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Blood Rose (Vampire Romance)

Page 4

by Natalie Aejaz

  “The lady will wear what she pleases,” the vampire said.

  “Of course.” Sharon glanced at Rose’s stomach. “And I am sure it will look lovely on her.”

  “What do you think?” Lohan asked Rose. “Do you like this one?”

  It was her last chance to wear something as beautiful as this shimmering dress. “Yes. I will take this.”

  “A great choice.” He turned to Sharon. “A new bag and shoes for the lady too, please.”

  The assistant glanced at Rose’s practical bag, made from cheap imitation leather. “I believe that would be an excellent idea.”

  Choosing a bag was not difficult. She was drawn toward a gray metallic design: it had a button closure instead of a zip so was not very secure—and with only one section inside, so no arranging belongings so they were accessible. But style over functionality suddenly seemed a good idea. She had never worn party shoes before but now salivated after a sequined pair with high heels. Impractical and silly, but she did not think twice before picking them up. They both then followed Sharon to the payment counter. The smiling cashier, a pretty woman in her early twenties, scanned the items. The total came to…1500 bloody pounds? For a dress, bag and shoes? “How will you be paying?” She had her credit card and just enough money in her bank account to cover the bill. And she would not need it after tonight ...

  “By credit card,” said Lohan, pulling a wallet out of his jacket pocket.

  “No,” she protested, “I couldn’t—”

  His voice was firm. “It is a gift.”

  A gift? She could not accept such expensive things from a stranger. Dread suddenly coiled inside her because she had only ever received a present once, the memory of which sent nausea crawling through her stomach. Lohan is not Steve. Yet the thought of accepting these items from him downright terrified her. Before she could protest again, he turned to the assistant. “Do you have a spa and parlor?”

  Rose spoke quickly. “There is no need.” She would accept nothing else from him.

  He brought a finger to her lips, silencing her and sending a spasm of pleasure through her system. “You will be pampered.” She could choose a facial, the cheapest one—“A luxury package.”

  Sharon shot daggers at Rose with her eyes, her expression a cold mask as she asked the cashier to process the payment for the spa package. Lohan did not even blink as he signed off a credit card bill to the tune of 1800 pounds. Where did a vampire get those kinds of funds?

  When a woman in a pristine white uniform joined them, Sharon’s forced smile returned, her voice sickly sweet. “This is Jane, your spa attendant. Please follow her, madam.” Rose loathed the thought of leaving her alone with the vampire.

  “How long will it take?” Lohan asked as he handed the purchased items to the spa attendant. She ran her fingers over the dress, obviously appreciative of the quality.

  Sharon answered before the attendant could. “Over an hour.” She pouted at Lohan, and the prospect of a spa treatment became less desirable at the thought of leaving them both together. “In the meantime, I can personally show you around some of our other exclusive areas. You will not even notice how the time passes.”

  He waved his hand, gracefully dismissing Sharon’s suggestion. “It is a nice evening. I will go for a walk and return later.”

  Sharon’s disappointed expression had Rose smiling as she followed the attendant Jane to a treatment room. Her mouth dropped open as she took in the huge space. The low-lit area, larger than her whole apartment, was filled with scented candles and designed in a color scheme of crème and gold. To her right, rose petals were spread over a massage table. There was a large Jacuzzi on the opposite side of the room, surrounded by expensive bath goodies. The scent of essential oils mingled with that of the candles and invaded her senses, blissing her out before the session started.

  Jane handed her a dressing gown. “Please make yourself comfortable. The masseuse and facialist will arrive soon.” Rose changed after the attendant left the room, relaxed as she took a few moments to enjoy this paradise alone.

  Her last night was really turning out to be something.

  LOHAN HAD WALKED AROUND THE bustling West End of London for over half an hour—with Rose on his mind for most of that time. It had brought him pleasure, watching her pick out a gown—strange, because in the past just the thought of accompanying a female on a shopping expedition had been enough to send him into a rage. So why did it feel good being nice to this human? She was not the first miserable one he had encountered and unlikely to be the last. He tried to avoid her thoughts, but her bliss filtered through to him. She was thoroughly enjoying the spa session—and that knowledge set off a warm emotion inside him, which he curbed, irritated.

  He paused in Carnaby Street, the small shopping street; frowning at the gown displayed in the window of a boutique. When he insisted on paying for the items in the department store, he had not imagined the terror on Rose’s face. But why would the prospect of beautiful gifts cause such concern? There was only one way to find out, but did he want to explore her memories again? That inclination had already caused enough trouble.

  Nevertheless, he moved to a quieter street where he had some privacy. He closed his eyes and focused, filtering through her memories, looking for the one that would explain her reaction. Steve. It was her sixteenth birthday…and he bought her a gift. When she returned to his office in the short black dress, excited to show him how she looked, he locked the door. She instantly realized something was different as his gaze ran over her body, his hands reaching out. She had been desperate to please him, did not know how to say no…her only sexual experience…Lohan opened his eyes, unable to bear her pain as she softly cried, whimpering as that despicable creature took her.

  And humans called my kind monsters.

  When he returned to the store, Rose was still inside the spa. That assistant Sharon was with a smartly dressed elderly woman, guiding her through a collection of expensive coats. As soon as she saw him, she left the customer and came over. “How wonderful to see you again.” She gave him a wide smile before pouting her lips in that funny way human females did these days. Horror of horrors, even males were taking to the nonsense—he had slapped the expression straight off Rian’s face the first time the lad posed in that manner to take one of those selfie things. Sharon’s voice was soft. “I was waiting for you.” If only Rose would come out, so he could escape this slippery eel of an assistant. Sharon lowered her head, looking up at him from under her eyelashes. “I don’t understand. What are you doing with her?”

  He spoke loud and clear. “Do you get paid to pry into your customers’ private affairs?”

  A deep flush spread across the assistant’s face. Not so pretty now, are we? “Erm, she will be out soon,” she mumbled. “If you’ll excuse me—” She returned to the customer, but the disgruntled woman dismissed her with a wave of her hand as she walked away.

  “Lohan?” He turned at the sound of Rose’s voice, taking a sharp breath at the sight of her in the gown. She looked lovely after her session. Her hair was styled in soft curls, which fell down her arms and drew attention to exposed shoulders. Her skin had been scrubbed until it glowed and features highlighted with delicate makeup. And then she smiled. If he had a heart that could be affected, it would have surely stopped. The misery surrounding her lifted, giving a glimpse of the woman buried beneath that pain and fear. “That was the most wonderful experience,” she breathed. “I don’t know how to thank you”.

  With your blood.

  He shrugged his shoulders, embarrassed by her gratitude when he had only fulfilled his part of the transaction. “It is nothing.” But the result was not nothing. In fact, a little pampering had transformed her. She stood straighter, the stretchy fabric of the gown clinging to her body, sequins shimmering along her curves. The neckline of the dress plunged, revealing a deep cleavage and stirring him as he imagined biting into the soft flesh. He cleared his throat. “You look lovely, Rose.” And he
meant it.

  The sight of her blushing made him smile too.

  He held out his arm and as Rose took it, she glanced in Sharon’s direction, arching her eyebrows as she threw the other woman a satisfied glance. That was more like it. She was obviously unaccustomed to walking in heels, and when she gripped his arm for balance, it felt…comfortable. She turned to him in the elevator, her eyes bright. “I really had a wonderful time. Thank you again.”

  “My pleasure.” And he meant that, too.

  “I guess it’s time.” Her tone was soft. “For me to die.” Her words were such a contrast to the joy on her face they shook him. “But I have no regrets,” she added, “Because my last experience has been such a beautiful one.”

  No, no. How could she think of dying yet? She had known but a small pleasure. “It is too soon.”

  “But isn’t our deal complete?”

  “Far from it.”

  Those soft green eyes widened in surprise. “You mean there’s more?”

  He held her shoulders, gentle. “Yes.” This human could experience much in one night. But now she was dressed up, he could not think of where to take her. “Tell me. What else do you wish for?”

  He did not have to delve into her memories. “I’ve always wanted to visit the cinema at night.” The cinema? Such a despicable desire, but at least she had expressed it. “But I never had anyone to go with.”

  “Consider it done.” He glanced at her sparkly gown. “You will not feel self-conscious at such a venue, dressed like this?”

  She shrugged her shoulders, her smile wide. “It’s my last night. Who cares?”

  She was still smiling as he pulled her closer. He did not teleport immediately, holding her in his arms for a moment. She had deserved so much more from her life ...

  Her breath quickened, and he sensed her attraction to him. Damn, he needed to get her out of here before he made a fool of himself. He teleported her to a secluded side street, and then they walked for a few minutes until they reached Leicester Square—the pedestrianized square and entertainment center full of bright lights, restaurants, bars and shopping malls; and crowds of people out to have fun. He detested the place. “You do not enjoy the theater?” he asked. Surely a more civilized way to spend one’s time.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never been.”

  She lived in London but had never visited the theater? How much would she never have the chance to experience? As it was none of his concern, he asked no more questions as they crossed the square, to the cinema. The teenaged girl sat behind the counter announced that the movie had already started. “It’s nearly halfway through.” Her expression was bored and eyes glued to Rose’s gown.

  “Would you like to wait for the next one?” he asked Rose.

  “I don’t want to waste time waiting…let’s just watch what’s left of the movie.” She bit her lip. “But will they let us enter now?”

  He smiled at the girl behind the ticket counter, staring into her eyes. She might not have planned to refuse them admission, but he applied gentle hypnotism to be sure. “They will.” Rose pulled her purse out of her new bag. “Don’t even think about it.” Things were different in the modern world, but a woman had never paid for him before, and he was not going to start the practice now, especially when there was no need. He was born into a royal family of wealthy vampires and had inherited investments that proved to be sound over the years. It meant he would never want for anything. Apart from companionship.

  “But I won’t need the money after tonight.”

  After tonight there would be nothing left of Rose. Her pain, memories, what might have been…gone.

  “I am paying.” They entered the cinema, his first time inside one. It was bad enough that Rian was obsessed with modern media technologies, and he did not intend to join in—but he would bear this experience for her. The large entrance hall was brightly lit, and the nauseating smell of a variety of popcorn hit him. Burgers, hot dogs, cakes, nachos…a trip to the movie theater was obviously an excuse to feast for these gluttonous humans. On the other side of the hall was a section where customers crowded, filling paper bags with sweets. Rose’s eyes were bright as they moved between the popcorn stall and the candy. “Would you like some food?” he asked.

  Her hands went to her stomach. “I shouldn’t.”

  “Yes, you should.” She was on the verge of death and worried about her diet? “It is your last night. Eat what you want.”

  She grinned. “You are right.”

  She headed to the candy section, quickly filling a paper bag. “Anything else?” he asked as he paid for the selection.

  “Popcorn and a hot dog.”

  Bloody disgusting. But despite his distaste, he accompanied her to the stinking stall. She chose a mix of cheese and caramel popcorn—the thought of such a combination made him want to teleport out of there—and a hot dog with lots of mustard and tomato sauce. He held the tray of food as they approached the cinema hall.

  The worker at the entrance, a young stern looking man, held his hand out for the tickets. Lohan glanced at Rose. “The tickets are in the pocket of my trousers.” And his hands were full. He could not give her the tray because she was holding those damn sweets. “The left one.”

  She also hesitated. But when the worker sighed, loud, she put her hand out and reached into Lohan’s pocket. The gesture was so intimate it sent heat surging through his body. When he drew a sharp breath, she glanced up at him, her eyes wide. She pulled her fingers back as if she had been burned, clutching the tickets. After handing them to the worker, she walked ahead without saying a word. She had felt something, too.

  It was dark, which was no problem for him with his vampiric sight, so he took Rose’s hand and went ahead in the hall. It was not the first time he had held her, but now the touch of her soft skin against his sent unwanted sensations through his body as he guided her to the seats. Finally, they were seated. The movie was a romantic one, apparently funny. He had decided to hate the experience, but as Rose happily ate the food and candy, he was drawn in by the characters and even became interested in what would happen to them, which was ridiculous when they were not real.

  As both the protagonists traveled to various countries—they were faster at travel than vampires, it seemed—anticipation stirred inside him. As the visuals unfolded on the screen, he became absorbed by the scenes of beaches, temples, jungles, dance and music. He had lived for centuries but seen little. There was much to experience, especially in this new modern world, yet he confined himself inside the walls of his mansion. As the movie reached its climax, Rose was enraptured by the expansive screen. Now he could not take his gaze away from her as the emotions crossed her face. There were tears in her eyes, and her lips trembled when the protagonists might be separated. When it became apparent they would not, she laughed as she clutched his arm, and he found himself smiling with her.

  She was alive.

  There was time before the night ended.

  Lohan stood near the entrance of the cinema, the visuals from the movie still with him. Was there such a beautiful world outside, one he had ignored? As he waited for Rose to return from the restroom, he had an idea. He pulled out his mobile to call his butler, not concerning himself with the reasons for doing this. It was just something he wanted to do.

  When he told Rian what he planned, the boy was beyond surprised. “You want me to ask your Italian cousins for a favor?”

  He resented putting himself in this situation. “Yes.”

  “You do realize that if you ask them to arrange this, you may have to host them when they come to London?”

  There was a despicable note of satisfaction in Rian’s voice. “Of course I do. What do you think I am? An idiot?” He had considered that before calling the lad. If the Italian vampires pulled this off, he could not refuse to open his mansion to them when they arrived in London—but it would be worth it.

  He ended the call as Rose walked toward him, her laugh now a natural part of h
er. Was she the same miserable creature who had been ready to jump off that bridge three hours ago? “Where now?” she asked.

  The last of her reservation had gone, making him smile. “Let us go for a walk.”

  He still disliked the bright lights and noise, but had to appreciate that Leicester Square could be enticing at this time of night. There was life and laughter everywhere, the place overwhelmed by the scent of humans with something to look forward to. A silver statue, of a distinguished gentleman dressed in a two-piece and top hat, lunged in his direction and startled him. The insolent creature! Lohan frowned at the man who had frozen again—his eyes the only sign he was a living being—cursing himself for not anticipating his trickery. The sound of loud laughter came from behind him. He turned and there was Rose, bent over as she laughed and barely able to catch her breath. The incident had caused her immense delight. He also chuckled as he placed a generous tip in the box next to the human statue’s feet.

  Shops surrounded them, but thankfully their attractions did not interest Rose. “What will I do with things?” Her eyes shone as she glanced at the crowds surrounding them. “I want to be outside. Among these happy people.”

  So they both walked arm in arm through the crowds, stopping for a while to appreciate a talented saxophone player. They continued in this manner for over an hour until Lohan’s mobile beeped. It was Rian, letting him know it was arranged. “Come with me, Rose.” As they moved away from the square, he looked forward to her reaction when she saw the new location. But there was also regret as he held her close; because after this, the night would be over.


  * * *

  THE VAMPIRE WAS SILENT as he held her. Not that he spoke much, but there was a sudden reservation there. As Rose closed her eyes, there was the familiar sensation of movement, and then they were…inside a building? Music came from a distance.


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