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Have a Heart 4

Page 8

by Rachel Burns

  “Thank you, Brad. I’ve never had a sibling. Now I have three sisters and a brother.” It was plain to see that Brianna was thrilled to have him as a brother. Brad had to smile at her. No wonder everyone loved her so much. She was sweet, unlike his Becky.

  Brad hugged Scott slapping him on the back and congratulated him. They talked about the game last night.

  Rebecca stepped forward next. She had a son on each hand, so she couldn’t hug anyone or shake anyone’s hand.

  Brianna hugged Rebecca. Rebecca still hadn’t said anything, so Brianna bent down and greeted her nephews, telling them how much they had grown.

  “You’re so blessed to have them, Rebecca. I hope I can give them some cousins to play with,” Brianna confessed.

  Rebecca could see the pain on Brianna’s face. “That would be nice.” She moved on to Scott and let him hug her. He was giving up a lot to be with Brianna. He must really love her. “You did well.”

  “Thank you, Becky.” Scott was waiting for the rude back stabbing comment, which usually followed nice words from here. It didn’t come.

  Andrew was the last one to come out. “Brianna, you were charming, the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen.”

  “Thank you, Andrew.” She rose up on her tippy-toes and kissed his cheek. “You sang so beautifully. It was an amazing gift. We both thank you.”

  For the first time in his life, Scott was able to look at Andrew without feeling jealous. “You’re very talented. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to be here and performing for us today. We appreciated it.” Scott shook his hand.

  “Of course, I still have something planned for the reception.” Andrew was eager to show them there were no hard feelings. The best man for Brianna had won, and Andrew could gracefully admit defeat. “This is a nice church. You will enjoy working here.” Andrew said to Brianna before he moved down the line, which was starting to disperse.

  Eva spoke with him, making him feel like an important part of the wedding.

  The pastor had been waiting for them. They too had to sign some papers. One last time, Brianna would use the name Banks.

  Chapter 14 – The Reception

  Scott and Brianna were surprise by how little time they had for each other. They were constantly mingling with their friends and families.

  Both were looking forward to the meal, so they could sit down, especially Brianna. She was starting to feel a little dizzy. She went into the house and asked for a glass of water. Strangers were working in her mother’s kitchen. It was weird to see someone other than her mother in the kitchen. It was worse having to ask for something in a place she knew so well.

  Brianna took her glass into the breakfast nook and looked outside of the window at her guests.

  Scott had seen her go in and worried about her. When he spotted her in the kitchen, drinking a glass of water, it reminded him of her birthday a couple of years ago. She had passed out because of the heat.

  Scott wrapped his arms around her placing his hands on her tummy. “Are you all right? We can call it a day whenever you want. I got what I wanted out of this day, you’re my wife now, and you’re coming home with me.”

  Brianna didn’t turn around and look at him. She leaned into his body and closed her eyes. “I heard there is going to be cake. I’d like a piece.”

  Scott grinned a little. “Still, I’m serious. It’s a warm day out, and that dress must weigh a ton.”

  “I’m fine, Scott. I’m just getting a little tired.”

  “Would you like to go into your old room and lie down awhile?” He had emphasized the words ‘old room’ letting her know she now lived with him in their house.

  “I’m fine. Besides, if I lie down in this dress, I probably won’t be able to get back up again.”

  “Then I’ll see to it that you remove it before you go to bed tonight.”

  “I bet you will.” Brianna turned to him, and carefully laid her head on his chest. She feared she might smear him with her make-up.

  “You would win that bet. I’m so glad we don’t have to worry about anything. I’m looking forward to sleeping with you in our bed.”

  “Me too.”

  “Come on, I’ll walk you to our table. You can sit down and drink your water.” Scott walked her outside and passed everyone, so no one could stop her.

  Everyone slowly took their places, and the many round tables spread throughout the garden.

  Chandler told Scott he would like to have a private conversation. He wanted to confess that he was in love with Cathy. The two of them walked to the side of the house.

  Charles spotted Scott talking to Chandler. He knew he could barge in and have a talk with Scott.

  “May I steal my son-in-law away for a moment, Chandler?”

  “Of course, sir.” Chandler lifted his eyebrows and smirked at Scott before he went off to see what Cathy was up to. He could talk to Scott later. The day was still young.

  He saw that Cathy was running herself ragged. “Cathy, everyone is taking their place at the table. May I escort you to your chair?”

  He had asked so charmingly that she couldn’t say no.

  “Scott, I know I’ve said this before, but I’m worried about this evening. Brianna is so weak.” Charles confessed.

  “I swear she will be fine. I’d never do anything that would hurt her. I give you my word.”

  Charles nodded at Scott, but he didn’t feel relieved. The only thing that would make him feel better would be hearing Brianna’s voice saying she was fine, afterwards.

  They went to the head table and sat down. The second Scott sat down someone started to clang their knife against a glass. Others joined in, making the noise impossible to ignore. Scott stood and helped Brianna to her feet. They kissed while the waiters served the food.

  As soon as they sat down, the next person thought it would be funny to make them stand up again.

  Whenever Scott or Brianna wanted to take a bite of his or her food, someone would clang away.

  Rebecca’s twins caught on and wouldn’t stop.

  Brianna needed to sit down. She needed a break. It was a warm day and sweat was running down her back. She feared she might not be able to make it through the day if she didn’t get a chance to stay off her feet now.

  Once again, the clanging started.

  Brianna had enjoyed the kisses, but she worried she wouldn’t have energy for the rest of the day. They had to eat, listen to the speeches, which had been written especially for them, cut the cake, and then dance. She wanted to dance with her father and then have Scott cut in. Those were all memories she wanted to make today.

  At first, it was funny, but when it happened every time they sat down, Scott got up and went over to Rebecca.

  “Could you please stop them? Brianna was dizzy before. She should be lying down, but she didn’t want to miss her own wedding day. You understand, don’t you, Rebecca?”

  “They’re just kids, Scott,” Rebecca protested.

  Brad saw Scott talking to his wife and worried that she was causing trouble again on Scott’s wedding day. He wished she were more mature. He heard what was going on so he headed to their table quickly. “It’s okay, Scott. I’ll get them to stop.”

  “There’s a big surprise,” Rebecca said sarcastically. “You’re on his side again.” Rebecca shook her head after Scott left. “He doesn’t have children so he thinks he can tell us how to raise ours. You should have told him off.”

  “He told you his heart sick wife is already having trouble staying on her feet, and you think the boys should be able to do whatever they want just because they are kids?”

  One of the twins giggled and picked up his knife again.

  “If you do, you will get a spanking,” Brad warned him.

  “Sure him you would spank.” Rebecca moved her chair so she didn’t have to look at her husband anymore. She loved him so much, but she was bitter. Ever since the twins were born he had ignored her. Why didn’t he understand that
she needed attention too? All they did was talk about the boys. They didn’t have anything else in common they could talk about anymore.

  “Boys, up you go. We’ll go into the kitchen and see if you two can’t have an ice-cream.” Brad stood and held out his hands so each boy would take one.

  “You can’t give them ice-cream before they eat,” Rebecca protested.

  “Today is a special day. Did you forget that? It’s your brother’s wedding day.” Brad turned and left her alone. It was getting clear that only a clean cut would help. He didn’t hold her in high regards anymore. Marriage was so disappointing.

  Richard had heard them talking. He could see exactly what was wrong. She had even hinted what she wanted. Perhaps, she was like his Jessica. That would mean she needed attention. Rebecca was sitting alone at a table on her brother’s wedding day, trying not to cry.

  Richard knew he shouldn’t do it, but he couldn’t stop himself. He had to help her. Jessica was chatting very nicely with her friends from school.

  “Excuse me, darling.” He gave her a kiss under her earlobe that had her friends giggling.

  Richard found Brad in the kitchen. He was giving his kids fruit salad. Brad wasn’t the bad guy. He was being pushed and stumbling backwards instead of standing his ground like he should.

  “Brad, right?” Richard held out his hand to Brad.

  “That’s right.” Brad shook Richard’s hand back.

  “I couldn’t help but overhear what just happened between you and your wife.”

  Brad pulled his hand away and sucked his cheeks in to mask what he was thinking. He was embarrassed and mad that this stranger would approach him and say something like that.

  “I’m a therapist. Forgive me, but that you two have problems was very clear. Because the solution is also very clear, I thought I would step forward and just come out and say it.”

  “Really? You saw us discussing something a couple of minutes long and think you can solve all of our problems. Save it. We don’t live around here. We won’t be coming in for any sessions.”

  “I don’t live around here either. Believe me, I’m booked out. I’m only offering free advice.”

  Brad took a deep breath. “What is it? What is so obvious that you could see it in a couple of minutes, but I can’t even see it after years of marriage?”

  “Your wife is lonely. She needs attention, so she acts up.”

  Brad rolled his eyes and shook his head, thinking this man was only stating the obvious.

  “She wants you to take her in hand the same way you would the children. She wants you to spank her.”

  Brad’s jaw dropped. “I would never hit my wife.” He turned away from the man who claimed to be a professional and checked to make sure his boys hadn’t heard what the sick man had suggested.

  Richard shrugged his shoulders and left. He wasn’t about to debate the merit of taking time to discipline a woman.

  Brad told the boys to carry their bowls out to mommy. He followed them out and sat down next to Rebecca. What had just happened was simply so extraordinary that he had to share it with someone. He whispered in Rebecca’s ear what had happened.

  She didn’t answer. She got up and left the table.

  Brad looked around for Sharon. He waved her over to their table and asked if she could watch the boys for a moment. He warned her that they had to leave Brianna and Scott alone.

  Brad found his wife crying in Mr. Banks office. “I’m so sorry that man upset you so much. I would never raise a hand against you.”

  Rebecca jumped to her feet. She wanted to scream and pull her hair out. “Would the thought of spanking me disgust you so much?”

  Brad was getting a feeling the man might have hit the nail on the head. No, that couldn’t be right. The idea was absurd. Still, the idea of her naked body, draped over his lap was an enticing one.

  “Brad, I asked you something.” Rebecca’s feelings were hurt.

  “I’m sorry. The caveman in me was just picturing it.” Blood was starting to flow to his penis.

  “You have a caveman in you?” she asked in disbelief.

  “Oh yes. And he would like nothing better than to smack your sexy ass, but as a modern man, I realize you have basic rights, and one of them is the right to feel safe in your home.”

  “Maybe – I would feel safer with the caveman.” Rebecca simply couldn’t come out and say what she needed from him.

  “Am I understanding you correctly? That stranger was right?”

  “It’s just that – sometimes I feel so stressed out – and out of step with the world. I get so stuffed full with emotions. This is something I’ve always suffered from. When I lived at home, my dad spanked me, and afterwards I felt okay again.”

  “Why didn’t you come to me and tell me this sooner? We have been married for years already, and this has been going on since the beginning.”

  “I was too embarrassed.” Rebecca stood in front of her husband twisting her fingers against each other. She feared he would reject her now that he knew the truth.

  Brad could see what she needed now. He would play the part. It might save their marriage and lead to sex, a rarity at their house. “But you weren’t embarrassed to act like a bitch. All of these years you have been pushing me away with your actions. The only reason I took your crap was because of the twins.”

  “I’m sorry, Brad. I didn’t want to push you away.”

  “But you did time and time again.” Brad stood up and looked her in the eyes, clearly seeing what needed to be done. “Wait until I get you home, you won’t be sitting comfortably for at least a week.” His face remained stone hard as he spoke.

  Rebecca threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. She didn’t say anything. She only hoped he meant what he said.

  Brad took her back out to the reception once his penis had relaxed. He sincerely couldn’t wait to go home. They would be leaving in the morning and dropping Sharon off at home again. The boys would need a little time to play before they could go to bed. It would be over twenty-four hours before he could touch his wife like they both needed. He could hardly wait.

  Rebecca saw the man at the table next to theirs look over at them and smile. She mouthed the words ‘thank you’.

  Chandler gave his speech, talking about knowing what you have when you have it. He looked over at Cathy often.

  She made a point of never looking at him.

  He would have his work cut out for him, but by God he wasn’t about to give up. That feeling alone told him she was something special. If she were only a one-night-stand, he would have lost interest with her by now.

  No woman had ever interested him more.

  Chandler lifted up his glass and toasted the bride and groom.

  Jenny had her eyes on the man who had sung at church. She noticed he didn’t have a date with him.

  She walked over to him and smiled at him. “You sang beautifully at church. I was wondering what kind of background you have in music. I might major in it, like Brianna did.”

  Andrew looked at her and his jaw dropped. “Umm – Hi.”

  “Hello.” Jenny gave him a nice smile.

  “I’m a professor for Music. I’ve been singing all of my life, and I play several instruments. Do you play something?”

  “I play the guitar.”

  “Would you play for me? I have one here. Maybe you could accompany me later. I’m going to sing again.”

  “Sure.” Jenny was glad she had been taking a feather out of Brianna’s cap and practicing every day. She sat down and looked at the song he wanted her to play. “By the way, my name is Jenny.”

  “I’m Andrew.” He smiled at her again. When she started to play, he praised her. She was especially good.

  Andrew spent the rest of the day trying to convince her and her father that she should transfer to his school to study music.

  Martin hated that it was so far away. Andrew assured him he would keep an eye on her. He told him that she would easily f
ind a babysitter for her beautiful daughter, who was already a year old.

  Before they left for home, Jenny had given Andrew a kiss on the cheek.

  Chapter 15 – The Wedding Night

  Brianna sighed happily when Scott walked into their house. He was holding her in his arms, carrying her over the threshold. “Welcome home, Mrs. Greene.”

  “This is all ours. I can hardly believe it.” She spotted her piano and looked at her husband. “Is that for me?”

  “Yes, of course it is. I bought it for you as a wedding present. I know we aren’t swimming in money. Yet,” he added. “Still, I want you to have what you need. I felt you needed a piano.”

  “Thank you, Scott.” She kissed him deeply, letting her tongue roll around his. “Thank you. I’m going to love being married to you.”

  “I know. Being married to you is going to be the best thing that will ever happen to me.”

  “Will happen? Scott, it did happen. We’re already married.”

  “You’re right, darling. We are old married people now. And as such, we can head right to our bedroom and make love all night.”

  “By the time you have undressed me, you’ll be too tired to do anything,” Brianna teased him.

  “Is that a challenge? Because I’ll rise – to the challenge.”

  Brianna wrinkled her nose. “I got that.”

  Scott chuckled and laid his wife down on the bed. “I’ll be right back. I just have to get a pair of scissors, so I can get at you quicker.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.” Her dress had cost a fortune.

  “No, I was only kidding.”

  “You’re acting so – playful.” Brianna was seeing a side of him she had never seen before.

  “Why shouldn’t I be? Before you stands a man, who has achieved everything in life he ever wanted. I have a degree in Law, I passed the Bar, I’m moving up in my law firm, and I married the only girl I have ever loved. What more could I want?”


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