Blood Rose (Vampire Romance)

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Blood Rose (Vampire Romance) Page 8

by Natalie Aejaz

  She took a deep breath. “No.”

  Now he looked up, confused. “Pardon?”

  “I’ve taken half a day of leave, and you agreed to it. I have your signature on the paperwork.”

  His surprise was evident. “And so what?”

  She kept her tone firm. “Barry. I’m not missing this interview.” His cold expression nearly caused her to lose her nerve, but she would not back down. Not today. If she did not get the job, he might make her life a misery, but she would deal with it.

  “I’ll remember that when it comes to writing you a reference.” He snorted. “If it gets to that point, that is.”

  He would not give her a bad reference, would he? According to his spiteful smile, he would. “You’d sabotage my chances at this job?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “You don’t deserve it.”

  Anna might be an efficient worker, but that was not the reason he wanted her to secure the role. His closeness to the other PA, during that horrible work night out, had been the subject of lunchtime gossip for over a week. Rose clenched her hands into fists, wanting to smack that smug expression off his face. The bastard had treated her like shit since he took over as her boss and now planned to hinder her chances at making a go of her career?

  I won’t let you win.

  She also shrugged her shoulders. When she spoke, her voice was calm, giving no sign of the turmoil inside her. “I have worked hard since being here and gone over and beyond my duties. If you try to ruin my chances of getting this job, I’ll make sure you regret it.”

  His lips stretched into a thin line. “How the fuck would a useless piece of lard make me regret anything?”

  “Giving a deserving employee an unfair reference can have serious repercussions.” His expression made it clear he did not give a damn. “As we both know, our company takes its grievance procedure seriously, especially in matters of bullying and harassment.” She paused, her chest constricted. What the hell was she doing? “I’m sure the organization would be interested in how you’ve treated me. And what about the number of times you’ve made me stay behind to work, without paying me overtime?”

  “You’re threatening me with the grievance procedure?” He leaned forward, placing his elbows on the desk. “This will be fun. Go ahead and make a formal complaint.” He smirked. “I’d like to see how far you’d get, taking me on. Who the hell would back you?”

  She forced a smile, trying to quell the anxiety rising inside. “Your minions support you in the office, but I wonder what they’d say if called as witnesses in confidential grievance hearings?” She had no idea whether it was panic, desperation or sheer frustration at the manner she had been treated, that made her so bold. “I’m willing to bet some of them would love the opportunity to reveal what they really think about you.”

  “The complaints procedure will take you nowhere.” Despite his words, some confidence was gone from his voice. She relaxed a little, knowing she had the upper hand. “Nobody can touch me.”

  She leaned forward, resting her hands on his desk. As she had already started this, she might as well go all the way. Her voice did not falter. “If nothing comes of the grievance procedure, then even better, because I would just love to take the legal route and pull you in front of an employment tribunal for treating me unlawfully.” Being at a law firm meant she was aware of her rights, and like her, Barry knew she could make a claim to a tribunal.

  That nasty smile disappeared, concern flitting across his face. Not so confident now, are we? “You don’t have the guts. I mean, what about the potential repercussions for your career?”

  “You reckon I give a damn about this shitty job?” He tensed at her words. “I want nothing more than to avoid working another day for a bully like you.”

  “A bully?”

  “Yes. A damn bully.” Her heart now beat so hard, she was convinced he could hear it. She inhaled, deep. Emotion was raging through her, and she could not get carried away. “What would your minions say when summoned to give evidence? It would all come out in a tribunal, Barry. How you withheld overtime pay, bullied and harassed me, constantly fat-shamed me.”

  “They were only jokes,” he said, his voice weak.

  “Would an employment tribunal agree?” Silence. “Come on, you’re supposed to be a lawyer, aren’t you? We’re talking about a hearing in the presence of a public body, which is part of the legal system, not a social gathering where others will laugh at your nasty jokes.” She paused, allowing her words to sink in. “My work record speaks for itself, so think twice before you consider giving me a shit reference.” She lowered her tone. “Believe me. If you don’t give me a fair reference, you’ll pay for it.”

  He was now visibly nervous. “You’re bluffing.”

  “Try me.” He opened his mouth but said nothing. “You’ve abused your position for too long, Barry, and it ends here. Now.” That expression of fear was all the reassurance she needed. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have an interview to attend.”

  She walked out of his office with a confident smile, pausing when in the corridor, her hands trembling and heart in her throat.

  I stood up to him. I can’t fucking believe it.

  THE ITALIAN VAMPIRES HAD STAYED at his mansion for a week and not been the nuisance Lohan feared.

  When they first arrived, he accompanied them for a drink in the drawing room, out of politeness. He even decided to bring the whiskey out from the cellar, and Rian had gladly obliged, wiping the dust off bottles untouched for decades. Being a good host to his cousins was the least Lohan could do, considering they had called in favors and spared no expense to arrange that opera house experience in Rome. He initially joined his distant relatives out of a sense of obligation, but then looked forward to spending evenings with them, discussing arts and politics of old and new over a glass of fine liquor.

  Two days ago the vampires left the mansion for a visit to North England, and Lohan had used the time to work on the canvas which he started the day after meeting Rose. He now added more brush strokes, a smudge of color here and there, and then acknowledged it was complete. He stepped back, regarding the lines and colors with a critical eye.


  There was a knock at the door, and his tone was light when he called out. “Come in.”

  Rian came into the chamber, taking one look at him before scowling. “What has got you so happy these days?” Lohan’s sudden change in mood was clearly unsettling for the boy.

  “I am living a little.” He cleared his throat. “Anyway, my miserable fool, what do you think of my creation?”

  The lad raised his eyebrows. It was rare for Lohan to ask for his opinion on anything, much less his art. “A great piece. The subject’s not like the women of these days. I mean, she’s pretty but rather healthy looking—”

  “Beautiful…she is beautiful.”

  His Rose.

  The portrait captured her in a moment of joy, which was how Lohan liked to remember her. He had looked into her thoughts since that night, and she was all right. Happy, even. Last week she attended a job interview with a lady who was stiff but fair. Rose had impressed with her dedication and focus, or as she put it, aced it. Her main competition was another PA, Anna, who he recognized as the bitch from the bar.

  “How did it go with the cousins?” Rian asked.

  “Apparently I am not the miserable old sod you made me out to be all these years.” His butler snorted in disbelief. “In fact, they have invited me to Rome for a vacation.”

  Rian grinned. “You’re considering it?”

  “Why not?” At one time he would have considered the idea despicable nonsense, but now he wished to experience more of the world he once shunned.

  “I only hope your mood lasts, especially as the Italian vampires are returning in a week.”

  “Wonderful.” It would be nice to have someone to chat to again. Damn, he might even be on the way to making friends. “I personally want to show them some of London while
they are here. Would you arrange something?”

  Rian was shaking his head as he left the room.

  Lohan ran his gaze over the portrait for a few more moments. If only Rose was here to see it. He originally intended to place the painting in the hall, at the spot where his self-portrait once hung—but no, he would keep it in the bedroom, where he spent most of his hours. That decided, he set up a blank canvas. His last attempt at a mountain scene had been disastrous, but he resolved to try again. As he painted, his thoughts shifted to Rose. Was she still at the office or already at home? That urge returned, to connect to her mind. She had chosen mortal life over him, and he tried to accept her choice but kept being overcome by the temptation to be with her. Whenever he did, it brought relief to learn she was creating the life she always wanted. And that she thought about him long and often. Was she remembering him right now? The need to be close to her pulled. Just a few seconds, and then he would get back to the painting. A few seconds…He closed his eyes. “Rose,” he whispered. But he was met with a blank. What…?

  It had been a period of time since he tasted her blood. When he lost access to human minds in the past, it brought relief, but this time it was as if a part of his soul was gone. No! He threw the canvas to the side. Without that connection to her, he would be alone again.

  Only now, the loneliness would be truly unbearable.


  * * *

  ROSE GLANCED OUT OF THE WINDOW. It had turned dark outside, and she was the only PA still working.

  A few more minutes and Barry’s report would be complete. He had been exceptionally nice since that altercation in his office. And he was downright petrified when she decided to stay behind this evening to finish this urgent report, so it was ready for his client meeting first thing tomorrow. Bloody hell, he even claimed she was doing too much and tried to get Anna to do the work instead. Rose insisted on completing the task herself because she was not about to palm her duties off on anyone else. And now she smiled with satisfaction because before he left, Barry reminded her yet again to enter the extra hours on the overtime database.

  There, she had completed the report. She shut the laptop and then touched her neck where Lohan had bitten her. Nothing. And last night the feeling he was nearby had disappeared. The frustration ate at her, and she only hoped that the connection with the vampire would return soon. As she stood, her work mobile rang. Diane? “I called on the off-chance that you might still be here,” the senior lawyer said, “I know it’s late but mind if we have a quick word?”

  Rose’s heart beat fast as she walked through the corridor to Diane’s office. She hesitated at the door. This was it. She smoothed her red dress, took a deep breath and then made herself knock. “Come in, Rose.” She inhaled again before entering the room. Diane sat behind her desk, wearing a dark corporate suit. She had tied her hair into a tight bun, which sharpened her features even further. Her expression gave no hint of her decision as she indicated that Rose should sit. “Are you still interested in the job?”

  She tried to stop her voice from trembling. “Yes.”

  Diane smiled. “In that case, it is yours.”

  She had secured the position? Scarcely daring to believe it, she forced herself to respond. “Thank you, Diane. For this wonderful opportunity.”

  “I would have offered you the role that day but because of company regulations, I had to wait for Barry’s reference. It was only a formality but wow, what a glowing reference. I am convinced you will be a huge asset.” Barry had given a glowing reference? The thought of such a recommendation was satisfying, but even more so was the knowledge that she had put the bully in his place. “I will call Barry on his mobile and inform him. As of Monday, you will work with me so you can start moving your personal items to your new office.”

  My own office. “Thank you again, Diane.”

  “You deserve it. I would be an idiot to miss how dedicated you have been to this firm.” The senior lawyer smiled, her features softening. “I will let you go now. I am sure a young lady like you has plans for this evening.”

  As Rose returned to her desk to pick up her jacket and bag, her heart thumped in her chest. She had got the job! Over Anna, Margaret, everyone…She had proven them all wrong. After picking up her belongings, she made her way to the building exit.

  “Rose? Still here?”

  She paused at the sound of Peter’s voice and nearly blurted out the news about her promotion, but stopped herself in time. She wanted Lohan to be the first to know…but how would she tell him? It was a few days since she experienced the heavy sensation that indicated he was inside her mind, and as of last night, sensed a complete disconnection. “Just about to leave,” she told Peter. “Good night.”

  As she turned, he spoke again. “Erm, Rose?” What now? He seemed hesitant, clearing his throat before speaking. “Fancy dinner some time?”

  It was obvious he was impressed by the recent changes in her, and it had made her wonder if his feelings did go beyond that of a coworker. “I’m sorry, Peter,” she said. “But I’m not interested.”

  She turned away from the surprise on his face and left the building with a huge smile, so grateful she had not jumped off that bridge.

  Life was short enough as it was.

  The bus paused at a location that was a few stops before the one she usually got off at.

  “Journey ending here,” the driver announced, his words followed by loud passengers complaints as they left the bus.

  Rose waited with the rest of the passengers at the stop. How long before another bus appeared? Her apartment was only a twenty-minute walk from here, and it was a warm evening, so she set off by foot. She turned off the main road after a few minutes but as she walked along a small street, it was unexpectedly isolated.

  She moved faster, wanting to get off the semi-lit street, only thinking about getting home. There was a sound, and she looked back. Nothing. But she could have sworn there was someone behind her. She quickened her pace until she was not far off from running, her heart in her throat. Nothing would happen to her, not now when she had so much going for her. She would be in the apartment soon, relaxing with a cup of hot tea…A shadowy figure stepped out in front of her, and she froze as a shiver ran up her spine. “L-Lohan?”

  The shadow moved closer, and she smiled, a mixture of relief and joy raging inside her. It was him. He also smiled, those blue eyes warm with emotion. She threw herself into his arms, and he embraced her tight. His voice was low. “I have missed you, dear Rose.”

  “I’ve missed you, too. So much!”

  He stood back. “Let me look at you.” She wanted nothing more than to be in his embrace but instead posed, securing her bag on her elbow as she pulled her jacket down over her shoulders, showing off that new red dress which finished just above her knees. He tilted his head, smiling. “You are…different.”

  “Aren’t I just?” He had done away with the smart suit tonight but still cut a handsome figure in jeans, tee shirt and a black leather jacket. And that smile added warmth to his chiseled face, once so cold. She went into his arms again, unable to keep away. “And you know something? I’ve been promoted at work.”

  “I am glad.” He pulled her tight against his body. “You deserve it.”

  She grinned against his chest. “I hoped you would check in and find out.”

  “Since last night I cannot connect to your mind.” So that was what the disconnection was? The effect of her blood had worn off. He lifted his head, his eyes filled with a softness which warmed her to the core. “It was unbearable, as if a part of me had gone.”

  “I also felt as if I lost something,” she murmured.

  He touched her face, his fingers gentle, and she turned her head to kiss them. “I understand you chose a mortal life. But I could not stay away ...”

  “Don’t,” she whispered, pressing closer. “Don’t stay away from me.”

  Without him, there would always be something missing. She placed her arm
s around his neck and stood on tip-toe to kiss him on the lips. His hands went to her waist, supporting her as he deepened the contact, his tongue entering her mouth. Weeks of separation had made her hungry and desperate for the vampire. His need was also obvious; he breathed hard as his mouth moved to her neck, pausing and sending an ache straight to her core. Continuing down, he explored her cleavage with his lips and tongue, until her nipples turned erect and were visible through the material of her dress. He drew her against him so her back arched, and she released a gasp as his warm mouth closed over her nipple, sucking it through the material until shudders shook her body. She squirmed, moaning loud. “Lohan. Let’s get out of here.”

  She wanted to be alone with her vampire.

  There was that familiar dizzy sensation, and then they were in his bedroom. As he brought her in for a mind-searing kiss, she struggled with his jacket, wanting it off him. His muscles were hard under the material, and she was impatient with the need to touch his naked skin. But he could not wait. He pushed her against the wall, kissing her, exploring her mouth with his tongue as he lifted her dress and slipped his hands underneath. As he moved his fingers around her back to unclasp her bra, his kiss became more urgent.

  “Rose,” he managed. “You have no idea of how I yearn for you.”

  She had a good idea because the same hunger surged through her blood. She had chosen to make a go of human life, but that did not mean she had to lose him. They would figure something out…She let out a cry as he took her nipple between his finger and thumb, teasing and fondling it. With his other hand, he pulled down her panties, his gaze raging with lust as he then opened the zip of his jeans. Moving his hands to her hips, he lifted her so she could wrap her legs around him. “I cannot wait,” he groaned, guiding his shaft to her entrance.

  “Neither can I,” she gasped as he pushed into her. She clung to him, tight, as he moved inside her. The pressure built as he pressed her against the wall. It was too much to bear and yet not enough…She shook her hair back, and when she tilted her head to the side, he brought his mouth to her neck. “Do it,” she whimpered. He moaned, soft, as he sank his fangs into her, deep. She panted as he thrust faster between her legs with long strokes, his bite sending her over the edge until she screamed out loud. “Lohan! Yes!”


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