Book Read Free

Patsy Murray

Page 18

by Douglas E Roff

  “How so?”

  “Got two calls, one after the other this morning. One was your Dad. Misti is on her way to meeting the family in Cadiz, where they’ve been in seclusion. Edward says she’s still a huge, demanding pain in the ass and insists on knowing where she’s going.”

  “Give her the other Sat phone number and tell her to call me. We’ll sort this out quickly.”


  “The other?”

  “A mystery caller. Wouldn’t leave a name but said to tell you that she’s the former leader of the ‘Black Shirts.’ Said you’ll know who that is. Says you need to call her then meet. Says it’s urgent. She has answers to all your questions and a surprise you will very much want to be revealed. Says don’t judge her by the past; she’s different now and only wants to reconcile. Is there something I need to know?”

  “How about everything? She’s an old figure from my first life. Ex-lover and wife. Killed by Kendra Boles and a guy named Tar for trying to switch sides and rat me out.”

  “Sounds like a trap.”

  “Probably. But I’ll call and meet her. I loved her, and what she did was for survival. When she was cut down, without my approval, she was pregnant with my child. I wasn’t happy; I wasn’t unhappy given her betrayal. She was always looking out for herself; number one. Not sure what has changed.”

  “If she’s here now on this Earth and in this Universe, then she’s been in all others plus the original. Now she pops up out of nowhere?”

  “One of two reasons. Kill me or help me. Could go either way.”


  That night Adam asked his wives and fiancé to meet with him in his Study to discuss something of vital importance. The women thought it was the impending arrival of Adam’s family and perhaps even Misti. That would be an unpleasant conversation. But, as agreed, Adam would decide these matters after consultation with the three. Though facially a tyrant, he always asked for their opinion and counsel. It was just as likely he would take their advice as to follow his instincts. Their relationship was nothing like ‘as advertised’; it seemed no different from before. But someone had to be the tiebreaker, and the women were satisfied that the worst of Adam’s worst instincts were behind him.

  “We have two items. One you need to be prepared for, the other you know nothing about. I’ve withheld nothing from you, and I have to say I am shocked that this event has come to the fore. It was totally unexpected.”


  “The family is arriving soon, but the status of Misti is undecided. My Dad says she’s a huge pain and wants to know everything. That’s a non-starter and, if she’s insistent, she can go her own way. Personally, I don’t care.”

  “If she gets to Cadiz, won’t she simply follow the family when they leave?”

  “Good point. I better discuss with Dad and the ship’s captain. Maybe get them to sail tomorrow and strand Misti until I l know what she’s up to.”

  Patsy said, “I know you believe she betrayed you and you have every right to be as angry and vindictive as you wish, but you loved her once. Maybe you shouldn’t be too quick to abandon her.”

  “Like she did me?”

  “Forgiveness is never easy in matters such as these. I’m not giving advice; I’m just making an observation. This immense betrayal didn’t happen to me. You have every right to reject helping her, but if that was your intention, why did you offer it in the first place?”

  “You’re right. But it was never a negotiation. She thinks she’s still in control. That ship sailed a long time ago. This is strictly a favor for our family.”

  “You’re sure?”


  He wasn’t. And he wasn’t fooling his three women either.

  “The other item is just plain out of left field. Kalindra got a call from a woman from my distant past. From my original life.”

  “If so,” said Eene, “she would have been in all your past lives all along. Correct.”

  “Correct. But she wasn’t to my knowledge: no contact, no calls, no meetings. I thought she was dead. But, like us, she’s a Cyclical.”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “Because she was executed right in front of me. I didn’t order it, and would never have allowed it, but my people caught her red-handed trying to betray me.”

  “You’re OK with what happened then?”

  “No, I wasn’t. I loved her, and she was pregnant with my child. There had to be a better way.”

  “Wow, you are a mystery,” said Cia. “You must be that mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in Canadian bacon you mentioned before.”

  “Yes, all that and more.”

  Patsy said, “It’s an obvious trap. She’s involved in this Society thing in some way, and now she wants to meet? C’mon. Too convenient so many multiple lifetimes later.”

  “I agree. Completely. But I’ll talk to her and hear her out. I want you to listen in, and we will decide by unanimous vote. Same for Misti. We’re all in this together, and we have a relationship I love and is working perfectly. Any unease and we don’t move forward. You all have a veto over my lesser brain.”

  Patsy said, “OK. Let’s get started. Times is short.”


  The ladies gathered with Adam in his lab as he dialed the Sat phone with the direct line to Misti. The phone rang several times before a woman’s voice came on.

  “This Adam?”

  “Yep. How are you, Misti? Well, I gather?”

  “Well enough. You?”

  “Happy and healthy. Can’t complain.”

  “Miss me?”

  “Can’t say I do. And before we go on, I have three friends listening in on the call with me on speaker phone. You?”

  “Just me. May I ask who’s listening in?”

  “Nope. Doesn’t concern you in any way.”

  “Then let’s get right to the point. You seem to think I’m in danger and have asked me to join you at some undisclosed location for what? My safety?”

  “No, not even close. Out of respect for your father and at Dad’s request, I was asked to extend an umbrella of safety in case someone was after you. Personally, I don’t give a fuck what you think or do. However, one of my colleagues believes that I am being unreasonable given the clear danger we are all in. She thinks that includes you.”

  “And what can you tell me about this danger?”

  “Nothing. If you decide to come, I’ll tell you what I know when I know it but not on the phone. We are still piecing together information, and we know a lot, but the who and why are still murky. If you do come, you will not be allowed to leave until the matter is resolved.”

  “Well, that’s a non-starter. And I suppose you expect me to service you while in your protection?”

  “Hardly. I don’t think I want any of the plethora of STDs that are likely currently coursing through your bloodstream. I have no interest in a liar, a cheater, and a fraud.”

  “You brought it on yourself. Anyone as stupid and gullible as you are is manifestly unworthy of having me as his woman. I enjoyed my time back in the day, not with you, but with a lot of other playmates who knew exactly what I really needed. You weren’t up to the task. Too bad, so sad.”

  “Yes, I’m sure you found exactly what you needed. And you’re right; I was gullible and stupid. But I fail to see how that makes me look bad. You, on the other hand, are eligible to have a bunch of appropriate descriptors and a lot of names that would be appropriate describing exactly who and what you are. But, as you know, I have that pussy code that prevents me from disparaging women. Of course, you are the exception, but I will not lower myself to resemble your character in any way.”

  “Whatever floats your boat.”

  “Thanks. Now, we are at an end, and I wish you luck. I truly hope you are not involved on the side of the bad guys because, if you are, I will kill you. And if no one is after you, goody, goody.”

“What if I agree with you and think I am a target. Would you let me come anyway?”

  “I thought my rules were a non-starter.”

  “They are.”

  “Then there’s nothing to discuss. My umbrella, my rules.”

  “Maybe there’s a compromise?”

  “No there’s not. You come, you stay. And, you work. This isn’t a vacation.”

  “If I want to leave, it’s unlikely you’d be able to stop me.”

  “I have a nine-millimeter that would disagree with you. And I have security which will be tight.”

  “I’ve been known to be persuasive.”

  “Yes, but our security will be tighter than both your holes. Of course, that big boca of yours looms large.”

  “Still, I’m intrigued. I’d like to see you again. And roam around your cast of characters.”

  “Never going to happen. You’ll live where I tell you to and do as instructed by me. Those are the rules. Breaking them means you’ll be floating in a big body of water somewhere, fish food.”

  “I’m inclined to accept.”

  “I’m not. I sense you will be a destructive influence and not worth taking the chance. Besides, I don’t trust you and am not sure that you aren’t involved in all this somehow. I wouldn’t put it past you to have been involved in your own father’s death.”

  “Well, talk to your Mum and Dad about that. I think they’ll vouch for me. So, can I come or not?”

  “I’ll call Dad later, and he’ll let you know. Don’t hold your breath. Show up unannounced, and I’ll shoot you myself.”

  Adam clicked off.


  Cia said, “That was hostile. But I think, on her end, it was an act. I think she wants to come; I’m just not sure why.”

  Eene said, “She’s scared and hiding it. Hardline ‘tough girl’ got nowhere, and she caved in at the end. If you listened carefully, you got everything you wanted.”

  Adam looked at Patsy.

  “She still loves you. She wants to come to see if she can fix her past. The only question in her mind is how long it takes her to get you in bed. That’s my opinion as a woman. Never met her, but my guess is she’s used to getting her way. An alpha hen in the henhouse.”


  “And one more thing.”

  “She’ll do it again. Count on it. This is a game, and if I had to guess, she’s not been with many others else since you, certainly no more numbers than you’ve had. You were important; whoever she’s been with since wasn’t. There’s something more to the story than she just blew you off one day. I vote to let her come and find out what really happened and what she really wants.”


  “Really,” said Patsy. “Girls?”

  “We agree,” said Eene and Cia.

  “And me too. Can’t wait to meet this one,” said Patsy.

  “I’ll be clear up front right now — no sleeping with her. If I even find you together in the same room alone, you’re gone. I don’t want to threaten; this is just a clarification of consequences.”

  “No need to be that way.”

  “What way?”

  “Angry and hostile.”

  “Don’t test me, any of you. She may be playing a game; I’m not. I’ve had my fill of betrayal. I love you all, but not that much. My days of being a sap are over. You’ve been warned.”

  He turned, then said, “We can have another call tonight after dinner at eight. Meet here. Don’t be late.”

  Patsy said, “I don’t like you right now.”

  “Too bad. Get used to it or leave.”

  “The wedding is off.”

  “I’m broken hearted. You will not be required tonight, or any other night. When you grow up, let me know. Or take the money and run. I’m tired of your childish bullshit.”

  Adam left.


  Cia and Eene were astounded. Cia said, “What are you doing, Patsy? You agreed to all the rules, said you loved him, opened yourself up to us all emotionally about your past then said you wanted to marry him. He loves you and asked you to join us. He takes special care with you like no other man I’ve ever met would. Now a temper tantrum? What gives?”

  “He still loves the other one. Wait and see. I’m not wrong.”

  Eene said, “So what? I don’t care if there are ten of us. For that matter, why should Cia and I agree to let you join us? He’s right. Grow up.”

  Chapter 21

  Kalindra emailed Adam the answers to the questions Adam pressed Kalindra to query the mystery woman, who now said her name was Saldana Ri; it was a questionnaire to verify, at least on paper, that the woman who contacted Kalindra had a ghost of a chance of actually being the reincarnated Saldana Ri herself.

  Adam had his doubts, though her appearance in this life could not, suddenly, just be a coincidence. Her answers down to the finest details were correct. Mind implants were a possibility, but not likely. If she had died, only the Lord could resurrect her essence. To Adam, it was, in fact, Saldana Ri. Why she was ‘front and center’ in this lifetime wasn’t as obvious.

  During his many lives as a Cyclical Immortal, the usual suspects from his first life had appeared and reappeared over the many lifetimes he had experienced. The full Immortals from his first life were still around; they had predated Adam’s first life by eons. Cyclical Immortals, mortals from his first life, were often in and out of his new lives; some were central characters in his new life, but not always with the same personality as they had been previously. Some good was transformed to bad, some bad had become benevolent, and many simply changed personality, being neither better or worse than before. His family could be evil or loving, or just in the background; even minor characters could resurface in new ways and take significant roles.

  Those mortals who had not been blessed with Cyclical Immortality, as had Adam, could be elevated to that status by his Lord. A few who had been mortal were promoted to full Immortality but going up and down the ranks and grades of Immortals, from full to Cyclical to other experimental forms, was frowned upon except for a few favored beings. Adam himself wanted Immortality in a Cyclical way; he loved the new adventures and challenged his Lord created for him. The change of partners, skills and abilities he was given made life on Earth in every Universe that much more exciting. His time frame on Earth in each reality was mostly the same and his skills as a computer genius in that time and age never changed either. But other skills could appear or be absent. His mind trick was a skill he kept in every new lifetime. His Lord never tired of watching the pleasure it seemed to evince in the female gender Adam preferred and those he chose to love.

  But another item of note was that all players in his first life lived again in his next iteration, just not necessarily ever crossing paths with Adam. Saldana Ri was one of those beings. Though present in every iteration of his life, she had also lived many other lives before him. She was a Cyclical Immortal and carried with her a certain bias or disposition toward mortals that, though not necessarily classically evil, allowed her to be either simultaneously. She didn’t mind doing or permitting terrible things to happen but could be persuaded to restrain her baser instincts, even to love and be loved. She resisted the human, mortal concept of love as romantic, tender and passionate. In her early lives, she preferred arranged marriages to powerful men who gave her full access to all the women she desired.

  Early lives where slavery was perfectly acceptable was, for her, like being a kid in a candy store. She would occasionally act out her obsessions with dominance and submissiveness behind closed doors, with complex scenes she devised. Marking and being marked thrilled her. Most of her husbands were uninterested in her antics so long as it didn’t include men or get out of hand and attract unwanted attention. Slaves being disposable property were of no concern to her husbands in her lives as a Persian, Roman, Greek, Babylonian or Mesopotamian noble. Her cruelty varied from life to life, but she also
led lives of gentility and benevolence.

  She encountered husbands, however, who were not as kind as she had hoped. Seldom duped into an arranged or freely chosen marriage, it had happened. Such was the guile of men in times when wives were little more than property and could be treated by a husband as he saw fit. Those times were hard, and, on two occasions, her rape was the precipitating factor in producing a child. Whose child was unknown as the entertainment for those evenings included Saldana and other women along with her husband and other men. In those lives, she widowed young and did not remarry.

  She experimented with becoming a Gens, and during one such experiment, she met Adam. When they first met, she was filled with rage and committed herself to his death. In the end, she could not bring herself to an end him, not that she had much chance to do so anyway. With her defeat, and through her capture and life with Adam, she cautiously accepted that he might love her too. She was in love, and that loved produced a pregnancy. Her desire to survive drove her to betray Adam, for herself and her baby but, in the end, she was found out; not by Adam but by others loyal to him. Before he could prevent it, she was put to death.

  Since then, Saldana Ri and Adam St. James never crossed paths in their many lifetimes.

  Until now.


  Adam dialed the phone, Cia, and Eene in attendance with him in his Lab, Patsy outside the locked door pleading to be let in. Adam walked over to the door, unlocked the deadbolt, and let Patsy in.

  “Sit there and do not speak unless spoken to. Understand?”

  “I do. And I’m very, very sorry for my childish behavior.”

  “That most certainly won’t be enough. There may be corporal tonight.”

  Cia and Eene were downcast. “Why does she have all the fun? She doesn’t even know what she can get from being ‘Adam bad.’ We can be bad too, you know. Just the way you like it …”

  “Then we shall work on which behaviors should earn which punishments. Perhaps we can draw up a list; maybe a chart or handbook. Would that make you happy?”

  “Happier. But you always go light when you should add the hot sauce.”

  “How about a scale of one to a hundred. You color code and add a number. Red-60. Very warm.”


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