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Shifting Cargo (A Shift in Space Book 1)

Page 9

by Danielle Forrest

  Sweet Atala.

  His mouth ran dry as his gaze followed Ellie’s glistening naked, purple limbs as she lifted weights, the metal clinking together with each rep.

  Atala, all that skin.

  She wore a brief black outfit that left most of her legs, all of her arms, and a significant portion of her voluptuous chest on display. And every time her arms reached up to pull the weights down again, that top she wore rode up, exposing a band of flesh he just wanted to lick.

  His muscles tensed as he stood there like an idiot, shocked stupid by the sight before him. The air felt thick, hard to breathe, and it smelled slightly of sweat and musk, like the room was too hot.

  Am I sweating?

  Zee was tempted to reach for the edges of his armor and base layer to cool down, but his muscles didn’t want to cooperate. He was nothing but a big Ateles statue, blocking the only exit from the room.

  She hadn’t noticed him yet, her eyes closed as she focused on her workout. Her muscles tensed, showing beautiful definition. They were a little different from his, but then, she was a different species. He wouldn’t expect her muscles to attach and flex in exactly the same way. Still, she was fabulous, and his admiration for her only grew.

  His desire to exercise forgotten, he only stood there, looking like a fool, no doubt. What would she think when she caught him? And he had no doubt she would. His feet felt bolted to the floor. The ship could be on fire, and so long as she continued what she was doing, he would happily burn for her.

  When Zee had left her room, Ellie had felt useless. So much was at stake, and she didn’t have one clue how to help. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to help. She was way over her head here, and she knew it. But she couldn’t just walk away. Her conscience wouldn’t let her. No matter how much she wanted to just get back to her real life, the fact was Zee needed her. He had no ship, no way to contact military command. If the people on Balaena were going to have any chance of survival, she had to step up. The whole situation left her on edge.

  And if she wanted to save her poor lip, she needed to find something to do with all this anxiety. A good workout was the logical choice, and since she hated doing cardio in a gym, some weight lifting was in order.

  The room was small and basic, like almost everything else on the ship. In shades of gray and black, it was a bit dreary, making her think she really needed to get around to decorating some. For the first time, she didn’t find the space motivating.

  That’ll change. I just need to get started.

  But as she settled into her workout, she didn’t lose herself to the activity like she normally did. Her hands curled around the rough foam covering the grips on the machine, the weight pulling on her fingers as she used her entire body to move through each rep. Her back stuck to the seat as her shirt rose, exposing skin. Usually, she would start to get a little flushed, but she just couldn’t get into a rhythm. She was distracted, her movements off, jerky. She pushed herself harder, determined to push past this stupid anxiety.

  I’m better than this.

  But the affirmation didn’t help either. She kept worrying about those maps, Zee’s friends, the camp. What were they up to? Was it as bad as Angus implied from his analysis? She ground her teeth, determined not to chew on her lip again. It was becoming a bad habit lately.

  Moisture beaded on her skin, her body now flushed from exertion. She didn’t usually break out into a sweat when lifting weights. Her heart rate simply didn’t get high enough, but today she did. She kept pushing herself harder, as if she could somehow go fast enough or strain her muscles hard enough to push all these negative thoughts from her mind.

  The metal plates clanked into place as she finished her current set. Reaching for her water bottle, she spotted something out-of-place in her peripheral vision. She looked up, bottle in hand, ready to take a sip, and froze. Zee stood in the doorway, just watching her. He was tense, and the light from the hallway almost haloed around him. What is he doing here? And why is he looking at me like that? The intensity in his gaze surprised her and left her breathless at the same time. Her heart raced, making her feel a bit lightheaded.

  What was he thinking?

  Ellie dropped the bottle in her lap, her eyes rounding as he stalked across the room. Her mouth dropped open, her breath shallow as he loomed over her where she sat on the weight bench. She stood slowly, her gaze roving over the black armor he always wore, before focusing on his face.

  Suddenly, inches separated them, and the moment dragged on, their breaths blowing hot and humid across the other’s face. Ellie opened her mouth to ask him what he was doing, but he struck, his mouth latching onto hers. His teeth bit gently into her lower lip, pulling slightly.

  Is this his people’s idea of a kiss?

  She didn’t know. She didn’t know anything about them, but as he let up and nipped again at her lip, she decided she would show him how people from Earth kissed. Ellie reached up, wrapping her hands around the back of his neck, where he always seemed to scratch it when in deep thought, and drew him down. This time, she didn’t let him bite, instead pressing their lips together and sending her tongue to explore the depths of his mouth.

  He tried to pull back, but she resisted with gentle pressure. If he was going to start something, she was going to show him how to do it right. Her tongue dived in, exploring and seeking. Then he groaned as their tongues made contact and they both went up in flames.

  Ellie tugged at his armor, but didn’t have the brainpower or knowledge to figure out how to remove it, so she focused on her own clothes, stripping them in record time. Fortunately, Zee got the hint, stripping his layers as they stayed desperately glued at the mouth.

  Finally naked, they pull back, gasping for breath. Their gazes roved over each other, taking in the whole picture for the first time. Ellie felt weird as she stood there in the buff. She’d always felt self-conscious about her appearance, but this felt different. Her feelings were mixed, like she was still uncomfortable with her looks, but she wanted to dare him to say something. It left this tension drumming through her body, like she wanted to run and hide while simultaneously jumping into his arms. It was fear and anticipation. It was hope and trauma. What would happen next? Her breaths came in deep as her heart hammered away in her chest.

  She let out a slow breath, pulling herself from her inner world, and really looked at him for the first time. She’d seen him without a shirt, but not like this. Every muscle was taut, though not quite the same as a human’s. His skin was dark as night, with gray stripes she wanted to touch or lick. Her gaze dragged down his body, and a new fear twisted her gut. Were they even compatible? Her gaze stopped on his groin.

  Yes, yes they were. Her breaths came even shallower as she took in his sex, licking her lips at the view. It looked a little different from the rest of his skin. It looked smoother and a slightly different shade. And she noticed a slit in his abdomen directly above his base.

  What was that about?

  But her curiosity fled as he stalked toward her, drawing her attention to his intense eyes. She could get lost in those eyes. He stopped when his hot breath wafted over her face again, sending chills down her spine. They stayed that way for a moment that dragged on into eternity.

  She just breathed, feeling like she’d fallen into a trance, almost detached from her body. What was he thinking? Why wasn’t he doing anything? Did he expect her to make the first move now?

  That thought snapped her out of it, and she licked her lips before flinging herself at him, all arms and legs like an octopus wrapping around its prey. Ellie locked her lips with his as she clung to him, her hands and feet digging into the muscles on his back. He moaned and dropped to his knees with a jarring impact. Her head fell back, and she laughed.

  Then he laid her down on the padded gym floor, the gentleness of the act taking her breath away.

  “Zee,” she breathed, winding her fingers into the short, charcoal gray hair atop his head. “Zee,” she said again as she lean
ed forward, rubbing her cheek against his. His skin wasn’t just black, there was a light layer of fur that rubbed against her skin like velvet. “Mmm.”

  Zee held her chin, nipping her lip, drawing her attention. “How?”

  Ellie frowned. “How?” Her brain wasn’t exactly firing on all cylinders, and the question came out of nowhere. How what?

  He nodded. “How? How do I please you?”

  Her eyes rounded. “Oh!” Then a grin grew across her face, and she ran her hands down his neck, over his shoulders and down his arms until she could grasp his hands in hers. She kissed his nose, then pulled back and guided his hand down her stomach and between her legs.

  When his finger brushed over that perfect spot, she gasped and his black eyes lit up with mischief. He took over the action, playing at different pressures and motions, but God, every last one was perfect, and she dropped her head back with a gasp. A moan quickly followed as her body wound tight, ready.

  Oh God, so damn ready.

  “Please,” she begged, pulling at her hair, yanking it out of the tight ponytail. She gasped again, her claws reflexively going to his shoulders, digging in as she squirmed on the padded floor.

  Wow, never realized gym floors were so comfortable…

  Zee couldn’t help it. His heart raced in his chest as Ellie writhed beneath him, but he was enthralled. He rubbed his fingers against her pleasure place as she responded enthusiastically. Even when she dug her claws into his back, sharp pain counterpoint to the warm rivulets of blood that ran down his back, he couldn’t stop himself. She was just too magnificent.

  “God damn it, Zee, now!” she gasped, smacking her feet into his bare ass. As reprimands went, it was mild, but he got the picture.

  He leaned down, connecting their mouths once more. That had been a pleasant surprise. He’d walked up to her, challenging her with the nip of his teeth, testing her response. That was how his people showed their interest. He’d never imagined what would come next.

  Zee groaned into her mouth, his mind lost to sensation. His cock slipped along her wetness, making control almost impossible. When did that happen?

  Last he remembered, his cock had been safely pressed against her belly, driving him wild. “Where?” he said into her mouth, breathing heavily against her.

  Her small hands released his shoulders, and one feathered its way down his chest and across his stomach, making his muscles jump. He sucked in a breath as her hand bumped into that oh so sensitive skin and held that breath as her small fingers wrapped around his girth. She shifted him until he notched against an opening and he surged forward, swallowing her gasp as her body gave way to him.

  She moaned under him, returning her claws to his shoulders, her feet digging into his ass as he started that age-old dance. His heart pounded in his ears, urging him on. His breath came in gasps, and he leaned down, taking her mouth once again, but they were so excited, they barely managed more than a brush of lips before pulling away to take more shallow breaths.

  Sweet Atala, what pleasure!

  He could do this forever, and yet it wouldn’t be long enough. He could already feel his control failing, his need overpowering his sense. Ellie tensed below him, and her inner walls clamped down, freezing him in place. It was too much. He couldn’t take any more, and he came, his entire body collapsing into a boneless heap atop her.

  Moments passed, the two of them tangled on the floor of the gym. Zee reveled in it, enjoying the thump, thump of her heart beneath his ear where he’d collapsed. He marveled over the smoothness of her purple skin. It didn’t have the silky texture of his own kind’s fur, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself from running his fingertips over the exposed skin. She was a stunning creature, both sleek and deadly, beautiful. He ran his fingers lightly over her arm, shoulder, cheek. He couldn’t stop himself.

  Then Ellie broke the moment with an abrupt laugh. He looked up, and she smiled at him.

  “You know, that was really unsanitary.”

  “What?” He pulled back, confused. Still humming in the high of release, his brain was slow to process her words.

  She laughed again. “This floor is nasty.” She pointed at a spot on her arm where her bright purple skin had darkened from the grime.

  He leaned in and nipped at her lips once more. “Sorry. You’re irresistible.”

  She twisted, breaking the connection to rub her cheek against his once more. He felt her withdraw, though he couldn’t say quite how. “So are you,” she finally said.

  Zee slipped off her, leaning on his side next to her. He remembered when she first showed him this visage. She’d called herself a freak. How could she not see what he saw? “You are beautiful.” He touched her cheek, feeling tender and needing to connect with her, to make her believe.

  Her cheeks changed color, turning almost blue before burying her face against his chest. “No, I’m not.”

  He lifted her chin, looking her in the eye. “Yes, you are.”

  And they were compatible. Sweet Atala, were they compatible. He hadn’t known if they would be when he initiated this. It had been a brief thought, one he’d refused to entertain for long, but a thought nonetheless. He’d insisted it wouldn’t matter, that they could still find enjoyment even if they were unable to join, but it didn’t end up being an issue.

  She was perfect.

  Ellie’s hand ran over his chest, then down to his lower stomach as he lay lost in thought. Her finger glanced over the slit where he’d everted and paused. “How?” she asked, looking up at him in question.

  “How what?” Though he thought he knew what.

  “Well, humans.” She blushed again, looking away. “God, I’m not good at this.”

  Zee smiled. She’s so cute. “My species everts when aroused.”

  “Oh.” Her hand stilled, laying flush against that area. It was a good thing the flesh over his lower abdomen wasn’t overly sensitive, or they would be right back at it.

  Not that he would have minded.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Surprisingly, it wasn’t awkward afterward. Ellie expected it to be. She expected a walk of shame, but Zee smiled every time she blushed, and by the time they decided to get up off the dirty floor and get dressed, she was completely relaxed, even smiling back.

  She sighed as she pulled her hair back, watching him don his armor. His tail flicked back and forth, making her want to grab it and hold on. She’d had the urge to do so at odd times, almost like holding a hand, which seemed strange to her. She didn’t even know if that was something done, and she’d never asked. What if it was a taboo in his culture?

  Once dressed, they walked out of the gym together, Zee ushering her out with a hand to the small of her back. Halfway back to her room, she gave into the urge to grab his tail, but he didn’t comment, though it did seem to wrap around her hand as they walked, the end flicking against her palm. It was almost ticklish, the way it flicked against her skin in light caresses. The tail was strong and hard, but soft as well, with the same lightly fuzzy feel as the rest of his body. She smiled and leaned into him. His armor was hard and unyielding, but she didn’t care.

  As they entered her room, Zee paused, staring at the display wall. The wall showed a forest scene at the moment, the current screensaver. The trees swayed back and forth in the wind, and if you paid close enough attention, you could see small animals running around from time to time.

  He frowned, his body tensing more and more, making her realize just how much he’d relaxed. Ellie stood upright, pulling away from him, and tugged on his tail, trying to distract him. She didn’t want his mind obsessing over their problems, especially when there was nothing they could do at the moment.

  “Come on. I’m sticky and want a shower.” She smirked. “You could join me?”

  It was true. Between the workout and other activities, she felt rather disgusting.

  His eyes lit up, and he followed her to the bathroom on the opposite wall without complaint.

  She let go of
his tail, not bothering to close the bathroom door before whipping off her clothes once more. As she shimmied her pants down her legs, she paused for a moment. There wasn’t any semen running down her thighs.

  It was such a weird thought to strike her. Did he come? In the moment, she’d been certain he had. They’d both seemed pretty satisfied afterwards, too. She looked up at him curiously as she continued her strip. Maybe his kind didn’t ejaculate the same way humans did, or maybe they only did during fertile seasons. Maybe their come was thicker and just stuck in place better.

  Ellie shrugged it off. She might ask him about it later, but it didn’t really matter. She wasn’t worried about getting pregnant as shifters could control the hormones involved with fertility, and it was unlikely he could give her a disease as he was biologically different, susceptible to different things.

  It just didn’t matter, so she stepped out of her pants and looked up at him, shaking her head playfully. “Tsk, tsk. You’re way behind, buddy. Better get stripping.”

  He still wore all his armor, his attention rapt on her revealed skin.

  She tapped her foot. “I’m waiting.”

  He snapped out of it, rushing awkwardly to pull off his armor and managing to bungle it in the process. He laughed at his own ineptness as the hard material clattered against the metal tiles below. “Better?” he said as he straightened.

  “Flawless,” she said with a sigh. Damn, he was beautiful. She turned her back to him and started the shower. It wasn’t really designed for two people, but she didn’t care. All the better to rub against him.

  When the water reached the ideal temperature, she stepped in, closing her eyes as the water beat down on her, washing the sweat down her face and onto her tongue. She tilted her head back, opening her mouth to wash the salty taste out of her mouth.


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