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Freeing Joslyn (Freeing Series)

Page 5

by GG Shalton

  Samuel put the basket and blanket down on the ground and turned to her. “Do you want to come to my house?”

  She shook her head. “No, I will go inside.” They dropped hands and came out of the woods to the house. The guards looked over to her and Samuel as they walked by but did not say anything. Joslyn reached for the door and opened it slowly seeing two guards speaking to her parents at the kitchen table.

  They stood when they saw Joslyn. “Miss Rhodes?” A well-dressed guard stepped forward.

  Joslyn looked at her parents and then back to the guards. “Yes, I am Joslyn Rhodes.” Samuel stood behind her and took off his hat.

  The guard cleared his throat, studying Joslyn with his eyes before speaking. “We have some great news.” The corners of his mouth turned up in a crooked smile. “The Royal Duke’s head housekeeper has extended an invitation to you for employment. It’s an honor to serve nobility and they have made an offer for you to work at one of his residence in the mining towns.”

  “I don’t understand? I have not gone through any formal training.”

  The guard looked at his partner, raising his brow with unspoken words. He turned back to Joslyn. “There are always exceptions and they will train you.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Consider yourself lucky, Miss Rhodes. Many apply for such a position and are never hired. It’s an honor to serve in the same household as the future king.”

  Joslyn looked at her parents whose expressions were stoic. She turned around and looked at Samuel who was eyeing the guards cautiously. Turning around she took a deep breath. “But I am not a servant. I am needed here to help my parents.”

  “Miss Rhodes, it’s quite simple. My men and I have come to escort you to the Royal Duke’s residence. You will work for his household. Now if you will gather your belongings. We will be on our way.”

  Joslyn’s eyes widened, and she shook her head. “I am honored that you offered me such an opportunity. But I can’t accept. I am to be married and can’t leave my husband.”

  Her parents looked at each other in shock. The burly guard with blond hair pointed a finger at her parents angrily, “You told us your daughter was unmarried and not betrothed. Our offer was based on her status as a maiden.”

  Her mother cleared her throat. “We didn’t know.”

  Joslyn reached for Samuel’s hand taking it into hers. “He asked me tonight and I accepted. We will be married very soon.”

  The other guard snarled at her father, “Mr. Rhodes, we demand that this wedding not take place until you have heard from us again. If she is seventeen, then she needs your permission to marry in the country of Mallard until she turns eighteen.”

  Her father gave a faint nod looking down at his cup of water. It broke her heart to see her big, strong father look so defeated. His shoulders sagged and worry lines marred his face.

  The larger guard walked slowly, his boots dragged across the floor echoing with each step. He stopped in front of Samuel, sizing him up as his eyes moved from his head to his shoes. “What is your name?”

  Samuel’s voice cracked as he replied, “Sir, my name is Samuel Markson.”

  The guard stared at him, almost as a challenge. Samuel swallowed hard but did not look away. After a few seconds, the guard turned on his heel and followed the other guard out the door. They all stood still in silence until they heard the horses ride away.

  The air was heavy in the room, everyone afraid to speak. Mrs. Rhodes broke the silence. “You’re getting married?”

  Joslyn nodded her head and walked over to her parents at the table. She showed them the metal ring on her finger. Her mother inspected it closely. “It’s lovely.”

  Samuel smiled. “I wanted to ask your permission before we announced it. I guess circumstances have dictated otherwise.”

  Her father took a drink of water. “Seems so.”

  Joslyn looked at each of her parents and sat at the table. Samuel stood behind her placing his hands on the chair. Joslyn reached out and took her father’s hand. “But you do agree. You give your permission?”

  Her father looked up at Samuel and looked away.

  Samuel shifted with his feet. “My pa is helping me build a cottage on his property. It should be ready in a few months. We will marry then with your permission.”

  “Josie will be eighteen in a few weeks. She will not need my permission.”

  Mrs. Rhodes closed her eyes in defeat. “Josie, don’t you understand what has happened tonight? The Royal Duke has given you an offer to work for him. Are your dense, child?”

  Josie looked down at her hands on the table and focused on her ring. She felt Samuel’s hand move across her shoulder in a sign of support. She glanced at her mother. “I understand, Mama. But I told them I was to be married. They will not want me to go now. I hope it’s settled.”

  Mrs. Rhodes stood up from the table, looking at her husband. “Please talk some sense into your daughter.” She walked out of the room.

  Her father dragged his hands over his face with an exhausted sigh. “Josie, what did you promise the duke in exchange for our freedom?”

  Unshed tears burned the backs of her eyes. “Just some coins, but he said it wouldn’t be enough. Then I was escorted out of the room. I never saw him again.”

  “Josie, my sweet daughter. The duke will expect payment. He is not known for his generosity.”

  “Do you think that is why they want me to work for him? To work off the debt?”

  Her father stared at her for a moment and then looked up at Samuel. He started to say something and then seemingly changed his mind. He stood up and went over and kissed Joslyn on the forehead. “I need to get some rest.” He walked away never answering her question.

  Samuel took the chair beside her and scooted closer, taking her hands in his. “Josie, I should go now. It’s been a long night.”

  She nodded, hoping he would kiss her again. He stood up and kissed her hands instead and then walked out the door. She sat at the table for several minutes a little disappointed that Samuel left without any words of encouragement. Feeling empty inside, she laid her head on the table and fell asleep.

  Chapter 3

  The next week went by fast. Sara came by the morning after Samuel’s proposal offering her congratulations, but she had not visited since. Sara told her Samuel was busy in the cotton fields and could not visit for a couple of days. After a week, Joslyn tried to visit her, but her mother said that she and Samuel were at the village square. She left word to have Sara come by, but she never did. Samuel did not visit either. How busy could he be? After all, they were engaged.

  Her whole family was on edge waiting to see what the duke’s payment would be. Her father’s injuries from the beating were still healing. He could not walk without a limp. When he did venture out, he sat on the front porch carving wood into shapes, not contributing to the farm. The sisters worked from sunup to sundown taking care of the animals and trying to keep the household running. Her mother took in some sewing from some old friends to try to make some money.

  Joslyn took the basket to find some berries for dessert. Walking in the woods used to be her favorite time of the day, but lately, she found herself dreading walking by the cellar. She missed Sara and knew something was amiss. There had to be a way to find out why they were ignoring her. Especially during this time when her family was so desperate. She had to walk further into the woods to find fresh berries as she had depleted most of the bushes closer to her house. She heard voices and turned around to see Sara walking with her younger brother Henry.

  “Sara?” Sara snapped her head up, obviously surprised to see Joslyn. She tilted her head. “Josie? What are you doing here?”

  Joslyn lifted her basket “I needed berries.” Letting out a frustrated breath, she continued, “Have you been hiding? Your mother didn’t tell you that I came by to see you?”

  Sara turned
to her brother. “Henry, can you go on ahead and I will meet you shortly? Please don’t tell Mama.”

  He nodded and took off running through the trees.

  Joslyn looked at Sara. “What is it?”

  “Josie, I wanted to come by, but my parents forbid me to. You have people watching your house. I couldn’t take the chance.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Sara scanned the woods around them. “They may have followed you, so we must make this visit quick.”

  “Who may have followed me?”

  “I’m sorry Josie, but we had a visit from the mayor.”

  Joslyn furrowed her brow in confusion. “The mayor? I didn’t realize you were on such friendly terms,” she answered sarcastically.

  “It wasn’t like that. He was with some men and spoke to my father. Apparently, he has agreed to buy more cotton than the allowable amount if Samuel goes through with his wedding to Tracy Norman.”

  Bewildered, Joslyn started to reply but closed her mouth. After a long moment, she spoke. “I don’t understand? Samuel doesn’t want to marry me?” Her throat felt dry at the rejection as she tried to keep her composure.

  Sara’s face softened. “Samuel refused in front of the mayor and claimed he would marry you. His men knocked Samuel down and held my father back as they beat Samuel. We stood there and were not able to interfere!” Her voice shook as tears pooled in her eyes.

  Joslyn pressed her hand against her head. This couldn’t be happening! Not Samuel!

  Sara’s tears fell upon her cheeks. “They finally stopped punching him and warned him to stay away from you. The mayor announced that he would be personally attending his wedding vows the Saturday after next. That’s in three days, Josie. My parent’s threatened Samuel that if he didn’t marry Tracy, then he would be disowned and not able to have the cottage. He has no choice and would not be able to survive if he marries you. He still hasn’t completely recovered and remains in his bed.”

  The sudden ache in her chest was becoming too familiar. “I never meant for any of this to happen. They will kill him, and I couldn’t live with myself if I let that happen.” She twisted the ring on her finger and slowly took it off.

  Holding out her hand, she dropped it into Sara’s palm. “Tell him that I am so sorry I involved him in this. He needs to marry Tracy and try to be happy. That is my greatest wish.”

  “What will you do, Josie?” Sara tightened her grip around the ring.

  “I am not sure, but I refuse to go willingly.” She walked away leaving Sara watching after her.

  Joslyn made her way back home and saw white horses and a cart in front of her door again. She carried the basket in front of her as a layer of security as she walked up the steps. She opened the door and carried the basket inside. Three royal guards stood in front of her parents with two trunks.

  They bowed when she entered. “Miss Rhodes. We have been sent by the duke to deliver some gifts.”

  She looked at her parents and placed the basket on top of the table. “I want no gifts. I just want to be left alone.”

  The guard with golden sleeves stood in front of her. “I am Sir Ackers. I think if you look inside, you will change your mind.” Grinning contemptuously, he assessed her openly in front of her family.

  She broke her stare and noticed her sisters sitting in the corner. “Josie, just look inside,” Susanna said, looking longingly at the trunks.

  “See, your sisters are curious too,” he said, smirking. “Please open them.”

  “Sir. Akers, I mean no disrespect, but I can’t accept any gifts. I beg you to take them away. I already owe the duke a debt and wish no more to be given to me.”

  His good-natured face lost its zeal. He glanced over to her father, raising his brow. “Mr. Rhodes, please command your daughter to open the trunks. I am losing my patience.”

  The other two guards placed their hands on the hilt of their swords. Joslyn shifted her feet and looked at her father who rubbed his lips together before speaking. “Josie, it won’t hurt to just open them.”

  She twisted her hands together not moving. There was nothing in that trunk that she wanted. Her legs refused to budge as she held her ground.

  The guards looked at each other as Sir Akers walked toward her sisters. He reached down and took a piece of Mary’s hair, running it through his fingers. “Such a pretty girl. Perhaps she would like to come with us instead. I am sure the duke could use her as well.” He said with deliberate cruelty, his mouth forming a sardonic smile.

  Joslyn bared her teeth and spat out, “Leave her alone!” Feeling defeated in her plight to stay strong, she muttered, “Fine, I will open the trunks.”

  Sir Akers smiled mischievously. “That’s better.”

  She walked slowly to the trunks and lifted the lock off the large one. Opening it, she spotted expensive looking silk gowns folded neatly. At least four of them were stuffed in the trunk with slippers and new undergarments. Her sister’s gasped at the beauty of the gowns as they walked up behind her and peeked inside. Joslyn quickly closed the lid without touching any of the gowns. She unlocked the smaller trunk, peeking inside and saw it was full of perfumes, lotions, and fancy soaps. There were some sugared candies in a ceramic bowl tucked inside too. Sir Akers reached into the trunk and retrieved a smaller box. He handed it to her. “Please open it.”

  She hesitantly took it from him and opened the top. A jeweled necklace stared back at her. Not knowing what kind of jewel, she looked at the guard inquisitively.

  “They are emeralds.” He ran his finger over the necklace. “His Grace thought they would match your eyes.”

  She closed the lid, placing the box back inside the trunk. Wiping her hands on her dress, she backed away from him.

  The guard’s expression hardened in disapproval. “Do you have any words you would like us to convey to him?”

  “I… I can’t…”

  His eyebrows raised. “You can’t what?”

  “I can’t accept his gifts. Please take them back.”

  The vein in his temple throbbed as he tried to hold in his anger. “You are ungrateful and ill-mannered. His Grace will be disappointed in your disregard of his gifts.”

  Her father stood up, walking to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. “Sir, she means no disrespect and we are already in the duke’s debt. My daughter is not feeling well and does not know what she is saying. We will accept his gifts and please send our appreciation to him.”

  Joslyn felt betrayed. She backed away from everyone not taking her eyes off her father. She turned and opened the door to her bedchamber, closing it softly behind her. She leaned her back against the door and let the tears flow freely. She slid down the door and lay across the floor, hearing her parents speaking in hushed tones. The front door slammed, and she heard footsteps coming towards her room.

  “Josie?” Her mother knocked, but she could not move, choosing to ignore her as if this was all a dream.

  “Open the door!” her mother yelled, pushing the door in so she could gain entry. “Why are you on the floor, honey?”

  She squeezed through the opening and leaned down to take Joslyn’s hand. “Baby, please don’t cry.”

  Her father stood in the doorway and her sisters stood behind him. “Josie?” Her father’s deep voice echoed in the room. He choked on his words trying to hold back his emotions. “Forgive me. I needed to find a way to calm the guards. Give me a day to figure out how to help you. We have no intention of you taking this burden for our family. I would die before I gave you to the duke, royal or not.”

  Joslyn could not move or speak as she lay on the floor with her head on her mother’s lap, her mother stroking her hair like she did when she was a little girl. The family stood motionless for several moments. Finally, her father excused himself and left their home, the sisters went to their room, and her mothe
r helped her to bed. Wrapping her arms around her daughter, she stayed with her until she fell asleep.

  Joslyn awoke in the middle of the night, hearing scratching noises on the window. Puzzled by the sound, she sat up and saw a shadow outside. She recognized it at once and got out of bed to open the window to let Sara inside.

  “What are you doing here?” Joslyn closed the window looking around outside into the darkness making sure no one was around. “It could be dangerous.”

  Sara took off her cloak. “It was the only time I could see you.”

  Joslyn wrapped a blanket around her and sat on the bed. “What is it?”

  “Samuel has agreed to marry Tracy. He made me promise to give you this letter.” She handed the paper to Joslyn.

  Joslyn opened it unable to decipher the words. Her reading ability was limited, and her mother and father were not able to teach her either. Looking at Sara, she handed it back. “Read it to me, please.”

  Sara took the letter and began to read.

  My Dearest Joslyn,

  Please don’t hate me. My heart will always be yours. Always pray, Josie love. No matter what happens, don’t let them change you. You are a star that sparkled in my life even for a brief time. I am sorry that I was not strong enough.



  Joslyn inhaled a shaky breath as tears fell from her eyes.

  Sara pressed her lips together seemingly holding back her tongue. “Some royal guards came by as well. They asked me about you.”

  “What did they want to know?”

  She shrugged. “That is the odd part. They just asked me how long we have been friends and what your favorite colors and food were. I didn’t want to answer them, but my father made me. They only stayed a few moments and were on their way—very intimidating, but they made no threats.”

  Sara touched her arm in comfort. “I am so sorry, Josie. I should have never made you wear that dress. I have ruined your life. The duke won’t stop until he makes you his conquest.”

  Joslyn covered her face with her hands, sobbing. “Stop! I am not mad at you, Sara. You were only trying to help me, and I am grateful. If I had not begged them for my parent’s life, my sisters and I would be orphans and facing a harder life than I could ever imagine.”


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