The Key of Knowledge
Page 13
20 Enter the Deadman
Lucy walked around the workshop grasping onto the key holder box. She pulled up a seat at the main work table and ran a finger over the gears.
"Well, Gramps. I don't remember everything, but it's only fitting I end up here in this workshop where you gave me a second chance at life. In turn, we are trying to give the world a second chance," she said out loud. Lucy rubbed her elbow, feeling the scar running across her skin. "I don't fully know why you gave me this opportunity, but... thank you."
As Lucy looked around the workshop, she saw flashes of past images of her grandfather working alongside James, alive and passionate about his work. She saw the two of them building glorious devices, deadly tinkers, and wondrous works of engineering. At one point, the image of Conrad seemed to look her way, as if he was real and could see her. He gave a slight nod of his head and a reassuring wink before returning to his work. Lucy wiped the tear rolling down her cheek and took a deep breath. The images faded, and she was alone
She held the box tightly in her arms. Closing her eyes, she filled her mind with thoughts of Azrael. She summoned him to the workshop hoping he wouldn't be angry. The air became still and a puff of frosty breath rolled from Lucy's lips as she whispered his name.
"Do not think yourself worthy of a position that you can summon the Lord of Death," Azrael said as he loomed over her.
"Well, you’re here aren't you? I must be worthy on some level. I need a favor from you," she said.
Azrael boomed, "I do not grant favors, I am the..."
"Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, you're the Lord of Death, I know. Calm down. This will benefit the both of us," she said. "I need you to hold onto this box for me. It holds the Key of Knowledge and will be the placement for all the keys as we collect them. We need to keep them safe until we have all five. Then we can stop Ruina Baxter and you can claim your prize. You do wish to claim the Shadow Gem of Lazarus and take the soul of the one that holds it, don't you?" Lucy held the box out in front of the angel.
She knew she had him. She was offering the chance to take back what was his.
"You are extremely brave, young one," he said. He removed his hood, and peered directly into her eyes. "The deal is struck. Either way, I will claim you. I will grant you easement knowing when you deliver Lazarus to me, you deliver yourself as well," he told her as he took the box. "Keep your faith, Lucy Ducit. Until next time." The angel faded into the shadows of the workshop leaving Lucy alone once again.
"Well, that was reassuring," she said exhaling the burst of breath she had been holding. She ran her fingers through her hair, "I think I need that sandwich now." She walked to the elevator and went to wait for Micah in the mess hall.
MICAH WAS ON HIS WAY back, carrying two large duffel bags down an alleyway leading to the Met. He suddenly stopped, dropping he bags pulling the Sentai blades from his back, and stepped into his battle stance. Realizing who was near he relaxed and sat down on an old wooden crate. Micah placed the swords back into the sheath, and pulled an apple from one of the bags.
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked out loud. "I was worried it was too much."
A shadowy figure emerged from the back of the alley.
"No. I have had worse. You played your part to perfection, my son..."
Micah smiled as a lady's hand covered by a black lace glove touched his cheek. He smiled then took a bite from the apple and watched as the remaining part of the fruit began to wither.
The End
Did you love The Key of Knowledge? Then you should read The Bad Seed by Michael Lackey!
It was early morning when Zachery Morely's mother asked him to fetch some herbs from the garden. Unknowingly, this simple chore was going to turn into a life-altering event for him and, ultimately, his world. It was during this simple task that he found himself face to face to a powerful unknown being bent on destruction. It was this being... a demon who planted the bad seed, which would give rise to a horrific army. Zachery and his father, George, set off to seek the help of King Gabriel and his court to determine what kind of horrors could come from what looked to be an ordinary tree. It is not until it consumes a living creature and ultimately a human, did they realize this tree housed a demon. Their world was in trouble, and Zachery joins forces with the king and his guards on an epic journey through the lands of men, dwarves, and elves, in search of a hero. Zachery meets wizards and befriends a dragon in this fight against evil, and for all that is good. It is during these epic battles he discovers something- himself. Zachery realizes to find a hero; he had to be one. Through this, he sees that he is more powerful than he ever could imagine. This story will take you on a fast-paced adventure with battles that could determine the future of the world and forges a boy into a hero...
About the Author
Michael Lackey is the author of the Battle for the Heaves and Keys of Lazarus series of young adult novels. He is also an accomplished children's author with the Oswald the Onion series. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram for first announcements and giveaways.
About the Publisher
A Murder of Crows
One crow for malice,
Two for mirth,
Three for a funeral,
Four for birth,
Five for silver,
Six for gold,
Seven for a story, that should never be told.
Eight for heaven,
Nine for a hell.
Ten to the devil,
where ever he may dwell.