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Soft Limits: A Deviations Novel (Deviations Series Book 6)

Page 4

by Jodi Payne

  Everything was moving in slow motion in Nikki’s mind, but pieces of a much larger puzzle started coming together, falling into place. “Bradford is a Dom.”

  “Yes. And I am a submissive.”

  “For him?”


  He looked at Brian sharply. “By choice?”

  “Of course.” Brian looked horrified. “Oh, my God. All by choice. You have to pay to be a member, Dom, or sub. You’re interviewed, background checked. You don’t get to come here unless you’re experienced, and Master Bradford is convinced it’s what you want. What you really want. It’s not easy to get in.”

  He nodded slowly. “And that’s why you—why everyone—calls him Master Bradford.”

  “It’s his club. He’s the owner, the head Master. Everyone defers to him, even the other Doms.”

  “I don’t.” He hadn’t been deferring to anyone. He wasn’t experienced, wasn’t paying any dues.

  “Master Bradford told me you’re an employee. You’re not a sub, you’re not a member, you don’t need to call him Master. You just work here.”

  He nodded. He just worked at the club. It was a job, and a well-paying one at that. Suck it up, he told himself. It’s weird and kinky, but it’s just a job.

  He sighed. “Sorry. I just…didn’t know.”

  “That’s the thing about this place. You’re not going to know anything unless you ask.”

  That was for damn sure.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Sure. Yes.” He stood up. “Let’s get back to work.” He could feel Brian’s eyes on him, but Brian didn’t argue.

  “Okay.” Brian headed over to a chest by the bathroom door and opened it, pulling out two sets of latex gloves. “Everything in that chest has been sterilized, so we don’t want to touch any of it with our bare hands.” Brian pulled on his gloves and headed into the bathroom where he opened up a portable dishwasher sitting on top of the counter. “Ooh. Good choices.” Brian pulled out a couple of items that sent Nikki’s imagination into a wild tailspin. All he could think was, Ouch. “Gloves on, please.”

  He raised an eyebrow but pulled them on.

  “Glass dildo. That’s a nice one. Good heft and not so long you feel like you swallowed it.” Brian put the toy into his hands. “A couple of silicone cock rings, and this is a beaded anal probe. Someone had a good time last night.” Brian laughed and closed the dishwasher, then stepped around him. “Come on.”

  He followed Brian back to the big chest with his hands full and his eyes wide. He knew he must look ridiculous, but Brian was completely relaxed about it. “These go in the drawers. It’s pretty easy; everything has a place so you can usually tell what’s missing. Butt plugs and anal toys in this drawer, the glass dildos go in that one, and the rings are up here.” Brian casually put everything away, taking the toys one by one from his fingers.

  “For cleaning, we deal with toys, instruments like the crops and paddles, towels, a few of the smaller benches, and all the soft goods like pillows and bedding. The overnight custodians handle the floors, the bathrooms, and the big furniture. Master Bradford also has a special crew come in twice a week to care for and treat all the leather on everything, so we just have to point out the things that need work, and they take care of them. Levi keeps a list—call down any time you find something, and he’ll add it. If something is broken or worn beyond repair, or you think it’s not getting clean, bring it to Levi too.”


  There were actual crews in this city that you could hire to take care of leather weapons and bondage gear? There were custodians that came in and scrubbed sweat and come off the floors and lube out of the bathtub? People really did this shit for a living?

  Nikki blinked. Well, if people could do that to put food on their tables and pay their rent, then he could handle this, right? It didn’t mean he had to be into the scene. It didn’t mean he was anyone’s sub. It was a paycheck.



  It was a job. And by the way, who exactly was he worried about embarrassing himself in front of anyway? He had no family anymore—well, none that cared about him—and he was finally making some friends here. And frankly, a rent-free roof over his head, three squares a day, and a steady paycheck made this gig a no-brainer. The last time he could count on regular meals and a roof over his head, he was about nine years old. After that it was his dad’s van, his mom’s friend’s house, one shelter after another, and finally the street.

  Who was he to judge?

  “You okay?”

  Nikki blinked at Brian. “Oh. Yeah, I’m sorry, I was thinking.”

  “It’s a great place to work, Nikki. I’m telling you. Master Bradford will always treat you with respect.”

  Nikki nodded. “I’m good. Show me how to clean the leather.”

  The next couple of hours kept them busy. Nikki did his best to throw himself into the work and to make sure Brian’s time with him wasn’t wasted. He learned about the different first aid ointments and creams and other items stocked in the first aid kits in each of the rooms. He learned what several of the tools and instruments were and how they were used. He learned about Bradford’s video surveillance system and that Bradford hired both subs and Doms as security to monitor the activities in each room in real time. He touched chains and cuffs. He asked Brian dozens of questions.

  By the time their lunch break came around, Nikki felt pretty relaxed. He could do this. This was easy. A little weird…but easy.

  “How is the student, Brian?” Levi came over and joined them at their table while they ate.

  Brian’s mouth was full and he quickly swallowed down his bite of salad. “He’s a natural, sir.”

  “Really?” Levi looked pleased. “So glad to hear it. You think you’re a natural, Nikki?”

  “Well, it is pretty straightforward.”

  “Sir,” Levi corrected, but he didn’t wait for Nikki to repeat himself. He just nodded. “It is straightforward. And you’re comfortable with the equipment?”

  “Well, it’s nothing I’ve been exposed to before, so it was a bit…”


  “At first, yes.”


  He shook his head. “Yes, sir.”

  “And now?”

  “Well? It’s not like anything is going to jump out and bite me.” Oh, shit. His eyes popped open wide as he remembered this time. “Uh…jump out and bite me, sir.”

  Levi laughed. “No, those things are locked up on the third floor.”

  Nikki stopped just short of taking a bite of his cheeseburger.

  Levi laughed. “I’m kidding. Although the third floor is a lot more intense. You’ll be ready for that eventually, and if not, that’s fine. The other boys on your shift are.”

  Nikki nodded. Whatever it was, he figured he could handle it.

  Levi looked between them. “You can always tell a sub that has evening plans. He’ll be the one eating like a bird. Eh, Brian?”

  Brian blushed. “Yes, sir.”

  “Who with tonight?”

  “I accepted an invitation from Master Richard, sir.”

  “Oh, very nice. I’ve worked with him. What are your plans? Ropes, I assume?”

  “Yes, sir. He wants to practice his knots. And he promised me a spanking.” Brian grinned.

  Levi laughed. “And so, a salad.”

  Nikki snorted. Barely two months ago he was so hungry, he almost gave a guy a blowjob for a cheeseburger. He thought better of it and went hungry that day. If there was a burger to be had for free, though, he was going for it.

  For free, not for a spanking.

  “I’m not a sub.”

  Levi nodded. “Sir.”

  “I’m not a sub, sir.”

  “Mm.” He wasn’t sure what Levi’s look meant. “Master Bradford did tell me that. That’s interesting.” Levi stood up again. “Enjoy that cheeseburger.”

  “Yes, sir.”


  Levi left them, heading for his office behind the bar.

  Nikki’s afternoon was a little more intense. The rooms at the end of the hall had bondage furniture the likes of which he’d never heard of, let alone seen: crosses and cages and stockades, bondage horses and suspension contraptions. Things that Brian explained with enthusiasm, leaving Nikki nearly speechless. He listened, but he wasn’t sure he really understood.

  He headed back to his room before dinner and took a long, thoughtful shower. When he got out, he was pretty much ready to relax and watch some TV, but he found a note on his bed:

  I would be delighted if you would be my guest this evening for dinner in the main dining room at seven.

  Warmly, Bradford.

  It was handwritten in such ornate cursive, he had to read it again to be sure he’d gotten it right.

  Delighted? Did real people even talk like that? Nikki had no idea how to interpret the invitation, but he wasn’t going to say no to dinner. Especially since Bradford had been good to him and hadn’t asked for anything in return except that he do the job he was being paid for. Bradford was kind of cool, too, like after the whole homeless thing. He seemed like a good guy, even if his club was…whatever it was.

  Nikki dug around in the closet and the drawers of his dresser and came up with khakis and a soft blue sweater, figuring an invitation to dinner in the formal dining room meant he should wear something nicer than his jeans. He probably should wear a tie too, but he didn’t have one.

  He lay the clothing out on his bed and went into the bathroom to fix his hair. He shaved even though he really didn’t need to; it was a good thing he didn’t care for facial hair since he had little hope of ever growing a beard.

  He’d forgotten that he left his harness hanging there on a towel rack before his shower and he reached for it, shaking his head at himself. He’d actually had to call Levi to undo the buckle at the back so he could get it off. God, that was so embarrassing. Next time he’d remember to ask someone when his shift ended.

  He ran his fingers over the leather. Brian looked good in his uniform; the guy obviously liked it and wore it like a second skin. He wondered if he’d ever be as unapologetically himself as Brian. He figured that required knowing who you were first, and Nikki knew he wasn’t there yet. He’d spent far too much time just surviving to have figured that out. It had never mattered—who he was came down to trying to get homework done while he was broke, hungry, and homeless.

  These days? Well, sometimes he was at loose ends. What did people do with time on their hands?

  Apparently, they had dinner together.

  He shrugged and grabbed the harness as he left the bathroom, dug the special hanger Liam had given him for it out of his closet, and hung it up.


  Bradford made his way past the bar and gave Joseph a nod. “Good evening.”

  “Evening, sir.”

  Joe was a civilian, but he was a damn good bartender. He was also classically handsome, had that ubiquitous thirtysomething look, and he loved men. He was flirty but unavailable, and as far as Bradford was concerned, that was the perfect formula for keeping an unoccupied Dom at the bar. He also had great taste in music, and right now he was playing Bill Withers and grooving as he cleaned glasses and looked over his stock. Nothing like a little soul to put you in the mood.

  Speaking of moods, it was time to go check on his sub for the evening. He’d left the boy to some quiet contemplation in his office after a successful workday, and he had every intention of rewarding the boy for his effort. He felt his steps grow lighter as he returned and went inside, closing the door loudly behind him, testing how deep the boy had gone while he was away.

  Levi didn’t even twitch.

  Bradford looked the boy over. He’d left Levi on his knees, bent forward with his forehead on the floor, ass in the air, and his hands resting, crossed and palms up, on his lower back. One of Bradford’s favorite ways to immobilize his subs without restraints.

  He walked over and drew a finger along the waistband of Levi’s leather shorts. “How do you feel, boy?”

  The answer came slowly, and Bradford was patient as Levi pulled himself from deep subspace to reply. “Relaxed, sir. My fingers are just beginning to get a bit tingly.”

  “Ah. Thank you, boy.” Levi’s honesty spoke of experience. Brian would have allowed his fingers to go completely numb before he said anything—and had. “I was just going to ask you to make your way to your feet anyway. Do you require assistance?”

  “No, sir. Just a moment if it pleases you, sir.”

  “The moment is yours, boy. Take your time.” Bradford made his way over to his desk to give Levi more room and less scrutiny.

  Levi was practically an artist; his particular brand of submission was a noble pursuit, bringing a kind of regal dignity and gracefulness to everything he did. Technically perfect, his joy was in serving and only light bondage. He had no love for a whip or a paddle, no tolerance or need for real pain, but you wouldn’t find a sub more creative and dedicated to his service anywhere. Bradford had nothing but respect for him.

  Levi was also an absolute animal in bed. A consummate bottom, but the most demanding goddamn fuck he’d ever been with.

  Levi rocked back on his heels and unfolded slowly, eyes studiously low as he stood, settling easily into the display pose he knew Bradford preferred. Levi served many Masters at the club, Bradford being one of particular tastes, and Levi seemed only too happy to please.

  “Ready, sir.”

  He moved toward Levi and walked an agonizingly slow circle around the boy. It was hardly necessary, but he knew Levi got off on a careful inspection, and this evening was a reward, after all. He admired the pride Levi took in his service: chin high and eyes low. Bradford took a moment to smooth and straighten the boy’s shorts, indulging himself by slipping his fingers up and under each leg and around the full circle of the boy’s waistband. He finished off by firmly gripping the bulge in Levi’s tight leather shorts.

  Levi offered him a lovely sigh.

  “I want this cock hard for me before we get to the dining room, boy.”

  “Yes, sir. My pleasure, sir.” The boy would be hard before they left his office.

  “Our usual rules and customs, hm? Do you need a reminder?”

  “No, sir.”

  Of course not.


  Levi stepped around him and pulled open the office door.

  “At heel, in step.”

  “As it pleases you, Master.”

  He allowed himself a smile. It did please him, in fact. He stepped through the door and felt Levi fall in dutifully behind him. He didn’t give the boy another thought as he entered the main part of the club, passing once more by the bar. He glanced at his watch.

  “Sir,” Joe greeted him as he made his way by. Bradford inclined his head but said nothing.

  He did, however, greet numerous members, Doms and subs alike, as he made his way through the long bar and lounge area and headed toward the dining room. When he finally arrived, the evening’s host, a muscular, red-haired sub named Andrew, greeted him with a smile and a bow. “Good evening, sir.”

  “Good evening, Andrew,” Bradford answered smoothly, noting the degree of confidence in Andrew’s voice. Mentally he made a note that should he ever need an evening off, the combination of Andrew, Joe, and Levi as a team, supervised peripherally by nearly any Dom, could surely cover for his absence.

  Good to know.

  “If it pleases you, sir, may I confirm that you have not requested your usual table but the small table in the west corner?”

  “Yes. Thank you, Andrew. That is correct.” He required more privacy tonight than his usual table right in the middle of the dining room could afford him, a more discreet environment for his conversation. This would be another pivotal evening in his grand plan for Nikki, and he didn’t want distractions or interruptions.

  “Excellent. We have your table ready as yo
u requested, sir.” Andrew led the way and Bradford followed.

  “You will instruct the staff that Levi will be serving us this evening. They need only bring drinks and food as ordered; it will be Levi’s privilege.”

  “Very good, sir. I will let Timothy know.”

  “Thank you, boy.”

  Levi moved quickly to his chair and pulled it out for him. Once he was seated, Levi pulled out his napkin and placed it in his lap and filled his water glass as well. The boy then took his place, not kneeling but standing several steps behind Bradford’s chair. Bradford picked up his water glass and glanced at his watch again. He was right on time.

  Nikki wasn’t.

  Oh, the punishments he could dream up for a naughty boy who was perpetually late. He swallowed and forced that image away. For the moment, Nikki was still—still, dammit—just an employee. But with any luck, Brian’s enthusiasm had been somewhat influential today and Nikki was at least curious. Bradford was counting on it, and in moments, he would know.

  Assuming Nikki showed up.

  With his usual arrogance, he realized that he’d failed to consider the possibility that the boy wasn’t interested in dinner with him. But just as that unsettling thought settled over him, Nikki appeared in the doorway leading to his neighboring brownstone and surveyed the room.

  “Go and fetch him, boy.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Levi hurried toward Nikki, long legs taking little time to close the gap between them. They had a quick exchange of words before Levi led Nikki back to the table.

  Bradford stood as the boys arrived. “Good evening, Nikki. Thank you for joining me.”

  Levi went straight to Nikki’s chair and pulled it out for him. “No problem. I was hungry…oh. Thanks, Levi.”

  “My pleasure, sir.”

  “Well, I’m not…uh. I mean…” Bradford watched Nikki blink at Levi as he sat down and Levi repeated his earlier ritual, placing Nikki’s napkin in his lap and filling his water glass. Levi then repeated the entire scenario once more for Bradford.

  “Thank you, boy.” Bradford couldn’t stop himself from acknowledging Levi’s status in front of Nikki, just to see how Nikki reacted.


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