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The Sigil of Sobek: Book 2 The Chronicles of Conran

Page 4

by Valerie Lindsey

  “It is far better than I expected. If you will allow me the liberty, I will have a tailor report to your suite to measure you for a few new suits. Their majesties keep a very festive and lively court. There may be more parties and balls than you are used to. Are you a good dancer?”

  “Honestly, I am barely adequate.”

  “There is a dance master at court. I will set up daily lessons though I think the ladies will not care how you dance when they see you. You are a very handsome young man.”

  I’d never had a man comment on my looks. If he was representative of his people, I would have to adjust to a lot.

  “I hope you will like this,” Aunt Elaine asked solicitously, indicating the tray she’d brought in.

  “It looks delicious.”

  Without hesitation, the Florenzan doctor grabbed a crumpet and slathered it with butter and jam. Almost simultaneously, he shoved a sausage into his mouth. My aunt and I watched in amazement at the speed and efficiency in which he dispatched several crumpets. I hastily rescued one from his demolition as I still hadn’t had breakfast.

  “It looks like we need more food from the kitchen,” Aunt Elaine chuckled. “Is there anything else you would like?” she asked, directing the last question to the voracious doctor.

  “You don’t need to wait on us. I need to move and should be able to go the kitchen. Doctor Carrizo, will you join me?”

  Looking mournfully at the tray where only scattered crumbs remained, the doctor nodded and stood. Before Aunt Elaine could reach it, I lifted the tray up and away from her.

  “Lead the way. It will be nice to see the rest of the house after staring at these four walls for days. I think I’ve memorized every blemish.”

  “The walls have pimples?” Doctor Carrizo asked with a puzzled look.

  I swallowed my laughter and started coughing instead. “It’s just expression. I meant I know every flaw in the plaster.”

  “Oh. I find English expressions odd. You will likely have the same difficulty with some of ours,” he concluded graciously.

  To my own surprise, I was beginning to like the odd little man. Smiling, I stepped back to let him follow Aunt Elaine out. The sound of a lively household met us as we entered the hall.

  We passed a stocky maid and I heard my aunt ask her to change the bedding and to open the window in my room to air it out. One of the men from our party whisked my tray away before I had time to protest. I nodded my thanks and paused.

  I was eager to see my friends and let them see how well I was doing. The sound of metal hissing and sliding against metal drifted in from the open front door. Drawn by the sound, I broke away from our threesome to see if Silvesto and Nicky were practicing arms.

  “Conran, you’re up,” Jamila exclaimed, rising from a rough bench under a large spreading oak tree. Beside her, Lady Ilena smiled and waved me over.

  I carefully maneuvered around where several men were slashing and parrying. I avoided looking at Nicky as I didn’t want to break his concentration when he was struggling to hold his own against Silvesto.

  “Good morning, ladies. It is so good to be up and walking again. Especially when I wasn’t sure I ever would again,” I added softly.

  “Your aunt is a formidable healer,” Jamila declared, guiding me to sit between her and Ilena. It was hard to believe that this was the fragile girl we’d rescued from Egyptian demigods determined to return her to a lascivious and vicious vizier. Her change into a confident and happy young woman was good to see.

  “Yes, she is. How long have they been practicing?”

  “Over an hour and Silvesto has insisted there will be no rest while we are here,” Ilena answered. “I have no doubt that he will want you out there by tomorrow. Let me know if you aren’t up to it.”

  “Tomorrow may be too soon though I need to do something. My muscles feel twitchy.” I leaned close to her before adding, “Aren’t you taking Silvesto with you today?”

  She nodded before asking “How is your back?”.

  “Tender and a little painful but I’m just happy to be able to walk. I’m even happier that it happened before Doctor Carrizo had an excuse to use his leeches on me.”

  “Is that who the funny little man is?”

  “Yes, Jamila.” I looked around but didn’t see him. I watched her pretty brown face as I responded in a lower voice, “King Stefano sent him after he received Lady Ilena’s letter. He immediately wanted to bleed me with leeches.”

  “How horrible,” Jamila exclaimed in a soft voice, emulating my quiet voice. “I saw leeches attached to a man who got out of the Nile. They were repulsive!” She shuddered as she leaned into me.

  Surprised at the unexpected familiarity, I looked up to see Ilena’s knowing look. I felt the blood rush up my face. I dropped my eyes but didn’t move away.

  “I don’t hold with them either,” Ilena broke in, “but many doctors utilize them, so they must think they help. I could never use them. I don’t even want to touch one!”

  “He insulted our country, too,” I couldn’t help adding. “He apologized, but I hope the rest of the Florenza Court is more diplomatic.”

  “If they aren’t, you still must be diplomatic and charming, Conran.”

  Maybe it was due to the strain of the past few days, but I felt Ilena’s admonishment keenly. I nodded my agreement but didn’t reply. I felt the odd little doctor’s presence.

  “Here he comes,” Jamila whispered.

  I looked up and saw Dr. Carrizo approaching us. He was carefully cradling the dark jar harboring his treasured leeches. I shuddered. Sharp pain radiated across my back as I stood. I couldn’t help a hiss escaping from between my teeth.

  “Are you in pain?” Lady Ilena asked.

  “Just a little, I’m sure it will pass.”

  She stood hastily and eased me back down unto the bench. I felt disappointment that the previous day hadn’t completely cured me.

  “I know you’re a gentleman but the doctor will understand.”

  “Signore Conran, you look pale. We need to get you to bed. Maybe now you will let me treat you.”

  Aghast, I couldn’t stop myself from looking at his leech pot. I could visualize their fat, squirming bodies in the white porcelain and it made my skin crawl as if they were already attached and sucking on me.

  “No, no! Do not look so fretful. You are too weak for the leeches at this time.”

  I should have felt reassured but his use of ‘at this time’ didn’t bode well for the future. How could he stand to touch the slimy things?

  “I will be fine. I think I just need to eat more and relax.”

  “Eat more?”

  “Won’t it help me heal faster?”

  ‘Getting pretty cocky, aren’t you?’ I heard my friend’s voice in my head. It was the first time she’d done so in a week.

  “Stay here,” Lady Ilena said aloud. “I will bring some hot tea and food.”

  ‘I promise it will be more than enough if the good doctor wants any,’ she projected to me.

  I smiled in response before turning to the Florenzan doctor.

  “Doctor Carrizo, please take a seat.”

  Jamila moved over to give us plenty of room. I smiled my thanks.

  “Allow me to introduce my very dear friend, Mistress Jamila. She assists Lady Ilena.”

  The doctor stood and bowed low over her hand.

  “A pleasure to meet you, Senorina.” He turned back to me with a serious expression. “I will examine you tomorrow, so I can determine when we may proceed to Florenza.”

  I nodded in response before saying, “I shall do my utmost to be able to travel within a few days. I think you will have to take on my aunt if we leave before then.”

  I gave a small smile, but hoped he saw the seriousness in my eyes. If he doubted me, he would quickly learn that Aunt Elaine and likely, Lady Ilena, were not to be crossed lightly. The thought made me smile.

  “What are you thinking, Conran?”

  I glanced at
the small doctor before meeting Jamila’s eyes.

  “Just how good it is to be able to walk. I really was afraid I never would again.”

  It wasn’t a complete lie. My throat threatened to close up. I swallowed hard and closed my eyes briefly to regain my composure. I felt Jamila’s soft hand on mine before I opened my eyes.

  “I too am relieved though I felt sure you must become whole, again.”

  I turned my hand to clasp hers.

  “I have heard you are a very powerful sorcerer. Could you not have healed yourself?” Doctor Carrizo inquired.

  “I seem to have far more success helping others than helping myself,” I answered honestly. “Perhaps it is the cost of my gift.”

  “I can understand that. There was a healer in my town who healed many but could not cure herself.”

  “What is the name of your hometown?”

  “Cremnora - it is close to the capital, in a beautiful valley. Each person likely believes their native town is the most beautiful but Cremnora truly is. You will see for yourself as we will pass through Cremnora on our way to Florenza.”

  “Do you still have family there?”

  “Regrettably, no. Ours was a small family and I lost them in the last plague. It is why I became a physician.”

  “I’m sorry about your family,” Jamila and I offered in unison.

  An awkward silence fell upon us. I wanted an excuse to leave, but I couldn’t leave Jamila unattended with a strange man. To my relief, Doctor Carrizo stood with a rustle of his dark clothing.

  “I must ensure my boxes have been properly unpacked and must wash all the dust off me. If you will both excuse me?”

  “Of course,” I responded, dipping my head. “We will see you at dinner.”

  I half-turned, immediately regretting it, to watch him walk away. The atmosphere lightened with the departure of the good doctor and his repulsive leeches. Unfortunately, the pain didn’t recede as quickly as the doctor.

  A blue dragonfly fluttered onto the recently vacated corner of the bench. The sunlight sparkled off the dragonfly’s translucent wings. I relaxed, smiling.

  I rubbed my back and leaned back against the rough tree trunk. The leaves rustled in the soft wind. My eyes drifted close. I could hear and see a variety of animals in the woods around us. My calm deepened when I saw two chipmunks playing.

  “Sleeping already?”

  “No, just enjoying the sunshine, Ilena.” I stubbornly kept my eyes closed.

  “You will need to open them to eat. You are too well for either Jamila or I to feed you.”

  I couldn’t help grinning as I opened my eyes. I saw the pewter plate full of sausages, bread and cheese.

  “Ah, this is more like it! Thank you for bringing me some meat. It looks like there is enough for the three of us.”

  “There is. Did you want to eat out here or go inside?”

  “If the two of you don’t mind, I’d like to stay outside. I’ve been cooped up too long.”

  “I don’t mind. Jamila?”

  “It is fine with me. It is a beautiful morning.”

  Ilena handed out napkins and some plates that she’d obviously had balanced under the platter. Even outside, she was determined to maintain proper manners. I was too hungry to tease her about it.

  I quietly took my plate and waited until she held the platter out for me to take my portion. I knew how little Jamila ate, so I didn’t feel guilty taking several sausages. I also cut a big piece of cheese and tore off a large chunk of the still steaming bread.

  Ilena quirked an eyebrow as she asked, “Are you sure you have enough?”

  “Yes. I want to make sure the two of you have enough before I have any more.”

  I grinned while Jamila snickered beside me. Ilena smiled, shook her head and held the platter before Jamila.

  “You don’t eat nearly enough, so don’t be shy.”

  I looked around and saw a small table near the house. I stood carefully but the pain was less intense than earlier. There was only a twinge as I set my dish on the bench. I wanted to stretch but I really didn’t want to risk additional pain.

  I walked slowly to the small, rough-hewn table. Cautiously, I lifted it. It wasn’t too heavy, so I carried it to our bench under the widespread branches. I set it next to Ilena.

  “Thank you. How does your back feel?”

  “Still some twinges but it is not too bad. Doctor Carrizo wants to examine me tomorrow to determine when we can continue our journey. I think he is eager to rejoin the Florenza Court.”

  “I hope he isn’t eager to put his pets on you,” Jamila said.

  “I will not have those slimy things on me,” I assured her as I picked up my plate and eased myself unto the bench. I bit into a sausage and enjoyed the juice erupting into my dry mouth. I chewed appreciatively. It was so much better than the soup they’d been foisting on me.

  Before I could take another bite, Ilena spoke. I stopped the sausage halfway to my mouth. I gazed at it fondly before turning to look at Ilena.

  “He may be eager to return to his court, but today is your first day out of bed. Dr. Carrizo cannot possibly think you will be able to travel within two days or less.”

  “He initially thought I should be able to heal myself as a sorcerer. He probably thinks I possess incredibly fast recuperative powers.”

  I quickly bit into my upraised sausage. I chewed quickly and took another bite. I heard a funny noise and looked at Ilena.

  “I will stop talking and let you eat,” she said smiling.

  Her amazing violet eyes were sparkling with laughter. She always seemed amazed at my appetite. Smiling in return, I didn’t let her amusement affect me as I ate quickly. I immediately felt better. Maybe hunger had been the problem.

  “There is still food left,” Lady Ilena offered.

  I heard the humor in her voice despite her obvious efforts to hide it. Her face was studiously bland as I looked up.

  “Jamila,” I asked graciously, “would you like some more? You have been doing so much and I think you need more nourishment.”

  “I do not. I have gained far too much weight since you rescued me. If I keep this up, I will become fat!”

  “I seriously doubt that,” I answered.

  Jamila had been skin and bones, with huge eyes in a thin, tormented face when Silvesto and I had rescued her from the earth gods sent from her Pharaoh’s evil advisor who had tortured and killed her friend and wanted Jamila back. Now, she was healthy and glowing but certainly in no danger of becoming overweight. A blush rose up her face as I observed her.

  “You look fine,” I continued. “What would you like?”

  “More cheese, please.”

  Ilena passed the platter to me. I held it out to Jamila until she shyly took a few pieces of cheese. I turned and offered it to Lady Ilena. When she shook her head at me, I unabashedly took the remaining sausages and cheese. I didn’t dare meet her eyes, but I felt her shaking with laughter.


  Nicky bounded into my vision. He swept his sweaty black hair away from his face. His deep blue eyes swam with mischief as he grabbed my last two sausages from my plate.

  “Thank you, I’ve worked up quite an appetite!”

  “So, you have no compunction about taking food from an ill man trying to regain his strength?”

  I tried to make my face as pathetic as possible but it was hard to maintain in front of my friend.

  “Do you have no manners?” Silvesto boomed from behind Lady Ilena. “Perhaps we need to practice more until you are too tired to be rude. Conran, it is good to see you up and about.”

  “It is so good to be up and about. I appreciate both of you putting up with my bad temper.”

  “You weren’t that bad,” Nicky protested around the sausage in his mouth. “I doubt I would have handled it so well. Your aunt is an incredible healer.”

  “I agree but she thinks I would have gradually healed on my own. I prefer it happened sooner rather t
han later.”

  “Don’t overdo it, boy.”

  I was too ebullient to get offended at Silvesto’s words. I’d repeatedly proven myself a man, so I had to believe he wasn’t impugning my manhood by calling me a boy.

  “Lady Ilena, I have selected three men to accompany us. Are you ready to leave now?”

  She nodded and arose with her normal grace.

  “Be careful,” I murmured.

  My two friends left quickly. For a large man, Silvesto always moved with amazing quiet. Suddenly, I felt tired. I didn’t want to go back inside, but I wasn’t sure how much longer I could keep my eyes open. Always perceptive, Jamila gently took my plate from me.

  “Go in and get some rest, Conran. You don’t want to overexert yourself the first day you are out.”

  “But I haven’t been up that long,” I protested. “I shouldn’t be this tired.”

  “I don’t think you should be ashamed to have a short nap. I will send Nicky to wake you, so you have time to dress for dinner.”

  I couldn’t help groaning. “I thought it was more informal here?”

  “It is, but I think we need to make a good impression for Doctor Carrizo. No sense convincing him that we are barbarians.”

  Remembering the doctor’s contempt for my country, I nodded my agreement.

  “Thank you, for keeping me company while I ate.” I bowed and almost immediately regretted the movement. I winced as a burning sensation spread across my lower back. Bed no longer seemed a bad idea.

  Chapter 4

  Five days later we were back on the road. It felt good to be riding Scimitar again. I stroked his creamy neck. He turned his head and nickered softly as if letting me know he’d missed me as much as I had him.

  I straightened and sent a silent prayer for regaining my mobility. I don’t know how I would have been able to bear being paralyzed for the rest of my life. Not being able to look down from the back of my Arabian or feel his muscles move beneath me would have been devastating.

  “You look happy,” Silvesto commented as he moved up next to me.

  “I am. I will never take my health for granted again. I think I will even be grateful if I have saddle sores today!”


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