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Realm of Knights

Page 25

by Jennifer Anne Davis

  “You can.” Idina put her hands on Reid’s shoulders, shoving her from the doorway. “And you will. Get your bag and let’s go.”

  Ackley chuckled. “If only you handled all my Knights with such grace.”

  Idina shot him a death glare. “Why are you even here?”

  “To see Reid off.” He pushed away from the wall. “Come. I’m sure Gordon is about to have a fit we’re not there yet.”

  No one spoke as they made their way through the castle. Reid was still trying to wrap her brain around the fact that she was going to marry Dexter. When she got to Axian, she planned to send her father a strongly worded letter. Maybe there was some mistake, and she wasn’t supposed to marry the prince. Maybe her father hadn’t really agreed to it. Maybe there was still a way out of this mess.

  Outside the stables, Ackley stopped. “This is as far as we dare go.”

  Everything that had happened during the past hour felt like some sort of nightmare—one in which Reid needed to wake up from.

  Idina wrapped her arms around Reid for a hug. “Remember, you’re there as a spy. Be agreeable so they allow you to stay and listen to their conversations.”

  Reid didn’t bother to tell the princess that things were vastly different in Axian. That men and women were treated equally unlike here in northern Marsden. And she didn’t bother to tell her the royal family in Axian would never trust her since Eldon had arranged the marriage. They were smart enough to know the king wanted her there for a reason.

  “Idina,” Reid said, releasing her friend from the hug, “why did you ask me about seducing a man a couple of weeks ago?”

  “Did I?” Idina replied. “I don’t remember.”

  Reid did. And it made her wonder if the Knights wanted Reid to get close to Dexter to gain information. Knowing Reid wouldn’t have done it willingly, they’d somehow concocted this scenario to get her there. However, that did seem a bit far-fetched. It had to just be a coincidence. But when she considered how the chess piece got in the box and where the missing letters were, she had a feeling Ackley had his hand in all of this. She peered at him, wondering if she should question him about it or just go along with the plan that had been set into motion.

  Ackley winked as he pulled Reid in for a hug. “Be careful,” he whispered. “If you need anything, send word.” He released her, patting her bag.

  “I will.”

  “And remember, you’re a Knight. Your loyalty is to the kingdom.”

  She nodded, considering how he’d phrased the statement. He’d specifically said kingdom and not King Eldon or my brother.

  Gordon exited the stables, leading Mirage and another horse out. “Let’s go.”

  She slung her bag over Mirage and mounted—which was completely awkward given the fact she was wearing a dress. Idina explained how to sit sideways to accommodate Reid’s clothing. It took her a minute to get situated.

  “Ready?” Gordon asked once she’d stopped adjusting herself.

  “What do you think?” she asked sarcastically.

  Pursing his lips, he gave a curt nod. “Follow me.” He led Reid to the barracks where a group of two dozen mounted soldiers waited. When they joined them, the group set out, exiting the city and heading straight for Lake Folme.

  Reid didn’t notice much during the journey. She was too focused on what was going to happen when she reached Axian. Would the royal family welcome her, even knowing she was a spy? Would they go forward with the marriage to avoid a war? While Prince Henrick and Princess Nara had seemed nice enough, Reid couldn’t say the same for Prince Dexter. He couldn’t possibly want to marry Reid. Would he resent her? Refuse to marry her? Her head pounded thinking about different scenarios.

  Before she knew it, Lake Folme loomed in front of her. A small boat was docked and waiting for her. She’d never been on a boat before and had no idea what to expect. There was a crew of a dozen or so Axian soldiers onboard, each holding an oar.

  One soldier exited the boat. “Lady Reid Ellington?”

  “Yes.” She dismounted, not sure what to do with her horse.

  “I’ll make sure he’s taken care of,” Gordon said, taking the reins. “I’ll send him home to your father. I promise.”

  “I guess this is it.” Reid’s stomach rolled with nausea, and she wiped her sweaty palms on her dress.

  The Axian soldier stepped forward and took her bag, tossing it into the boat.

  “I’m sorry,” Gordon mumbled. “I wish there was something I could do to help.”

  Reid nodded because what could she say to that? She twisted her ring, feeling the weight of it. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.” She’d managed to grow up pretending to be a man. How hard could it be to pretend to be okay with going to Axian to marry Dexter? Maybe she could sneak away before the marriage took place. She could live somewhere in Axian. Although if she did, she’d be by herself and wouldn’t ever be able to see her family again. Could she make that sacrifice?

  “Lady Reid?” the soldier said, holding out his hand.

  Taking a deep breath, Reid reached out and took hold of his hand, stepping onto the boat. It rocked from the added weight. Once situated, she looked to the shore where Gordon watched her. He lifted his hand in a wave. What would he do if he knew he was supposed to be the king? Would he welcome the position or despise it?

  The Axian soldiers started rowing. Gordon got smaller and smaller as Reid left him behind. She picked up her bag, placing it on her lap and playing with the strap. Something poked out of the top of her bag. When she opened it, she saw it was a piece of paper wrapped around an object. Scribbled across the paper were the words Your next assignment. She pulled the paper off a chess piece. It was a pawn. She shoved it farther in her bag, under her clothes, along with the letter from Ackley. When she was alone, she’d take it out and read it.

  An hour later, the Axian shore came into view. Over a hundred soldiers stood at attention, waiting for the boat. At the front of the soldiers, a man dressed in solid black stood, his cape billowing in the wind. He was flanked by two female soldiers.

  “Is that Prince Dexter?” Reid asked, squinting to try to see his face.

  “It is,” the soldier closest to her replied. “I’d say welcome to Axian. However, I’m not sure you’ll be receiving a welcome from our commander. He doesn’t like being told what, or whom, to do.”

  * * *

  End of Book One

  Shadow Knights

  Knights of the Realm, Book 2

  As a member of the Knights of the Realm, Reid swore an oath to protect her king only to discover he harbors a traitorous agenda.

  * * *

  Being a woman raised in a man’s world, Reid thought becoming a Knight would give her purpose and strength. So far, it has done nothing but give her trouble. The king ordered her to spy on the Axian royal family while she prepares for her marriage—a marriage neither she nor Price Dexter wants. Once in Axian, Reid realizes she’s being used as a pawn in a decades-old political match. With the king and Knights seemingly at odds, Reid’s allegiances are torn, especially when she finds friendship in the unlikeliest of places.

  * * *

  As the kingdom of Marsden teeters on the brink of civil war, Reid must decide whose side she’s on—even if that means betraying her king in order to save the kingdom.


  Jennifer Anne Davis graduated from the University of San Diego with a degree in English and a teaching credential. She is currently a full-time writer and mother of three kids. She is happily married to her high school sweetheart and lives in the San Diego area.

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  Jennifer is the recipient of the San Diego Book Awards Best Published Young Adult Novel (2013), winner of the Kindle Book Awards (2018), a finalist in the USA Best Book Awards (2014), and a finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards (2014).

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  Visit Jennifer at:


  Jennifer Anne Davis, Realm of Knights




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