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Murder in the Mix (Books 1-3)

Page 27

by Moore, Addison

  Bear takes a breath and sweeps his eyes over the vicinity. “All right. I found a bunch of crap in his truck one day, and he may have implicated himself.” He closes his eyes, his entire body sagging with remorse. “He was pawning stuff and giving the money to Stella. She kept threatening to leave with the kid, and she had Hunter where she wanted him. The poor guy didn’t see a way out.”

  Noah groans, “So, he was never trying to sue for full custody?”

  “Nope.” Bear gives a wistful shake of the head. “In fact, I was the one who threatened her with it. And that’s exactly why I was so angry with myself when I saw him lying there in the alley. I had my suspicions it might have been her or someone connected to her.”

  I gasp at the revelation. “Bear! You should have turned her in. We could have avoided this entire mess.”

  “I know, I know. But Hunter made me swear on his mother’s grave that I wouldn’t do a thing to cause trouble in her life no matter what happened. I think he knew he was staring down the barrel of a gun. And, in the end, he did just that.” Bear drops his gaze to the floor before slapping the back of his neck, something he usually does when he’s trying to hide his emotions. “Excuse me. I think I need to step outside for a minute.”

  “Don’t be too hard on yourself,” I say, catching him by the wrist. “Hunter would never want that. And neither do I.”

  A soft moment bounces between us like a truce, and Bear gives a sheepish smile before heading out the door.

  Nell steps over, her silver hair catching the twinkle lights from above and it gives her the ethereal glow of an angel.

  “Well done, my dear.” She cups my cheeks with her sweet wrinkled fingers and presses a kiss to my cheek. “Now when my time comes, don’t you dare let them host one of those depressing tearjerkers down in the church’s rec room. I fully expect the entire lot of you to celebrate my life.”

  I shudder against Noah at the thought. “Nell! Don’t talk like that. You’re miles away from going anywhere.” She may not be, but it certainly felt like the right thing to say. “Besides, I need you.” I look right into her crystal blue eyes when I say it, and they swell with tears in an instant. “Thank you again for this beautiful work of art.” I glance up to the glowing branches above us. “It makes me feel like a princess every time I see it. It also makes me feel like family.”

  “Oh, Lottie, you are a princess.” She offers my cheek a hearty pinch. “And I certainly love you as my own family.” Her mouth remains open as if she were about to add something to it, but she lets out a sigh instead. “I’m afraid I’m through for the night. Each time you look at those branches, I want you to know that you are a part of my family tree.” There’s a pained look in her eyes, and I can’t quite pinpoint why. Most likely because she feels sorry for me, for the way my journey in this life began on that cold cement floor of the firehouse. “Thank you for having me.” She brushes another precious kiss to my cheek before threading her way back toward the Honey Pot.

  I turn to Noah. “That was a little strange. Didn’t you think so?”

  But before he can say anything, Keelie bounds over with Lainey, and the two of them pull me in for a quick embrace, temporarily breaking the hold Noah has on me.

  Lainey wags a finger in my face. “You are not allowed to scare us like that again. No more running toward danger.”

  Keelie leans in. “And no more dead bodies,” she whispers. “It’s not a good look on you. I’m just saying.”

  The four us share a morbid laugh as Everett heads in this direction. I can’t help but note Collette Jenner scuttling alongside him like a parasite he can’t quite get rid of. Okay, so parasite is a bit harsh, but I’ve scanned my entire lexicon, and that’s the best fit I could come up with on such short notice.

  Collette rolls her eyes. “I will admit, those cupcakes at the Fall-O-Ween Fest were to die for. I must have eaten ten if I didn’t eat thirty.”

  “Thank you.” I’m taken aback by her kind words, and suddenly she’s looking less parasite and a bit more human.

  Lainey leans in. “Molly said every last one of them disappeared before eight o’clock.”

  Keelie bounces the curls off her shoulder. “In fact, they were so well sought-after that the calls have been pouring into the Cutie Pie for more large orders.”

  “They have,” I affirm as I look back to Collette. “Say, don’t you work for Endeavor PR?”

  Her head ticks back a notch. “Everyone knows I work for the best PR company in the country.” She smirks up at Everett. “I only go after the best in life.”

  I clear my throat as she tries to dive her mouth over his. “Anyway, they called this morning and asked if I’d cater the desserts for an awards ceremony they’re having next week at the Evergreen Manor.”

  “VIP awards,” she corrects. “And yes, Everett and I will be there with bells on. He’s already promised to be my official plus one.” She offers a strangulating hug to his arm, but Everett seems unmoved by her psychotic advances. “Oh, and, by the way, my boss is into pumpkin spice everything. Make it worth his while. You don’t want to see him unhappy.”

  “Duly noted and I guess I’ll see you there.”

  Everett gives an approving nod my way. “Everything looks great tonight. You did good, Lemon.”

  Lainey jumps beside me. “My sister always does good.”

  Noah tucks a kiss to my cheek. “That she does.” He picks up my hand and gives it a squeeze. “I’ve got some good news for you.” Noah sheds that signature cocky grin, and my stomach bisects with heat. “You got the rental house. My realtor called and said you can pick up the keys as soon as you’re ready.”

  “I got the house!” I shout so loud the room breaks out into a cheer right along with me. I’m so excited, I wrap my entire body around Noah’s as he spins me gently, and I’m dizzy with happiness, dizzy from the way he makes me feel.

  He lands me back on my feet, and both Keelie and Lainey slap me five.

  Collette snickers. “That’s just dandy. It looks as if Lottie is off the market.” She bats her lashes up at Everett. “I’m ready to get off the market myself, big boy. You got any idea of who can fit the bill?” Collette gives his tie a light tug, and it’s all I can do not to groan in disapproval.

  “No”—he gently removes her hand from his tie—“I don’t.” He sheds his killer grin—it’s such a rare sighting that every girl in the room pauses to observe it. “But I do have some good news of my own that you might like.” He winks her way before turning his attention to Noah and me. “I’m moving myself. It looks like I’m heading to Honey Hollow.”

  “What?” both Collette and I cry in unison.

  “That’s right. Being here reminded me of how much I hate living in the city. And I happened to get a great deal on a house myself. I paid cash in full, and they didn’t argue. It’s mine now. I’m a full-fledged homeowner.”

  “Congratulations!” we all shout at the top of our lungs.

  The whooping dies down, and Noah gives his stepbrother a handshake. “So, where exactly will you be? I need to know what street to avoid.” A grin spreads wide over his face as we laugh it off.

  “Country Cottage Road.”

  “What?” Noah balks. “Really? I don’t remember seeing a house for sale in the neighborhood.”

  “It wasn’t. I liked the blue house we toured that day, and when Lottie didn’t want it, I made my move. Let’s just say the old owners were more than happy with how things worked out.”

  “We’re going to be neighbors!” I give Everett a spontaneous hug and note that Noah is slower to congratulate him this time.

  “Great.” Noah’s head bobs with an unconvincing nod. “Just great.”

  “It will be great.” Everett tips his head back as the two of them stare one another down for a moment.

  “It will be very great,” I say, pulling Noah in close. “We’re all turning a new leaf.”

  Collette wraps herself around Everett like a suckerfish. “To new l

  “To new leaves,” we chant back.

  Things will undoubtedly be different with our new living arrangements, but I’m determined to make it work. After all, I couldn’t imagine my life without either of them in it.

  A gray ball of fur hops up onto the brownie tray, and I gasp as my entire body solidifies.

  Noah leans in. “Everything okay?”

  “Everything is just fine.” My head turns toward him, but my eyes never stray from that bushy-tailed visitor.

  Everett steps over and points down to the brownie bar as if acknowledging what I see, and I give a little nod. He doesn’t hesitate picking up a dark fudge brownie and holding it over his open palm against the table. The tiny woodland spectral hops right over and does its best to nibble. I can’t help but coo at the sight and offer an approving nod as Everett and I share a warm smile.

  The party dwindles down, and Noah helps me close up shop long after everyone has gone home.

  He pulls me into his strong arms as we step outside into the brisk autumn night and looks lovingly into my eyes. “It’s official. I belong to you.” He tucks a kiss to the nape of my neck. “We’re official,” he says, swaying back to get a better look at me.

  “We’re official?”

  “That’s right. I hope it doesn’t sound weird for you to call me your boyfriend. I already called my stepbrother and told him all about my new girlfriend.”

  “You did? Will I like her when I meet her?” I can’t help but tease him, and we share a warm laugh.

  “You can’t help but love her.” His features smooth out as he says the L word, and my heart drums wildly right into my ears.

  “You really called Everett?”

  He nods, affirming the fact.

  “You’re a sneak. I love that.” There’s that L word again, and I suppose it means something even minutely that we both used it back to back. Love. That word circles my mind. It begs to be redirected toward him, but I’m afraid I’ll scare him off if I do. And just like that, I shake the thought right out of my head. “You know what? I think I—”

  Noah gently muzzles me with a lingering, sugar sweet kiss before pulling back with sleepy eyes.

  “I want to say it first,” he whispers right over my lips. “I need you to hear me say it. I want it to sink into your bones.” He pulls back and gazes tenderly into my eyes. “I think I love you, Lottie Lemon. In fact, I know I do.”

  My lips part as I try my hardest to memorize this moment. “I love you, too, Noah. I do.”

  The moon shines a spotlight over us as if it were the final scene in some romantic black and white movie. But it’s not the final scene for Noah and me. The two of us have just begun.

  That crooked grin begins to bloom on his face once again, his eyes never leaving mine.

  Noah gently tucks a stray lock behind my ear. “I have a feeling I’ve just entered into the best season of my life. And I predict that with you by my side every season thereafter will be better and better.”

  “They never stop getting better?” I bite down over a smile.

  “With you in my life, that would be impossible. We’re a team, Lottie. And we’re building a solid foundation. No pretense, no secrets—filled with honesty and communication.”

  Noah lands his oven-hot mouth over mine, and we indulge in something richer, far more decadent and sweeter than anything I could whip up in the kitchen. Noah and I are building a solid foundation. No pretense, no secrets—filled with honesty and communication. But deep down, I know for a fact there is plenty of pretense involved. I am rife with secrets. I am not filled with honesty, not entirely—especially when it comes to my supernatural tendencies. And I will most certainly not communicate a single word about them. It’s bad enough I’ve spilled the supernatural beans to Everett.

  No, Noah Fox can never be apprised of that paranormal part of my life.

  And because of this, there will always be a thorny secret nestled between us, creating a barrier, a buffer that will forever stand between us.

  It’s a division, and everyone knows a house divided cannot stand.

  But Noah and I are different.

  Aren’t we?

  And I wonder.


  Thank you to YOU, the reader, for delving into the MURDER IN THE MIX world with me. I hope you love Lottie and Honey Hollow as much as I do! I hope you’ll join me on the next leg of the MURDER IN THE MIX adventure for more mayhem and mischief!

  A special thank you to Jodie Tarleton for your extraordinary vision. You are amazing and a wonderful support. There are just no words to convey how thankful I am for you.

  A HUGE thank you to the amazing Kaila Eileen Turingan-Ramos. Is there anything you can’t do? I am in awe of your superpowers.

  A mighty big thank you to Shay Rivera, beta extraordinaire! Your ongoing support and encouragement are well appreciated! Your future is so bright, I have no doubt you will move mountains.

  Sister hugs to Lisa Markson. You’re amazing and I love you. Thank you for being a friend.

  To the beautiful Paige Maroney Smith, there is no one like you. Thank you is such a small sentiment when compared to how grateful I really am to know you. Love you, girl!

  And last, but never least, thank you to Him who sits on the throne. Worthy is the Lamb! Glory and honor and power are yours. I owe you everything.

  Pumpkin Spice Sacrifice

  Murder in the Mix Mystery #3

  Addison Moore

  Copyright © 2018 by Addison Moore

  This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to peoples either living or deceased is purely coincidental. Names, places, and characters are figments of the author’s imagination. The author holds all rights to this work. It is illegal to reproduce this novel without written expressed consent from the author herself.

  All Rights Reserved.

  This eBook is for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this eBook with another person, please purchase any additional copies for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Copyright © 2018 by Addison Moore

  Created with Vellum

  Book Description

  My name is Lottie Lemon, and I see dead pets. Okay, so on occasion I see a dearly departed human, too. And, unfortunately for me, that horrible scenario is playing out right this minute. Worse yet, that good-looking ghost just so happens to look just like my friend, Everett, and it refuses to leave his side. I’m petrified of losing Everett, so much so that I too refuse to leave his side, which of course doesn’t exactly bode well with my newly minted boyfriend, Noah Fox, who is just as comely as his surname suggests. After two horrific murders just took place in our small town of Honey Hollow, I’m ready to put the last few months behind me, but when I come across another gruesome discovery, my entire world comes crashing down on me once again.

  Lottie Lemon has a brand new bakery to tend to, a budding romance with perhaps one too many suitors, and she has the supernatural ability to see dead pets—which are always harbingers for ominous things to come. Throw in the occasional ghost of the human variety, a string of murders, and her insatiable thirst for justice, and you’ll have more chaos than you know what to do with.

  Living in the small town of Honey Hollow can be murder.

  Chapter 35

  I see dead people.

  Okay, so more often than not, I see dead pets, and, believe you me, they are not a good omen for their previous owner—which is where I usually spot the fuzzy little phantasms. They seem to appear just before something horrific is about to befall the aforementioned previous owner, and up until just a few months ago, that never involved a fatality. However, after Merilee Simonson, my old landlord, and Hunter Fisher, my old good friend, both met with an untimely demise, I’m begin
ning to see a homicidal trend brewing here. And trust me, I’m the last person on the planet who wants to see a homicidal trend percolating in the cauldron of life—especially after I was the number one suspect in Merilee’s death. Not that there are many dead bodies lying around in our tiny corner of Vermont. Honey Hollow is known more for its fall splendor, which we’re smack-dab in the middle of. And it’s as homey and cozy as its name suggests.

  But, at the moment, I’m not looking at a long-deceased precious creature. I’m looking at a warm-blooded, very much alive and full of mischief, Himalayan, who happens to belong to yours truly. Pancake was gifted to me over a year ago by my best friend’s grandmother, Nell. She had a hard time deciding between two cute kitties and brought them both home, citing she would keep the one I didn’t choose. Of course, I couldn’t resist. I took one look at those big silver-blue eyes and fell instantly and madly in love. I named my sweet angel—a far too generous moniker, considering I’m staring down at a pile of down feathers floating in a five-foot vicinity—Pancake and Nell named hers Waffles.

  “Pancake Lemon, I am going to gift you a middle name, so I can scold you properly. If you keep this up, I’ll be forced to give you two—or three.”

  He glances up at me, bored from the sofa. That butter yellow fur looks almost silver with the sunlight streaking across his back. His nose and the tip of his tail have a bit of a coffee-colored stain to them that just adds to how handsome he really is.

  “Oh, stop it, Lottie.” Lainey breezes in with an oversized box in her arms marked bedroom. Lainey is my older sister, and even though the Lemons adopted me when I was just days old, Lainey and I still manage to share the same caramel waves and light hazel eyes. “Pancake wasn’t responsible for the feathered carnage. I may have done that. The darn pillow snagged on a loose nail on the railing. Everett is fixing the culprit right now.”


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