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Fate Of The Dragon

Page 6

by Richard Lovegood

  Being that close to so many GOC’s like me was fine back in the briefing. I had my seat. They had their seat. They couldn’t touch me. I couldn’t touch them. All was well. Now they’re all around us, and all is no longer well. I don’t like this. I can’t think straight. Everywhere I look, I see another face, another GOC.

  I move away from the mass of GOC’s and breathe a sigh of relief. That is much better. I did not enjoy that feeling at all. I continue to make my way down the path and away from the huge crowd. Unfortunately, this area isn’t any quieter. Where can I go to get away from all of the hysteria? What’s a GOC have to do to find a nice, quiet corner to sit in, and attempt to hide? I look up, and of course, I find that there are no corners. That’s disappointing. However, I do see one person sitting alone up against the wall. I think I will join him.

  I approach the wall, and slide down to rest.

  “You don’t like the crowd, do you?” he asks me.

  “No, I don’t. I didn’t expect that to happen. I just figured that I was going to have another chair all to my own, where I could sit and wait to be called.”

  He laughs at me. “What’s your name?”


  “Ah, Aiden. That’s a rare name. In all of my days I do believe I have never heard such a name. My name is Richard.”

  Richard sounds a lot different than I do. His voice is very…royal sounding. “Hello Richard. You said all of your days. How many days exactly since you have been created?”


  “12?! Shouldn’t your body be getting ready to dissolve by now?”

  “Yes, that will happen today, but not for another moment or so. I lack the energy to go anywhere for long periods of time. So, I just sit here and wait for the call board to light up with my number.”

  Surely there has to be some amount of sense in what he said. So, I ask, “What is the call board? And what number?”

  Richard looks at me as he crinkles his face, “It seems the captain is lacking in giving you all the newest details. Did you see the large black board when you first walked out?”


  “Good. That’s the call board. It will light up with a series of numbers on it, signifying who’s to report to the great tunnel for either launch or disposal. Each one of us has a number inscribed on our jet pack. You won’t be able to see it until it lights up. The sad part is I have noticed that not everyone here pays attention. The reason, I think, is that they expect to be called within the first or second day. When nothing happens, they stop caring. So, when the time comes for them to be selected, they don’t see it and continue to talk. Talk talk talk talk talk talk. That is all they do.”

  “Yeah, I noticed.”

  “You will also notice there will be some who don’t even have a name. They never heard the voice of the Superintendent. They were too busy to discuss their mission and how “cool” it would be. Bah! They have failed to realize their true potential and purpose beyond what the mission dictates. They are so self-absorbed; thinking that this is all there is to life.”

  “So, you know what happens after we locate the treasure?”

  “Oh, for goodness’ sake, my boy! No, I don’t know what happens after we locate the treasure. There won’t be a “we”. I only know that my purpose was supposed to be a royal one.”

  Aha! I knew I was right with the whole royal thing. “What do you mean?”

  “The Superintendent told me that I was to be king. I had no idea what that was. So, He and I had a wonderful chat about it. Apparently, I was to be in charge of an entire country! He said there were many leaders who make big decisions that affect an entire nation of people. Of course, I became very excited. I asked more questions, and I received answers. Do you know what He did then?”


  “I’ll tell you. He told me to close my eyes.”

  “But that doesn’t…”

  “I know. It made no sense at the time for me either. However, I did as He told me and I shut my eyes. As soon as my eyes were shut, I could see strange things that formed. At first, they were very blurry, but as the Superintendent spoke, those visions became clearer. With each scene that became clear I asked more questions, and He described each one in turn.

  “I was standing in the palm of His hand, and He took me many different places. He first showed me a building that’s called a school. Inside and outside there were these strange creatures that moved on two long appendages, and two long appendages that swung to and fro from higher up near their heads. Some creatures were short, others were tall. Some were fat, others were thin. Their appearance was hideous! On their faces, they had things the stuck out from the middle and the sides of their heads! Noses and ears, I think they are called. Their skin, though, was decorated in a wide variety of colors and textures! Some had fuzzy black skin up top, with many colored stripes down below. I saw colors of black, white, yellow, red, brown, blue, green, orange, pink, and purple. I saw wires hanging out of contraptions that rested on top of their heads.

  “I asked Him, ‘Sir, what are these creatures?’ and He told me that they are called ‘Man.’”


  “Quite so. It’s what we become. We become living breathing creatures called Man; each with their own purpose given by the Superintendent.”

  Interesting. I didn’t get a vision like that.

  “He then went on to show me more. From the school site, He took me to another place that had more of these buildings, only they were a lot closer together. I saw more of man moving about on smooth grey surfaces, and walking in and out of these buildings. He then brought me very close to one building that had a large black and gold metal structure around it; He called it a fence with a gate. There were more man creatures standing outside this gate that stood very still. They wore red skin on top and black skin on bottom with a strangely tall, fuzzy skin on top of their heads. I looked and they did not move at all. At first, I thought they were fake, but He assured me that they were not. Then He told me that this was a palace, and that I was going to be living in this palace. It’s a place of royalty, and that all royalty starts with a king.”


  “I know! I was supposed to be a king! But now my time has come, young one. I don’t think that man will see a king coming any time soon. Maybe one day, but I won’t be that king.” Richard sighs and drops his head a little.

  “A king, eh? Let me ask you this: what do you think you would have been doing as a king?” Not that I’m going to be one, I’m just curious, in case I ever meet one.

  “You know, Aiden, I’m not sure. If I were king, I think that I would have to treat people a certain way in order for them to like me, for starters. If you think about it, the Superintendent said that I was going to be in charge of a nation of people, making large scale decisions. Therefore, those people will turn to me for all things. Who knows? I could have been the final say for what I wanted them to do. I wouldn’t want the people to hate me. If the roles were reversed I believe that I would want to be treated nicely and with some amount of respect. So, based on how I treat them that will affect the outcome of my approval rating.”

  “Well yes, that would make sense. If I were king I would want the same as you. You know, you’re pretty lucky, Richard. I didn’t get any vision at all. The Superintendent just told me a few things and then that was it.”

  Richard furrowed his brow. “Are you sure? Everyone that I spoke to since my creation has had some sort of vision. I’ve spoken with thousands of GOC and they all have very unique visions and goals. Granted, there have been a few who shared a vision with me that made no sense whatsoever. One in particular I would recommend that you steer clear of if you see him. He keeps prattling on about pies, and he comes out of that auditorium every day. I don’t understand it. Something must have gone wrong with his creation.”

  Sigh. “I know exactly who you are talking about. That guy sat right behind me. He was even pushing his way into the line that led into the a
uditorium, all the while asking his stupid questions about pies. How long has he been doing that?”

  Richard rolls his eyes. “He was created the day after me. Ever since that day he has approached everyone in here and has asked them about pies. He asked me during his second day, and walked away more confused by my answer. ‘If I am to be king one day, what business do I have making pies?’ I asked him. His question to me was, ‘What’s a king?’ So, I just shut my mouth and chose not to say anything to him.”

  That seems to be a very common tactic with that one GOC.

  “At any rate… where was I?” Richard asked.

  “Lack of vision.” I say as my interest level dwindles.

  “Right. You don’t have any. You know, not having any vision at all can be fatal. I heard that somewhere. I can’t remember where, exactly. It has something to do with perishing, I suppose.”

  Interest levels returning. “What do you mean perish?”

  “Perish is another word for death, my boy. Die. Cease to exist. Call it quits. Become no more. Breathe your last…”

  “I got it!”

  “There’s no need to shout, my boy. I was merely thinking of different ways to put it.”

  “I caught on when you said ‘death’.”

  “Well, you should have said something.”

  Sigh. “I felt it would have been rude to stop you, but you kept going!”

  “My apologies. I tend to ramble on at times.”

  “Yeah, I’ve noticed.”

  “Aren’t we a bit edgy? Look, my boy, I mean you no harm. There is no need to get snippy with me. I’m simply just trying to have a peaceful chat, and you’re introducing sarcasm into this conversation. If I weren’t on my last day here in this city, I would have half a mind to back-hand you. However, I am a gentleman, and I won’t resort to violence.”

  “You’re an odd sort.” I say.

  “Thank you, I get that a lot. It helps with those of whom I don’t want to talk to. They soon get bored of hearing me run my mouth that they just leave. In turn, I remain content sitting here.”

  A female voice resounds through the city. “Attention citizens. Attention. The board is now lit for citizens of 12 days old. I say again, the board is now lit for citizens of 12 days old. Thank you.”

  Richard looks down at his data pad, notices that his time has come. His pad is glowing with the number 24589. “Aiden, I thank you for keeping me company during my last moments. I’m sure that your purpose will be fulfilled. Anyone stubborn enough to sit here with me and listen to every word I blabber on about has surely been blessed with more patience than I could ever muster. With that, you may have a larger mission in store than you realize my boy.”

  Before Richard gets up to prepare for his departure, our attention is taken by a GOC who is dancing, twirling, and singing; and no one around him.



  “Which batch did that one come from?”

  “He came from the batch that also made Mr. Meat Pie.”

  “Well, based on that knowledge, I wonder if it was a bad batch. Either that or just a bunch of very unique GOC. What’s he singing about anyway?”

  “He sings about his number. It is almost as if he is obsessed with it.” Richard shakes his head.

  I laugh. “Really?! What is his number?”

  “24601.” Richard says.

  “I don’t get it.”

  “Neither do I. Come, my boy. The time doth draw near. Time for you to see how this procedure works.”

  “You’ve seen it before I take it?”

  “Oh, indeed I have, my boy! A close companion of mine whom I had a glorious conversation with-much similar to ours right now-was on the brink of fading away when I came across him in his last moments.” Richard states.

  We move to the opening that is underneath the large black board, which is now completely filled with lights displaying many numbers. Knowing that I am not 12 days old, I still check my pad anyway: nope, no lit-up number.

  Richard pauses, and turns to me. “Well, Aiden, this is it. My time has come, and I’m afraid this is a solo journey. It doesn’t make sense for you to dissolve prematurely. It was a pleasure talking to you. I’m sure you will come across more GOC to talk to, and some you don’t want to talk to. Keep your head up, keep your wits about you and you will be alright.”

  The female voice is heard again. “Now preparing for citizen dissolve. Please remain seated. Thank you.”

  “Goodbye Richard.”

  “Goodbye Aiden.”

  Richard’s suit begins to turn a dull white color, and the screen on his data pad goes completely blank. Like water being spread very thin, his entire body-suit and all-blend in with the floor until there isn’t a single trace of him left.

  “Citizen dissolve complete. Repeat. Citizen dissolve complete.” The female voice says.

  12 days. That seems like a long time. I hope I don’t have to wait that long. What would I do to occupy my time? Would I end up running out of things to talk about and become a bitter, old GOC like Richard? I hope not.


  Appetite Alteration

  Of all the days that I want to get somewhere really bad, this one just happens to be the one stupid day where all of the stupid traffic lights turn red right as I approach them. I swear it’s almost as if they bypass the yellow light and go straight to red. It’s not fair! Why do I have to be so paranoid about following the easiest of rules? And why is it that every light seems to take an eternity to change back to green? This makes me so mad! It would seem that every light in the city hates me today. Yes, I would say that is a fair conclusion. They’ve hindered my progress to get anything done today, and they surely don’t want me going to the alteration shop. That lady at the alteration shop has another thing coming if she so much as thinks of giving me a hard time. Come on light and turn to green already!

  Another eternity passes as the current light finally turns to green. It’s about time! I’m only five blocks away, but being a man on a mission, I speed up! Ah, empty streets and all green lights ahead of me! I roll down my windows to let out a victory chant, but my smile quickly fades when I see the light at the upcoming intersection change from green to yellow. My face wrinkles in anger. The light must have seen my displeasure because it only waits a mere two seconds before it turns to red. Either that, or there must be some secret light switch operator nearby that saw me coming, and thought it was a great idea to make me stop. Suddenly, a scene from “Lord of the Rings” comes to mind. “You shall not pass!” I’m going to name this street Gandalf, as it seems to be taunting me! It’s also quite possible that an obstinate toddler created the traffic pattern. I slam on my brakes, and my car screeches to a halt as the tires stop one inch over the white line. As my luck would have it, every single one of the remaining four changed to red at the same time!

  Why do I have to be such a nice guy and follow every rule even when no one is looking? All the streets are empty, and nobody is coming. What if I just…go ahead…and cross…while the light is red? I’m sure just this one time it’ll be ok. Besides, nobody is watching me anyway. I look up at the light to double check: yes, it is still red. I gradually lift my foot off of the brake and let the car slowly creep forward. Nothing is happening. Wow do I feel nervous though! I’m going to go for it. I press gently on the gas and make my way across. Even though it’s only 5 miles an hour, I feel such an adrenaline rush right now! My palms are sweating, and my body is shaking. This feels kind of good, actually!

  The blinding light flashes from the camera system overhead that I failed to take into account. Once, twice, and three times the camera flashes at me in my bubble as I now sit in the middle of the intersection frozen in fear. Oh no! What’s going to happen to me? I’ve heard about these automated systems before but I’ve never seen them in action. Why do I have to be the unlucky one? Why me? Well, there’s no use in sitting here while the traffic camera continues to take catwalk photographs. I accelerate to
the normal speed limit and make my way to the alteration shop. I’m feeling really lousy right now. I wonder if I should have “priest/criminal” put on my business cards now. I don’t know if that will lessen the pain at all, but I think at least it might show that I acknowledge my error. I don’t know. I shouldn’t have done that. That was stupid. Stupid lights. Stupid me. Why was I made to be so stupid?

  Mei Ling’s shop is just up ahead. They say that she’s had her shop here in this city for 37 years. It’s one of those places that have an apartment on top, and that’s where she lives. As the story goes Mei Ling and her husband used to own and operate the shop together, while they rented out the upstairs apartment. Things were going really well for them. They had a house on the lake, with plenty of room to spare. When they first moved here from China, their dream was to have a large family and to fill their house with children. They only had one son though. He grew up, went to school, went off to college, and then went on to see the world. Nobody has seen him since. Last know location was somewhere around Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia, I think. They lost contact with their son five years ago and haven’t heard from him since then. Mei Ling’s husband was grieving so long for their son that he went into a severe state of depression and never left the house. He stopped going to work, he stopped eating, and he started to lose weight quickly. Mei Ling could only think of one thing, and that was to kick out the residents upstairs, sell her house, and move in upstairs with her husband. That way she would always be close enough to keep an eye on him. It was last year that her husband passed away.

  My car has found its way into the parking lot for Mei Ling’s shop while I was reminiscing about the news report of her husband’s death. Mei Ling says her husband died of a broken heart, even though the doctor reports state it was an aneurysm that killed him. When they did the autopsy, the doctors came to the conclusion that it started out as an aneurysm that eventually led to a stroke. The particular arterial wall in question had somehow become blocked and eventually ruptured. Blood was released into the skull or a subarachnoid hemorrhage as it’s called, and went right past brain damage into death. Too much stress and worry I suppose. So now she lives alone in that upstairs apartment, with her cat Tum Tum.


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