Freeing Joslyn (Freeing Series)

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Freeing Joslyn (Freeing Series) Page 14

by GG Shalton

  The queen took Joslyn’s arm. “She will have no better protection than you, Maxwell. Come, Miss Rhodes, you must prepare for your outing this evening.” The women walked ahead of them and Joslyn looked back over her shoulder feeling his stare. The look in his eyes made her heart skip a beat at the thought of spending more time with him alone.

  Chapter 15

  Upon entering the palace, the king and queen bid them farewell, leaving Joslyn alone with Maxwell.

  He took her hand laying a warm kiss on top. “I will meet you here in two hours.”

  She curtsied. “Thank you for the walk, Your Grace. It was the most fun I have had in a long time.”

  “Maxwell. Please call me Maxwell.” The smoothness of his voice gave her goose bumps.


  He leaned down, almost brushing his lips on hers, whispering, “I like the way you say my name.”

  Pulling back, her palms began to sweat at his proximity to her. If anyone came across them, they could suggest that their exchange was of a very personal nature. She took another step back to break the tension. “If you will excuse me, I will change and prepare for our outing.”

  “Two hours is all I will give you. If you are not here, then I will come find you.”

  “As you wish.” Turning around to walk away, she willed herself to not look back.

  She entered her room and quickly closed the door.

  “Where were you?” The sound of Sara’s voice startled her.

  “You scared me!”

  “They were looking for you.”

  Joslyn’s raised her brow questioningly. “Andre?” Her stomach dropped just thinking he was free now.

  “I am not sure. They were guards, but I don’t know where their loyalty was. They could have been from Andre or from the King of Mallard, but they were looking for you because they had a message.”

  “Pretend you have not seen me. I am going into Locket with the Duke of Norton because I made a bargain with him.”

  Sara’s mouth dropped open. “Josie! Are you sure about this? If Andre finds out…”

  Joslyn shrugged her shoulders indifferently. “Finds out what?” She threw her hands up in the air exasperated. “He let them take me to the duke’s quarters.”

  Sara protested. “I don’t think he let them. He is in the vault due to his resistance.”

  “Whose side are you on? Do you like Andre now?” She placed her hands on her hips, annoyed at Sara’s persistence.

  “Of course not. It’s just that the Duke of Norton will be leaving after the wedding and where will that leave you? You must think about your future. Your family’s lives depend on your relationship with Andre.”

  Frustration took a toll on her as she yelled out, “Sara, please stop!” She rubbed her temples, feeling a headache coming on. “I know you mean well, but I just want one day to do something for myself.”

  “You want to go with the Duke of Norton? Is he not like the other nobles who want to use you?”

  Joslyn shook her head. “He is different.” A slight smile formed on her face thinking about him. “I know it’s dangerous, but it’s just one day. Then I will come back and be with Andre. You must make excuses for me. Pretend you never saw me.”

  “I think it’s too risky, but I won’t tell anyone.”

  Joslyn patted her shoulder in thanks and went to the trunk. She chose her light blue gown with the white embroidered collar. She wore a white scarf to conceal part of her hair until she could leave the palace. Fidgeting with her shoes, she smoothed her dress, trying to control her nervousness.

  “You look beautiful in that color.” Sara studied her, putting on the finishing touches. “I think you should wear your silver chain with the diamonds in it.”

  Biting her bottom lip, she contemplated her suggestion. “I couldn’t. Andre gave me that and it just seems wrong to wear it.” She dabbed some lavender perfume on her wrists and walked toward the door. “I’m not sure what time I will be back.”

  Sara gave her a wobbly wave, pulling her in for a hug. “I will handle any inquiries.”

  “Thank you for understanding.”

  A slow smile crept across her face. “My payment terms are simple. You must tell me everything when you get back.” Joslyn smiled and shut the door.

  She snuck along the corridors approaching their meeting place. She spotted him in common clothes after doing a double take, failing to recognize him at first glance. He could not hide his fit physique, but he did not look like a Royal Duke.

  “You look good enough to eat.” He reached over and wrapped his hand around her waist, pulling her close.

  “Your Grace—.”

  He covered her mouth with his finger. “Now, we must be on a first name basis if we are going to blend in with the citizens of Locket. I have permission for our outing and I hired a carriage. Come let’s go see what the town has to offer.”

  She placed her hand on top of his arm and allowed him to lead her to the carriage. Fortunately for them, many carriages were coming in and out of the palace gates due to the guests coming for the royal wedding. Maxwell showed the palace guards the passes and they were allowed into the town without anyone asking any questions. The carriage stopped near the town center and they took the opportunity to walk around.

  He watched her soak in the atmosphere. She looked up at the buildings and smiled, taking in all the shop windows. “I have never seen so many wares for sale. It’s almost like a dream. A merchant could become rich here.”

  Pulling her a little closer, he leaned down near her ear. “Are you hungry? I believe they have a festival nearby celebrating the wedding. We could probably find some more wares for sale and eat tasty food.”

  Joslyn allowed herself to be led through the streets until they came across the festival. Vendors lined the streets trying to make a profit from the traveling guests visiting Locket. Many tents were set up for entertainment and people were dressed in Locket fashions. Velvet seemed to be the material of choice and Joslyn pondered the amount of work some of these noblemen did to dress in such extravagance.

  The smells invaded her senses, the sugar melting on the meat making her mouth water. She slowed her pace and stood beside a huge kettle cooking her favorite treat. The smell of sugar in the air made her ravenous to have one. She reached for her coin purse, but Maxwell pushed her hand back down. “Allow me.” He handed the vendor a few coins and each of them took a skewer of meat. Taking a bite, they moaned at the taste of the meat. Maxwell reached out and rubbed some sugar off her chin and then watched her as she finished the treat.

  They walked a little farther coming across a vendor selling hats. Not able to resist trying some of the fashions of Locket, Joslyn giggled as each of them tried on several hats making faces as the other one complimented their look. The vendor tried his best to encourage a sale and, in the end, Maxwell bought them each one. Joslyn wore her hat, despite the ridiculousness of the feathers attached to it. The duke refused to wear his and held it in his hands. Her face almost hurt from smiling so much. She couldn’t remember having such an enjoyable time.

  The duke walked with her through many shops as they finally sat to rest and listen to a man playing music on a piano. He purchased them each some flavored ale and they sat in compatible silence for a few moments listening to songs. After a few more songs, she caught him staring at her.

  “Tell me, Joslyn, what do you think of your capital?”

  She ran her finger over the top of her cup. “It’s not as magical as I imagined. My whole life I have heard about our city, full of richness and luxuries. You can only enter by special permission which is nearly impossible to obtain as a regular citizen. Yet, now that I have visited it, my imagination was probably better than reality.”

  He looked around the city, leaning back in his chair. “Perhaps you’re right. Locket is a nice city, but I pr
efer Burra.”

  Maxwell reached out and pulled her hand into his, holding onto it tight. She did not pull it away and allowed him to sit a little closer. After a few more songs, she felt him move her hair out of the way, his warm breath sweeping across her cheek. “Let’s continue walking.”

  She stood, taking her hat off as he led her out of the festival. They came across a few taverns and inns. He stopped inside one and ordered them some food, and they sat at some tables outside eating chicken with bread and cheese. Taking a few bites, she looked at him wondering about his country.

  “Tell me about the ocean.”

  He swallowed and wiped his mouth with a cloth. “The ocean is something everyone should see at least once in their life. Some say the water is blue, but I see a myriad of colors at certain times of the year. Water that is turquoise, green, and different shades of blue. It can be rough in certain weather and the waves can almost scream as they hit the shore. Other time, when it’s calm, it feels surreal, calming. I can stare at it for hours.”

  “You live a privileged life,” she said, looking away from him. “Most of us will never be allowed to see the world as you do.”

  He lost his grin, growing serious. “I know I have been blessed to be the grandson of a king. Although I don’t plan to inherit the crown, my life has been full of fortune.” He took a deep breath before continuing. “You see me as a nobleman—I sit on the royal council and lead the royal military. Joslyn, I don’t pretend to know what your life has been like. Our circumstances would normally never allow us to spend time together, but for today, can you forget my title?” He searched her face. “I am just a man.”

  She played with a piece of her hair, wrapping it around her finger. “I would like that.”

  His smile returned, and he leaned over giving her a quick kiss across the check. Her heart pounded at the softness of his lips. Something about this man caused her to forget the constant pain she felt being away from her family.

  They walked around the town square listening to the music coming from the taverns. Maxwell stayed close to her, guiding the way down the street. After a few moments, they came across a line of people waiting at an entrance of a large building with stained-glass windows. Curiously, the duke approached an attendant who was assisting some guests out of their carriage. “Hello, sir, may we ask what event is going on inside?”

  He cleared his throat. “It’s the Madelyn Richardson’s wedding. You know the Richardson’s of Bradford Lane? She wanted her wedding the same week as her Royal Highness.”

  “Ah, thank you for the information.” The duke raised his brow as they walked around the corner, and once out of sight, he laughed mockingly. “You know… The Richardson’s. Far be it for me not to know who they are.”

  Joslyn laughed at his impersonation of the attendant. “Do you like it when people don’t know who you are?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Sometimes.”

  “Miss?” Joslyn looked around and spotted a servant approaching them. “Yes?”

  The man held a glass bowl in one hand and wiped his brow with the other. “I worked at the palace yesterday filling in for my cousin and recognized you. This is the servant’s entrance. If you are attending Miss Richardson’s wedding, the guest’s entrance is around the front.”

  “I am actually not a guest—”

  Maxwell interrupted, “Wait! She means we wanted to avoid the crowd and use the back entrance. Could you show us where to go?”

  Maxwell reached over and squeezed her arm, telling her without words to keep quiet. He smiled at the servant whose look of bewilderment caused Joslyn to press down on her lips trying hard not to laugh.

  “Yes, of course, my lord. Follow me.”

  The couple followed him inside, walking past the kitchen and a storage room, and arriving at a door that led to the ballroom. Maxwell pulled her along as her resistance caused her to slow her pace. They took their seats at a table, and she could feel her face warming as the guests piled in.

  “You are mad! What if they know we were not invited?” Joslyn’s eyes swept the room, hoping no one would recognize them. Especially anyone from the palace.

  He leaned over, and locking eyes with her, took her hand to his mouth to gently place a kiss on it. “Madelyn Richardson apparently has no title. She is not marrying at the palace, so my guess is that she is a rich merchant’s daughter. I don’t believe we will be recognized among this class of people.”

  “They are from a better class than me. You forget who you are with this night, Your Grace. I am not titled or rich. My services render me a place in a titled man’s bed but not his table.”

  He placed his finger across her lips. “Shh. You’re not Andre’s mistress tonight and I am not a titled man. We are simply Rory and Mary. I am visiting from Burra as a consultant to their king and you are my wife.”

  She tried not to laugh, wrinkling her nose. “Rory and Mary?”

  “Mary was one of my mother’s maids growing up and Rory was her husband who worked in the stables.”

  “Ah… I hope I can do the name justice.”

  A man interrupted them as he took a seat next to Maxwell; his wife was dressed in a green gown with feathers in her hat. The man looked over at the couple. “We are the Farrows, Marge and Paul.”

  Maxwell smiled. “Nice to meet you both. We are the Hensel’s. I am Rory, and this is my wife, Mary.”

  The woman smiled with lip color on her teeth. “You are lovely, my dear. Are you from around Locket? I am sure I would have remembered you.”

  A slight panicky feeling settled in her stomach. “I am afraid not. My family comes from Burra.”

  “Oh! How delightful. You are traveling here for her Royal Highness’s wedding?”

  Maxwell interjected. “Not exactly. I am a part of my king’s riding party. Not noble enough to attend.”

  Marge seemed to lose interest after that, turning to greet others who sat at their table. They all spoke to each other with familiarity. After a few moments, the wedding couple was introduced with cheers as well-wishers held up their drinks toasting the young couple. An older couple took the chairs next to Joslyn. They were not dressed as fine as some of the other guests, but their smiles were more genuine.

  Soft music began to play, and Joslyn enjoyed watching the people dance. She felt a tug on her arm and turned to face the older couple. “Did we miss the toast?”

  “I am afraid they have toasted the couple already.”

  “Just my luck,” the older man muttered, stroking his long, gray beard. “The best wine is always served for the first toast.”

  “Hush, Herbert. We are here for Trevor and not for you to get drunk.” His wife pressed her lips together clearly annoyed.

  “Who is Trevor?”

  The woman’s forehead creased with confusion. “The groom. We have worked for his family for years. Practically helped raise him. His parents insisted we be allowed to come.”

  Joslyn stuttered, “Of course. I am only acquainted with Madelyn.” She quickly turned away, hoping they would not see through her folly.

  Trying to save her, Maxwell leaned across Joslyn to speak to the couple. “Did you see Mr. Mackeson?”

  The man loosened his collar. “I’m afraid I don’t know Mr. Mackeson.”

  The duke shrugged his arms. “He is a friend of John’s.”

  A look of recognition came across the man’s face. “Oh, John! I will have to ask him.”

  The man looked away to speak to another guest, and Joslyn leaned closer to Maxwell to ask, “Who are these people you speak of?”

  He smirked. “I have no idea, but John is a common enough name and it gave them confidence that we are here as invited guests.”

  “You are shifty, Your Grace. A trait I will have to remember.”

  He rubbed her arm. “Hmm… I must not let you know all my trick
s. Come and dance with me.”

  Joslyn took his arm and joined him for the dance. He pulled her close to him as the music slowed and he breathed in her hair. She gently laid her hand against his arm feeling the rock-solid muscles hidden beneath his tunic. His woodsy smell invaded her nostrils as she held on to him while they moved to the music. Her dancing had been limited during her youth in Merle, but he didn’t seem to notice her missteps. She felt his breath against her neck as he lowered his head next to her ear.

  “Stop fretting, little one. No one knows who we are.” She looked around as couples danced and enjoyed the music, oblivious to the Royal Duke of Norton identity within their midst. The man responsible for leading the armies that invaded a portion of Mallard’s mines was celebrating among them.

  “I have never had such an outing,” she confessed. “In my village, everyone knew each other. I could never go undetected into a wedding. Although, we were not invited to town events and stayed among our own farmers. This ruse would have never worked.”

  “There is much you have never seen. My hope is that tonight is only the beginning.”

  The music stopped, and he led her off the dance floor to the terrace outside. They looked from the balcony into the city, listening to the sounds of horses and laughter from passing carriages. Joslyn shivered. “The city of Locket seems unaware of the problems in our country. No wonder they require special permission to enter as most of their citizens would revolt if they saw the way they lived. A lot of villagers suffer through the harsh winters and supplies are limited. Even the mining towns have scarcity at times.”

  He stepped behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist as they watched the city. Placing his chin on her shoulder, he whispered, “If you were royal, how would you change Mallard?”

  She leaned back against his chest, feeling the warmth of his embrace. “I would make all of the people free. It’s not their riches I envy but their freedom.”

  Maxwell turned her toward him. “What would you do with that freedom?”


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