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His Runaway Goal: Book Two in the Game Winner Series

Page 14

by Nicole, Angela

  “Make that two,” I hear from behind me.

  “Hey Von,” Carol says as she hops up on the chair next to me.

  Christ. I really didn’t want company. I won’t be able to wallow in my pity if she’s here.

  “Hey,” I mutter without any eye contact.

  “You okay?”


  “Yeah just feel a migraine coming on.”

  Lie one.

  “Ouch,” she says as she glances at people on the dance floor.

  The bartender fills the shot glasses, sliding one in each direction. The amber color is my security blanket. But damn if I can’t feel Carol’s eyes on me.

  “What should we drink to?” She asks and then answers. “How about to Chris and Brenda who found their way to each other?”

  I don’t really know why I’m annoyed by her wanting to toast Chris and Brenda. We’re at a wedding for God's sake. But still, if anyone is anti-love, it’s me.

  I raise my glass anyway and drink my medicine down. Carol does the same.

  “Two singles this time,” she winks at the bartender.

  Now I don’t know why it pisses me off that Carol is flirting with the young, blonde-haired, blue-eyed guy. I can barely stand her company but damn if she isn’t cute as hell.

  I noticed it when we had to walk down the aisle together earlier today. It’s the first time I really got a good look at her even though I met Carol and her daughter a year ago when her brother was on my soccer team.

  “That headache must be pretty bad. You’ve got a pained look on your face,” she says as she shoots the whiskey down.

  I deflect not wanting to lie again. “You’re making short work of that whiskey Carol. You drinking to celebrate or forget something?”

  She gives me a smirk. “That obvious huh? Don’t get me wrong, I’m so happy for my brother and his family, but I can’t help think about my own disaster of a marriage,” she winces.

  Ah! Perhaps we’re two kindred spirits tonight. I slam my shot down, making her giggle.

  “Do you really have a migraine?” She asks quietly, leaning over in my direction but not looking at me.

  She’s calling me out on my shit. I like it. “It’s gone. Must be a miracle,” I smile for the first time in a long time. And that won’t be the last time I smile tonight.

  Thank you to Chris at CJC Photography, Tiffany at T.E. Black Designs, Jenn at All About the Edits, Stephanie for beta reading and Natasha for proofing.

  You all make me a better writer.

  Angela Nicole resides in Upstate NY with her husband, William. With two graduate degrees in both education and business, Angela spent the last 23 years working in higher education. Wondering what to do with the conversations that were going on in her head, she put pen to paper, fingers to keyboard and wrote. Writing is quite a change but a change that she loves. As an avid reader, Angela fell in love with romance novels that feature alpha men with hearts of gold. If you enjoy them as much as she does, check out her Mastered Hearts Series.

  Mastered Hearts Series

  Rescued Hearts

  Enlightened Hearts

  Avenged Hearts

  Hidden Hearts

  Three of Hearts

  Game Winner Series

  A Love Like Nun Other

  His Runaway Goal

  Through Rosie-Colored Glasses—coming February 2020

  Lazzari Mafia Family-Special Forces: Operation Alpha

  Protecting the Donna




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