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Have a Heart 4

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by Rachel Burns

  Have a Heart

  Part 4

  By: Rachel Burns

  Have a Heart

  Part 4

  Copyright 2014, 2015 Rachel Burns

  Published by Rachel Burns

  Text Copyright © 2014, 2015 by Rachel Burns

  All Rights Reserved

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act 1976, no part of the publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by and means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, incidents and dialogues are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 – Giving Away Brianna

  Chapter 2 – Hunter and Prey

  Chapter 3 – Promises

  Chapter 4 – Moved To Tears

  Chapter 5 – Shadow Animals

  Chapter 6 – Deeply In Love

  Chapter 7 – You Have To Earn It

  Chapter 8 – Fooled

  Chapter 9 – Jealous

  Chapter 10 – Handling Her With Care

  Chapter 11 – Bachelor Party

  Chapter 12 – The Big Day

  Chapter 13 – Congratulations

  Chapter 14 – The Reception

  Chapter 15 – The Wedding Night

  Chapter 16 – Garden Work

  Chapter 17 – First Marital Spanking

  Chapter 18 – A Little Secret

  Chapter 19 – Surprise

  Chapter 20 – Pretending To Be All Right

  Chapter 21 – Advice

  Chapter 22 – When A Man Loves A Woman

  Chapter 23 – Lost

  Chapter 24 – Caring

  Chapter 25 – In-Laws

  Chapter 26 – A Child Is Born

  Chapter 27 – Meeting His Parents

  Chapter 28 – Time Goes By

  Chapter 29 – Saying Goodbye

  Chapter 30 – A German Lullaby

  Other Books By Rachel Burns

  Chapter 1 – Giving Away Brianna

  Brianna slipped her arm through her father’s and gave him a smile. Charles Banks laid his free hand over hers and patted it.

  He took a moment to really look at his baby. She was all grown up. Her long brown hair was swept up into a bun. Still, her best feature remained her green eyes. Those were the same eyes he fell in love with back in college when he looked at Brianna’s mother. He had been so pleased that Brianna had inherited her mother’s eyes. She had gotten his widow’s peak. It made her face heart-shaped. Whenever he looked at his daughter, he felt love and pride.

  He was, once again, having a special moment with his daughter. A moment he never thought he would have.

  Brianna was constantly surprising him. The doctors told them time and time again their daughter wouldn’t live very long because of the heart problems she was born with. Several times they had come so close to losing her.

  Now he truly was losing her.

  Charles looked straight ahead and saw the young man who wanted his daughter as his wife, the young man who had previously saved her life twice, the young man who had bought a house and passed the bar exam, all so he could provide for Charles’ daughter.

  Charles felt like he was going to be replaced. Brianna would no longer come to him when she needed things. She would go to this amazing young man who would soon be his son-in-law. When she experienced something new and interesting, Scott would be the one to hear about it first and not Charles.

  Scott Greene was standing at the end of the aisle waiting to snatch Charles’ daughter away from him.

  Charles had to admit Scott was a good catch. He had strong shoulders to carry the burden of Brianna’s health problems, and he had a strong character to care for her. He was exactly what Charles wanted for his daughter.

  Scott was a good-looking man with chestnut brown hair and blue eyes. The two of them would make beautiful children if Brianna could have any.

  Chances were his legacy would die with his daughter.

  Would she even survive her wedding night? He was worried about losing her. Could her heart survive a night of passion?

  Slowly, he led his daughter down the aisle. Brianna wanted to go faster, but he kept the pace nice and slow prolonging the time she stayed his little girl.

  Brianna was fighting not to roll her eyes when they finally reached the altar. She glanced over at her mother, Eva, hoping her mother would say something to help her.

  The pastor was grinning by the time they reached the altar. “Who gives this woman in marriage?” he asked loudly.

  Charles turned to his wife and frowned. “Do I have to? I’d rather keep her.”

  The people gathered behind them were snickering quietly.

  Brianna pulled her arm away from him and placed her hands on her hips. She wouldn’t let her father make a farce out of her wedding. “Daddy, I swear if you do that next Saturday, I’ll never talk to you again.”

  Scott turned slightly away, so no one but the pastor could see his smile. Once again, Scott had to think his Brianna had fire. Her green eyes had a way of burning holes in her victim’s eyes. She wasn’t the type of woman a person crossed lightly.

  Most people saw her as tiny, weak and sickly, but Scott certainly didn’t. In fact, he felt she was the strongest person he knew.

  Cathy, (Scott’s youngest sister, Brianna’s best friend and the maid of honor), stepped in between Brianna and Charles. “He was just kidding. Your father would never do anything to embarrass you on your big day.”

  “Our big day,” Scott corrected her. The women in his family and in hers were giving him the feeling he merely had to show up and do whatever they wanted him to. Brianna tried to include him, but mostly things were being decided without his input. It was a very important day for him too.

  He realized weddings were something girls dreamed about practically from the day they were born, but still, he also had a vested interest in the wedding. He wanted to marry Brianna with his whole heart.

  There was no doubt in his mind she was the woman who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

  Unfortunately, it was a given that he would outlive her.

  At one time, that had bothered him so much he almost broke off their relationship. However, now he was mature enough to be thankful for every second they got to enjoy.

  They knew they had a timer ticking, counting the time they had together, so they were going to make the most of everything.

  Every minute with his Brianna would be precious.

  Brianna had gotten her father under control, and their friends had stopped laughing. It was time for Scott to take Brianna’s hand now.

  He held it tightly as they practiced for their big day.

  Chapter 2 – Hunter and Prey

  Jessica paced up and down. She was feeling so antsy. She only had to wait three more minutes for the hour to turn. Then it would be her turn, and maybe he could help her.

  She needed this feeling to go away. No, she didn’t want it to go away. On many levels she liked it. However, she didn’t control it. It would be so good if she could control herself.

  She hoped the doctor could help her.

  She watched the clock tick. Each movement it made matched her pounding heart. She realized she was expecting too much from this doctor, who was a shrink and also worked with traditional Chinese Medicine. Would he be able to help her?

  The real question was: Was she fixable? Could someone like her live a normal life?

  The clock ticked to th
e hour. Her eyes moved to the door. He was making her wait. She needed to see him quickly.

  Her eyes darted back to the clock. Half a minute had passed by, and still the door hadn’t open. Her eyes were now darting back and forth. Clock, door, clock, door.

  Five more minutes had passed, and still the door hadn’t opened. Should she knock? Was he waiting for her to knock? Was this some sort of test?

  She paced again, thinking if the door didn’t open soon, she would have to leave, and find a man to satisfy her needs.

  The door opened. A man came out. He was helping an older woman step out of the room. He was so careful with the older lady that Jessica felt something for him immediately. There was a certain kind of man she felt irresistible. They were like a perfume. A strong good man: she was especially drawn to them.

  He looked up. Jessica went weak in the knees. He was gorgeous. This was too much for her. She needed a man, now. She wanted this one.

  Her chin lifted up in determination as she looked at him. He had become her prey. She would have him, and then she would try to find a woman therapist again, one who wouldn’t make her feel like a dirty whore.

  Richard recognized the look in her eyes. She was a beauty, but like an animal her beauty was there for a purpose. She was a huntress, but she was tired of the constant hunt.

  “Mrs. Douglas, I’ll see you again next week at the same time. Take good care of yourself this week.” He had spoken to both ladies, but he only looked the older one in the eye, letting the younger one think he would be an easy catch for her to snack on.

  Once the older lady was gone, he flashed his eyes at her. He looked her over, not hiding the fact that he was sizing her up.

  She was a red head. How fitting, he thought. She had dark blue eyes and pale skin. She was perfectly formed; again it was part of her disguise to trap men in her web. Weak men, he corrected his own musings about her. He wasn’t weak.

  Besides, she would end up being his prey.

  “How do you do? I’m Dr. Jones. Miss Kelly, if you would please join me in my office.” He gave her a nice but still professional smile.

  She grinned back for a moment, looking into his blue eyes. She preferred blue eyes. This was all too easy, she thought as she slowly turned and walked into his office. She had been so eager to get in here before, but the coin had flipped, and her reasons for wanting entrance had now changed. Going slowly would be the fastest way to her goal. She undid the top button of her blouse as she walked in.

  Jessica felt his eyes on her backside as she slowly walked over to the couch. She pressed her legs together and bent down to move a pillow a few inches over. She was sure she had his complete attention, but to make sure she sat down and bent forward to lay her purse innocently on the floor at her feet. Again, she felt his eyes on her breasts.

  Richard wasn’t about to let her have the upper hand. This was his territory, and she was in it. He would quickly show her who would lord over whom here. He walked to his desk and sat down behind it. “What brings you to me today?”

  He flashed his eyes at her. He could see she was uncomfortable with that. She wasn’t used to men looking her in the eyes. He’d bet it had been a long time since a man had. She was probably used to them undressing her with their eyes.

  “Yes, that. I have a bit of a problem.” She smiled at him and leaned forward again, picking up her purse and setting it next to her.

  Jessica felt it; he hadn’t looked at her body. She looked back up at him. His eyes were on hers.

  He couldn’t be gay, could he? No, she was never wrong about things like that. Nevertheless, the idea of a gay doctor did have its merits. That would be a good thing, a doctor with whom she may be able to make progress with. She would ask around if anyone knew someone like that after she was finished here.

  She took a handkerchief out of her purse and patted it to her neck. Her hand went back and her breast lifted slightly with her arm.

  “You came highly recommended from a friend of mine. She had problems sleeping. I too have problems along the same lines. I find it difficult to sleep – alone.” She paused, so her words could sink in a bit.

  “Are you saying you’re a nymphomaniac?” He could see she was. He wondered if she knew half of the signals she was sending in his direction. Some were obviously learned, while others might be her instinct pushing her at men.

  “No, I’m not. Something like that would be simple to take care of.”

  Richard cocked his eyebrow. “Then what exactly brings you to my office?”

  Jessica had heard the disbelief in his tone. “Like a nymphomaniac, I need attention from a man.” She was willing to do a lot to get the kind of attention she needed.

  “What form should that attention take?”

  “Spankings. Good, long, hard spankings.” Jessica emphasized each word and leaned forward, giving him the feeling she was ready and willing to go over his lap right now.

  Richard felt his cock stir. He hadn’t expected that, and he couldn’t stop the pictures forming in his head. He saw her perfect body over his knee and his hand smacking her lush tiny backside.

  His face hadn’t given away what he thought. “How do you go about getting the attention you claim you need?”

  Jessica pressed her thighs together, putting pressure on her clitoris. His deep authoritative voice was making her body stand at attention. “I promise men they can do whatever they want with my body, but first they have to spank me.”

  Richard frowned. He was disappointed in himself. He had pegged her all wrong. Richard prided himself on giving accurate diagnoses.

  Jessica saw the frown. She sat back, figuring she had disgusted him. This was only wasting her time. He wouldn’t be able to help her find a cure, and he wouldn’t help her satisfy her immediate needs either.

  “You have been playing a very dangerous game, Ms. Kelly. You’re very lucky you haven’t gotten hurt yet.”

  “Oh, I’ve gotten hurt, but I like it that way.”

  “If you like it, then why are you here?”

  “I can’t control it. My need overpowers me.”

  “And then you do what?” he asked.

  Jessica shrugged her naked shoulders. “I wash my body, very meticulously. Then I pick out something to wear. I put on my make-up accordingly. I take great care doing my hair. Then I get dressed. When I’m ready, I pick out shoes, which will get a man’s attention. They need to emphasize my long legs. Then I go to the campus bar. At first men ask me if they can buy me something to drink. I tell them to save their money. We can go some place right away. When we’re alone, I tell them the deal.”

  “How do men react to the deal?”

  “Some leave me standing, some scold me for leading them on, some try to spank me for the promised sex, few satisfy me.”

  “Have you ever truly been satisfied?”

  “In the beginning? Yes.”

  “What was the beginning like?” Richard had his fountain pen out, and he was quickly writing down everything she told him.

  “Scott was the beginning.”

  “Who’s Scott?” Richard looked at her. He feared Scott was a relative who abused her.

  “Scott was the disciplinarian on my floor during my first year of college. He was the first man to ever spank me.”

  “I don’t understand,” Richard confessed.

  “I didn’t apply myself in high school. My parents were always busy, and I was trying to get their attention. It didn’t work, but they did send me to a college that believed with the threat of bare bottom spankings the girls would apply themselves. The school was very strict. It was easy to find minor offenses to get a spanking.”

  “I see. I’ve never heard of a college like that. Did you feel you were being sexually abused there?”

  “No. I didn’t feel that way because that wasn’t the case. I was one of many, not important.”

  Richard laid down his pen and looked Jessica in the eyes. “Tell me, Ms. Kelly, what would the perfect man look like

  “Do you want to hear what I really think, or what you want to hear?”

  “By all means, tell me what you really think.”

  “The man who would be perfect for me would only care about me. He wouldn’t forget about me the moment he turned away.”

  “Did Scott do that to you?” Richard asked.

  “Yes, in fact I’m going to his wedding this weekend. He is marrying a girl who was also on my floor. I’m worried.”

  “What are you worried about, Ms. Kelly?”

  “That I won’t behave myself. I haven’t seen him in so long, I fear I’ll start confessing that I got into trouble on purpose back then, just so he would spank me. I don’t want to do that to Brianna.”

  “Who is Brianna?”

  “His bride-to-be. We went to college together. She is the nicest person I know.”

  “I understand. That’s why you’re looking for help now.”

  “Yes.” Jessica confirmed his thoughts.

  “If I take you on as a patient, I need you to obey me completely. To be able to get a hold on your illness you have to change your mindset on several things. The first is you aren’t in control of your needs, and you shouldn’t be. Your master will have complete control of you.”

  “My master?”

  “Yes, that’s me.”

  Jessica pressed her legs tighter together.

  “The second thing you need to accept is that a mere boy will not be able to satisfy you. You need a man. Not just any man will do. They are called Alpha Males, leaders or decision makers.”

  Jessica asked herself if this were a dream. If it were, it was one of her best.

  “Third you need to accept your role as a submissive. It is your duty to obey your master, me. I’ll be your master throughout your therapy.”

  “Okay, I understand.”

  “You told my secretary you’re new in town. Why are you here?”

  “I found a job here. I start in three weeks. That’s another reason why I wanted to start therapy. I fear I may overstep a boundary at work.”


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