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Sword of the Gods: The Chosen One

Page 86

by Anna Erishkigal

Galactic Standard Date: 152,323.07

  Haven-4: Youth Training Academy

  Colonel Raphael Israfa


  Jophiel had fallen asleep, her head resting upon his shoulder. Was it just wishful thinking? Or did Uriel's breathing seem a little easier?

  The room suddenly smelled of ozone, as though they were in a forest and a thunderstorm had just passed, scrubbing clean the air. The dust sparkled in one corner of the room even though Raphael could detect no source of light that would cause the strange phenomenon. It took a moment for his mind to recognize what he was seeing, an ascended being coalescing into physical form. Unfurling the golden wing which kept his mate and son cocooned from the world, he witnessed the Eternal Emperor materialize inside the isolation chamber.

  “Your eminence,” Raphael tried to extricate himself from Jophiel and the baby without waking them.

  Wearing a perfectly ordinary laboratory coat, buttoned up wrong so the collar sat askew, if not for the fact the Emperor's picture adorned every household in the Alliance and his golden eyes, had Raphael not witnessed his mystical appearance, he might have mistaken the Emperor for a doctor.

  “Please,” the Emperor gestured, palms-down. “Don't get up. As you were.”

  Raphael threw his son’s life at the mercy of the old god.

  “Isn’t there anything you can do for him? Please, your eminence. He's just a baby!”

  The Eternal Emperor Hashem gave him a weary sigh.

  “Contrary to popular belief,” the Emperor said. “I am neither omnipotent, nor omniscient. If I had the power to solve all problems, then problems wouldn't exist."

  The Emperor's bushy eyebrows rose high above his golden eyes, making him appear griefstricken. Jophiel had spoken of the Emperor as though he were a trusted father figure as they had lain together in the afterglow of the mating appointment which had given them Uriel, but this was the first time Raphael had seen this side of their Eternal Emperor himself. How could one so powerful appear so mortal?

  “Then Uriel will die, won’t he?" Raphael was unashamed of the tears which welled into his eyes. He was just glad Jophiel was not awake to hear their son was doomed.

  “No, he won't,” the Emperor sighed. “I've gone to an old friend whose talents lie in a different direction than mine and pleaded intervention. Your son will live, but I must bear the consequences for that choice. We must all bear the consequences that are soon to come.”

  Raphael clapped his hand over his mouth to prevent his sob of gratitude from escaping. His natural inclination to gush was tempered by how old and weary the Emperor looked right now, as though he carried not just the weight of the Alliance, but the entire universe upon his shoulders. All this time, while he and his fellow citizens had been praying to the Emperor for help, perhaps it was in reality the Emperor who needed their help?

  What was it Jophiel had said? No creature could coordinate something so vast as this empire alone, not even the Eternal Emperor…

  “What do you need me to do, Your Majesty?"

  “Do what you already want to do in your heart,” the Emperor said. “I will no longer discourage Jophiel from raising her child herself." He met Raphael's gaze. "Nor from choosing to be with you, if that is what she so desires. But what Jophiel does, the others will follow. Do you understand that? Do you understand the price of this course of action?”

  “Our race will die out,” Raphael said.

  “Either way, your species is doomed," the Emperor said. "But I have heard a rumor that Shay’tan has the solution to this problem within his grasp."

  "What solution, Sir?"

  “I don't know what that means!" The Emperor's brow furrowed deep with frustration. "The price for choosing to stay here with you in the material realms is ignorance!"

  The Emperor pointed at Raphael.

  "Finding out information is where your natural talents lie, young man. I need your help. In exchange for this bargain I have made to save your son's life, you must help me find this solution which Shay’tan has purportedly found. Whatever it is, the fate of the Alliance rests upon it.”

  “I won't let you down, Your Majesty,” Raphael said. "I give you my word."

  Whatever cards Shay'tan held up his scaly sleeve, Raphael would bet anything it had something to do with the mysterious buildup in Zulu Sector and his missing best friend!

  Jophiel stirred just as the Eternal Emperor shimmered out of the room.

  “Who was that?”

  Raphael kissed her forehead and pulled her closer. “Shhhh….”

  He offered Uriel his finger so his son could wrap his tiny fingers around his larger one.

  “Look, Jophie. Uriel is breathing is easier. I think our son is going to live.”

  Chapter 80


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