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His Runaway Goal: Book Two in the Game Winner Series

Page 11

by Nicole, Angela

  This is one of the things I love about Sophia. She reminds me of just how fierce I can be when needed.

  “I love you, Soph.”

  “Love you more.”

  * * *

  Two hours later, and a hundred more, “Did I ever tell you I hate flying,” we land in Vegas.

  “I didn’t even think to ask where we’re staying,” Leo muses as we get into a cab.

  “We’re booked at Bally’s,” Sophia answers.

  The hot Nevada air hits us as we leave the airport terminal. It’s so different than Tampa. The air is dry, not wet. It’s not really green with lush foliage. Vegas is definitely in a desert; kinda brown and dusty, I guess.

  As we load into our uber, the two lovebirds are very chatty on the way to the hotel. Chris, on the other hand, hasn’t really said much. His quietness has me questioning if he’s regretting this trip already.

  “You okay?” I whisper to him.

  Chris wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in close to his body. “Yeah. I think the two drinks, the plane ride, and the fact that you didn’t let me get much sleep last night has caught up with me.” He gives me that damn sexy smirk that melts my panties.

  “Oh really? I didn’t let you sleep, huh? I was the one crying for mercy by the third, ya know.”

  He barks out a laugh. “No, I don’t know what a ya know is.”

  I can feel the heat between us because I know what he wants. He wants me to say the word, but Leo and Sophia—not to mention the driver—are quiet all of a sudden.

  “You do know, Christopher. Don’t make me embarrass myself.” A giggle erupts from me.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I can already feel my second wind coming,” he says as he takes my hand and places it on his erection.

  “Oh my God, Chris.”

  “I can’t help it when I’m touching you. I wish the driver would hurry up. What do you say we check in fast and get up to our room?” He winks.

  “I’d say you’re nuts.”


  So maybe there’s more to my quietness than just being tired. Leo and I were discussing his upcoming wedding to Sophia. During the conversation, I blurted out that I was going to marry Brenda sooner than later. I don’t really know why I said it. Maybe it was the questioning look I was getting from Leo about my relationship with her.

  I confessed to my best friend that I almost told her I loved her last night. He wasn’t really shocked, but he was a little concerned she’s still a flight risk. I get it.

  On the way to the hotel though, my worries melted away the second she snuggled up against me. Those worries were replaced by a hard dick just begging for her sweetness.

  “Let’s hurry the hell up and check in,” I mumble as we walk into the lobby of Bally’s.

  Don’t get me wrong, the hotel is gorgeous. I suppose the ride here was nice too. I didn’t notice much of anything other than Brenda.

  “Wait here with the bags,” Leo says to Brenda and Sophia.

  Knowing we were getting here at ten in the morning, Vegas time, Brenda opted for early check-in. He and I give our information at the front desk and pick up the room keys. When we get up to the ninth floor, we find our rooms are across the hall from each other.

  “Let’s unpack quickly so we can go see some sights,” Sophia says.

  I groan because I wanted to get Brenda naked first and when I do, it’ll be anything but quick.

  * * *

  The four of us spend the next two hours walking the Vegas strip. This place is amazing, with all the sights and sounds. None of us are gamblers, but there’s so much to see in and outside of the casinos.

  Brenda and Sophia do some window shopping while Leo and I hang back, just admiring them.

  It’s when we pass by one of those small wedding chapels I notice Brenda’s demeanor changes. Up until then, she appeared happy, light-hearted even. This surprises me given the fact we’re meeting her dad in three hours.

  I watch my woman as she stops in front of the wedding chapel. Now, I’m not sure if she realizes she does it, but her hand goes to her stomach.

  My throat feels as if it’s going to close on me. It’s not the thought of taking her in there right now and making her my wife that has me losing air.

  It’s thinking about what would’ve happened if Ricky had wanted to take care of her and his baby. I’m a selfish bastard, I guess, but I would’ve done everything in my power to talk her out of it. Not because I don’t think she deserves to have a husband to take care of her and the baby, but she needs to be with someone who loves them both. And that fucker Ricky isn’t the one.

  “Hey, Sophia, you think your parents would kill us if we just got married today?” Leo calls over to her.

  Sophia laughs. “We’d suffer for the rest of our lives if they aren’t at our wedding. As much as I’d love to marry you today, we have to wait two more months, Leo,” she replies as she wraps her arms around my best friend.

  Brenda looks at me and it’s as if the thousands of other people around us don’t exist.

  I don’t know where I get my balls, but I nod my head at the door, silently asking Brenda if she wants to go in.

  She thinks I’m kidding, I can tell. Her eyebrows raise, questioning me.

  At this point, I don’t even know, nor do I care, what Leo and Sophia are doing. My focus is on the blonde bombshell in front of me.

  “You’re crazy.” Brenda laughs.

  “Maybe I am, but why not?” I ask as my hands go through her long blonde hair, cupping the back of her head.

  “Well, for one, if I ever get married, it’ll be for love, not obligation, and second, it’ll be forever, because I deserve it.”


  Chris kisses me gently. Leaning his forehead against mine, he whispers something I’ve longed to hear from my parents but never heard.

  “You are and never will be an obligation or burden, Brenda. It’s quite the opposite.”

  Leo clears his throat. “Hey, if you two are done, we need to get back to the hotel in time for dinner.”

  And just like that, whatever moment we were having is gone, replaced by an instant stomachache thinking about seeing my father. It’s a few years since the last time I saw him.

  The motions are always the same though. He says he’s glad I have a good career being a teacher. Sometimes he talks about how hard it was to raise me on his own—what little parenting he did do. But he always makes sure to go on and on about his wife and what a brilliant woman he found.

  It’s a superficial conversation at best. My father always makes me feel as though I’m taking up his precious time. And really, for the life of me, I’m not sure why I thought telling him I’m pregnant in person even matters.

  “Hey,” Chris says as he tugs on my hand. “Let’s go get ready.”

  “Okay,” I reply but if the past tells me anything, this will probably not end well.

  Back at the hotel room, Chris wanted to shower together. My body wants to more than anything but my mind is elsewhere.

  So, instead, I’m in the bedroom part of our suite, changing into a cute summery dress. I wrapped my long hair up into a high ponytail because it’s hot as hell here.

  I’m so consumed with not disappointing my father, I don’t hear Chris come up behind me.

  But, holy hell do I notice him when he pulls me by my waist so my butt is up against his erection. I giggle because the only thing between us is my thin dress and his towel.

  Chris leans down and kisses my neck, sending goose bumps over my body.

  “I know what’ll help you relax a little,” he whispers.

  Damn his sexy voice and magical lips. This man can bring me to my knees—literally—just when he’s nearby.

  “We don’t have time,” I murmur in reply as my head falls to his chest.

  “Well, you’re mine tonight. The second we walk back in here, I want you naked.”

  I sigh at the thought. “Then let’s hurry up and get this dinn
er over with.”

  The four of us arrive at the restaurant five minutes late. As soon as we walk in, I see my father glance at his watch, letting me know we’re late. My stepmother nowhere to be found, which is fine with me.

  Chris notices. “Don’t let him get to you tonight, babe. He’s outnumbered,” he says with a kiss to my cheek.

  I lead Chris, Sophia, and Leo over to the table. With each step, it feels as if my legs are getting heavier.

  “Hi, Daddy. I’ve missed you,” I say with a hug and kiss.

  “Brenda.” His typical response.

  Before I can make introductions, Chris extends his hand out to my father. “Mr. Appleby, I’m Brenda’s boyfriend, Chris. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Okay, two things… One, I can’t believe he did that and two, he’s full of shit. I know how he feels about my father. He’s not happy to meet him.

  To my surprise though, my dad shakes Chris’s hand. He then turns to Sophia and hugs her. She cringes. Leo, I can tell too, is uncomfortable.

  This is fucking fabulous.

  “So, what brings you to Las Vegas, Brenda?” he asks as we take our places around the table.

  Sophia looks at me and intercepts my response. “Leo and I are getting married in a few months, so this is our bachelor-bachelorette weekend.”

  “Oh, that’s nice. Brenda told me you got engaged. And what is it you do, Leo?”

  I can see Chris shift in his seat. He’s just as invisible as I am.

  “I retired last year from professional soccer, and now I work for a finance firm in Tampa.”

  “Ah, finance. That’s a great career. Lots of money to be made if you play your cards right. And stable too. I suppose running around the soccer field won’t pay to support Sophia,” he says as he sips his glass of wine.

  My hand immediately reaches for Chris’s hand to steady him. Of course, my dad doesn’t realize he just insulted my boyfriend but, then again, it probably wouldn’t faze him.

  I know Leo and Sophia are too uncomfortable to say anything.

  We order drinks and appetizers amid the awkward silence.

  As I sip water, my dad turns to Chris and asks the inevitable question.

  “So, what do you do for a living, Chris?”

  “Well, sir, I run around a soccer field all day. I’m also a bouncer at a strip club.”


  I loved seeing the asshole’s reaction to my career choice. What I don’t love is the way he’s treating his own daughter.

  Mr. Appleby doesn’t say much after I tell him I play soccer and bounce at Club Desire. In fact, much hasn’t been said.

  Sure, there’s small talk through the appetizers but the way Brenda’s father keeps looking at his watch has everyone on edge. We can all tell he doesn’t want to be here, and that makes my heart ache for my woman.

  While we’re waiting for our dinner to arrive, Brenda excuses herself to use the restroom.

  Now I know I need to move fast because Sophia will offer to go with her.

  “Perfect timing,” I say as I stand and hold my hand to out to her.

  Her shoulders finally relax, clearly grateful for the offer.

  I lead her as we weave through tables, finally making it down a long hall. Thankfully, there’s a side door that leads outside.

  The second we make it out of the restaurant, Brenda lets out a sigh. “I’m sorry for the way he’s treating you, Chris.”

  I’m done with her thinking this shit is her fault. I grab her shoulders and tilt her face to meet mine.

  “You’re done apologizing for things you haven’t done, Brenda. I’m sorry, but your father is a douchebag. I don’t know what his issues are and frankly, I don’t care. The only things that matter to me are you and the baby. So, when we go back in there, you need to remember that. He is nothing, Brenda, and you are everything.”

  I see tears starting to form in her blue eyes, and I pull her into a hug.

  “I’m not going to tell him about the baby,” she says against my chest. “He doesn’t deserve to know.”

  Releasing her, I take her face in my hands. “If that’s what you want, then I support you. Always. Come on, let’s get back in there so we can hurry this dinner along.”

  I start to lead her back into the restaurant but she gently yanks my arm back.

  “Chris. Thank you for being here. It’s a difficult thing to admit that a parent can’t love a child. But somehow, I’ve known it all my life. My parents never wanted me. I can’t change that, even today, but I can make sure my son or daughter never feels the pain I’ve felt.”

  Brenda is ripping my heart out. I don’t know what it’s like to have parents who don’t love you. Mine sure did, and even though they’re no longer here, I still feel that love. And if I’m lucky enough to be in Brenda’s baby’s life, he or she will know that love too.

  “I’m so proud of you, baby. Once we get through the rest of tonight, I’m going to show you just how much.”

  Brenda laughs through her tears. “Then let’s get this over with.”

  The rest of the dinner goes as expected. I’ve never been great at small talk but somehow the night moves along without any other major disasters.

  True to her word, Brenda didn’t tell her father about the baby. Sophia and Leo were confused but they followed Brenda’s lead.

  The end of the dinner was just as weird as the rest of the night. Brenda’s father hugged her goodbye and with a kiss on the top of her head, he said he was glad he got to see her. It took everything I had not to let my fist connect with his face the whole night.

  But it’s over, and now I’m worried about the emotional damage tonight did to Brenda. She was quiet on the way back to the hotel, which I expected, but when Sophia asked her if she wanted to go hang out at the rooftop bar for a while, she said she was tired and wanted to go to bed. It’s eight o’clock.

  We left Leo and Sophia in the lobby, and now I’m sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for Brenda to come out of the bathroom.

  I rake my hand through my hair, trying to relieve the stress of the night. I realize how quiet it is when I suddenly hear soft sobs coming from the bathroom.


  I knock on the door. “Brenda?”

  “I’m all right. Just having a pity party but I’ll be out in a minute.”

  The minute ends up being more like fifteen, but I give her the space she needs. It was probably the hardest thing I’ve done in a long time. I wanted to break down that damn bathroom door.

  When Brenda does come out, my jaw hits the floor.

  Her long blonde hair is hanging loose around her shoulders. It’s gorgeous. My eyes follow down her body. She’s not wearing anything. Thank fuck because I don’t want to waste time ripping her bra and panties off her.

  “I think you promised me something earlier tonight, and I’m ready to collect.”


  The morning light is just starting to peek in through the curtains. Chris is still sleeping but I’ve been awake for an hour. My mind has been racing with the events of last night.

  After my brief pity party in the bathroom, I pulled myself together and focused on what’s important—my baby and my relationship with the man I love.

  It took a little bit of coaxing to get Chris naked. He was concerned I wasn’t in the right place emotionally after the terrible dinner, but that couldn’t have been farther from the truth.

  Once I convinced Chris it was in his best interest to stop talking and strip, my whole night got a lot better.

  We made love three times and each time was sweeter and more sensual than the last.

  Chris is lying on his stomach, snoring softly. I could watch him all day. Well, at least until we have to meet Sophia and Leo at breakfast in an hour. Today is a pool day and tonight, we’re going to see a show. It’s Sophia and Leo’s day today, and I’m more than ready to get the focus off me and my dysfunctional relationship with my dad.

  My hand goes to my belly.
I swear I have twins in there. The last three days, I’ve really popped. While I silently wish my baby was Chris’s and not Ricky’s, I know having a biological parent doesn’t necessarily mean they’re the best one to raise them. My son or daughter will be much better off with Chris in his or her life.

  “What are you thinking about, gorgeous?” Chris whispers in a sleepy voice.

  I roll over to meet his lazy smile. “I know I’m only about eight weeks along, but I feel like I’m as big as a house.”

  His hand reaches over and lays on top of mine. He lifts himself up onto his other arm. “You are not the size of a house. And even if you gain a hundred pounds, you’ll still be one hot woman.”

  His words reach my heart and make it happy. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Now, why don’t we get in the shower and wash each other’s backs so we can get to breakfast on time.”

  With a giggle I’m led to the bathroom where we proceed to take a long shower, making sure every inch of our bodies is clean. It takes almost the whole hour.

  * * *

  “I can’t believe how much I ate,” I gripe to Sophia.

  “I ate too much too. But you’re pregnant. What’s my excuse?”

  We both laugh as we relax in our private poolside cabana. Chris and Leo are out golfing for a few hours, giving me and my best friend some much-needed girl time.

  It doesn’t take long for Sophia to start in on the “What’s new with Brenda and Chris” line of questioning.

  “I had a meltdown last night but then a revelation. I’m done living in the past, Sophia. I can’t keep doing that and provide a positive and loving environment for my baby. And Chris doesn’t deserve a girlfriend who can’t move forward.”


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