Book Read Free

Patsy Murray

Page 20

by Douglas E Roff

  Today he was unusually lenient, saying breakfast was at seven, but a second sitting would be at ten after they boarded the yacht at nine. Misti, not a morning person unlike everyone else, was thanking God. She did not believe in God, but as she so often said, if she was wrong, maybe she scored a point or two.

  Adam, seven women, Octavio, Bella, and the Twins all boarded the yacht promptly at nine, cast off quickly and were heading around the eastern tip of Crete for the North Aegean Sea. It would be a long sail in calm waters, but still a long journey. Adam owned the islands, were outfitted by him and would be occupied by the group temporarily for at least a few days. If Saldana, the guest of honor, was being truthful, she and her surprise would likely take days of interrogation to unfold. If she were faithless again, she would be personally flung off the cliffs by Adam himself.

  Five islands were made up the grouping. Two were as large as his other refuge, one smaller, and the final two, much smaller. The latter two were the “Garden Islands,” terraformed into lush parks of grass, trees, bushes, and flowers. Each island had a small home on the top of a hill and underground space that was mostly used for storage of food, machinery, and spare parts and fuel.

  Like the main residential island, these islands were also domed and protected from spying eyes.

  The two small islands were his pride and joy.

  The crew was not restless but curious about why they were headed to Adam’s other hideaway. It was a better-kept secret than Island One, as it was now named. The configuration of the five islands were four outer islands surrounding the largest in the middle. Adam thought it might be in the cone of a volcano, long extinct. No one knew or cared. The islands were too far off the Greek mainland to ever be visited. The islands were protected by the same tech and shield as Island One so that no pirates, police or nosey intruders would be visiting soon, and if they did, would not live long to tell the tale.

  “We’re on our way to this place to meet an old friend. Not sure that Misti will see it that way, nor Beata or Alana, but she’s my friend and was once my wife. She has much to tell us, has surprised and informed me that my old enemy and nemesis, Liara, is back too in Cyclical Immortal form. She works for Liara presently but will bring us up to date on all that Liara has in mind. She wishes to switch sides.”

  There were many questions by those who didn’t know or whose knowledge of Liara had been lost. Adam designated Misti to tell the story. He sat and listened, interrupting only to correct unsubstantiated opinion or simple assertions that were Misti’s prejudices against Saldana left over from the past.

  They arrived, settled in and waited for Saldana’s arrival later that day. When she arrived by helicopter, Saldana was accompanied by a young lady and luggage. The group met them just below the helipad, then came topside to greet the strangers when the helicopter left.

  Saldana said, “For those who don’t know or remember me, I am Saldana Ri. I was married to Adam, though it was only brief and ended badly. But that’s in the past. This is my daughter Darii Ri, the love and joy of my life. Perhaps we could get out of this wind and retire for a moment to freshen up.

  Both women were gorgeous, but Saldana’s daughter was a goddess. Octavio had to look away; Bella was present. But the Twins were in love, and all the women stared.

  Darii said, “Have I done something wrong. If so, I apologize. I don’t get out much.”

  Patsy stepped forward and embraced the young woman. “You have done nothing wrong, except to have been born both radiantly and immensely beautiful. It is us who owe you an apology for rudely staring. We shall show you to your rooms.”

  “I wish to sleep in my Mom’s room.”

  “Then you shall.”


  Everyone got settled and dressed for the warm weather. They talked about the world, their work and what they hoped to accomplish under Adam’s leadership; a lot of discussion was centered on how a man who could be so blind and dense but could also be so wonderful. Beata said, “Thank God, or none of us would be here. He irritates me to no end, but I love him in my own way. Is that even possible?”

  Most agreed it was, and it was their sentiment too.

  Adam called everyone to dinner; multiple dishes were strewn everywhere from Greek to Mexican, Chinese and Brazilian. Hamburgers and French fries were tossed in, but the salads were to die for, and Adam snuck in healthy ingredients in his quest for healthier living. Darii came out last, covered in flour and other ground ingredients.

  “She’s hired as my assistant chef. The rest of you stay out. She’s fifteen and knows what she’s doing.”

  Dinner lasted for hours, then they retired to the Library, and everyone took a seat. Darii and Saldana sat together in a love seat, Adam not far away and Patsy close by. Misti held back expecting trouble that never came.

  Saldana began. “I have much to say, but because my little one is not a nighthawk and she tires early, I will be brief. I have three daughters by three different masters, two of whom were very cruel. Which males were the actual fathers of my other two children, Torii and Hanta, is entirely unknown.

  “This was in Italy, and long after my second child was born, I came to America. I lived in New York City and was little more than a widowed socialite. My affairs were many. I became active in a cause in the early twentieth century and had gained some following and notoriety by the time I met Adam.”

  Someone said, “But you would have been nearly two hundred years old.”

  “True, but in a twist of fate, I look now as I did the day I arrived in America. More on that later; Adam can explain better than me. For now, accept it as truth.

  “When Adam and I met in the early part of the twenty-first century in America while I was engaged in a life and death struggle with another faction of my species; we were both engulfed in a war of dominance with humanity. My faction, though small and deadly, was perilously close to winning both wars. But through guile and peaceful means, Adam talked us out of the war, asked us to lay down our arms and join his struggle. After one incredible speech, surrounded by hostiles of my kind on all sides, we capitulated. We joined him. There was some jostling between us, but eventually, we fell in love. I wasn’t popular among his faction, but in that life on this planet and in that Universe, he was the mightiest warrior of all, appealing to all who met and knew him. The men were loyal and willing to die for him; the women, shall we say, the women were most accommodating whether married or single, mated or not.”

  Saldana paused. “Adam hasn’t needed all his abilities in many lifetimes, so I assume he has fewer in this one; he’s had more in others. I don’t know all the powers he possesses in this lifetime, though he seems to still only need his formidable tongue with both sexes, though for very different reasons.”

  The group laughed. Darii laughed too but was nervous; she did not understand her mother’s joke. “As I said, my two eldest daughters with whom I am not on good terms are older and the product of rape during times when women were but chattels. Both live to serve a demoness named Liara who controls me now, but whom Adam knows the best. I do not think a full history is necessary as what Liara was then, and what she is now, are quite different, except to say she is still both cunning and powerful. She wishes to turn Darii; bend her to evil. I will not allow it, though without Adam I am powerless to stop it.”

  “How so?”

  “I have raised Darii to be good; to follow the Way and the Balance. I have not been able to do so. Whatever evil was to be performed by Darii, I did in her guise. She is unblemished by sin; mine, hers or any other.”

  Adam said, “Then how may I help?”

  “Protect me. Free me from Liara.”

  “Done. Liara doesn’t know who or what I am in this life either. The Lord has armed me with great and ancient powers. I have elected to reveal none of them until necessary.”

  Saldana said, “Then I beg you to protect Darii at all costs.”

  “If you ask, it will be done.”

  “Darii has waited for this moment, to meet you, for time uncounted. Adam, she is your daughter.”

  Chapter 23

  Adam said, “If you don’t mind people, please clear the room. I need to talk privately with Saldana and Darii most urgently. Privacy please.”

  Patsy gathered everyone up to move from the Library, so the three could have the privacy Adam requested. He whispered in Patsy’s ear, asking her and Misti to listen in. He wanted a woman’s professional opinion about getting played and, if there were requests and conditions, were they reasonable?”

  “Will do.”

  Hecate appeared and said that the Lord wished to see Adam when he was available. Not urgent, but very close to being so. Hecate’s return in disgrace wasn’t well received, even though Adam was himself indifferent. The Lord’s concern about Hana and Hecate was now pressing. They will attend along with you and whoever you bring with you.”

  To Patsy, he said. “I will plead to have you included and elevated.”

  “I am new. And immature. Perhaps now is not a good time to ask.”

  “If that’s true, he can say no. He sees through us all to our hearts. Until then, I expect a yes.”


  The three sat on the floor in a circle, facing each other.

  Adam said, “Not hearing from you, Saldana, wasn’t surprising, but I wished I had. You were never far from my heart. But this flower at my side, to discover she is my daughter from whom I have long been separated is almost more than I can endure. My heart is broken. I have no words.”

  Saldana said as Darii sat quietly, “I am so sorry. I thought that you were angry, furious and unwilling to forgive my betrayal and it would carry over to our daughter. I would rather hear nothing from you for eternity than to hear even once that you hate us. We could not bear to hear these words.”

  “You know me. I don’t hate you, I have always loved you and missed you. And the thought that we have a child? I could not love you more nor be sadder that I didn’t know I have a beautiful daughter in my life eternally.”

  Darii sat quietly and watched. Tears welled in the corner of her eyes. Finally, she asked Adam, “Father, I wish to ask you for something I have long desired. May I?”


  “Mother says a hug from you is worth all the other things that matter in the Universe. That a kiss on the cheek is worth even more, and that a walk in the evening holding hands is pure heaven. And that your love fills up all corners of our souls and fulfills every wish I could ever have. May I have those things with you?”

  “My love is unconditional and infinite, now and forever. Never doubt that. If a hug and a kiss will make you believe what your mother says, then I wish for them both immediately.”

  Darii flew into Adam’s arms. They hugged until they could hug no more and kissed a thousand kisses.

  “Tonight, we shall walk the gardens on the smaller Islands, just you, your mother and I at sunset holding hands.

  “Now I should speak with my wives and Patsy. Then we shall talk later. Miss me, as I shall you.”



  Misti withheld judgment. Patsy said she could foresee that Darii might hold inside ten thousand years of resentment. Their relaxed, ready and fulsome forgiveness was not particularly convincing to her. Still, it could be real and for the reasons stated. She wasn’t sure.

  Misti said that they should leave right away for their meeting with their Lord. “If we get Hecate and Hana to both help, we can resolve this concern right away. We should go now.”


  Upon asking, Misti, Patsy and Adam were in the great marble hall the Lord used to make himself visible and mortals more comfortable with objects they could touch. As usual, the Lord was atop a great truncated column, his appearance a great fireball of all types of color and flame.

  He spoke, “Are you well, Adam?”

  “I am Lord. Thank you for asking.”

  “It is polite among you mortals, is it not.”

  “Yes, Lord, it is.”

  “And you would answer as you did, even if things are not well.”

  “To our everlasting shame, yes, my Lord.”

  “Never do it again. We are not on Earth, and I am no mortal.”

  “Yes, Lord.”

  “Misti? How goes your life?”

  “My life is a mess, as usual. I fight with my former husband for dominance, am disobedient and still have anger issues.”

  “It’s why I love you, Misti Alarcon. You are strong and sincere. Shall I find you a new mate?”

  “No, Lord. I still only favor Adam and wish eternity with him. He ignores me when it is best, challenges me constantly, but always, always loves and protects me. I wish only to be with him, by his side.”

  “All right, we are clear on that. You have a new candidate, Adam?”

  “Yes, Lord. Patsy Murray. I wish her to be a Cyclical Immortal like me and attached to me.”

  “Done. Is that it?”

  “No, Lord. There are the matters of Hecate, Saldana Ri, and her daughter. I beg you loan me Hecate or Hana to enter Saldana and Darii’s mind to tell me what they truly wish with me. They have been associated with Liara who is stirring up trouble.”

  “Liara. Is this why you are here?”

  “It is, in part, my Lord.”

  The Lord said, “Niona wishes to return to you again. How do you feel about that?”

  “Elated. I love my ex-wife.”

  “She is yours again then and can do your bidding including this issue with Saldana and her pup. Cori is of no use to you. Never will be, nor Fionna either. They are now paired as Immortals. You know how they think.”


  “But we both know that Hecate is the problem you are here about.”

  Hecate appeared.

  Adam said, “How are you, wife?”


  “And the children?”

  “Fine, but Immortal. They care not for their father and are ashamed of their parentage. You, not me.”

  “And you?”

  “I am full Immortal. I am better than you, and my true feelings for you become harder and harder to disguise. I wish no longer to be with you, on Earth or in any Universe.”

  The Lord said, “You wish to break your bonds and sever your ties with this mortal.”

  “I do. Send me elsewhere; perhaps with Fionna for a while.”

  “Denied. You are disobedient, and though once in great favor with me, you are no more.”

  Hecate simply became fine sand and dropped in a heap.

  Adam shouted, “Lord! Please. Can you not bring her back? I forgive her. Please restore her to your realm. I shall relinquish all my rights in her. Please, set her free.”

  “I shall consider it. You love her still, though unfaithful and without love or emotion for you.”

  “She cannot escape who she is any more than I can either. Eternity is a long time.”

  Niona appeared, Sari at her side. “You have taken me back?”

  “Of course.”

  “Gratitude, Adam.” She did not seem happy.

  “Then come home for a while if you wish, remain an Immortal until I call on you. Then return to your favored realm and come only when called. I do not know what troubles you, but we can speak of it and make suitable arrangements if that is your desire.”

  “I am grateful and miss you dearly. Then I relapsed. But I shall do as you command. My Lord wishes to terminate my existence as he has Hecate’s.”

  “That is between the two of you. I do not understand you or what you want of me. Just be sure to do as I command when I command it. That is all I require until we discover what troubles you. If not, I shall end your existence as taught to me by our Lord. I have His authority. I need only speak words in the ancient tongue. Test me, and I shall own your blade and wield it myself.”

  Adam turned to leave and said
, “Thank you, Lord.”

  They left.


  Hecate reappeared. “Do you think he believed any of this?”

  “No child,” said the Lord. “But I think he knows why we performed this charade. The other Immortals shall be even more obedient now than ever before, shall never interfere in Adam’s realms, and shall stick to their jobs.”

  “Are we going or not?”

  “Back to original Earth tonight for playtime?”

  “Where else? I have found a wonderful lodge with all your playthings, and I shall have many willing women for your amusement.”

  “And you, my love?”

  “I have a few for myself. I will be swamped.”


  “She has finally agreed to visit. I’ve missed her so.”

  “We leave tonight?”

  “Where to?



  Misti asked, “What was all that about?”

  “I need Niona and her blade; at least her Immortal skills to understand Saldana and Darii’s true intent. I may need her blade later, and I believe Hecate will return; if she’s really dead, which is complete and utter nonsense, so are we.”

  “There’s more?”

  “I suspect dark arts; I believe Saldana and her pup have finally learned the secrets of my mind. If so, it is Liara who has been testing and probing. Nobody ‘loves in secret’ for thousands of years then suddenly appears solely to rid herself of that demoness.

  “I suspect there will be perfect congruence between stories told by Saldana and Darii separately, and between mother and daughter together. There will be enough evil deeds revealed for credibility, but more from Saldana than the child.”


  “Liara once again wants me for some reason. Who knows why?”

  Adam didn’t trust Niona either. There was something awry in the Lord’s realm too. But he would pay close attention to the reaction of mother and daughter to Niona’s appearance, armed with her Sari.

  When they did, neither reacted with hostility, but Adam detected unease.

  Saldana said, “Legend has it this one once tried to kill you, husband, though that was well after my death. Perhaps I should be the keeper of her weapon?”


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