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Sam Men of Clifton, Montana Book 7

Page 9

by Susan Fisher-Davis

“I do have handcuffs, remember?” Sam pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  “I remember very well. Goodnight, Sam.”

  Tessa pulled away from him and climbed into her SUV. After starting it, she put it in gear, glanced out the window at him wishing things were different then silently cursed her old life and without looking at him again, drove away. On the way back home, she wondered what in the world she was doing, because getting involved with Sam was so very wrong but every moment she spent with him, she fell that much more for him.

  You have to tell him!

  “I will…I will,” she muttered at her inner voice trying to shut it up. As she drove home, she thought about Sam, the evening, how much she’d wanted to stay with him and knew she had to find the right time, the right way to tell him because she was running on borrowed time before he somehow found out.

  Chapter Seven

  A week later, Tessa entered the exam room and even as she internally cringed, she smiled at Gwendolyn Barnes. The biggest gossip this side of the Mississippi. The woman simply lived for it and everyone in town knew it.

  “Hello, Mrs. Barnes. How are you and Boots doing today?”

  “Boots is here for his rabies shot,” the older woman said in a haughty voice.

  Tessa tried to smile. “Please take him out of his crate while I fill out the form for him.”

  When she heard the older woman clear her throat, Tessa knew the woman wanted to ask something but she kept her back to her.

  “So…Doctor McGuire…you and the sheriff, huh?”

  Tessa bit back a nasty retort and exhaled a relaxing breath. “Yes. Sam and I just started seeing each other.” Since it was none of the woman’s business, she refused to say more than she needed to.

  “Did you know he dated my niece Sandy, until you came along?” Mrs. Barnes sniffed.

  Tessa spun around. “Yes, I did, but I’m sure Sam dated quite a bit before we met.”

  Mrs. Barnes laughed and it grated on Tessa’s nerves. “Oh dearie, they more than dated. They spoke of marriage. It just broke Sandy’s heart when Sam broke it off with her. She’s still very much in love with him after all. He’s quite a catch, you know. I may be seventy-seven years old but I know a good-looking man when I see one.” She huffed. “But because of you, her dreams are now shattered.”

  Tessa held her temper. After all, Mrs. Barnes was a client, so she smiled at her. “I’m sure she’ll be fine—”

  “Of course, you think she’ll be fine. Her family doesn’t, however. Imagine talking marriage with the man you love, and then he breaks it off because of some…veterinarian.”

  Tessa almost laughed. Mrs. Barnes made it sound as if veterinarian was another word for whore. “Obviously, Sam didn’t feel the same way or another woman wouldn’t have caught his eye.”

  “It wasn’t his eye that was caught, missy. Everyone knows he spent the night at your apartment last night and you should be ashamed of yourself.”

  “Well, I’m not ashamed of anything, and not that it’s any of your business or anyone else’s in this town, but he spent the night on my couch. He had spent most of the night at the scene of an accident on Copper Ridge. With my apartment being closer, he went there instead of trying to drive home as tired as he was. Maybe it would be better if you started taking Boots to another vet.” Tessa headed toward the door and then stopped, glancing over her shoulder. “Let Jodi know who you want his records sent to. Have a nice day, Mrs. Barnes.”

  Leaving the horrid woman alone in the exam room, she closed the door softly behind her and headed straight for her office. She needed some cooling down time before seeing the next patient. She wasn’t sure how long she’d sat there when she heard Sam’s voice.

  “Rough day, Tessa?”

  “Apparently, I’m the town whore.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Tessa couldn’t help it, she laughed, more out of frustration than humor. “Mrs. Barnes—”

  “Stop right there. Saying that woman’s name is enough. She loves to stir up trouble.”

  “She says everyone knows you spent the night at my apartment and because of me, you broke her niece’s heart.”

  Groaning, Sam shook his head. “We can talk about that later. I just stopped in to tell you I’m heading home to get some more sleep. I appreciate you letting me sleep for a few hours on your couch though.”

  Tessa nodded. “No problem, Sam. I’ll talk to you later. You do look more rested but be careful going home.”

  Sam grinned and her heart hit her stomach. “Worried about me, darlin’?”

  “Of course.”

  Sam walked around the desk, took her hand, and pulled her to her feet then cupped her face in his hands and leaned down. His lips were barely touching hers when he whispered. “I’m glad to hear that.” He pressed his lips to hers and kissed her quickly. “That should hold me over. I’ll call you later.” He kissed her again and left the room.

  Tessa listened as his boot heels clack down the hallway. Did Mrs. Barnes tell her the truth? Was Sam going to marry Sandy? Tessa sat down behind her desk again and put her hands over her face. The thought of him with another woman was bad enough but to talk marriage with her was heartbreaking. She knew Sam had been with other women and it was in the past but…marriage? He said they’d talk about it later and she wanted to hear it but she was also afraid to know. Had he been in love with Sandy? She snorted. Of course, he had if he talked about marriage with her, but then who was she to complain about his past. So deep in thought about Sam and his past, Tessa about jumped out of her skin when Jodi spoke her name.

  “What is it Jodi?”

  “Are you all right? Mrs. Barnes about threw a fit in the lobby, yelling about taking her business elsewhere.”

  “I told her to get with you on where to send the records for Boots.”

  Jodi’s eyebrows shot up. “For real? I’d love to have been in that exam room. I’m glad. She’s a mean old bitch.”

  “Jodi! I’ve never heard you swear before.” Tessa laughed.

  “Just tellin’ it like it is.” Jodi laughed. “She said she’d call me later to tell me where to send them. I’d like to tell her where she can shove them.” Jodi grinned and walked back toward reception.

  Tessa chuckled. Apparently, she wasn’t the only one whose skin Mrs. Barnes got under and it made her feel somewhat better. A shiver crawled over her though when she thought of Mrs. Barnes having a field day gossiping if the secret Tessa was hiding came out. Sighing, she stood and headed for the next patient, hoping the day would get better.


  Sam was walking toward his cruiser when he saw Gwendolyn Barnes bearing down on him. He mentally groaned but he forced a smile, and put his fingers to his hat when she got to him.

  “Mrs. Barnes.”

  “Sheriff. You need to speak with your…girlfriend about her rudeness. She told me to take Boots to another vet.”

  “Mrs. Barnes, I have no control over something like that. It’s Doctor McGuire’s business who her patients are. I have no say in it.”

  “You’re seeing her, so of course you have a say in it. The next vet is a county over. It would take me forever to get there.”

  “Then I suggest you apologize to her,” Sam said between clenched teeth.

  Mrs. Barnes gasped. “I will do no such thing. It’s because of her you broke Sandy’s heart.”

  “Look, I don’t mean to offend you, but it’s none of your business.” He raised his hand when she started to interrupt. “I will agree it’s because of Tessa I broke up with Sandy but not the way you think. I stopped seeing Sandy long before I started seeing Tessa. Sandy and I were going nowhere and she knew it as much as I did. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going home to get some sleep. Tessa’s couch is not the most comfortable place to sleep and the cots in the department are too short for me.” He turned from her then turned back. “And don’t think I wouldn’t have slept in her bed if she’d asked me.” He gave a terse nod and strode away from her, heari
ng her gasp her indignation.

  Mentally, he shook his head. Why in the hell did he have to add that? The woman needed put in her place but he knew he just added fuel to the fire. Most people in Clifton avoided her since all she wanted to do was gossip or spread rumors. She’d let him know several times how she blamed him for breaking up with Sandy when it had been a mutual breakup. Yes, Sandy had been a little upset but she knew the relationship was stalling. Now because of the old busybody, he had to tell Tessa about it before she started thinking he was seeing her when he was also seeing Sandy.

  Sam pulled his cell phone out and called her office. “Dinner tonight at my place?” he asked once Jodi transferred him.

  “Sounds good. Do you want me to pick up some steaks?”

  “Yes, if you don’t mind. I’ll see you around six-thirty, Doc.” Sam hung up and headed home to his own bed.

  At six-thirty that evening, he stood on the porch leaning against a post with his arms folded as he watched Tessa’s SUV pull up and park. She stepped out, and after giving him a smile, she walked up the steps carrying a grocery bag. He could swear his heart stopped.

  “Hello, Sheriff,” she said as she stopped on the top step. “I come bearing steaks.”

  “Good. Hello, beautiful.” He put his hand out to her and after she placed her hand in his, he pulled her toward him and lightly kissed her lips.

  “Are you hungry?”

  Sam allowed his gaze to travel over her length. “Starving,” Sam said, and then chuckled as he watched the blush move into her cheeks.

  “I meant for food.”

  Sam raised an eyebrow. “So did I.”

  When she swatted her hand at him, he laughed while leading her into the kitchen. As soon as she entered the room, Bo came running toward them.

  “Sit,” Sam commanded. Bo slid slightly on the floor but sat down, and stared up at Tessa.

  Squatting, she rubbed his head. “Hi, big boy. How are you doing, Bo?” The big dog laid his big paw on her lap and licked her face making her laugh.

  “It’s a good thing you like dog kisses.”

  “Bo’s a good kisser, aren’t you, boy?”

  “He is, huh?”

  Tessa stood and wrapped her arms around Sam’s neck. “Not as good as you though. He loses a little something in the technique.”

  Sam dipped his head and pressed his lips to hers and nibbled on her bottom lip then took it between his teeth making her groan. “I hope I don’t lose something in the technique.”

  “You’ve got it down perfect, Sam Garrett,” she whispered.

  Sam grinned against her lips. “Sheriff Sam Garrett.”

  “Well, Sheriff, I love how you kiss me.”

  Sam cupped her face in his hands and stared into her eyes. “I could kiss you a thousand times a day for a thousand years and it still wouldn’t be enough.”

  “Sam, you say the sexiest things,” she whispered, and delighted in seeing her blush again as she reached down to pet Bo again.

  “I’ll say anything to get you into bed,” Sam said grinning when her gaze lifted to meet his.

  “Sam, I can’t say I wouldn’t like that and honestly, all you’d have to say is that you want me and I’d be so very tempted—”

  “I do want you, Tessa, every minute of every day.”

  He watched her blush again, but then she suddenly held up the grocery bag. “Do you want to start the steaks or have a glass of wine?”

  Sam gave her a look that told her he was disappointed and she turned away to hide her laugh, but not before he saw it. “I’ll start the steaks. I’m not big on wine unless it’s with spaghetti.”

  “I’ll have a glass and watch you then.”

  “You do realize you can’t drink and drive? I’ll have to put you under house arrest if you try to leave before you’ve slept it off.”

  “I’m sure one glass of wine won’t do anything more than make me relaxed and if it does more than that…well, you can put me under house arrest,” she whispered against his lips.

  Sam groaned. “Can’t the steaks wait?”

  “Nope. You get them started, and then you’re going to tell me about Sandy.”

  Sam nodded. He figured she was going to want to know after what happened with Mrs. Barnes. “All right.”

  After he seasoned the steaks, he took them outside to place them on the grill, which he’d already started. Tessa followed behind him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her take a seat at the table and sip her wine. Turning down the heat on the grill, he moved to the table, took a seat beside her, and took a deep breath.

  “I met Sandy about two and a half years ago. I was making the rounds at Dewey’s and she was there with a friend of hers. She came up to me and started talking. I liked her, she seemed nice, and she is. Sandy is a great person. She gave me her number and I called her a few days later. We went out together and soon it was just us exclusively.” He sighed. “I wanted to fall in love, but I didn’t. She just wasn’t the one for me.”

  “Her aunt said you were going to marry her.”

  “No. We never talked about getting married. If her aunt said that, it’s either her own lie or Sandy lied to her—although I can’t see Sandy doing that. I was never in love with her. Six months before I kissed you that first time on the Fourth of July, I broke it off with her. I couldn’t do it anymore. I knew I was going to hurt her, but I couldn’t avoid it either. I wanted you from the minute I saw you, Tessa. In all honesty, I led her on way too long as it was. I guess I wanted it to work because you seemed to hate me and I knew I’d never be with you, but it wasn’t working no matter how much I wanted it to or tried to make it work. I just didn’t love her and I couldn’t continue on knowing that. It was the same with Lydia. I dated her before I met Sandy. It wasn’t going anywhere either and I knew she was in love with me. She moved back to Louisiana right before Katie and Riley’s wedding.”

  Tessa stood and walked to him then she sat on his lap and kissed him. “I never hated you, Sam. I know it seems like I did but I didn’t want to get involved with anyone. I shouldn’t…”

  Wrapping his arms around her, he leaned his head on her shoulder. “I know that now, Tessa, but I didn’t then. I thought for sure you’d never want me.” He shrugged. “In my mind, I knew I had to find someone else but in my heart, I wanted it to be you.”

  Tessa pressed her lips to his and moaned when he deepened it. Slowly moving his tongue inside her mouth, he tangled it with hers. Her fingers combed through his hair. Sam growled low in his throat.

  “Are you sure those steaks can’t wait? I want you so much. The only thing I’m hungry for is you.”

  “I want you too, Sam, but—” she whispered against his lips.

  “No buts…if you have something to say it had better be something like ‘more Sam’,” Sam growled, pushing out of his chair, lifting her into his arms while kissing away any objections.

  He turned off the grill, closed the lid, and carried her to his bedroom where he laid her on the bed. He stood staring down at her. When she leaned up on her elbows and started to speak, he raised his hand and shook his head.

  “You’re perfect. You don’t need to think about this. Just let it happen,” he said before lying down beside her. He cupped her cheek in his hand and lowered his lips to hers as his hand moved under her shirt to her stomach. Tessa moaned into his mouth even as she shook her head. “You drive me crazy, Tessa.”

  “But Sam…” He pressed hot kisses against her neck and heard her moan. “You make me lose all coherent thought,” she whispered and he hoped he’d won.

  “I hope so,” Sam told her as he lifted her top off over her head and stared down at her naked breasts. “No bra?”

  She laughed softly. “It was hot…there’s something—”

  Her words stopped when his lips surrounded her nipple and suckled then licked it until it stiffened into a tight peak. “Sam…”

  His name just a breath on her lips was driving him insane. Sam groaned and pu
t his hands on her waist and pulled her closer to him.

  He kissed her deeply then tugged on her ponytail gently pulling the band from her hair and running his fingers through the long silky curls. He slowly lowered her down and when he saw her hair spread over his pillow, he almost wept. For so long, he'd wanted this. It was as beautiful as he'd imagined. She rolled to her side with her back to him.

  "Hold me for a little while, Sam."

  "Anything you want, angel."

  “Why do you call me that?” Tessa whispered.

  “Because it’s what you are to me,” Sam whispered back.

  “Oh, Sam…I’m not…you don’t know me…” Her voice trailed off and he wondered why she trembled. Sometimes he wondered if something from her past made her afraid. He’d even done a search of her on Google, but found nothing. She didn’t seem to have any kind of online presence, which actually was fine with him—the less people knowing his or her business, the better. It was bad enough having Gwendolyn Barnes nosing around in their lives.

  They lay together for a while longer—neither speaking. Sam had his arm around her and she snuggled back against him, finally relaxing. Sam began to nuzzle her hair with his nose, inhaling the vanilla scent of it. His arm tightened around her and he pulled her closer. Her breathing began to change.

  "I want you so much," he whispered alongside her ear and heard her sigh.

  Tessa rolled to her back and gazed up at him. "I want you too, Sam, but there’s things about me—"

  Kissing her lips, he stopped her words then he whispered. "I don’t need to know…yet. I don’t care about your past or whether you snore…I just want to hear you scream my name."

  "Really?" She smiled up at him as she swept his hair back from his forehead.

  "God, yes, darlin’. Most men, real men, want to know they're pleasing their woman and how do we know if you don't tell us in some way?"

  Tessa stared into his eyes. "Maybe I want to hear you scream mine.”

  Groaning, Sam closed his eyes. “I have a feeling you will.”


  "I love how you say my name. It's husky and sexy as hell." His heart skipped a beat when she smiled and he buried his face in her neck. "You make my dick hard just by saying my name and that's the truth." He raised his head and gazed into her eyes. Tessa blushed and Sam chuckled. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, Tessa. You make me want to bury myself in you so deep," he whispered as his hand moved over her hair and down her neck to her breasts.


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