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Nice Day For A White Wedding

Page 13

by Le Carre, Georgia

  He looks up, a frown on his face, obviously pissed off at the intrusion. His face changes when he sees me, and I know my terror must be written all over my face. He jumps to his feet and crosses the room. He takes my hands in his.

  “Cindy? What’s wrong? What happened?” he asks urgently.

  I don’t have the words to explain and I just shake my head mutely, aware that the only warm spots on my body are the places his hands are touching.


  Choosing Cindy was a stupid mistake.

  I knew it the moment our eyes met that night, but I couldn’t damn well help myself. And now I’ve dug myself into a hole I can’t seem to dig myself out of. I find it almost impossible to stop myself from flirting with her and touching her. I know I’m giving her mixed signals and it’s a low despicable thing to do, but I’m losing control over my own actions. For the first time in my life I’m doing things almost against my will.

  It’s clear she is feeling the rush too. The way she reacted to Natalia is the way I would have if one of her exes came up and tried to flirt with her. No, it’s not the way I would have reacted: I would have punched a hole in his damn head.

  I want her more than I’ve ever wanted any other woman, but I’m not going to jeopardize the fantasy I have created for Babushka. It is going so nicely. Everything is as perfect as I thought it might be. Babushka loves her. I’m not going to spoil it.

  As I shrug off my jacket and shirt, the image of her lying on the grass, the sun in her hair comes into my mind. God, I could have taken her then. How easy it would have been to move my head closer and just kiss that soft, pink mouth.

  I knew I had to shut the moment down, but once I did, the tension that wasn’t there between us became something impossible to disregard. Before it was in the background, humming gently. Now it’s like a relentless gnawing in my gut. It won’t be ignored. It won’t even let me sleep. I take off my pants and go to the bathroom in my boxer shorts. When I come back I toss my laptop onto the bed and settle down next to it. Work. Work might be able to consume my attention.

  It always has in the past.

  It takes ages to get back into working mode, my thoughts keep straying to her sleeping next door. Does she sleep naked? Fuck. I pull my thoughts away from the image furiously. I hate how weak and vulnerable I have become. If the men I ran with could see me now. How they would laugh. I think of my best friend, Yuri. How annoyed I was when he fell in love. For the first time I understand how he must have felt as he found himself being helplessly twisted around the little finger of a woman.

  I force my attention back to the figures in front of me. This time I succeed. The deal sucks me in and I work steadily. I’m so involved I jump when the connecting door to Cindy’s room crashes open.

  My head jerks up and the sight of her cuts the words off in my throat. Her hair is tousled and loose all around her shoulders, and she has hastily thrown on a short red silk robe that is barely long enough to conceal her pussy. She is clutching the robe tightly in her hands, but I can still see a deep triangle of the skin all the way down to her waist. It’s more than enough to tell me she’s probably naked beneath the wisp of covering. Her long, long smooth legs are a potent invitation all on their own.

  None of that is what makes me freeze, though. It’s the expression on her white face.

  Her eyes are wide and staring and her mouth is pressed tightly closed in a grimace. She is so terrified her hands are shaking. I jump to my feet and rush to her side. I take her hands in mine, ignoring the heat that flows through me when I touch her skin. Heat is just how she makes my body react. From day one. Her hands aren’t warm. They’re so cold, it’s as though she’s been outside in the dead of winter dressed in the flimsy robe.

  “What’s wrong?

  She just shakes her head and I give her a moment to get her words in order. I want to pull her against me and stop her from shaking, but I stop myself. I don’t trust myself. She’s nearly naked. I try to think what could have happened to scare her this badly. Has she had a phone call with bad news from home or something? That must be it. She’s only been in her room. What else could it be? I’m already making silent calculations in my head for when we can fly home. This might be for the best, because I don’t think I can take much more of being around her all day long and pretending I’m not burning up inside to fuck her.

  “There was someone in my bathroom. I heard footsteps and then someone saying my name,” she blurts out. Her voice is husky with fear.

  I frown. There’s no one in her room. I know that for a fact. Even to get on this land someone would have to negotiate an electric fence, then the up-to-date security system I installed five years ago. It must be those damned pipes again. I’ll have to talk to Babushka and try to convince her to allow me to update those ancient things.

  “It’s just the pipes, Cindy,” I say, releasing her hands. Now that I know there is no emergency, I feel a burst of desire rip through my body.

  She shakes her head. “When I thought I heard crying, I could buy the pipes theory, but I swear, you have to believe me, something in there called my name, Alex. As clear as day. And it’s icy cold in there too.”

  The first thing that comes into my mind is: Petra or Anastasia are playing a cruel joke, hiding out in Cindy’s room to scare her.

  “Wait here,” I say and stalk through to her room. If I find one of those little bitches in there, or any sign they’ve been there, I swear I’ll kill them. They used to be spoilt brats, but now, they’ve turned into grasping witches.

  The light is still on in Cindy’s room and the duvet is pushed back. Nothing else is out of place, but I do notice the unusual chill in the air almost immediately. I go through to the bathroom and switch the light on, but the room is empty, and there’s nothing to suggest anyone has been in there.

  It’s warmer in the bathroom than the main bedroom though and a quick touch on the radiator tells me the heating is working fine, but when I go back through to the bedroom and touch the heater in there, it’s stone cold. Even though the temperature during the day is nice, the nights can get surprisingly cold in this big old house. At least now I know what’s happened. I go back to my room.

  “The heater in the bedroom is broken,” I say. “That’s why the pipes are being so loud. They’re trying to heat something that isn’t working.”

  “But the voice …” she insists miserably and trails off.

  I don’t want to make her feel stupid. “Maybe you were dreaming.”

  She seems to have gotten a grip of herself while I was gone. She no longer looks so afraid, but she’s still making no move to go back to her own room. In fairness, I can’t really expect her to go back and sleep in there while it’s so cold.

  “Do you want to sleep in here tonight? I’ll have one of the staff look at the heater first thing tomorrow,” I say.

  “Thank you,” she says.

  She heads for the door that leads to my lounge.

  “Take the bed,” I say.

  She stops mid-stride and turns around. “No, it’s fine. I’ll be alright on the couch.”

  “Take the damned bed,” I growl, a little annoyed that she always argues with me about … everything.

  As if I’m going to let her take the couch. I snatch my laptop off the bed and take a few steps away.

  “Thank you,” she whispers and moves towards the bed. There is something wooden about her movements. She climbs onto the bed, but instead of getting into it, she just lays down and closes her eyes. Must be the shock of thinking she’d been visited by a ghost.

  “Shall I switch off the light?”

  Her eyes snap open. “No, don’t do that. I like sleeping with the lights on.”

  I hide my smile at her antics and move towards the lounge.

  “Um … if you’re not going to bed straightaway, maybe you can work here.”

  Concentrating with Cindy so close to me and her legs on show like that is going to be damned hard, and I know for sure now I w
on’t be getting any work done. I’ll be far too busy thinking about what I want to do with those legs, but I sit at the writing table by the window and try to lose myself in my work again. It is impossible. Cindy is quiet and after a while I assume she’s fallen asleep and I begin to think about going to the lounge. I glance back at the bed and she looks to be fast asleep. Her chest is rising and falling evenly. Even that one glance has me all heated and I quickly turn away. I close my laptop and as quietly as I can I start to push my chair back.

  I jump when Cindy speaks suddenly into the silence. “What are you doing?”

  “Going to bed,” I mutter.

  I don’t want to be rude and ignore her completely, but I don’t want to get drawn into a conversation either. Her being near naked on my bed is a recipe for disaster. I hope my tone gives Cindy the hint that I don’t want to talk, but it doesn’t.

  “I guess it’s too late to continue working,” she says.

  “Uh huh,” I grunt, as I push back my chair and stand.

  “Were you working on The Macau?” she asks quickly.

  God, it’s like she thinks we’re teenagers at a sleepover or something. I glance at her. She is up on her elbows and staring at me. “No,” I say.


  “It’s late. I should get some sleep.”

  “Yes, it’s late. You should get some sleep, but can we just talk for a bit.” Her voice sounds chatty and wide awake.

  “What’s so important that it can’t wait until the morning?”

  “Oh nothing. I just thought we could talk a bit, you know? We could talk about The Macau, if you like.”

  The last thing on my mind was to stay here and talk to her about The Macau.

  “I’d love to talk to you about The Macau, but probably not at this time of the morning. Perhaps we’ll go over it over breakfast.”

  I look at her as I say it, expecting her to look a little sheepish. Instead, she looks like she hasn’t heard a word I’ve said. Her eyes are all over my body, taking in my abs, my legs. I have to stop this, because if she keeps looking at me like this, I know exactly what will happen.

  “Goodnight,” I say.

  She looks up at my face and now she looks a little sheepish, but also a little sly. That look that women get when they know what they want. She gives me a half-smile and I hurriedly move towards the lounge. The longer I stay here with her, the more dangerous the situation gets. I step through to the next room, and go to pull the door closed.

  “Leave it open,” she says softly.

  I turn back to her, but this time, she isn’t messing about. That scared look is back on her face.

  “Please,” she adds.

  “Fine,” I agree with a sigh.


  I leave the door open and for good measure, I leave the lamp on. As much as I want Cindy to go to sleep and stop fucking tempting me the way she is, I don’t want her to be afraid. I go to the couch and lay down. It’s anything but comfortable. My knees sit on the arm and my feet dangle off the end, and I know they’ll be dead in the morning. But I can hardly turf her out of the bed now.

  Even in the dark I can feel her eyes on me. I close my own eyes, hoping she will take the hint and do the same. She speaks again after a few minutes, dispelling my notion that she might make this easy. Doesn’t she know what she’s doing to me here? Clearly not if her words are anything to go by.

  “You’re too big for that couch,” she says. “The bed is big enough for both of us.” Her tone isn’t flirty; she’s just stating a fact.

  I make a grunting sound and hope she’ll leave it at that, but of course, she doesn’t.

  “Why don’t you just come and get into the bed and then I won’t have to feel guilty about turfing you out of your own bed.”

  “Because if I do that, I guarantee you neither of us will get any sleep,” I growl.

  This finally shuts her up.

  “Oh!” She snaps her mouth closed and falls silent.

  I let some time pass before I open my eyes, but only to tiny slits. If Cindy is still awake, I don’t want her to see that and start with the questions again. I can’t resist looking at her.

  The lamp provides light for me to see her. Her eyes are closed, but I don’t think she’s sleeping. She isn’t underneath the covers, and she keeps moving her legs. Inch by inch, her robe is moving upwards, revealing the creamy white skin of her thighs.

  She moves again and I know if her robe moves even an inch more, she’s going to be flashing her pussy at me. It makes me feel like a pervert to think that she is unaware of how much of herself she is revealing to me. The thought doesn’t make me feel bad. Instead I get even more turned on at the thought of her forbidden flesh.

  She moves again and the silk robe shifts again. There can only be one inch left between the edge of her robe and heaven. It drives me crazy. I can’t just lay here and not do anything about this.

  I get up from the couch and stalk towards Cindy. Her eyes open as I am halfway to her and I know she wasn’t sleeping at all. And she knew exactly what she was doing too. I keep my eyes firmly on hers. I’m kind of pissed off now. She’s fucking teasing me, knowing I can’t let anything happen between us.

  I reach the side of the bed and look down at her laid out seductively. I want to reach out and pull that robe apart.

  “Changed your mind about getting in with me?” Her smile full of fake innocence.

  “No,” I bark.

  God, I want to rip that robe away from her curves. Instead, I reach down and pull her robe together. Then I tug at the duvet so I can pull it free of her. I pull it up over her and tuck it in tightly.

  “There,” I say, finally allowing myself to look at her properly. “Now stay beneath the covers.”

  It takes every ounce of self-control I have to turn away from her. Before I have even taken a step, she’s talking again, teasing me. Her teasing is a mistake, because I only have so much self-control, and she’s a hair-breaths away from pushing me past my endurance.

  “Why do I have to stay beneath the covers?” she asks in a teasing voice.

  I don’t turn around to look at her. “Because if you push that sheet away, I’ll take it as an invitation to fuck you. And once that happens, there is no going back.”

  I start to walk away again, knowing that now she understands the stakes, she’ll stop messing with me. I don’t have to look to know she is wearing a shocked expression. She won’t be asking any more questions of me tonight. In fact, I think she’ll actually just go to fucking sleep and leave me alone now.

  But I underestimate Cindy. I hear a rustling noise from behind me and then she speaks again.

  “I was starting to think you would never get the hint,” she says breathily from behind me.

  I can’t help myself. I stop and turn back to her. She’s pushed the sheet away again. I make a low growling sound in my throat and I cover the distance between me and the bed in two long strides.

  “You shouldn’t have done that, Cindy,” I say from between clenched teeth, as I climb on top of her. Her body is supple and her skin is baby-soft.

  “I know. It was a mistake, but I …” she agrees as she lifts her head to meet my kiss.

  She doesn’t get a chance to say anything else as I crush my lips against hers. Fire floods my veins, moving through my whole body as Cindy’s tongue snakes into my mouth. I can feel her writhing beneath me, her hands all over my body.

  A voice in the back of my mind whispers to me, telling me this is wrong. This could ruin everything. Too much is at stake. This isn’t about my pleasure. It’s about Babushka. Don’t think with your dick, the voice scolds.

  I ignore the voice.

  Too late for that now.

  I move my mouth from Cindy’s and let my tongue trail up her jawbone. Her skin is like warm silk. I nibble on her earlobe. I push myself up onto my knees and reaching down I do what I’ve been craving to do since she ran in here all wild-eyed with fright. I pull her flimsy robe open. As I
figured, she’s buck-naked underneath it. The sight of her body sends a pulse of pleasure slamming through my cock.

  There’s truly no going back now.

  I grab her ankles, pull apart those gorgeous long legs I’d been lusting after, and look down at her open pussy. I gaze at the small blonde locks shaved into a neat triangle, the pretty whorls of pink flesh, the engorged clit with its inner white bud showing, and the tiny, little hole that is dripping with her arousal. If this doesn’t look like heaven, I don’t know what does.

  I run my fingers down Cindy’s throat all the way to her stomach. Goose bumps rise on her flawless skin as my fingers dip lower still. I insert my thick finger into that warm throbbing hole. She jerks, clenches, and arches her body. I look down at my dark finger buried inside her white body, and a thought flashes into my head:

  Mine. All mine. Only mine.

  The thought is not tentative or newly born. It is fully grown and utterly fierce. Like a lion guarding its hunting ground, its mate, its life. I lean forward and flick my tongue over her clit. Cindy gasps as her hands comb through my hair. Her smell and taste flood my senses. I swear this girl was created to drive men mad. I pull my finger out of her and slip my tongue in, and she moans helplessly.

  Her body jerks with surprise when I suck her whole pussy into my mouth, but the pleasure is so forbidden, so unexpected, so keenly anticipated, she comes in a gush of cum. Her sweet juices fill my mouth and run down my throat. I keep her inside my mouth while I wait for her body to stop convulsing. It seems as if her orgasm goes on and on. When it finally ebbs away she lifts her head and looks down at me with wide eyes.

  “Wow, that was so freaking amazing.”

  “I’m not finished yet,” I tell her.

  “Not so fast. It’s your turn now,” she says in a sultry voice, as she pushes my boxers down. My cock snaps out, tight and heavy, and her eyes become saucers. She doesn’t take her gaze off my erection as she speaks in an awed voice. “I guessed you’d be big, but … Jesus Christ, Alex. I’m not very good at math and measurements, but that has to be at least twelve inches long.”


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