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Varney the Vampire; Or, the Feast of Blood

Page 40

by Thomas Preskett Prest



  Mr. Chillingworth was much annoyed to see Jack Pringle in the hall, andJack was somewhat surprised at seeing Mr. Chillingworth there at thattime in the rooming; they had but little time to indulge in their mutualastonishment, for a servant came to announce that Sir Francis Varneywould see them both.

  Without saying anything to the servant or each other, they ascended thestaircase, and were shown into the apartment where Sir Francis Varneyreceived them.

  "Gentlemen," said Sir Francis, in his usual bland tone, "you arewelcome."

  "Sir Francis," said Mr. Chillingworth, "I have come upon matters of someimportance; may I crave a separate audience?"

  "And I too," said Jack Pringle; "I come as the friend of Admiral Bell, Iwant a private audience; but, stay, I don't care a rope's end who knowswho I am, or what I come about; say you are ready to name time andplace, and I'm as dumb as a figure-head; that is saying something, at allevents; and now I'm done."

  "Why, gentlemen," said Sir Francis, with a quiet smile, "as you haveboth come upon the same errand, and as there may arise a controversyupon the point of precedence, you had better be both present, as I mustarrange this matter myself upon due inquiry."

  "I do not exactly understand this," said Mr. Chillingworth; "do you, Mr.Pringle? perhaps you can enlighten me?"

  "It," said Jack, "as how you came here upon the same errand as I, and Ias you, why we both come about fighting Sir Francis Varney."

  "Yes," said Sir Francis; "what Mr. Pringle says, is, I believe correctto a letter. I have a challenge from both your principals, and am readyto give you both the satisfaction you desire, provided the firstencounter will permit me the honour of joining in the second. You, Mr.Pringle, are aware of the chances of war?"

  "I should say so," said Jack, with a wink and a nod of a familiarcharacter. "I've seen a few of them."

  "Will you proceed to make the necessary agreement between you both,gentlemen? My affection for the one equals fully the good will I bearthe other, and I cannot give a preference in so delicate a matter;proceed gentlemen."

  Mr. Chillingworth looked at Jack, and Jack Pringle looked at Mr.Chillingworth, and then the former said,--

  "Well, the admiral means fighting, and I am come to settle thenecessaries; pray let me know what are your terms, Mr.What-d'ye-call'em."

  "I am agreeable to anything that is at all reasonable--pistols, Ipresume?"

  "Sir Francis Varney," said Mr. Chillingworth, "I cannot consent to carryon this office, unless you can appoint a friend who will settle thesematters with us--myself, at least."

  "And I too," said Jack Pringle; "we don't want to bear down an enemy.Admiral Bell ain't the man to do that, and if he were, I'm not the manto back him in doing what isn't fair or right; but he won't do it."

  "But, gentlemen, this must not be; Mr. Henry Bannerworth must not bedisappointed, and Admiral Bell must not be disappointed. Moreover, Ihave accepted the two cartels, and I am ready and willing to fight;--oneat a time, I presume?"

  "Sir Francis, after what you have said, I must take upon myself, on thepart of Mr. Henry Bannerworth, to decline meeting you, if you cannotname a friend with whom I can arrange this affair."

  "Ah!" said Jack Pringle, "that's right enough. I recollect very wellwhen Jack Mizeu fought Tom Foremast, they had their seconds. AdmiralBell can't do anything in the dark. No, no, d----e! all must be aboveboard."

  "Gentlemen," said Sir Francis Varney, "you see the dilemma I am in. Yourprincipals have both challenged me. I am ready to fight any one, or bothof them, as the case may be. Distinctly understand that; because it is anotion of theirs that I will not do so, or that I shrink from them; butI am a stranger in this neighbourhood, and have no one whom I could callupon to relinquish so much, as they run the risk of doing by attendingme to the field."

  "Then your acquaintances are no friends, d----e!" said Jack Pringle,spitting through his teeth into the bars of a beautifully polishedgrate. "I'd stick to anybody--the devil himself, leave alone avampyre--if so be as how I had been his friends and drunk grog from thesame can. They are a set of lubbers."

  "I have not been here long enough to form any such friendships, Mr.Chillingworth; but can confidently rely upon your honour and that ofyour principal, and will freely and fairly meet him."

  "But, Sir Francis, you forget the fact, in transacting, myself forMr. Bannerworth, and this person or Admiral Bell, we do match, and haveour own characters at stake; nay more, our lives and fortunes. These maybe small; but they are everything to us. Allow me to say, on my ownbehalf, that I will not permit my principal to meet you unless you canname a second, as is usual with gentlemen on such occasions."

  "I regret, while I declare to you my entire willingness to meet you,that I cannot comply through utter inability to do so, with yourrequest. Let this go forth to the world as I have stated it, and let itbe an answer to any aspersions that may be uttered as to myunwillingness to fight."

  There was a pause of some moments. Mr. Chillingworth was resolved that,come of it what would, he would not permit Henry to fight, unless SirFrancis Varney himself should appoint a friend, and then they could meetupon equal terms.

  Jack Pringle whistled, and spit, and chewed and turned his quid--hitchedup his trousers, and looked wistfully from one to the other, as hesaid,--

  "So then it's likely to be no fight at all, Sir Francis what's-o'-name?"

  "It seems like it, Mr. Pringle," replied Varney, with a meaning smile;"unless you can be more complaisant towards myself, and kind towards theadmiral."

  "Why, not exactly that," said Jack; "it's a pity to stop a good play inthe beginning, just because some little thing is wrong in the tackling."

  "Perhaps your skill and genius may enable us to find some medium coursethat we may pursue with pleasure and profit. What say you, Mr. Pringle?"

  "All I know about genius, as you call it is the Flying Dutchman, or somesuch odd out of the way fish. But, as I said, I am not one to spoilsport, nor more is the admiral. Oh, no, we is all true men and good."

  "I believe it," said Varney, bowing politely.

  "You needn't keep your figure-head on the move; I can see you just aswell. Howsoever, as I was saying, I don't like to spoil sport, andsooner than both parties should be disappointed, my principal shallbecome your second, Sir Francis."

  "What, Admiral Bell?" exclaimed Varney, lifting his eyebrows withsurprise.

  "What, Charles Holland's uncle!" exclaimed Mr. Chillingworth, in accentsof amazement.

  "And why not?" said Jack, with great gravity. "I will pledge myword--Jack Pringle's word--that Admiral Bell shall be second to SirFrancis Varney, during his scrimmage with Mr. Henry Bannerworth. Thatwill let the matter go on; there can be no back-out then, eh?" continuedJack Pringle, with a knowing nod at Chillingworth as he spoke.

  "That will, I hope, remove your scruples, Mr. Chillingworth," saidVarney, with a courteous smile.

  "But will Admiral Bell do this?"

  "His second says so, and has, I daresay, influence enough with him toinduce that person to act in conformity with his promise."

  "In course he will. Do you think he would be the man to hang back? Oh,no; he would be the last to leave Jack Pringle in the lurch--no. Dependupon it, Sir Francis, he'll be as sure to do what I say, as I have saidit."

  "After that assurance, I cannot doubt it," said Sir Francis Varney;"this act of kindness will, indeed, lay me under a deep and lastingobligation to Admiral Bell, which I fear I shall never be able to pay."

  "You need not trouble yourself about that," said Jack Pringle; "theadmiral will credit all, and you can pay off old scores when his turncomes in the field."

  "I will not forget," said Varney; "he deserves every consideration; butnow, Mr. Chillingworth, I presume that we may come to some understandingrespecting this meeting, which you were so kind as to do me the honourof seeking."

  "I cannot objec
t to its taking place. I shall be most happy to meet yoursecond in the field, and will arrange with him."

  "I imagine that, under the circumstances, that it will be barelynecessary to go to that length of ceremony. Future interviews can bearranged later; name the time and place, and after that we can settleall the rest on the ground."

  "Yes," said Jack; "it will be time enough, surely, to see the admiralwhen we are upon the ground. I'll warrant the old buffer is a true brickas ever was: there's no flinching about him."

  "I am satisfied," said Varney.

  "And I also," said Chillingworth; "but, understand, Sir Francis, anydefault for seconds makes the meeting a blank."

  "I will not doubt Mr. Pringle's honour so much as to believe itpossible."

  "I'm d----d," said Jack, "if you ain't a trump-card, and no mistake;it's a great pity as you is a wamphigher."

  "The time, Mr. Chillingworth?"

  "To-morrow, at seven o'clock," replied that gentleman.

  "The place, sir?"

  "The best place that I can think of is a level meadow half-way betweenhere and Bannerworth Hall; but that is your privilege, Sir FrancisVarney."

  "I waive it, and am much obliged to you for the choice of the spot; itseems of the best character imaginable. I will be punctual."

  "I think we have nothing further to arrange now," said Mr.Chillingworth. "You will meet with Admiral Bell."

  "Certainly. I believe there is nothing more to be done; this affair isvery satisfactorily arranged, and much better than I anticipated."

  "Good morning, Sir Francis," said Mr. Chillingworth. "Good morning."

  "Adieu," said Sir Francis, with a courteous salutation. "Good day, Mr.Pringle, and commend me to the admiral, whose services will be ofinfinite value to me."

  "Don't mention it," said Jack; "the admiral's the man as'd lend any bodya helping hand in case of distress like the present; and I'll pledge myword--Jack Pringle's too, as that he'll do what's right, and give up histurn to Mr. Henry Bannerworth; cause you see he can have his turnarterwards, you know--it's only waiting awhile."

  "That's all," said Sir Francis.

  Jack Pringle made a sea bow and took his leave, as he followed Mr.Chillingworth, and they both left the house together, to return toBannerworth Hall.

  "Well," said Mr. Chillingworth, "I am glad that Sir Francis Varney hasgot over the difficulty of having no seconds; for it would not be properor safe to meet a man without a friend for him."

  "It ain't the right thing," said Jack hitching up his trousers; "but Iwas afeard as how he would back out, and that would be just the wrongthing for the admiral; he'd go raving mad."

  They had got but very few paces from Sir Francis Varney's house, whenthey were joined by Marchdale.

  "Ah," he said, as he came up, "I see you have been to Sir FrancisVarney's, if I may judge from the direction whence you're coming, andyour proximity."

  "Yes, we have," said Mr. Chillingworth. "I thought you had left theseparts?"

  "I had intended to do so," replied Marchdale; "but second thoughts aresometimes best, you know."


  "I have so much friendship for the family at the hall, thatnotwithstanding I am compelled to be absent from the mansion itself, yetI cannot quit the neighbourhood while there are circumstances of such acharacter hanging about them. I will remain, and see if there be notsomething arising, in which I may be useful to them in some matter."

  "It is very disinterested of you; you will remain here for some time, Isuppose?"

  "Yes, undoubtedly; unless, as I do not anticipate, I should see anyoccasion to quit my present quarters."

  "I tell you what it is," said Jack Pringle; "if you had been herehalf-an-hour earlier you could have seconded the wamphigher."


  "Yes, we're here to challenge."

  "A double challenge?"

  "Yes; but in confiding this matter to you, Mr. Marchdale, you will makeno use of it to the exploding of this affair. By so doing you willseriously damage the honour of Mr. Henry Bannerworth."

  "I will not, you may rely upon it; but Mr. Chillingworth, do I not seeyou in the character of a second?"

  "You do, sir."

  "To Mr. Henry?"

  "The same, sir."

  "Have you reflected upon the probable consequences of such an act,should any serious mischief occur?"

  "What I have undertaken, Mr. Marchdale, I will go through with; theconsequences I have duly considered, and yet you see me in the characterof Mr. Henry Bannerworth's friend."

  "I am happy to see you as such, and I do not think Henry could find abetter. But this is beside the question. What induced me to make theremark was this,--had I been at the hall, you will admit that HenryBannerworth would have chosen myself, without any disparagement to you,Mr. Chillingworth."

  "Well sir, what then?"

  "Why I am a single man, I can live, reside and go any where; one countrywill suit me as well as another. I shall suffer no loss, but as for you,you will be ruined in every particular; for if you go in the characterof a second, you will not be excused; for all the penalties incurredyour profession of a surgeon will not excuse you."

  "I see all that, sir."

  "What I propose is, that you should accompany the parties to the field,but in your own proper character of surgeon, and permit me to take thatof second to Mr. Bannerworth."

  "This cannot be done, unless by Mr. Henry Bannerworth's consent," saidMr. Chillingworth.

  "Then I will accompany you to Bannerworth Hall, and see Mr. Henry, whomI will request to permit me to do what I have mentioned to you."

  Mr. Chillingworth could not but admit the reasonableness of thisproposal, and it was agreed they should return to Bannerworth Hall incompany.

  Here they arrived in a very short time after, and entered together.

  "And now," said Mr. Chillingworth, "I will go and bring our twoprincipals, who will be as much astonished to find themselves engaged inthe same quarrel, as I was to find myself sent on a similar errand toSir Francis with our friend Mr. John Pringle."

  "Oh, not John--Jack Pringle, you mean," said that individual.

  Chillingworth now went in search of Henry, and sent him to the apartmentwhere Mr. Marchdale was with Jack Pringle, and then he found the admiralwaiting the return of Jack with impatience.

  "Admiral!" he said, "I perceive you are unwell this morning."

  "Unwell be d----d," said the admiral, starting up with surprise. "Whoever heard that old admiral Bell looked ill just afore he was going intoaction? I say it's a scandalous lie."

  "Admiral, admiral, I didn't say you were ill; only you looked ill--a--alittle nervous, or so. Rather pale, eh? Is it not so?"

  "Confound you, do you think I want to be physicked? I tell you, I havenot a little but a great inclination to give you a good keelhauling. Idon't want a doctor just yet."

  "But it may not be so long, you know, admiral; but there is Jack Pringlea-waiting you below. Will you go to him? There is a particular reason;he has something to communicate from Sir Francis Varney, I believe."

  The admiral gave a look of some amazement at Mr. Chillingworth, and thenhe said, muttering to himself,--

  "If Jack Pringle should have betrayed me--but, no; he could not do that,he is too true. I'm sure of Jack; and how did that son of a gallipothint about the odd fish I sent Jack to?"

  Filled with a dubious kind of belief which he had about something he hadheard of Jack Pringle, he entered the room, where he met Marchdale, JackPringle, and Henry Bannerworth. Immediately afterwards, Mr.Chillingworth entered the apartment.

  "I have," said he, "been to Sir Francis Varney, and there had aninterview with him, and with Mr. Pringle; when I found we were bothintent upon the same object, namely, an encounter with the knight by ourprincipals."

  "Eh?" said the admiral.

  "What!" exclaimed Henry; "had he challenged you, admiral?"

  "Challenged me!" exclaimed Admiral Bell, with a round oath."I--however--sin
ce it comes to this, I must admit I challenged him."

  "That's what I did," said Henry Bannerworth, after a moment's thought;"and I perceive we have both fallen into the same line of conduct."

  "That is the fact," said Mr. Chillingworth. "Both Mr. Pringle and I wentthere to settle the preliminaries, and we found an insurmountable bar toany meeting taking place at all."

  "He wouldn't fight, then?" exclaimed Henry. "I see it all now."

  "Not fight!" said Admiral Bell, with a sort of melancholydisappointment. "D--n the cowardly rascal! Tell me, Jack Pringle, whatdid the long horse-marine-looking slab say to it? He told me he wouldfight. Why he ought to be made to stand sentry over the wind."

  "You challenged him in person, too, I suppose?" said Henry.

  "Yes, confound him! I went there last night."

  "And I too."

  "It seems to me," said Marchdale, "that this affair has been notindiscretely conducted; but somewhat unusually and strangely, to say theleast of it."

  "You see," said Chillingworth, "Sir Francis was willing to fight bothHenry and the admiral, as he told us."

  "Yes," said Jack; "he told us he would fight us both, if so be as hislight was not doused in the first brush."

  "That was all that was wanted," said the admiral.

  "We could expect no more."

  "But then he desired to meet you without any second; but, of course, Iwould not accede to this proposal. The responsibility was too great andtoo unequally borne by the parties engaged in the rencontre."

  "Decidedly," said Henry; "but it is unfortunate--very unfortunate."

  "Very," said the admiral--"very. What a rascally thing it is there ain'tanother rogue in the country to keep him in countenance."

  "I thought it was a pity to spoil sport," said Jack Pringle. "It was apity a good intention should be spoiled, and I promised the wamphigherthat if as how he would fight, you should second him, and you'd meet himto do so."

  "Eh! who? I!" exclaimed the admiral in some perplexity.

  "Yes; that is the truth," said Mr. Chillingworth. "Mr Pringle said youwould do so, and he then and there pledged his word that you should meethim on the ground and second him."

  "Yes," said Jack "You must do it. I knew you would not spoil sport, andthat there had better be a fight than no fight. I believe you'd soonersee a scrimmage than none, and so it's all arranged."

  "Very well," said the admiral, "I only wish Mr. Henry Bannerworth hadbeen his second; I think I was entitled to the first meeting."

  "No," said Jack, "you warn't, for Mr. Chillingworth was there first;first come first served, you know."

  "Well, well, I mustn't grumble at another man's luck; mine'll come inturn; but it had better be so than a disappointment altogether; I'll besecond to this Sir Francis Varney; he shall have fair play, as I'm anadmiral; but, d----e he shall fight--yes, yes, he shall fight."

  "And to this conclusion I would come," said Henry, "I wish him to fight;now I will take care that he shall not have any opportunity of puttingme on one side quietly."

  "There is one thing," observed Marchdale, "that I wished to propose.After what has passed, I should not have returned, had I not somepresentiment that something was going forward in which I could be usefulto my friend."

  "Oh!" said the admiral, with a huge twist of his countenance.

  "What I was about to say was this,--Mr. Chillingworth has much to loseas he is situated, and I nothing as I am placed. I am chained down to nospot of earth. I am above following a profession--my means, I mean,place me above the necessity. Now, Henry, allow me to be your second inthis affair; allow Mr. Chillingworth to attend in his professionalcapacity; he may be of service--of great service to one of theprincipals; whereas, if he go in any other capacity, he will inevitablyhave his own safety to consult."

  "That is most unquestionably true," said Henry, "and, to my mind, thebest plan that can be proposed. What say you, Admiral Bell, will you actwith Mr. Marchdale in this affair?"

  "Oh, I!--Yes--certainly--I don't care. Mr. Marchdale is Mr. Marchdale, Ibelieve, and that's all I care about. If we quarrel to-day, and haveanything to do to-morrow, in course, to-morrow I can put off my quarrelfor next day; it will keep,--that's all I have to say at present."

  "Then this is a final arrangement?" said Mr. Chillingworth.

  "It is."

  "But, Mr. Bannerworth, in resigning my character of second to Mr.Marchdale, I only do so because it appears and seems to be the opinionof all present that I can be much better employed in another capacity."

  "Certainly, Mr. Chillingworth; and I cannot but feel that I am under thesame obligations to you for the readiness and zeal with which you haveacted."

  "I have done what I have done," said Chillingworth, "because I believedit was my duty to do so."

  "Mr. Chillingworth has undoubtedly acted most friendly and efficientlyin this affair," said Marchdale; "and he does not relinquish the partfor the purpose of escaping a friendly deed, but to perform one in whichhe may act in a capacity that no one else can."

  "That is true," said the admiral.

  "And now," said Chillingworth, "you are to meet to-morrow morning in themeadow at the bottom of the valley, half way between here and SirFrancis Varney's house, at seven o'clock in the morning."

  More conversation passed among them, and it was agreed that they shouldmeet early the next morning, and that, of course, the affair should bekept a secret.

  Marchdale for that night should remain in the house, and the admiralshould appear as if little or nothing was the matter; and he and JackPringle retired, to talk over in private all the arrangements.

  Henry Bannerworth and Marchdale also retired, and Mr. Chillingworth,after a time, retired, promising to be with them in time for the meetingnext morning.

  Much of that day was spent by Henry Bannerworth in his own apartment, inwriting documents and letters of one kind and another; but at night hehad not finished, for he had been compelled to be about, and in Flora'spresence, to prevent anything from being suspected.

  Marchdale was much with him, and in secret examined the arms,ammunition, and bullets, and saw all was right for the next morning; andwhen he had done, he said,--

  "Now, Henry, you must permit me to insist that you take some hours'repose, else you will scarcely be as you ought to be."

  "Very good," said Henry. "I have just finished, and can take youradvice."

  After many thoughts and reflections, Henry Bannerworth fell into a deepsleep, and slept several hours in calmness and quietude, and at an earlyhour he awoke, and saw Marchdale sitting by him.

  "Is it time, Marchdale? I have not overslept myself, have I?"

  "No; time enough--time enough," said Marchdale. "I should have let yousleep longer, but I should have awakened you in good time."

  It was now the grey light of morning, and Henry arose and began toprepare for the encounter. Marchdale stole to Admiral Bell's chamber,but he and Jack Pringle were ready.

  Few words were spoken, and those few were in a whisper, and the wholeparty left the Hall in as noiseless a manner as possible. It was a mildmorning, and yet it was cold at that time of the morning, just as day isbeginning to dawn in the east. There was, however, ample time to reachthe rendezvous.

  It was a curious party that which was now proceeding towards the spotappointed for the duel, the result of which might have so important aneffect on the interests of those who were to be engaged in it.

  It would be difficult for us to analyse the different and conflictingemotions that filled the breasts of the various individuals composingthat party--the hopes and fears--the doubts and surmises that were givenutterance to; though we are compelled to acknowledge that though toHenry, the character of the man he was going to meet in mortal fight wasof a most ambiguous and undefined nature, and though no one couldimagine the means he might be endowed with for protection against thearms of man--Henry, as we said, strode firmly forward with unflinchingresolution. His heart was set on recovering the happiness of his
sister,and he would not falter.

  So far, then, we may consider that at length proceedings of a hostilecharacter were so far clearly and fairly arranged between HenryBannerworth and that most mysterious being who certainly, from somecause or another, had betrayed no inclination to meet an opponent inthat manner which is sanctioned, bad as it is, by the usages of society.

  But whether his motive was one of cowardice or mercy, remained yet to beseen. It might be that he feared himself receiving some mortal injury,which would at once put a stop to that preternatural career of existencewhich he affected to shudder at, and yet evidently took considerablepains to prolong.

  Upon the other hand, it is just possible that some consciousness ofinvulnerability on his own part, or of great power to injure hisantagonist, might be the cause why he had held back so long fromfighting the duel, and placed so many obstacles in the way of the usualnecessary arrangements incidental to such occasions.

  Now, however, there would seem to be no possible means of escape. SirFrancis Varney must fight or fly, for he was surrounded by too manyopponents.

  To be sure he might have appealed to the civil authorities to protecthim, and to sanction him in his refusal to commit what undoubtedly is alegal offence; but then there cannot be a question that the whole of thecircumstances would come out, and meet the public eye--the result ofwhich would be, his acquisition of a reputation as unenviable as itwould be universal.

  It had so happened, that the peculiar position of the Bannerworth familykept their acquaintance within extremely narrow limits, and greatlyindisposed them to set themselves up as marks for peculiar observation.

  Once holding, as they had, a proud position in the county, and beinglooked upon quite as magnates of the land, they did not now court theprying eye of curiosity to look upon their poverty; but rather with agloomy melancholy they lived apart, and repelled the advances of societyby a cold reserve, which few could break through.

  Had this family suffered in any noble cause, or had the misfortuneswhich had come over them, and robbed their ancestral house of itslustre, been an unavoidable dispensation of providence, they would haveborne the hard position with a different aspect; but it must beremembered, that to the faults, the vices, and the criminality of someof their race, was to be attributed their present depressed state.

  It has been seen during the progress of our tale, that its action hasbeen tolerably confined to Bannerworth Hall, its adjacent meadows, andthe seat of Sir Francis Varney; the only person at any distance, knowinganything of the circumstances, or feeling any interest in them, beingMr. Chillingworth, the surgeon, who, from personal feeling, as well asfrom professional habit, was not likely to make a family's affairs asubject of gossip.

  A change, however, was at hand--a change of a most startling andalarming character to Varney--one which he might expect, yet not be wellprepared for.

  This period of serenity was to pass away, and he was to become mostalarmingly popular. We will not, however, anticipate, but proceed atonce to detail as briefly as may be the hostile meeting.

  It would appear that Varney, now that he had once consented to thedefinitive arrangements of a duel, shrunk not in any way from carryingthem out, nor in the slightest attempted to retard arrangements whichmight be fatal to himself.

  The early morning was one of those cloudy ones so frequently occurringin our fickle climate, when the cleverest weather prophet would find itdifficult to predict what the next hour might produce.

  There was a kind of dim gloominess over all objects; and as there wereno bright lights, there were no deep shadows--the consequence of whichwas a sureness of effect over the landscape, that robbed it of many ofits usual beauties.

  Such was the state of things when Marchdale accompanied Henry andAdmiral Bell from Bannerworth Hall across the garden in the direction ofthe hilly wood, close to which was the spot intended for the scene ofencounter.

  Jack Pringle came on at a lazy pace behind with his hands in hispockets, and looking as unconcerned as if he had just come out for amorning's stroll, and scarcely knew whether he saw what was going on ornot.

  The curious contortion into which he twisted his countenance, and thedifferent odd-looking lumps that appeared in it from time to time, maybe accounted for by a quid of unusual size, which he seemed to bemasticating with a relish quite horrifying to one unused to so barbarousa luxury.

  The admiral had strictly enjoined him not to interfere on pain of beingconsidered a lubber and no seaman for the remainder of hisexistence--threatened penalties which, of course, had their own weightwith Jack, and accordingly he came just, to see the row in as quiet away as possible, perhaps not without a hope, that something might turnup in the shape of a _causus belli_, that might justify him in adoptinga threatening attitude towards somebody.

  "Now, Master Henry," said the admiral, "none of your palaver to me as wego along, recollect I don't belong to your party, you know. I've stoodfriend to two or three fellows in my time; but if anybody had said tome, 'Admiral Bell, the next time you go out on a quiet little shootingparty, it will be as second to a vampyre,' I'd have said 'you're a liar'Howsomever, d--me, here you goes, and what I mean to say is this, MrHenry, that I'd second even a Frenchman rather than he shouldn't fightwhen he's asked"

  "That's liberal of you," said Henry, "at all event"

  "I believe you it is," said the admiral, "so mind if you don't hit him,I'm not a-going to tell you how--all you've got to do, is to fire low;but that's no business of mine. Shiver my timbers, I oughtn't to tellyou, but d--n you, hit him if you can."

  "Admiral," said Henry, "I can hardly think you are even preserving aneutrality in the matter, putting aside my own partisanship as regardsyour own man."

  "Oh, hang him. I'm not going to let him creep out of the thing on such ashabby pretence. I can tell you. I think I ought to have gone to hishouse this morning; only, as I said I never would cross his thresholdagain, I won't."

  "I wonder if he'll come," said Mr Marchdale to Henry. "After all, youknow he may take to flight, and shun an encounter which, it is evident,he has entered into but tardily."

  "I hope not," said Henry, "and yet I must own that your supposition hasseveral times crossed my mind. If, however, he do not meet me, he nevercan appear at all in the country, and we should, at least, be rid ofhim, and all his troublesome importunities concerning the Hall. I wouldnot allow that man, on any account, to cross the threshold of my house,as its tenant or its owner."

  "Why, it ain't usual," said the admiral, "to let ones house to twopeople at once, unless you seem quite to forget that I've taken yours. Imay as well remind you of it."

  "Hurra" said Jack Pringle, at this moment.

  "What's the matter with you? Who told you to hurra?"

  "Enemy in the offing," said Jack, "three or four pints to the sou-west."

  "So he is, by Jove! dodging about among the trees. Come, now, thisvampyre's a decenter fellow than I thought him. He means, after all, tolet us have a pop at him."

  They had now reached so close to the spot, that Sir Francis Varney, who,to all appearance, had been waiting, emerged from among the trees,rolled up in his dismal-looking cloak, and, if possible, looking longerand thinner than ever he had looked before.

  His face wore a singular cadaverous looking aspect. His very lips werewhite and there was a curious, pinkish-looking circle round each of hiseyes, that imparted to his whole countenance a most uninvitingappearance. He turned his eyes from one to the other of those who wereadvancing towards him, until he saw the admiral, upon which he gave sucha grim and horrible smile, that the old man exclaimed,--

  "I say, Jack, you lubber, there's a face for a figure head."

  "Ay, ay, sir."

  "Did you ever see such a d----d grin as that in your life, in anylatitude?"

  "Ay, ay, sir."

  "You did you swab."

  "I should think so."

  "It's a lie, and you know it."

  "Very good," said Jack, "don't you recollect when that
ere iron bulletwalked over your head, leaving a nice little nick, all the way offBergen-ap-Zoom, that was the time--blessed if you didn't give just sucha grin as that."

  "I didn't, you rascal."

  "And I say you did."

  "Mutiny, by God!"

  "Go to blazes!"

  How far this contention might have gone, having now reached itsculminating point, had the admiral and Jack been alone, it is hard tosay; but as it was, Henry and Marchdale interfered, and so the quarrelwas patched up for the moment, in order to give place to more importantaffairs.

  Varney seemed to think, that after the smiling welcome he had given tohis second, he had done quite enough; for there he stood, tall, andgaunt, and motionless, if we may except an occasional singular movementof the mouth, and a clap together of his teeth, at times, which wasenough to make anybody jump to hear.

  "For Heaven's sake," said Marchdale, "do not let us trifle at such amoment as this. Mr. Pringle, you really had no business here."

  "Mr. who?" said Jack.

  "Pringle, I believe, is your name?" returned Marchdale.

  "It were; but blowed if ever I was called mister before."

  The admiral walked up to Sir Francis Varney, and gave him a nod thatlooked much more like one of defiance than of salutation, to which thevampyre replied by a low, courtly bow.

  "Oh, bother!" muttered the old admiral. "If I was to double up mybackbone like that, I should never get it down straight again. Well,all's right; you've come; that's all you could do, I suppose."

  "I am here," said Varney, "and therefore it becomes a work ofsupererogation to remark that I've come."

  "Oh! does it? I never bolted a dictionary, and, therefore, I don't knowexactly what you mean."

  "Step aside with me a moment, Admiral Bell, and I will tell you what youare to do with me after I am shot, if such should be my fate."

  "Do with you! D----d if I'll do anything with you."

  "I don't expect you will regret me; you will eat."


  "Yes, and drink as usual, no doubt, notwithstanding being witness to thedecease of a fellow-creature."

  "Belay there; don't call yourself a fellow-creature of mine; I ain't avampyre."

  "But there's no knowing what you may be; and now listen to myinstructions; for as you're my second, you cannot very well refuse to mea few friendly offices. Rain is falling. Step beneath this ancient tree,and I will talk to you."


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