Book Read Free

Fate Of The Dragon

Page 21

by Richard Lovegood

  “Oh well. I guess the waiting game continues.” I slump down against the wall.

  In my short existence as a GOC, I’ve learned that I’m not patient. I hate waiting. Right as I popped out of the factory, what happened? I waited. When the line moved a little bit, I was waiting then too; only in slow motion. We all sat down in the auditorium…and waited. I talked to Richard…and waited. I listened to Luther…and waited. I listened to Jimmy…and waited. I listened to Jahmez, and I couldn’t wait for him to shut up. I am sick of waiting!

  I hear a crashing sound.

  Shocked and stunned I look up at Stephen and ask, “What was that?”

  He replies, “I have no idea. I thought that was you!”

  “Nope,” I say. “I’m just sitting here…waiting.”

  Stephen narrows his eyes and says, “Shh! Listen.”

  “To what?” I ask. Stephen points towards the speaker box with the buttons and draws my attention to it. I stand up to get a better look. Both of us are now just a tiny distance away from the box. We hear talking.

  “Sir, the video feed is ready when you are.” Says one of the crew members.

  “Outstanding. Please be careful, and don’t drop the com unit again. Understand?” says the captain.

  The crew unanimously replies, “Sir, yes sir!” Stephen and I chuckle silently.

  The captain picks up the com unit and begins his speech, “Attention all personnel on board the H.B. Charlie Ray Duncan: we have an emergency situation. Our vessel has been compromised and taken into captivity. We’ve lost visual connection outside of the vessel. However, our audio sensors report that they’re fully functional and online. Sadly, that is all we are capable of at this time. We are currently immobilized, which means that our vessel is stranded and incapable of escape.

  “Some of you have called us requesting information. I am happy to provide you all with as much detail as I know. Our vessel was attacked by two other hostile vessels. We did not see it coming fast enough and took a direct hit to the bridge here in headquarters. That hit sent an electrical charge throughout the whole vessel, which in turn probably knocked some wires loose and damaged some equipment. Upon loss of communication, we immediately dispatched Team White to begin repairs. If any of you still have not had repairs done to your compartment, we ask that you wait just a few more minutes. Everything should be back online in a matter of moments.”

  Team White repair units, eh? That would explain why the wires seemed to have a mind of their own. Those guys move pretty quickly! The captain continues his speech, “Though we may be in captivity, I find that this is a good time to inform the rest of the vessel of the events leading up to this point. Approximately 16 hours ago, another vessel initiated a docking sequence with our vessel. All systems were a go, and the citizens were primed and ready.

  “I must apologize to you all. I assumed that being on autopilot during docking would have been ok. The vessel is able to operate better that way without any mistakes or errors. I learned that making said assumption was a mistake, because that’s what led to our vessel being taken hostage. We were caught completely by surprise. Our visual sensors were focused on the task at hand, so they were unable to detect other approaching vessels. However, the audio receptors were alerted to a large crashing sound, followed by shouting. At that time, I quickly shut down the autopilot, and tried to defend our companion vessel. The next thing I knew, everything went black.

  “So, now you all know as much as we do. The moment we learn anything new, I will notify everyone the best that I can.” The captain sets down the intercom unit, and the video broadcast stops. Stephen and I stand there in awe. He turns to face the hallway, sinks down with his back to the wall, and sits on the other side of the button board. He looks extremely sad.

  “Now we’re never going to get out of here. I had always hoped that one day my number would be called so that I could go into the tunnel. If we’re in captivity, I’m never going to get called. I’m never going to do anything except sit here by this stupid button board! I’m never getting out of here!” Stephen shuts his eyes.

  I start to say some comforting words that I think may help him, “You know something? I know exactly how you feel. I’m stuck here as well. I’m willing to guess that you…”

  “Stop it!” Stephen interrupts me. “You were not tasked to sit by this board. You don’t have to sit here and watch while everyone loads into the tunnel without you! You don’t know how that feels. Just stop it. Go away. I’m done. If we can’t go anywhere, then I see no point in existing anymore.”

  I’m shocked. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying that I’m done talking; period. I don’t care about what headquarters has to say. I don’t care what you have to say. I’m done. So, I am just going to sit here, until I’m absorbed or whatever.” Stephen closes his eyes.

  “Stephen, I’m sorry! I was just trying to help”. He doesn’t move at all. He doesn’t respond. Fine. I move away from the button board and Stephen. As a matter of fact, I want to try something. Since he doesn’t care anymore, I wonder what he would say if I sat in the tunnel? That should definitely get his attention. I go past the little gate thingy, and I find a spot just inside the tunnel. I’m not so far into the tunnel that I can’t see out of it, so if I needed to, I could jump out at the last minute.

  “Stephen,” I say. “I’m inside the tunnel!”

  Without moving or opening his eyes he says, “Good. I hope you get flushed out.”

  Ouch. That was harsh. He was a good guy to talk to, but if that’s how things are going to be, I’ll call his bluff. And since I really don’t feel like searching around this place to find another conversation partner, I wander all the way up to the front of the tunnel, and I find the perfect seat. If anybody comes looking, at first glance they won’t find me. They will have to do some extra searching into the tunnel for that. Oh, wait a minute! That’s right. There’s no way that Stephen will let them pass! I smile and wiggle a little with joy in my new seat.

  Stephen screams inside the tunnel, “Aiden! Get out of there now!”

  “Why?” I scream back. “You hoped I was going to get flushed out! So, I took a front row seat. I’m guaranteed to get out of here as soon as possible!”

  “No! You don’t understand! The captain is back on and is issuing a…”

  “I DON’T CARE!” I yell back. I wait for a response but hear nothing. The whole tunnel is silent. I’m sure it will only be a small matter of time before I am flushed out of here.

  The captain rushes to the intercom system. “Attention all hands! We are under attack! I say again, we are under attack!” He puts down the intercom. “Prepare the vessel for general quarters.”

  “Roger that, sir.” The crew responds.

  “Our visual sensors are back online and have reported in. We are currently restrained in what appears to be an old hospital bed.” The captain says. “They have confirmed that we have been taken hostage, and our audio receptors have confirmed that we are next in line for the operation. Someone give me feedback as soon as possible as to what kind of operation we are in line for. I want to know what kind of trouble we are up against here.”

  “Sir, we have incoming enemy vessels at one o’clock! Course is 185, speed is 2 knots.”

  The captain nods his head in thought. “They are heading right for us. Try to establish contact and see if you can figure out their intentions.”

  “Roger that, sir.” The crew member responds as they begin to carry out the requested task. There is a long pause. In a panicked tone, he rushes up to the captain and says, “Sir, this is very bad. Our audio output drive is jammed.”

  “WHAT?” the captain screams.

  “S-s-something seems to be blocking the exit port, sir.”

  “Do whatever you need to do, just fix that jam!”

  Another crew member jumps up and says, “Sir! Unknown enemy vessel steadily approaching now appears to be wielding a weapon of some kind.”

; “Great,” the captain sighs “can we at least kick?”

  “No sir. We tried that too.”

  The captain begins pacing back and forth, as he ponders on what courses of action remain. Should this result in a fight, this will be the first fight with an unfair advantage. There were only two other fights documented. The first was when his vessel was celebrating ten successful years in operation, and another vessel became hostile due to jealousy. The second was last year when we were in operation for 22 years. That one was vicious. The captain waits anxiously to see what this new enemy may be trying to do.

  “Sir, audio receptors report enemy communications. It’s unclear, but it sounds something like ‘never going to breed again’.” The crew member says.

  The captain thinks on this for a minute. He snaps up straight in a panic, “They’re doing a vasectomy! We have to warn the citizens! Give me the com unit.” The captain trips over his seat while backing up to find it. He regains his posture and says, “Attention citizens. I am initiating a final shutdown of all production from your two factories. After today, no more citizens are allowed to be produced. All that remain will dissolve at their normal intervals. That is all.” The captain sets the com unit down, and weeps.

  Pain. Lots and lots of pain sear throughout the vessel.

  “Sir the hull has been breached!”

  Lights flicker, and sparks fly. The mass of citizens scatter from the large gathering area. A large metallic object slices an opening to the city. The whole crowd screams in terror. The object continues its downward motion and severs the hallway that used to connect the great tunnel to the gathering area. The button board erupts with loud screaming and static as the captain yells some orders, “If you can hear me down there, initiate a code black. I say again, initiate a code black!”

  Stephen jumps up from his slouched position and responds to the captain’s request. He slams the button into the board, and then backs away slowly. The female voice from the factory echoes throughout the entire city, “Code black initiated. Commence citizen containment protocol. All citizens are hereby quarantined within the city until further notice. Repeat. Code black initiated. Commence citizen containment protocol.”

  The loud hissing that was a part of the normal hustle and bustle of the daily routine from the factories now came to a halt. Gears grind to a stop, conveyor belts stop rotating, and the doors close up tightly. The factories are now out of commission.

  Stephen watches the crowd gasp in terror. Suddenly he’s reminded of Aiden who is still in the tunnel. He turns around to poke his head in only to find that there is no longer an opening that leads to the tunnel. He bangs his head on the wall, “Aiden! Aiden! If you can hear me I’m sorry! The hole has closed up and there is no way to get you out of there! I’m so sorry!”

  Nothing is heard.


  Joy Comes in the Morning

  A voice roars at me from within the clouds, “I told you that this desert was going to be your grave, didn’t I fat boy?”

  “N-n-no! Not l-l-like this! P-p-p-please!” I plead.

  “Oh, yes. Just like this. This place will be your grave and I will see to it! You will drown out here!”

  The blood level has now risen to my knees. I place my hands over my eyes and I begin to cry.

  “That’s right. Go ahead and cry. You’re a pathetic excuse for a human being and a really sad excuse for a priest! You know, I’ve known some so-called holy men in my time. They all think they’re doing the will of God, but in turn they eventually give ear to my suggestions. They all turn their ears to my voice, because I tell them what they want to hear. How to make their church grow, how to build a better church, and to make more money. Every single one of those pathetic people are too easy! I tell them they can play it off as tithes and offerings. Some have preached a full series of sermons on why the church should give more. You know, I have a coworker of mine who told me about a particular church that sends out letters to church members who don’t tithe enough! I love that!

  “Now with you, I kept you in such bondage that you were too scared to preach at all! You think you were born with that stutter? Guess again moron. IT WAS ME! Every time you speak, I am there to let you know that the world hates you! They will always make fun of you regardless of what you tell them!

  I’m really going to enjoy watching you die out here. You’re going to drown in blood and then I will casually escort you down to hell!”

  The blood level is now at my neck. I can feel it rising with increased speed. I can hear that voice just laughing at me as I struggle and cry. This isn’t fair! Oh God, what do I do? I didn’t think I was going to die like this! How is all of this even possible? I tilt my head back, because the level is now at my chin. No! I refuse to drown! I’m not dying like this! I open my mouth to scream, but blood rushes into my mouth. I can taste the copper, and I can feel the thickness of the blood running down my throat. I try to spit it out, but it’s no use. I finally shut my eyes, and give up.

  In the distance, I hear what sounds like thousands of voices crying out in joyful glee. It sounds like they are all chanting, or something. “Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns!” Oh, my goodness! That sounds so pretty. My eyes flash open. I rise up and shake my head free from being soaked. Glancing down at myself, I can see that my clothes are covered in blood. I stand up out of the…wait. Where did the crater go? I look around and notice that I’m not where I last remember. I’m not in a desert. I’m not in my house either. I rub my eyes a bit to see if that will clear things up. It, in fact, did. I blink several times and more things that surround me are coming in to focus. There are children laughing, running and playing. There are even grown men and women playing tag! In the distance off to the right, there is a huge waterfall that spills into a very large pool of water. A few young men are diving off of the top, making huge splashes in the water below. I look to my left and there are plentiful gardens that are lush with fresh fruits and vegetables that are ripe for the picking. People are walking up and down the garden trails laughing, talking, and eating. I don’t see a single person crying! Where am I?

  The singing I heard seems to be coming from the center of it all. I will have to walk over there soon, but for now, I like the sound of food. I am incredibly hungry. The thought of fresh veggies sounds really good right now, so I make my way over to the gardens, and get to a row that is full of green, yellow, and orange vegetables. I reach for one of the longer green ones, which I think is a zucchini, and I hear a voice behind me say, “Try the squash. It’s absolutely amazing!”

  Spinning on my heels, I come face to face with…ow! I can’t look at its face! It’s too bright! It’s like staring at the sun through a telescope with no filter! I drop my head. He chuckles softly. “It’s ok, Elverson. It’s not time yet for that.” He places His hand on my shoulder and gives me a gentle squeeze. “There’s still someone you need to meet before all of this makes sense to you. You need to hear it from his perspective as to why I had to die for you and rescue you.”

  “You had to die? Where am I? Who are you?” I ask.

  “Just relax. It is really all going to make sense very soon. I just need you to know two things. First, I love you so much. And second, you need a serious bath.” He says with another chuckle in His voice.

  “A bath? Do I get to bathe in that pool of water over there?”

  “No, not yet. I was thinking more like a torrential down pour of water. We need to get that blood off of you. Besides, I think you need to be cleansed in a different way. We can talk about that later, though.” He says.

  “A different what? Blood? I don’t understand?”

  He places His other hand on my other shoulder and kisses me on my forehead. I feel myself getting very woozy. I sit back down and curl up into a ball on the floor.

  My eyes shoot open as I gasp for air. I think I’m choking! I turn over and vomit up more water than imaginable. As I spit out the last few remaining drops, I move to my hands and knees, blink
rapidly and shake my head. I cannot believe where I am. I am still in the crater, and it’s now flooded with rain water. Oh, precious rain! Actual rain! Thank you for being actual rain! It must have rained last night while I was sleeping. On a funny note, it just now doubled as a bath. Thank you, Mr. Crater. I appreciate you being my temporary tub.

  I stand up and get out. I need to get my bearings again, because apparently that was a dream. No, that was a nightmare. That was all very vivid. What was all of that about? Why five pyramid mountain things? Why the lightning? I squat down in the mud and I begin to draw out what I saw. I start with the first rock, and then I draw a line to where the second one was. Then I draw one to the third, then the fourth, and finally…


  I freeze. That voice! I’ve heard it somewhere, but I can’t place it. I don’t even remember where I’ve heard it before, but I know it’s familiar. I look down at what I was drawing, and it is starting to take on the shape of a pentagram. That’s not good at all. Oh, my goodness! I was in the middle of a huge pentagram! Ok, now I am scared. No, I’m beyond scared. I am terrified! I wipe away the almost star and smear it in with the rest of the mud. I plop down on my bottom and place my hands on my face. Something feels very different. There’s hair on my face. I have hair on my face! I have a beard! I grab hold of it, and the amount of hair fills my hand as I drag it up and around my chin. I have a long beard! How did this happen? When did this happen? How long was I asleep? Am I dead? What happened to me?

  I start shaking. I am so scared right now I have no idea what is going on. I keep hearing voices, but there’s nobody in sight! Looking around, I realize that the tracks I had intended on following are now gone thanks to the rain from last night; or the last several nights. I lay down on my side and begin to weep.

  “It is time to start walking my son.”


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