Freeing Joslyn (Freeing Series)

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Freeing Joslyn (Freeing Series) Page 15

by GG Shalton

  Surprised by his question, her mouth fell partially open. “I am but a woman, poor and with no family alliances. I have limited choices and have never known the luxury of true freedom. Most of my choices are made for me.”

  She took a deep breath stepping away from him slightly as she pondered his question. “My family hoped that I would marry a farmer who could provide a small living for me. That we would raise a family and provide for a way of life for the next generation. But even as a child, I did not want to marry a man of my parent’s choosing. I wanted to see the ocean and dreamed of leaving my village. I even painted pictures from stories of places I knew I would never be allowed to visit.”

  She looked away from him and into the streets again, clearing her throat. “I used to hide in an abandoned fruit cellar buried in the woods. It’s the only place I could take a break from the farm chores. It’s there I thought about a different life and often pretended I was near the ocean.” He moved closer to her, rubbing her shoulders. She shifted her feet and turned toward him. “I am not daft, Your Grace. I knew my destiny was to be a farmer’s wife. My desire was probably not freedom, but the dream of freedom, knowing all along that it would never be. If I had it, I am not sure I could do it justice.”

  He stared at her seemingly amazed by her speech. “You are more than meets the eye, my lady.”

  Opening up to him made her feel uncomfortable, embarrassed. Her guard was back up, and she tried to change the subject. “Should we dance again?”

  He smirked. “I don’t know, Miss. I am afraid my dances may all be taken.”

  She playfully punched him in the arm as he led her back to the dance floor. They danced several more dances, laughing and having an enjoyable time. The merchants danced less formally than the palace guests and she was able to let her hair down and move freely to the music. Spinning around and laughing was the best time she had since leaving Merle. He carefully held her up when she stumbled from dizziness. The time went by fast and the crowds were getting thinner. “My dear, let’s take a walk near the river. I find the need for cooler air.”

  “Let me get my shawl on the table.”

  They walked along the riverbank near the shoreline. She could see the barges near the large buildings in the city. He held her hand, helping her step over rocks as they neared a broken tree limb to sit.

  Placing his arm around her, he snuggled closer to her as they sat in compatible silence. After a few moments, she heard him let out a breath. “Do you swim?”

  She hoped it was a random question due to them being next to the river and not an invitation. “A little. My sisters and I would sometimes go swimming near the spring at our home. Our dresses were heavy, so we were never good at it.”

  He stood up and began taking off his shoes. She was shocked to see him undressing in front of her. “What are you doing?” Her voice cracked as she turned her head away from him.

  “Dancing with you has made me long to cool off.”

  “You will freeze in that water.” Shaking her head, she drew her shawl closer.

  “Do you care if I freeze?” He challenged her with his words.

  “Not in the least. Suit yourself.”

  “Care to join me?” His voice lowered, challenging her.

  “I am not as mad as you. What would people say if I came back to the palace drenched?”

  He pointed toward the water. “I see a small sand bar. I’m going to swim to it and check it out. I am not afraid of getting wet.” He continued stripping to his breeches.

  Joslyn scanned the water, looking for the small piece of land. The moonlight showed a few trees, but the rest was darkness. “You’re going to swim over there and leave me here?”

  He laughed. “I will be back in a moment.” He dove in and she heard him splashing around and then disappear. Hoping he would return soon, she looked around to make sure she was alone. A stick lay nearby, and she lifted it up in case she needed a weapon. After what seemed like forever, she heard a splashing noise and saw something floating toward her. Joslyn walked a little closer and saw Maxwell stand inside a small boat along the shore.

  “I found an old row boat on the sand bar. I borrowed it, so you can come with me.”

  “Where is the owner of the boat?”

  “Do you always worry this much?”

  Her mouth dropped open and then she closed it as a smile crept across his face. She realized he was teasing her. “Don’t be concerned. I think it was abandoned, so we should be fine.”

  Joslyn chewed on her bottom lip. “I will go. But if we get caught, I am blaming you.” She stepped into the boat as he sat across from her and rowed them across. The moonlight shined against the blackness of the water and she could see the lights of the city shrinking as they moved in the water. They left the boat near the bank of the river and she took his hand as they walked around the small piece of land. A few trees and a rocky shoreline were all they could really find. She had hoped for a secret treasure or adventure, but overall it was a bit of a disappointment. He took her near the tree line and sat down. She sat beside him and rested on the ground.

  “Near my home, there are islands full of colorful birds and one has a river with a waterfall. I will sometimes swim there all alone as it belongs to the king. We built a huge treehouse when we were younger and still sometimes go there for peace and quiet.”

  “You are very fortunate.”

  “I would love to show you one day.” He bent down and brushed his lips lightly against hers. Her breath caught in her throat at his sign of affection.

  Pulling away, she leaned back away from him. “Your Grace, forgive me if I have given you the wrong impression.”

  “Please don’t fear me. I want nothing more than your kiss.” He took a strand of her hair and ran it through his fingers.

  It was a gentle show of affection and she had never felt so alive yet scared at the same time. She stilled as he touched her and did not move away. He lowered his head to her neck, placing featherlight kisses along her silky skin. His kisses reached her mouth and she reciprocated by placing her hands around his neck as he laid her back on the ground. The kiss deepened, and he opened her mouth with his tongue as he kissed her with a passion she had never felt before.

  His kisses slowed as he lay beside her and brought her against his chest. They were both breathing hard and she felt faint with desire—a feeling she never thought she would ever experience. He stroked her back and placed a kiss on her head. “I wish I could stay with you here. It could be our secret place.”

  “There is no place in Mallard that I won’t be found.” She shivered thinking of Andre.

  “You could run away.”

  She let out an exhausted breath. “I would never leave my family. Andre is cruel; they would never stand a chance.” Looking up at him, she put her chin on his chest. “You are nothing like I imagined when they spoke of the Duke of Norton.”

  He snorted. “What did you imagine?”

  “Someone menacing with battle scars across his face. Crueler than Andre and a bit sickening.” She let out a small laugh feeling him squeeze her teasingly.

  “Sorry to disappoint you.” He chuckled and leaned down to kiss her nose. “I can say the same about you. I had heard rumors of Andre’s beautiful mistress, but I never thought she would be anything like you.”

  “I hate that word, mistress. I prefer to be called a slave as that is how I feel.” She sat up, bringing her knees to her chest.

  He embraced her from behind and kissed her head again. “I wish I could help you.”

  She shook her head. “You have. Spending time with you today made me forget who I was for a few hours.” Turning her head, she kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

  “Anytime.” He stood up and offered her his hand. “Let’s get back to the palace. It will be dawn soon and we need to rest.”

  Chapter 16

/>   They took the boat back to shore and walked to the carriage. They made it back to the palace without anyone noticing and she said goodbye to him as she ran back to her room. Opening the door, she saw someone sleeping in her bed and panicked, she jumped and knocked over a chair. Sara gasped and called out. “Josie?”

  “Sara? What are you doing here?”

  “Thank God you’re back. Andre is out of the vault.”

  Her breath caught in her throat. “When?”

  “The first time was before dinner. He came looking for you. I told him you had met some other women in the palace and went on an outing with them, and I would wait for you in your bed until you got back. He said he was finishing up some meetings and expected you in his chambers when you returned. Then, he came again a few hours later. I told him I would continue to wait for you and would send you his way as soon as you returned.”

  Joslyn closed her eyes, holding back the sting of unshed tears. “Let me change quickly.”

  “Come let’s get you into a new dress.” Sara reached for a silky ivory gown, and Joslyn knew right away that it would entice Andre and keep his fury at bay. “We must hurry.”

  The women ran through the corridors as fast as they could. Sara paused briefly and raised her brow. “I forgot to ask you. How was the Duke of Norton?”

  Joslyn’s thoughts of him made her smile. “Perfect.”

  Sara’s eyes widened, and she tried to hold in her giggle. Joslyn shook her head. “We will speak of it later. Right now, I need to calm Andre.”

  They stopped outside of his room. Joslyn spotted a familiar guard who moved out of the way, so she could enter. Sara waved goodbye as Joslyn stood staring at the door, preparing herself for what was to come. The guard spoke heavily. “He said to go in when you arrived.”

  Joslyn nodded and slowly twisted the knob pushing against the door. She noticed the fire dwindling and an empty wine bottle on the floor. Andre was lying in the middle of the bed and soft snores could be heard to her relief. She took off her dress and remained in her shift as she lay beside him and closing her eyes, she fell into a deep sleep.

  In her dream, she felt trapped, unable to move her arms. A weight held her down as she gasped for air. Popping her eyes open wildly, she looked into the angry narrowed eyes of Andre. “Where were you?”

  “I can’t breathe.” She strained to move and catch her breath.

  He lifted off her slightly but held on to her wrist, squeezing tightly. “I couldn’t find you. Were you with him? Hmm?”

  “I took a tour of Locket with other palace guests. I got lost for hours. I finally made it back to the palace and found Sara. I was so scared, Andre.” She took her free hand and hugged him, burying her face into his neck. “I am so happy I am safe with you.”

  He pushed her away. “You are a liar. Everyone knows where the palace is, all you had to do was ask.”

  “I am not a liar!” Desperately, she tried to think straight as the lies fell out of her mouth. “Some of the servants gave me the wrong directions on purpose. They knew I held no title. When I was walking along the river, I tripped and hit the back of my head. The next thing I remember is waking up and it was dark outside. I couldn’t find my way back easily.”

  “I am not a fool. My men told me they saw you in the garden with the Duke of Norton and the King of Burra. Just to spite me, you gave yourself to that man.” He reached over and smacked her across the face and she fell back into the bed. “I should let my uncle give you to the brothels.”

  Feeling frantic, she cried out, “I fought him, Andre. You must believe me. I did not want him to touch me. But the king threatened me with treason if I did not follow his orders.” Catching her breath, she met his eyes. “You told me I was yours, but you didn’t protect me.” Tears fell as she pleaded with him.

  “You could have fought harder.” He dragged his hands over his face clearly frustrated.

  “I tried. It’s not my fault,” she whispered unable to look at him.

  He turned away from her and dressed in a clean tunic. “I don’t know if I can trust you.”

  Joslyn lay shaking on the bed watching him get ready to leave. “Please, Andre.”

  He ran his fingers through his hair, closing his eyes as he took a deep breath. After a moment he spoke. “I have to meet with my uncle.” He walked to the door placing his hand on the handle. Turning back around, he stared at her for a long moment. “We will leave the palace tomorrow. I don’t have the stomach to stay for the wedding.”

  Joslyn sniffed loudly, afraid to speak. He cleared his throat as he opened the door. “I will return shortly. I expect you to return to your chamber and have your maid pack your things. I will send a guard for you when I am ready.”

  Relief rushed through her. “Yes, Andre.”

  Joslyn lay motionless on the bed. Her cheek stung where he hit her, and she winced as she touched it. Sitting up in the bed, she closed her eyes trying to calm her nerves. She needed to find a washcloth and band her hair. Getting dressed quickly, she poured some water out of the pitcher into the basin and cleaned her face before rushing out the door. Hurrying through the corridors, she kept her head lowered hoping to make it back to her room quickly. Turning the corner, she tried to back away noticing Queen Krislyn walking in her direction with a few of her attendants.

  “Miss Rhodes?” The queen smiled, walking closer to her.

  “Your Majesty.” Joslyn curtsied, trying to cover her face.

  The queen’s expression changed as she moved closer to her. Looking back at the attendants, she pointed her chin in front of her as the women curtsied and left the women alone.

  “What happened?” She tilted her head, trying to see more of her face.

  “It’s nothing. Please, Your Majesty, do not tell him.” She wiped her nose with her hand. “I was clumsy.”

  A long silence hung in the air. “Miss Rhodes, if I could help you…”

  “You can’t.” Joslyn shook her head interrupting her. “Forgive me. No one can help me. I just beg you—don’t pity me. Please keep the Duke of Norton away from me. He thinks he is helping me, but he is not.” Trying to hold back her sob, she cried, “I belong to Andre and he holds my family’s fate in his hands. Please, if you want to help me, keep him far from me. If you will excuse me, Your Majesty.”

  The queen reached her hand out to comfort Joslyn but pulled it away when Joslyn flinched. “Of course, Miss Rhodes.”

  Joslyn turned and walked away, rushing to get back to her room before Andre came looking for her.

  Once inside her chamber, she leaned back against the closed door and allowed herself to take a few calming breaths.

  Finding her trunk, she started to pack herself. Sara and Abbie would be arriving shortly to help, but she wanted to get a head start. Packing her dresses gave her something to occupy her time. Working had always been a part of her life on the farm. These past few months of lying around waiting to entertain Andre had made her lazy.

  She lost track of time as she busied herself cleaning her room and preparing for the trip. A knock on the door gave her a break and assuming it was Sara, she opened it, stumbling back when Maxwell filled the doorway.

  “You can’t be here!” She could feel her face losing its color as she tried to close the door in his face.

  Holding up his hand, he blocked the door and stepped inside.

  “You have to leave. Andre will be here any moment. Please!” Tears pooled in her eyes as she tried to frantically plead with him.

  “What did he do to you?” He reached out to touch her face, but she pulled away quickly.

  “Please! Don’t touch me.”

  “Relax.” He tilted his head, trying to see the mark on her face. “He is with his uncle. I know this because my king is with them as well.” He stepped in front of her and slid his arms around her waist, but she continued to push away. His
arms locked tight not letting her go.

  “He will not hurt you again. I am taking you with me.” He held her close to his body trying to soothe her. “Let me see your cheek.”

  He loosened his grip and softly touched near her face. “I will make him pay for touching you.”

  Shaking her head, she tried pushing him away again, and he finally let her go. “Please, I don’t want you to make him pay. He will never let you take me.”

  “He has no choice. I will speak to your king. He is salivating at the prospect of making a deal with Burra. Your country needs our cooperation.” He reached for her again, but she stepped back. “Joslyn, I will take care of you. I have my own castles in Burra and I will keep you dressed in finery and decorate you with jewels. My offer is genuine, and I would never lay a hand on you.”

  She studied his face for a moment before speaking. “Your talk is smooth, Your Grace. What will I be to you?”

  He straightened his shoulders, a little surprised by her question. “You will be my woman.”

  “I don’t want to be your woman.” She turned her back on him. “I want to be free.”

  “You’re upset, and I understand. You have never known the touch of a gentle man. But I will not hurt you and I will keep you safe. You will want for nothing.” He came up behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders.

  She laughed and turned around knocking his hands away. “Your arrogance is unbelievable. You know nothing about what I want.”

  He kept his hands to his side. “I know you don’t want to be with Andre.”

  “That doesn’t mean I want to be with you.” She stepped away from him and walked toward the door. “Your Grace, I will not leave one prison for another.”

  He raked his fingers through his hair. “Joslyn, it would not be like that. You have…”

  She held up her hand to quiet him. “I made a choice to save my family and I have no regrets. Please, I must ask you to leave.” Placing her hand on the door handle, she slowly opened the door. “Thank you for your kindness. But it was only a small diversion in my life. I apologize if you thought it was more.” She held her chin up, looking him squarely in the eye, instantly regretting the lie.


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