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The Lady Prefers Dragons

Page 13

by Katalina Leon

“You seem so calm now,” Jace observed. “You’re taking all of this so well.”

  “Don’t kid yourself.” Devon took another bite. “I’m freaking out on the inside big-time, but what can I do? I can’t leave. The situation is far beyond anything I can call acceptable, but I am fond of you and Beau. I always have been. If you say you’re not going to harm me, I have to trust you, don’t I? If you say I’ll be introduced to alien realms, as a photojournalist I want to see them. I’d be a fool to pass up that opportunity. I only ask that you allow me to document as much as possible of this experience in photographs.”

  “You can’t photograph the trance state.” Beau sampled his food. “It’s purely internal.”

  “I know that.” Devon looked around in obvious agitation. “I meant this cave and everything else. Where’s my camera? Please tell me it didn’t get left behind at the waterfall.”

  “It’s safe.” Beau walked over to a bundle of clothing, picked up the camera, and handed it to Devon. “Everything came with us.”

  “Not everything,” Jace interrupted. “We forgot to erase our tracks from the muddy ground around the pool.”

  “We were standing on rock before we shifted,” Beau countered.

  “Can you be sure? A single clear dragon print or a few shed scales could be enough to get us into trouble with the OKSG. I should never have exposed us to the bush guide. That was such a stupid mistake.”

  She set the fork down and reached for the camera. “Who or what is the OKSG? It sounds ominous.”

  Jace deliberately ignored Devon’s question. “Maybe one of us should go back before dawn and drag a tree branch around?”

  Devon clutched the camera tightly as if she feared it might be snatched from her hands. “Can I photograph the cave and the two of you?” She didn’t wait for permission, just held the camera to her eye and began taking photos.

  “Go ahead.” Jace sank deep into thought as Devon clicked random shots of him and the cave.

  “Jace, think carefully before you answer.” Beau sighed. “Photographs in human form? Should we risk it?”

  Devon stopped taking photos and possessively drew the camera to her chest.

  “We have to.” Jace spoke with feigned confidence he didn’t feel. “Devon will be more comfortable with us if she’s allowed to do what she does best. Besides, she deserves to have a record just in case things don’t work out. If that happens, exposure to the outside world won’t matter, will it?”

  “That sounds dire. What are you talking about?” Devon looked alarmed. “Beau, tell me what Jace’s talking about.”

  “No.” A note of determination hardened Beau’s voice. “I don’t want to explain it, and I don’t want to talk about it.” He shot Jace a sharp look thick with meaning. “Because it’s not going to happen. I won’t allow it.” He retrieved a partially crushed pile of dragon tree leaves from the bundle and tossed them into the pot of hot water. “Those need to steep.” His face was somber. “Let’s change the subject.”

  “To what?” Devon’s expression became serious. “Shall we not talk about the fact that you’re both dragon men with burning secrets? That’s just awkward.” She clicked a photo of the leaves swirling in the pot. The sap had already infused the water a pale shade of violet.

  They finished their MREs in silence.

  BEAU GAZED AT JACE with a heavy heart. Jace was being cavalier because he was afraid. Things had gotten off to a stumbling start from which they might never recover. Devon could easily remain indifferent. A mating bond with her now felt further away than ever. As the senior dragon in the pair, Jace would indeed face his mortality first. If Devon rejected them, Beau vowed to stand beside Jace and comfort him every painful inch of the way. He owed Jace that much.

  He’d never forget the day, nearly two years ago, when he first met Jace. Without a doubt it was the most important and meaningful day of his life.

  It was a typical crowded, and oppressively humid July day in the city. As Beau descended a steep stairwell leading to the subway, an anxious tingle of electricity crackled in the air. So much so he kept turning to glance behind, but saw nothing but a bustling wall of humanity rushing to work or their many appointments.

  A weird sense that he was being stalked overwhelmed him, but the sea of bland expressions surrounding him betrayed no one. He walked a little farther into the subway, feeling the tiny hairs on the back of his neck rise and his skin pebble. Someone was watching him with focused intent, and moving closer, but where were they?

  He scanned the crowd. No one seemed to be looking his way or even vaguely interested, but he sensed with certainty that he was being hunted, which wasn’t good. It was a dangerous world for a young Marduko. Most died in their early twenties at the hands of others. Coming into the open during a first shift, choosing the wrong mate, or having a mate bond fail were all potentially deadly milestones to cross. The wisest Marduko continued to lead human lives and waited as long as possible before considering seeking out mates, which carried high risk in itself.

  For the most part, he had lived his adult life in solitude and kept his true self repressed. But even that was no guarantee that he’d not slipped onto the Order of the Knights of Saint George’s radar.

  The OKSG hunted and exterminated dragons with determined prejudice. Obliterating the Marduko from the planet was their sole focus. They employed traps, decoys, and specialized in befriending, infiltrating, and betraying entire families. With harsh tactics they spread paranoia and isolation throughout the once-formidable Marduko community. The OKSG was centuries old, international, and well-funded. Contacting or meeting fellow Marduko online was out of the question. If spotted by the OKSG, one had to face his fate or break radically from his past and disappear into a new life with no further ties to loved ones. To be a young Marduko was to face a lonely and uncertain future.

  The sense of being pursued grew intense. He wondered if he had been inadvertently exposed by a casual comment, a mistake on a birth certificate, a family photograph—or worse, a loved one may have been captured and tortured by the OKSG and forced to speak his name. It had happened. Every Marduko lived with that sad possibility looming over him. Matters had gotten so bad that young, unmated Marduko were forced to completely sever contact with their families and take their chances alone, lest they call the OKSG’s attention to themselves and their loved ones and face decimation as a family. He was twenty-nine and had some time left to find mates, but that brief time was strictly limited.

  The suspicion he was being stalked escalated to an unbearable pitch. Beau glanced over his shoulder and pushed past a stalled mob standing idle on the train platform. He couldn’t relax and hope to remain hidden in the crowd and knew his rising sense of anxiety must show on his face. The feeling of being watched became overwhelming, so he darted inside a tiled alcove to see who would walk past.

  His breath caught when a tall, dark-haired man with the elegant good looks of a Bollywood actor turned in the crowd and looked straight at him. The man was both intensely handsome and intimidating at once. His heart pounded at the thought that the OKSG might have sent such a dark avenging angel to end his life.

  The man’s gaze locked on him, and he rushed forward with deliberate strides that parted the crowd. When the man reached Beau, he pushed him deeper in the shadowed alcove beyond the view of others, pinned him against a wall, and covered his mouth in a passionate kiss that left him trembling in shock.

  “I finally found you,” the man whispered with joy. “I knew you were somewhere in the city.” His hands caressed Beau’s face. “I sensed it. I’ve been looking everywhere.”

  Beau’s heart pounded in his throat. He hoped no one had seen the scorching-hot kiss that lingered on his lips. His senses were stunned. His cock rose at the first spicy whiff of the beautiful stranger’s warm skin. He wanted to fall to his knees, wrap his arms around the man’s legs, and simply cling to him for dear life. His heart felt as if liquid blue lightning had struck his soul. The man’s presence
triggered something vital buried deep inside. After that kiss, every bit of his being was now fully awake. He’d never reacted so strongly to anyone, man or woman, and his thoughts wandered in confusion.

  “Come with me.” The man grabbed his wrist and dragged him toward a sealed hallway. A janitorial cart blocked their path. He removed a sandwich-board sign from the cart that read CLOSED FOR MAINTENANCE and set the sign upright in front of the door. He turned the handle to the steel utility entrance and opened it. With a gleam in his eyes, he entered a stark cement hallway, pulling Beau behind him.

  Once they were past the door, the man slammed it shut and drew a steel bolt from the inside. The service hallway was deserted and dimly lit by a single flickering bulb. The faint rumble of the subway was the only sound to penetrate the thick walls.

  The man’s dark gaze pinned Beau to the spot. “Watch.” He turned his back to him and tore at his clothing, seeming unable to strip it from his muscular limbs fast enough.

  Beau gasped in awe at what was happening and reminded himself to breathe as he looked at the coppery splendor of the man’s tapering torso and powerful, solid legs.

  The man glanced over his shoulder with a wicked smile. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

  Breathless, he was certain he’d explode from sheer excitement.

  The man hunched forward and landed on the floor on all fours. Horrendous cracking noises like the merciless snapping of fragile bones followed.

  Beau shouted an astonished “No!” He so badly wanted to believe what he was seeing, but was afraid to hope.

  The man shrieked a high-pitched cry at the same moment a train whistled, then transformed before Beau’s startled eyes into a gorgeous, coppery-bronze dragon with heavy wings that appeared riveted with tiny studs of iron. His head was crowned in a formidable halo of burnished spikes. He rose tall and spread his wings as wide as the narrow hallway would allow. The sight was stunning.

  The bronze dragon tipped its head to the side and gazed into Beau’s eyes.

  An unspoken but crystal-clear message filled Beau’s mind.

  “You’re not alone. Not anymore.”

  Slippery tears of joy streamed down his face as he swiftly stripped his clothing away and shifted to his sleeker blue dragon form.

  Beau spread his wings as far as the confines of the hallway permitted and stepped closer to the man, slightly rocking on his curved talons. He rubbed his snout adoringly against the man’s lethally hooked one and was thrilled to hear a pleased purr of approval rumbling deep in his throat. His pulse raced.

  The first bridge had been built. The next leg of the mate bond could now be fulfilled. He was not alone in the world, as he’d once believed. There was another male Marduko, and he was so strong and beautiful. Certainly there was a brave woman out there who would be attracted to them as a pair.

  Just as he was fully appreciating his good fortune, with a swoosh of movement almost magical in its grace, the man transformed back into his human form, and stood naked before him.

  “What’s your name?” His voice was as rich as his deep coloring.

  He tried to shift as quickly and gracefully as the man, but did so a bit awkwardly. “My name’s Beau,” he said proudly. “I’m a northern Marduko.”

  “I’m Jace, old-stock Marduko.” A brilliant smile lit his face. “I have something for you.” He leaned down, dug through the pocket of his pants, and removed an egg-shaped, polished stone. Smiling, he handed the stone to Beau and covered Beau’s palm in his. “I almost believed this day would never come. I’ve been waiting so long to find you and hand this to you.” He paused, his eyes filled with emotion. “Beau, with this ancient dragon egg from the lost world, I claim you as my mate.”

  Beau stared at the glossy stone in his palm. The crystalline half of the dragon egg was an especially vibrant purple, and the exact color of Marduko royalty. He’d never dreamed he’d be presented with a stone or a mate of this quality. Jace was so desirable, it was a waking dream. “You’re of the royal blood?”

  Jace nodded. “We‘re all equals now.” He took hold of Beau’s other hand and guided it toward the thick erection standing high between his thighs. “Touch me,” he commanded. “I’ve had other lovers, but I’ve never experienced anything close to the thrill of a mate. This is all new to me.” He planted his palm on Beau’s shoulder and with a firm but silent command urged Beau to kneel. “Please,” he mumbled. “Your scent is driving me wild. I’m desperate for it.”

  The breath rushed from Beau’s lungs. They were standing in a bare utility hallway with thousands of people streaming past on the other side of the door. Anyone could interrupt at any minute. He’d been so cautious in the past with his sexuality, and even more so with his dragon identity. He’d never revealed his dragon self to a lover, and had lived quietly in isolation. This was a first. The moment felt like crazed abandonment.

  “Please.” Jace took hold of his shaft. “Look at how far gone I already am. I won’t last, and when we’re finished, I’ll take you home and fuck you any way your heart desires on my satin sheets.”

  Sinking to his knees, he caressed the flaring sweep of Jace’s powerful thighs.

  Jace stood above him, cock in hand. “Lick it,” he demanded. “Slowly, and don’t be shy about taking all of it. I love to be sucked all the way down to my balls.”

  He drew a tense breath, wanting more than anything to please.

  Jace stroked Beau’s hair. “You’ve sucked cock before?”

  Beau’s face warmed. Marduko dragons were decidedly bisexual, enjoying male lovers until they found the perfect female mate to hopefully spend their lives with in a mated trio, but his life had been so lonely.

  Jace guided the head of his cock to Beau’s waiting mouth and pressed it against his lips. “Take it.”

  A gorgeous alpha had claimed him. This was it. There was no reason to hold back and nothing to fear. Beau parted his lips and slicked the broad crown with his tongue. The first taste of Jace’s salty flavor flooded his mouth with heart-racing pleasure. For the first time, he was sucking his mate’s cock, and he wanted to commit every thrilling detail to memory so he could go back and relive it again and again. With eager pleasure, he swallowed the crown, slicking the head with wet, lazy strokes until it glistened. Grasping the shaft, he lifted his chin and allowed Jace to slide past his lips.

  Jace lovingly toyed with the tips of Beau’s ears and drew him a little closer. “You’ve got a sweet mouth.”

  The thick shaft stretched Beau’s lips and left his eyes tearing at the corners, but it was a struggle he loved. He willed himself to completely surrender as Jace slid deeper against the back of his throat.

  “I want to shoot right now and watch you swallow,” Jace mumbled. He slowly withdrew, allowing Beau to breathe. “I’d love to fuck your beautiful face for hours, but I know I can’t.”

  Jace cautiously rocked his hips against Beau’s lips. “Play with them.”

  Beau cupped Jace’s heavy sac in his hand and rolled it against his palm with slight pressure.

  “More,” Jace demanded.

  He carefully tugged downward, feeling Jace’s thighs tense.

  “Slap them lightly against your palm.” Jace’s voice was breathy.

  Beau delivered a burst of short, fast, teasing little slaps with his palm.

  Jace almost snarled. “When I get you home, I’m going to throw you on the bed, lock your ankles around my shoulders, and fuck your ass deep and slow.”

  It sounded heavenly. He couldn’t wait for his turn at bliss. Wrapping his hand snugly around Jace’s shaft, he slid his mouth back and forth with increasing fury.

  “Fuck!” Jace tensed and leaned back on his heels. He pressed deeper into Beau’s mouth as he came. For a brutal but sweet moment, he clutched the back of Beau’s head as his hips rocked, easing every last bit of pleasure from his release.

  Beau swallowed and gulped for breath at almost the same moment, and nearly choked. The intensity of Jac
e’s climax astonished him. Pride that he’d given so much pleasure to a partner left him satisfied.

  Jace gazed down at him with a dreamy, satiated expression. His grip loosened, and he slid free of Beau’s lips. Grasping Beau’s shoulders, Jace helped him rise and locked his arms around Beau, drawing him next to his heart. He held Beau lovingly against his chest. “It’s a miracle we found each other,” he whispered. “I’m never going to let you go.”

  Chapter 8

  Devon watched Beau stare at the far wall. What was he thinking? Beau was so quiet, but those times when he did speak, he always had something thoughtful to say. In this troubling situation he was a comfort, and she needed to connect to him.

  Leaning closer, she studied Beau’s blanched face, and she felt a sudden burst of concern. His foil packet of scalloped potatoes was practically untouched. She tapped him on the shoulder. “You’re not hungry? Are you okay? You’ve been staring into space for a few minutes.”

  “I was remembering something.” Beau glanced at her. The fire lit his pale eyes golden. “I got a little lost.”

  Jace studied Devon with a sullen expression. “You snap at me, and you’re so nice to him. Why?”

  Devon bristled. “Because you’re always the instigator. You’re the boss. You demand trust, and then you do reckless things. Poor Beau never does anything like that.”

  “Devon.” Beau reached for her hand. “Jace is a very loving man. He’s got a big personality. He sometimes does reckless things, but he’s got a caring heart. He would lay down his life for me or you.”

  “Me?” Devon scoffed. This was ridiculous. “I didn’t get two dates in a row. How do you think that made me feel?”

  “There was a solid reason for that.” Jace hovered near with his back turned to Beau and Devon. He appeared preoccupied with sorting through a stockpile of supplies.

  Beau’s voice lowered as he addressed Devon. “The last two years with Jace have been the best time of my life.”

  What the hell? She gasped. “You’ve been a couple for two years? I’ve been at International Explorer for eight months. I watched you both coming and going in the office every day, and I didn’t have a clue. The first hint something was intimate between you was the day I showed you the dragon egg. Until then I had no idea.”


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