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Varney the Vampire; Or, the Feast of Blood

Page 49

by Thomas Preskett Prest



  All eyes were directed towards that southern sky which each moment wasbecoming more and more illuminated by the lurid appearance bespeaking aconflagration, which if it was not extensive, at all events was ragingfiercely.

  There came, too upon the wind, which set from that direction, strangesounds, resembling shouts of triumph, combined occasionally with sharpercries, indicative of alarm.

  With so much system and so quietly had this attack been made upon thehouse of Sir Francis Varney--for the consequences of it now exhibitedthemselves most unequivocally--that no one who had not actuallyaccompanied the expedition was in the least aware that it had been atall undertaken, or that anything of the kind was on the tapis.

  Now, however, it could be no longer kept a secret, and as the infuriatedmob, who had sought this flagrant means of giving vent to their anger,saw the flames from the blazing house rising high in the heavens, theyfelt convinced that further secrecy was out of the question.

  Accordingly, in such cries and shouts as--but for caution's sake--theywould have indulged in from the very first, they now gave utterance totheir feelings as regarded the man whose destruction was aimed at.

  "Death to the vampyre!--death to the vampyre!" was the principal shout,and it was uttered in tones which sounded like those of rage anddisappointment.

  But it is necessary, now that we have disposed of the smaller number ofrioters who committed so serious an outrage at the inn, that we should,with some degree of method, follow the proceedings of the larger number,who went from the town towards Sir Francis Varney's.

  These persons either had information of a very positive nature, or avery strong suspicion that, notwithstanding the mysterious and mostunaccountable disappearance of the vampyre in the old ruin, he would nowbe found, as usual, at his own residence.

  Perhaps one of his own servants may have thus played the traitor to him;but however it was, there certainly was an air of confidence about someof the leaders of the tumultuous assemblage that induced a generalbelief that this time, at least, the vampyre would not escape popularvengeance for being what he was.

  We have before noticed that these people went out of the town atdifferent points, and did not assemble into one mass until they were ata sufficient distance off to be free from all fear of observation.

  Then some of the less observant and cautious of them began to indulge inshouts of rage and defiance; but those who placed themselves foremostsucceeded in procuring a halt, and one said,--

  "Good friends all, if we make any noise, it can only have one effect,and that is, to warn Sir Francis Varney, and enable him to escape. If,therefore, we cannot go on quietly, I propose that we return to ourhomes, for we shall accomplish nothing."

  This advice was sufficiently and evidently reasonable to meet with nodissension; a death-like stillness ensued, only broken by some two orthree voices saying, in subdued tones,--

  "That's right--that's right. Nobody speak."

  "Come on, then," said he who had given such judicious counsel; and thedark mass of men moved towards Sir Francis Varney's house, as quietly asit was possible for such an assemblage to proceed.

  Indeed, saving the sound of the footsteps, nothing could be heard ofthem at all; and that regular tramp, tramp, would have puzzled any onelistening to it from any distance to know in which direction it wasproceeding.

  In this way they went on until Sir Francis Varney's house was reached,and then a whispered word to halt was given, and all eyes were bent uponthe building.

  From but one window out of the numerous ones with which the front of themansion was studded did there shine the least light, and from that therecame rather an uncommonly bright reflection, probably arising from areading lamp placed close to the window.

  A general impression, they knew not why exactly, seemed to pervadeeverybody, that in the room from whence streamed that bright light wasSir Francis Varney.

  "The vampyre's room!" said several. "The vampyre's room! That is it!"

  "Yes," said he who had a kind of moral control over his comrades; "Ihave no doubt but he is there."

  "What's to be done?" asked several.

  "Make no noise whatever, but stand aside, so as not to be seen from thedoor when it is opened."

  "Yes, yes."

  "I will knock for admittance, and, the moment it is answered, I willplace this stick in such a manner within, that the door cannot be closedagain. Upon my saying 'Advance,' you will make a rush forward, and weshall have possession immediately of the house."

  All this was agreed to. The mob slunk close to the walls of the house,and out of immediate observation from the hall door, or from any of thewindows, and then the leader advanced, and knocked loudly for admission.

  The silence was now of the most complete character that could beimagined. Those who came there so bent upon vengeance were thoroughlyconvinced of the necessity of extreme caution, to save themselves evenyet from being completely foiled.

  They had abundant faith, from experience, of the resources in the way ofescape of Sir Francis Varney, and not one among them was there whoconsidered that there was any chance of capturing him, except bysurprise, and when once they got hold of him, they determined he shouldnot easily slip through their fingers.

  The knock for admission produced no effect; and, after waiting three orfour minutes, it was very provoking to find such a wonderful amount ofcaution and cunning completely thrown away.

  "Try again," whispered one.

  "Well, have patience; I am going to try again."

  The man had the ponderous old-fashioned knocker in his hand, and wasabout to make another appeal to Sir Francis Varney's door, when astrange voice said,--

  "Perhaps you may as well say at once what you want, instead of knockingthere to no purpose."

  He gave a start, for the voice seemed to come from the very door itself.

  Yet it sounded decidedly human; and, upon a closer inspection, it wasseen that a little wicket-gate, not larger than a man's face, had beenopened from within.

  This was terribly provoking. Here was an extent of caution on the partof the garrison quite unexpected. What was to be done?

  "Well?" said the man who appeared at the little opening.

  "Oh," said he who had knocked; "I--"


  "I--that is to say--ahem! Is Sir Francis Varney within?"


  "I say, is Sir Francis Varney within?"

  "Well; you have said it!"

  "Ah, but you have not answered it."


  "Well, is he at home?"

  "I decline saying; so you had better, all of you, go back to the townagain, for we are well provided with all material to resist any attackyou may be fools enough to make."

  As he spoke, the servant shut the little square door with a bang thatmade his questioner jump again. Here was a dilemma!


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