling in my chest. She is gonna freak when she sees this. I’ve outdone myself this time.

  “Again?” She continued to smile and I released her hand, whipping the towel off the top of the picnic basket in a dramatic ta-dar moment. I held my hands out showman style, jazz fingers and all and her smile grew.

  “Lunch?” she asked excitedly, sitting up and eyeing the food greedily.

  I nodded and she reached for a sandwich but I snatched the basket away from her. “No. I’ll be doing the feeding.”

  She raised her brows. “Come on, Leo, I don’t need-”

  I pressed a sandwich to her lips, tapping it against her mouth when she didn’t open it.

  She rolled her eyes then opened her mouth and my heart pattered as I placed it between her lips. She took a bite and a low growl escaped me as I watched.

  Her eyes suddenly bulged and she reared forward, spitting it back out into her hand and making me lurch backwards. “What the fuck is in this – lava?!”

  “What? No!” I shook my head. “It’s just cheese and peppers. The green ones. And some red sauce.”

  “What kind of combo is that?” she rasped then flapped her arms, her eyes watering as she choked, “Wa-ter.”

  I grabbed a bottle out of the basket, tossing it to her in alarm and she took the lid off, glugging it down while her face faded from a bright red colour. A knot formed in my chest as I stared at the spat out sandwich.

  She sucked in a breath as she stopped drinking and I apologised under my breath. She flicked the rest of the sandwich open and stared at the contents. “Holy shit, Leon, that’s jalapeños and goddamn hot sauce.”

  “And that’s…bad?”

  She shook her head at me then burst out laughing. “That’s terrible.”

  I frowned. “Lemme try again. The strawberries are good.” I took them out of the basket and grabbed the bar of chocolate I’d tucked in there, ripping off the wrapper.

  She continued to sip water as she watched me and I hoped I hadn’t fucked this up completely.

  When the chocolate was unwrapped, I encouraged fire into my hand to let it melt onto the strawberries, frowning as I immediately got covered in chocolate but I’d kinda done what I’d planned anyway.

  The scent of burning filled my nose and the chocolate sizzled as it encased the strawberries in the bowl.

  “Oh shit,” I gasped just as the whole lot went up in flames.

  “Ah!” Elise screamed as it flared with my magic, consuming the entire contents of the bowl in a flash fire. I tossed it away from us onto the grass, grabbing another bottle of water from the basket and pouring it all over it, shaking out every last drop. The sizzling brown and red gloop remaining didn’t look in the least bit salvageable. But maybe if I…

  No. It’s done Leon. They’re melted into a paste. Obliterated. Gone into a gloopy afterlife.


  No dammit. It’s fucked.

  I sighed heavily, turning back to Elise and running a hand over my face in shame. The same hand which had been coated in melted chocolate.

  Elise burst out laughing as I dropped my arm, tasting the sugary coating on my lips. “Oh fuck my life.”

  Elise launched herself at me and I fell down into the grass as she used the full force of her Vampire strength. I released an oomph as my back impacted with the ground and I went to grab her wrists as I expected her to bite me. Not yet, little monster.

  She ran the pad of her tongue up my cheek and I inhaled deeply, my dick tingling as she did it again.

  “This is a better lunch anyway,” she said with a feline smile and I chuckled as she licked the rest of the chocolate from my face. Her mouth grazed mine and her tongue raked across my lips, causing an earthquake located solely in my cock.

  “You’re terrible at doing things for people, Leo,” she said, her body vibrating as she laughed.

  I caught her shoulders and pressed her back, a wicked smile pulling at my mouth. “Wanna bet?”

  She gave me a questioning look. “I don’t need to bet. I just got proof. Like right then two seconds ago. Did you not see the chocolate and strawberries go up in flames. I mean, who would have thought they’d be so flammable?”

  I rolled over so she fell off of me then jumped to my feet, catching her hand and dragging her after me.

  “Wait – we can’t just leave everything.” She glanced over her shoulder at the failed picnic and I took out my Atlas, typing out a quick FaeBook post.

  Leon Night: Left my shit up on Devil’s Hill. Whoever returns it to my room will be my favourite.

  Sasha Mooncloud: On my way!

  Amy Starling: I’m closer! I’m at Altair Halls.

  Sasha Mooncloud: I’m faster. Your legs are short. They always let him down.

  Dione Apollo: I’m already there bitchessss. #Leonsfavourite #proudtobeinthepride

  I glanced over my shoulder, spotting the Mindy arriving at the top of the hill huffing and panting, but smiling her damn head off. I was such a philanthropist. Giving to the needy. Believing she really was my favourite was the purest form of kindness I could deliver to a Lioness.

  I guided Elise back to The Vega Dormitories then tugged her to a halt on the threshold, dragging her back against me to whisper in her ear. “The second we step through that door you’re not gonna do a single thing for yourself.”

  “Leon, you really don’t have to keep doing shit for me. I’m way past my hangover.”

  “I want to prove I can be good at this,” I growled and she shuddered against me from the tone of my voice.

  “Go on then,” she breathed and I whipped her off her feet, cradling her in my arms as I elbowed my way inside.

  She giggled as I jogged toward the stairs, my heart rate elevating as I started climbing, the sound of her laughter making me hard as hell.

  I made it to the top floor and was practically sprinting by the time I reached my room, muscling my way inside and juggling Elise in my arms so I could close it behind me.

  “What now?” she laughed and I threw her over my shoulder with a grunt.

  I stalked toward my bunk, climbing up and tossing her down beneath me. She inhaled deeply, reaching for me, but I ignored her hand, taking hold of her shirt instead and toying with the hem.

  She dropped her arms, biting into her lip. “Are you going to do everything for me?”

  “Everything, little monster,” I said, my eyes burning into hers
and her pupils dilated. She slowly sat up then lifted her arms, a smile playing around her lips.

  I smirked, hooking my thumbs into her shirt and dragging it up and over her head. I caught her thighs, tugging so she fell onto her back again and she laughed as I dropped over her.

  I gave her a serious look which stalled the amusement in her throat, then dipped my head to graze my mouth along her jaw, keeping my body off of hers as I tasted her flesh.

  “Oh,” she sighed, lifting her hands to curl them around me.

  I brushed my mouth down her throat and she shivered beneath me. “I’m good at a lot of things, Elise,” I murmured and her back arched as I placed a kiss against the swell of her breast, sliding my hand beneath her to unhook her bra.

  “I don’t believe you,” she said breathily and I growled, grazing my teeth down to her nipple as I ripped the bra from her chest and threw it who knew where.

  She clawed at me as I teased her with my mouth, palming her other breast as she writhed beneath me. She slid a hand into my hair, yanking then pushing my head lower and I grinned, soaking up the feeling of serving her.

  I dragged my mouth down her stomach and I swear her whole damn body tasted like cherries and ecstasy. Fucking checstasy. It was going on my top ten list of things I liked to eat and I had a feeling I was about to crown a new number one.

  Her hand fisted tighter in my hair and my shoulders flexed as she dug her nails into my skin with her other hand.

  “Leo,” she gasped as I reached her waistband. I gave zero shits about that name anymore. She could call me Fanny Sackrider for all I cared and I’d still be thrilled to be here. Sidenote: totally knew a girl called Fanny Sackrider once.

  I licked my way along her waistband until her hips were bucking and she couldn’t even say my name at all for how much she was panting, correctly or otherwise.

  I was skirting the holy grail and I was pretty sure I was going to enjoy this almost as much as she was.


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