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Dark Baby: Captive Romance (Scottish Doms Book 2)

Page 7

by Esme Devlin

  I turned around in confusion and almost walked straight into him. He clutched me tightly to him, his arms coming easily around my head and he whispered, “Choose, little girl… the bedroom, or the playroom?”

  He had a playroom? My heart sunk and jealousy washed over me in waves. He’d done this before? How many times had he done this? I felt a fucking fool, a naïve and stupid fucking fool who had fallen for his ‘forever’ hook, line and sinker. How many other girls had he said that to? Why had I ever thought I was anything special?

  I reared back to look at his face. Suddenly, the difference in our ages became the focus of my attention. I hadn’t thought about it before. There was at least ten years between us, ten years of him fucking women in that god-forsaken playroom while I was too young to even know what that meant.

  “The bedroom. I’m tired.”

  James chuckled. “That’s too bad.” He picked me up and carried me to his bedroom, putting me down in the middle of the floor and walking away to turn a lamp on.

  The same taupe and cream theme continued in here, but my eyes were drawn to the huge bed in the center of the back wall. Like a sleigh, the upholstered footboard rose up almost as high as the headboard, and from here it looked as if I would need a ladder to get in to it. Mirrored drawers surrounded the bed at each side, marble lamps resting on top with more mirrors behind them. It was like a room from a hotel, from the pure white bedsheets to the fireplace behind me and the little two-seater breakfast table.

  “This is… all you?” I glanced around the room and he snorted, rolling his eyes.

  “What do you think? Eva did this.”

  “Who’s Eva?”

  “Who said you could speak?”

  “Who’s Eva?” I demanded, growing even more annoyed than I had been already.

  “You’ll meet Eva tomorrow. Now, get out of those clothes.”

  Who the fuck was Eva? He said he didn’t have a girlfriend, but his house didn’t look at all like that of a bachelor. I shook my head at him. I was done listening to him, done trying to be everything he wanted and left wondering if any of it had ever been real.

  He stalked over to me and grabbed a hold of my top at the neck with both hands. The fabric ripped open like it was nothing, leaving my chest gaping open for him — which he instantly devoured. His lips met my neck, and he latched on and sucked, until I couldn’t stop the moan that escaped. His hands were half holding me, half tearing the rest of the shirt down my arms and my heart thudded in my chest. I couldn’t stop this, even if I wanted to. He was like a fucking hunter, with his sole purpose being to completely devour his prey.

  “James,” I begged, my arms trying desperately to slide up out of his grip. “James, please.”

  “Shhhh..” he said, as his head pulled back enough for me to see his face. He took my chin in his hand and forced me to look into his eyes.

  “I told you we would play a game, didn’t I?” He nodded my head for me and I swallowed back a sob.

  “Listen carefully to the rules little girl. This is a game where you don’t speak.”


  “Not a fucking sound. Not a word, not a moan, not a whimper. I’ll let you cry though, as long as it’s quiet.”

  My heart was hammering now. I knew I couldn’t do it. He was setting rules I could never follow. “James, please.”

  He took a hold of my bare breast and squeezed it hard until I cried out. “That’s what happens when you make a sound. See how it gets harder and harder to stay quiet?”

  I nodded, this time of my own free will. He removed his hand from my jaw and dropped to his knees, pulling my jeans down to my ankles and removing both shoes.

  My hands instinctively moved to cover my breasts, now sore from where he’d just touched me. He tutted under his breath and went to his wardrobe, disappearing behind the door for a moment before returning with a tie in his hand.

  “Put your hands behind you back, baby.”

  I hesitated.

  “I promise, I’m not going to hurt you, not if you follow the rules.”

  I did as he asked and felt his heated gaze drift over my body as he walked around me. “So fucking perfect,” he whispered.

  He crossed my hands over behind my back and pulled the tie tightly around them, forcing my back to arch and pushing my chest out. His hands came around from behind me, circling around my nipples that were now erect and begging for him. I could do nothing but squirm under his touch, my mouth clamped shut tightly to stop me from moaning.

  This was torture, sweet, agonizing torture. My pulse raced at the threat of the unknown things he could do to me, should I break the rules. His fingers moved to my nipples, and he pinched down, hard. I kept my mouth locked shut and my breath quickened. I wouldn’t do it. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of winning.

  “Such a good, obedient little girl.” He turned around to face me with that wolfish grin that made me weak at the knees. “But I want to see if you can be this silent with my cock rammed down your throat.”

  I shook my head, silently begging him.

  “Yes.” He removed his top, his tanned skin glistening in the warm light and I couldn’t help the way my eyes devoured his body. He was built like fucking roman statue, and I didn’t know whether to run for my life, or drop to my knees and worship at his feet. In that second I think I wanted to do both.

  He took my hand and led me towards the bed where he sat down on the edge and guided me to my knees below him.

  “I’m going to teach you how to suck a cock like it’s the only thing you live for,” he announced, staring into my eyes as he said it.

  His voice was sending me right back to that same place he’d taken me before. It was as if I wasn’t me anymore. As if I was free. Bound and effectively gagged at his feet, and this was the most free I’d ever felt in my life. I didn’t have to think, didn’t have to struggle with my own thoughts, my own situation. The only thing I needed to do was everything he said. I wanted to do what he said; I wanted to please him. It was as if I’d stumbled into a new purpose without having to care about the why. I was his, and I wanted him to be mine.

  He unzipped his jeans and pulled them down just enough to take out his cock. He held it in his hand, right in front of my face, and before he could say anything else I leaned forward and kissed it gently. I didn’t pull back. My lips traced over the head, so soft he probably barely felt it. I glanced up beneath my lashes to look at his face, my eyes filled with pure devotion, and he smiled at me like I was a beloved pet who’d just showed him my obedience.

  His hands circled around my ears and ran through my hair. “I want you to take it all, baby. I want you to eat it like you’d fucking die without it.” I opened my mouth, and that’s exactly what I did.

  In my head, that was the only thing that mattered. I had to suck his cock just like I had to blink, like I had to breathe air. I had never sucked a cock like that in my life before, which was probably why I’d always fucking hated it. I had never felt that urge to please someone else so strong that it felt like it was the only thing I lived for. It’s amazing what the mind can do when you stop fighting it.

  I lapped and sucked and swallowed until time no longer had any meaning to me. The surrounding room disappeared and every low rumble that came from his throat had liquid heat pulling between my legs. My legs spread wider on the floor until my inner thighs connected with his own calfs, and I thrust my hips forward to be met only with an empty space. I was a bad girl, and I didn’t deserve to be fucked until he was happy with me. I wished he would fuck me. I wished he would fuck me so hard that he broke me into pieces.

  He must have sensed my desperation because he pulled my head back and held my face so I stared into his eyes. I gasped for air, saliva escaping from my mouth and running down my chin.

  “What do you need, baby? Tell me what you need,” he demanded, but there was a hidden warning in his eyes I couldn’t mistake. The rules were still in place. I wouldn’t tell him how badly
I needed to be fucked. I begged him with my eyes. I parted my legs further and ground down against the floor, but I remained silent.

  He pulled me to my feet by my hair and dragged me forward, then arranged me so I was straddling him. His hand reached down to my pussy and I collapsed into his shoulder, no longer able to keep myself steady.

  “Your little cunt is soaking wet.”

  His hand brushed over my parted lips and I caved around it, desperate to release what had been building for so long. I needed his cock inside me like I needed to breathe. He wouldn’t do it though. He brushed the head along my opening but never let it go in, no matter how much I shifted and writhed above him in frustration.

  “You need to beg for it,” he whispered.

  But I couldn’t. I couldn’t beg — he’d hurt me. Fuck it.

  “Please, please, master — please fuck me,” I mumbled it so quickly it was almost one word. James clenched immediately beneath me and my heart hammered. Within an instant he’d grabbed a hold of my shoulders and flipped me over on the bed, the weight of my body crushing my secured wrists.

  “You broke the rules, baby.”

  His eyes were menacing as he grabbed a hold of my thighs and jerked them apart, wider and wider until I feared they might snap. His fingers dug into my skin and a moan escaped me, I couldn’t help it. I closed my eyes and held my breath while I waited for an impact. I didn’t want to know where it would fall.

  I heard his weight shift on the bed and then his warm breath against my exposed pussy. I tried to clamp my legs shut but his grip was relentless. His teeth bit down on my inner thigh and I let out a cry at the shock of it, but this only made it worse.

  Sensing I was losing this game, I bit down hard on my lip and told myself this was good. This was nice. I fucking loved this. My hips bucked forwards and his bite turned quickly to a kiss. A kiss that moved from my thigh to my pussy so fucking slowly.

  “You’re learning,” he whispered.

  The ties behind my back only served to make it better. I felt so helpless, and so utterly wanted. When his cock finally entered me, his weight pushing me down into the mattress I cried out in relief. He took my face in both his hands and held me tightly, forcing me to watch him as he fucked me brutally. My legs wrapped around his solid waist and I rocked my hips forward, forcing his cock to pound me right on that sweet spot deep within. I came a few moments later, but he didn’t stop; it only spurred him on more. My legs clamped around him like a vice, my body grew stiff as I climaxed and still he drilled until I was screaming for mercy.

  A mercy that didn’t come, not for hours. Not until he broke me. Not until I barely remembered my own fucking name.

  When he finally took pity on me and untied my wrists, I collapsed in a heap on top of him, utterly fucking exhausted and with tears in my eyes. He stroked my hair, my arms, my back, and cuddled me in until my breathing steadied and I drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 14


  I untangled myself from her body and slid into a pair of cotton jogging bottoms. Eva would have heard the racket, and she’d already be down the stairs, expecting an explanation.

  I never brought women home.

  I walked into the kitchen and just as I expected, Eva turned around and looked me up and down.

  “Good morning, Sunshine,” I said jovially, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek as I slid past her.

  “What are you up to?”

  My back was to her but I could hear the rise of her eyebrow in her tone.

  “I’m making coffee. Do you want some?”

  “That would be nice. I wonder if the young lady in your bed would also like some? That’s if she still has a throat, after all that screaming.”

  I chuckled. “Did she wake you?”

  “Heard the whole damn thing!” She picked up a cloth and a bottle of something and sprayed down the worktops. Within moments the smell of pine was filling the air. “Do I get to meet this woman?”

  “Of course. Maybe best to let her rest for a while, though.”

  “Aye, perhaps you’re not wrong.”

  “I need to nip out. Can you make sure she gets something to eat?”

  “Christ! As if I’d let the poor thing starve!” She tutted.

  She knew the girl in my bed meant something, without me having to explain it. I trusted Eva with my life. She would look after her. Probably tell her a lot of shit that Megan didn’t need to know at this stage, but I wasn’t concerned. I’d make that woman fall for me, regardless.

  It wasn’t hard to find out where she lived, not when you had a receptionist at the local hospital on your payroll. She had moved around quite a lot over the past few years, always ending up back with her brother. She seemed to tire of living in the family home and crave her independence, and then for whatever reason she’d end up back with them. I wondered what made her always return.

  I parked the car outside and opened the gate. It was on the outskirts of the city, a detached cottage with a thatched roof, and a trellis of pink flowers climbing the walls beside the wooden door.

  I crouched down to pick the lock. The hedge surrounding the property was six feet high, so there was little chance of anyone walking by and catching me in the act. The door opened easily, and I stepped inside like I was walking into the very essence of her.

  It was a strange feeling, like I was seeing her for the first time, even though she wasn’t even here. There were pictures of her on the walls, her friends, her three brothers, a dog? A big muckle German Shepherd. I wondered if it had been a beloved childhood pet.

  I could have spent hours in there, looking at her things and taking it all in. I was there for a specific reason though and headed up the stairs to where I assumed her bedroom would be.

  The bedroom was in the attic, all sloping walls and a circular window that started at the floor and let the low-lying winter sun’s light stream in across the room. I located the wardrobe and found a big hold-all bag. What would she need? What would she want? Some clothes, obviously. I opened her drawers and took out two pairs of jeans and some black leggings. I liked girls in black leggings and got caught up for a second in how good her peachy ass would look inside them.

  A few tops made their way into the bag and a pair of flat ankle boots. I couldn’t tell if we’d be running for our fucking lives at some point — if her insane plan of killing Kimber went wrong.

  Where were the heels? I checked the other side of the closet and found them, each pair in their own little cubby-hole. I picked the highest ones, naturally, and put them in the bag too.

  Underwear. The woman had a lot of underwear. All of it laid out perfectly in a drawer like it was a prized collection. I stuck some in, sure she would probably go nuts at the way they were already crumpled around the shoes.

  I went through the door at the end of her bedroom to her en-suite and emptied a toiletry bag that was full of god-knows-what. Toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, perfume, would she want face-wipes? She could use my shampoo. Shower-gel, moisturizer, tampons? I threw them all in.

  Picking up the bag I turned to leave when the book on her bedside table caught my eye. There was a little silver jeweled bookmark sticking out about two-thirds of the way through. I picked it up and chucked it in the bag too, hoping she’d be pleased to finish it.

  Chapter 15



  I woke up to the sound of a woman’s voice and my eyes fluttered open to see her face peering down at me. I wrapped the covers around me and she smiled, almost knowingly.

  “Oh, you’re alive?”

  “I think so,” I mumbled.

  “Here, drink this.” She handed me a steaming hot mug of coffee and I thanked her with my eyes. “I’m Eva, by the way.”

  Her accent was thick, her voice raspy. Eastern European, perhaps? I took a sip and instantly my throat felt better.

  “Megan. You are his…?”

  “Ha! Housekeeper is what I’m technically employed
for, but I’ve been more than that for years now. Now, what I want to know is what are you?”

  I didn’t know what I was… what we were. We weren’t a couple, but we were something. Captor and prisoner — although potentially the most accurate — somehow didn’t seem like the best choice of words. “A friend.”

  “Hmm,” she pondered for a moment. “James has never brought ‘a friend’ home before.”

  “Really?” I shouldn’t have cared, but somehow I did. Was she just saying that? Could it be possible that he’d brought loads of women home, and just kept them hidden from her? Why else would he have a ‘playroom’?

  “Really! I’ve been with James since he struggled to grow hair on his face! The wee shit’s never brought a lady home to meet me. I started to wonder about him.” She got up from the bed and picked up the clothes that James flung over the chair. “That makes you something, in my eyes. Come, I’ll fix you up some breakfast. You like porridge? Nothing better on a cold winter morning, I say.”

  “I… I have nothing to wear.”

  She sifted through the clothes now strung across her arm and found my shirt, now ripped down the front. My cheeks burned, but she just clucked.

  “Christ. He’s some boy. Just a second, hon.”

  She rushed off through the door and I heard her footsteps march down the hall. When she came back, she had in her hand a pale green flowery dress, which she laid on the bed in front of me. It was awful, but I smiled politely as I shifted down the bed to get it.

  “Thank you.”

  I stood up and slid it over my body; the thing gaping wide at the chest and swinging loosely where it should have cinched at the waist.

  “Looks terrible,” she muttered.

  “It’ll do.”


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