Savage Fae (Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac Book 2)

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Savage Fae (Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac Book 2) Page 16

by Caroline Peckham

  I burst out into the clearing, my black fur shimmering with light as the joy of my win filled me and glitter began to form more thickly across my body.

  Cindy Lou laughed as she burst into the clearing behind me, shrinking down into her Fae form as she arrived and looking at me expectantly.

  It took me a moment to shift back as my gaze snagged on the sight of her naked body. I’d been hoping we might be moving on to this place and the look in her eye said she was done waiting too.

  I retreated into my Fae form, rolling my shoulders back as I got used to the fact that my wings were gone. I removed the bag which hung around my neck, letting it fall at my feet.

  I glanced at it, half wondering if I should ask if she wanted to get dressed. She bit her lip as I looked her way and I was pretty sure she wanted her clothes back about as much as I wanted to cover her up again.

  I took a step towards her and suddenly she was in my arms. Her mouth sought mine out and I laughed as I hoisted her off of her feet, her legs wrapping around my waist so that her skin was pressed to mine. A needy groan escaped me as her breasts slid against my chest, her hard nipples painting lines on my skin which instantly translated to my dick.

  Cindy moaned as I moved my mouth from hers, tasting the skin of her neck, her collar bone, moving lower and lower as I sought out more of her body.

  Cindy shifted her weight back and I lost my footing, just managing to twist so that she at least landed on top of me instead of me dropping her on her ass as we hit the ground.

  She started laughing and I couldn’t help but join in as I gripped her hips, eyeing every inch of her as she sat on top of me.

  Cindy leaned down to kiss me again, a curtain of gossamer black hair surrounding us like we were sealed in our own little bubble of solitude.

  I was jerked from the moment as my Atlas started ringing in my bag, the tone I’d selected for Dante Oscura belting out the music from the Darth Vader’s theme, The Imperial March impatiently.

  I stilled for a moment, glancing away from her towards the bag and she sighed dramatically.

  “You’re not going to ditch me in favour of a phone call, are you?” she teased, shifting in my lap so that my dick was firmly between her legs, though not actually joined with her body yet.

  “No,” I replied, ignoring the call as I pulled her down to kiss me again.

  Cindy sighed as I trailed my hands down her back, exploring her body as my own flesh ached with the need to get on with this.

  My Atlas rang out then instantly started ringing again. And again. The fourth time it started up, I paused long enough for Cindy to groan in frustration.

  “Sorry,” I panted. “But that’s Dante and it’s not like him to call so many times-”

  “Dante?” she asked, the irritation slipping from her features as she moved to reach for the bag herself. “You’d better answer it then.”

  I raised an eyebrow at her then quickly unzipped the sports bag, grabbing my Atlas out and sitting up so that I could answer it.

  Cindy Lou stayed in my lap but leaned back to give me room.

  “Hello?” I answered, trying not to pant too obviously.

  “You’d better be three inches deep in your girl if you’re gonna take that long to answer me, cavallo,” Dante’s voice came in response.

  “Three inches?” I scoffed.

  “Oh sorry. I meant two.”

  “Is there a point to this conversation beyond you insulting me?” I asked, rolling my eyes.

  “Yes. I’ve just sent a location to your Atlas using a burner phone. Go there and approach the house through the southern vineyard. Carlo will meet you there with a package. Once you’ve got it you get the hell away from that house. You bring it back to the academy and wait at the Oscura Haunt for the Kiplings. Then you make sure that it gets into their cache without any hitches.”

  “That sounds purposefully vague,” I pointed out.

  “I don’t have time for any bullshit, stronzo. The FIB are coming for us and our inside man only just managed to get this tip to us. We have less than an hour before they hit the house and my room here at the academy so you’d better saddle up and get moving,” Dante commanded.

  A shiver ran down my spine. I’d been all for doing the odd job for the Oscuras to earn myself some extra money but this was serious. If the FIB were conducting raids, then that meant I could wind up caught in the middle of it. If I was found transporting this package then I’d be going to jail, no doubt about it. And when I’d promised Ella a life away from Alestria, I hadn’t meant I’d be serving a term in Darkmore Penitentiary and enjoying her visits once a month.

  “I err, I’m not dressed and-”

  “Good. Because you’re gonna need to fly there to get this done in time. I’ll pay you three thousand auras, just get moving, mio amico.”

  My lips parted at that. That was some serious money. Enough to pay for one and a half of the instalments I owed Old Sal. Which would massively take the pressure off of me if I was struggling one month.

  Holy shit I must be insane.

  “Okay. I’m on my way,” I agreed.

  “Hurry, cavallo. The FIB will be there soon.” Dante cut the call and I looked at Cindy Lou sheepishly.

  “I’m so sorry,” I began. “But this is literally unavoidable. Dante needs me to do something for him…like, right now.”

  “Then go,” she said brightly, pushing out of my lap and jumping up. “I could hear what he was saying. I’ll go and wait in the Oscura Haunt. Once you’re done with the Kiplings we can stay out here for a while and then I can be your alibi if anyone asks where you were.”

  “I wouldn’t ask you to lie for me like that,” I said with a frown as I stood too, wondering why the hell she’d even offer.

  “I want to. I want to help,” she said, her eyes wide with sincerity. “Now go or you’re going to be late.”

  “Okay.” I nodded because she was right about that. I quickly pulled up the location Dante had sent me on my Atlas, looking at the huge house set out in the centre of sprawling vineyards to the southeast of Alestria. At least it was the only building around once I got there, so it should have been easy enough for me to locate.

  I pressed my lips to Cindy Lou’s, my gaze sliding over her naked flesh wistfully before I tossed my Atlas back into the bag which I handed to Cindy then shifted into my huge, black Pegasus form.

  Cindy Lou reached out to push her fingers up the centre of my nose and I nuzzled into her in farewell for a moment before turning and galloping away into the clearing.

  I spread my wings as I ran, air pushing beneath them as I picked up speed and one powerful beat propelled me into the air.

  I climbed towards the bright sky and quickly turned south, speeding over Aurora Academy and heading out over the streets of Alestria.

  I flew hard and fast, my lungs burning as I shot through the sky at full speed, determined to get there as soon as I could possibly manage.

  It took me almost half an hour to make it to my location and I snorted in relief as I finally spotted the house ahead. It was set amongst acres of vineyards, a private drive leading up to the enormous building.

  Around twenty huge, black FIB trucks filled the drive and fear shot through me as I spotted agents running into the house, the outbuildings, through the grounds and even starting to spill into the vineyards.

  The high pitched howl of wolves came again and again and I noticed them racing around too, evading the FIB for the most part and tearing through the vineyards.

  As I watched, an FIB agent transformed into a giant Artemis Bear and pounced on one of the Wolves. Another agent shot a bullet which must have been laced with Order suppressant as the Wolf he hit instantly transformed back into a naked man who proceeded to scream at him in Faetalian at the top of his lungs.

  I spun away from the house, keeping high as I headed for the southern vineyards and the position Dante had marked out on the map to meet Carlo.

  Adrenaline was pumping hard and f
ast through my veins and I was struck with the desire to just fly the hell away from here before I ended up getting caught up in this madness. Only the thought of Ella being forced up on the stage at The Sparkling Uranus gave me the strength to land and see this through.

  My hooves hit the ground and I slowed to a halt as quickly as I could, tucking my wings tight to my back as I looked around for any sign of the guy I was supposed to be meeting.

  “You’re late, cavallo!” a girl called as she stepped out between the vines. She was only about thirteen, her long black hair hanging loose down her back and the shorts and cami combo she had on looking suspiciously like pyjamas. “Well shift back into your Fae form or I can’t check that you’re the stronzo I’m waiting for, can I?” she demanded.

  I looked around anxiously for a moment before doing what she said, cupping my hands over my junk as I retreated into my Fae form.

  “Are you Carlo?” I asked with a frown.

  “No idiota,” she said, rolling her eyes and somehow making me feel like I should apologise for offending her, despite the fact that I was twice her height and about seven years older than her. “I’m Rosalie. Carlo got caught and they almost got the stash because he’s a total lemming. Luckily me, Fabrizio and Lucia were close enough to see it go down. So they both attacked the agents while I grabbed the bag. It was my idea. The FIB can’t shoot kids.” She smiled proudly and I frowned at her.


  She sighed like I was a fucking idiot and I was struck with the urge to apologise again. Despite her small frame and youth it was pretty clear this girl was an Alpha in the making.

  “Yeah. Fabrizio is five and Lucia is seven. Even the FIB won’t just shoot wolf pups. Now are you gonna stop asking dumb questions and take the stash or what?” She lifted a heavy looking bag and brandished it at me.

  “What is it?” I asked but her smile only widened.

  “It’s not your job to ask questions, cavallo. Horsey just needs to deliver. And feel free to tell Dante how I saved the day. Tell him he can take me out for pancakes on Sunday to thank me.”


  Why do I suddenly feel like I’ve stepped into an alternate reality where I’m somehow a part of a major crime family?

  “Yeah. Bottomless pancakes. Don’t forget. Now get your ass moving.”

  Gunfire rang out behind us and I practically shit myself as I shifted back into my Pegasus form as fast as I could.

  Rosalie looped the bag over my head and turned to face the direction of the gunfire, a deep growl resounding in her chest.

  I hesitated as the shouts of the FIB drew closer, wondering if I should really be leaving this young girl alone here to deal with them.

  “What are you waiting for, cavallo?” she demanded. “Yah!” She slapped my flank like I was some common horse and I shot into motion as the sting of her hand print blazed on my flesh.

  I spread my wings wide and leapt into the sky, looking back over my shoulder in time to see Rosalie shift into a stunning, silver wolf pup, shredding through her clothes and racing straight towards the three FIB agents who appeared at the end of the row of vines.

  My heart leapt in panic for her as she howled, baring her teeth and not showing the faintest trace of hesitation.

  More howls came in answer from the surrounding vines and a few cries of a morte e ritorno! joined the call as the Oscuras fearlessly raced to help her.

  I stared in shock for a moment before a blast of energy was shot my way and I narrowly avoided the FIB bullet.

  I whinnied in panic and flapped hard, climbing towards the sun and racing back north. Away from the Oscura stronghold and the FIB and back towards the academy where I might just be safe.

  Fear drove me to fly faster and harder than I thought I ever had in my life as I tore through the sky back to the academy and I crashed through the trees above the Oscura Haunt with a surge of relief spilling through me.

  I stumbled to a halt and retreated into my Fae form, panting hard as sweat gleamed on my skin and I pulled the heavy bag from around my neck.

  “You made it!” Cindy Lou called excitedly as she jogged across the clearing to join me. She’d dressed herself in a pair of shorts and a thin shirt and she held out a pair of sweatpants for me which I took with a nod of thanks. I was breathing so hard that I couldn’t quite manage words yet.

  I pulled the sweatpants on and slowly caught my breath.

  “Holy shit, that was insane,” I panted, my grip tightening on the bag as I looked around for the Kiplings. I just wanted to get rid of the damn thing. Whatever it was was serious trouble and the sooner I could wash my hands of it the better.

  “You wanna take a peek inside?” Cindy Lou whispered conspiratorially, her fingers brushing the back of my hand where I gripped the bag.

  I bit my lip, taking in the excited sparkle in her eyes. Dante hadn’t told me not to look.

  “What if it’s a bag of body parts?” I half teased, though at that thought a prickle of fear danced along my spine.

  “Only one way to find out,” she dared.

  I smirked at her, glancing around for the Kiplings once more before loosening the tie on the bag and looking inside.

  I frowned as I spotted the heap of silk pouches within it, wondering what the hell they were. With shaking fingers, I pulled one out to get a closer look, easing the string open to see inside.

  “Wow,” Cindy Lou breathed in amazement.

  The pouch was filled with glimmering black stardust, the most valuable substance in the whole of Solaria. One pinch of it could transport you to anywhere in the world and beyond in the blink of an eye, using the stars to guide you. It could even transport you to the mortal realm if that was where you wanted to go. Only Dragons could create it, using their Dragon Fire to melt meteors. It was as rare as it was pricey.

  “Oh shit,” I breathed. Because I knew who the Oscuras had stolen this from. It had been all over the news this week. I’d heard rumours that the FIB had been looking into Leon’s father, Reginald Night, for the theft which hadn’t even surprised me. The Nights were the best thieves in Alestria and quite possibly the whole of Solaria too. But I hadn’t considered the fact that they might have been working with the Oscuras.

  Either way, Lionel Acrux, the Celestial Counsellor, Dragon Master and one of the four rulers and most powerful Fae in the whole world was seriously pissed about this going missing. On the news clips I’d seen, it seriously looked like he might murder whoever was responsible when he found them.

  I swallowed thickly, cinching the pouch shut again and tossing it back into the bag. I wanted to get the hell away from this stuff and fast.

  “We didn’t see that,” I breathed and Cindy Lou nodded her agreement.

  A branch breaking drew my attention to the far side of the clearing and we spun around to see who was approaching.

  I shifted the bag behind my back as my heart pounded with panic and I sagged in relief as the three Kiplings stepped out of the trees.

  “Do you have it?” Kipling Junior asked.

  “Yeah,” I replied, striding towards them and handing it over, just glad to be getting rid of the damn thing.

  “Did anyone see you?” Middle Kipling asked.

  “Some FIB agents saw me flying away. They shot at me. Not sure if they would have noticed the bag but hopefully not as it’s black and so am I in my Pegasus form.”

  The three of them nodded in sync with each other which was creepy as fuck but I wasn’t going to comment.

  “Okay. Thank you for your work,” Kipling Senior said and the three of them turned and walked away without another word.

  I sagged in relief, turning to Cindy Lou as I released a heavy breath.

  “Well that was…” I shrugged because I didn’t even have words for that madness and she giggled, her eyes bright with excitement.

  “So erm, what did you want to do now?” I asked.

  “I think you were going to tell me all about how you escaped the FIB and r
isked your life for a big, bad, Dragon,” she purred, slipping closer and trailing a hand down my chest.

  “Was I?” I asked, swallowing thickly as she nodded, dropping to her knees in front of me.

  “Yeah. I wanna hear all about it,” she said seductively, pulling my pants down and moving to take me in her mouth.

  I inhaled sharply, my thoughts scattering as I tried to concentrate enough to tell her what she wanted to hear. Today had been a whole other level of insane. But I was beginning to think it had definitely paid off.

  I stood in the shadows of The Rigel Library, flicking through pages in Gareth’s journal absentmindedly as I waited for my prey. It had been over a week since I’d been drugged, dragged out to The Iron Wood and presented to some psychopath as a possible sacrifice and I was sick of feeling like I’d lost control of this situation.

  I needed to follow some new leads. And the one solid piece of information I had was that the Black Card were up to something. The creepy cult were clearly following Mr or Mrs Psycho and helping them out with their dark magic and power stealing mumbo jumbo. So it was time for me to get some answers about what exactly took place in their clandestine meetings and who the hell had funded their little fellowship.

  I’d spent a lot of time observing them this week, trying to figure out their hierarchy, their movements, patterns, anything that might help me figure them out. And I was pissed to admit I hadn’t really gotten anywhere.

  The wind howled beyond my spot in the shadows, a late storm rolling off from earlier. I wondered if Dante’s effects on the weather actually did things to the climate in Alestria. Was he creating a safe haven for storm flies and lightning wasps? Or maybe the biggest effect he had was in ruining picnics and days out with his unpredictable rain clouds. In all honesty he could be the bane of children’s parties everywhere. Who wanted a magical storm appearing just as you’d laid out the paper plates and garden games?

  A prickle ran down my spine as I waited and I got the sudden sense that someone was watching me. I stilled, my eyes narrowing as I listened and looked around with the full force of my gifts. There were too many people in the library for me to be able to distinguish any heartbeats which might be out here but for a moment I was sure I caught the sound of heavy breathing coming from somewhere on the far side of the path where a thick bush stood, swaying in the breeze.


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