Freeing Joslyn (Freeing Series)

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Freeing Joslyn (Freeing Series) Page 16

by GG Shalton

  His jaw flexed, and she looked away knowing she had angered him. Speaking through his teeth, he refrained from any harsh words. “I wish you well.” He stormed off as she closed the door behind him.

  Chapter 17

  Maxwell tried to hold back his emotions as he hurried to his room. Her words had hurt him, but he would never admit to anyone that she was more than a passing fancy. He was a leader of men and would not allow a woman to change him. He tried to push thoughts of her out of his mind. Never had he met a woman that he wanted to offer his home to. He knew he would have to marry one day and produce an heir, but he was only twenty-seven and had plenty of time to marry whomever his king wanted him to. That had nothing to do with Joslyn. He would have been good to her and would have given her his devotion if she could only see that his intentions were not to hurt her.

  Reaching his room, he eyed the king and queen standing by his door. “There you are, we were just knocking on your chamber.” The king patted him on the back.

  “I was visiting Joslyn.” He opened the door and they all walked inside.

  They looked at each other as the queen took a step forward, “Max, what are your intentions with this girl?”

  “Nothing!” he let out a sharp reply. Looking at the scowl on his king’s face, he calmed his voice, “My apologies.” He walked over to the table and took a drink of mead. “She wishes to be left alone and I will abide by her wishes.”

  The queen’s face softened with understanding. “I spoke to her earlier. It seems she is trapped in her circumstances and will be leaving soon.”

  He took another drink and wiped his mouth. “Apparently, her circumstances are not that bad. After all, she is the mistress of her future king.” His sarcastic tone hung in the air.

  The queen looked stricken. “Eat your words! That was in bad taste. You have no idea what that poor girl has endured.”

  He grunted. “Please! I offered her a way out. I would have taken her to Burra and she could have been my woman.”

  “Your woman? Your ego is hurt because she agrees to stay with him to protect her family. You give her a choice to be your mistress with an uncertain future and to leave her family to face his wrath. Wonderful choice, Maxwell.”

  He furrowed his brows and started to reply, but glancing at his cousin, he changed his mind and left the chamber.

  Joslyn paced in her room waiting for Andre’s guard to escort her to him. He had sent a message earlier to be ready within the hour.

  The time crept by and losing patience, she went to his room unescorted. Perhaps something had happened to the guard and she didn’t want to make Andre any angrier. She approached the door and heard voices. There was no guard outside and the door was cracked, so she tiptoed closer to listen. A man was holding it slightly opened as he was speaking to Andre.

  “I will check on Johan as a precaution, but the events are in motion. The city is full of visitors, none will be the wiser.”

  “So be it. I am apprehensive about using Cheswick again. His herbs were not effective, and poison would lead to suspicion.”

  The stranger chuckled. “Poison is a woman’s choice, and your uncle is without a mistress now. You are correct, it’s too risky.”

  “I will be leaving tonight instead of the morrow. Make sure it happens when I am far away in a few days.”

  The blood drained from Joslyn’s face, her heart pounded as she jumped to the other side of the door. Lowering to the floor, she went unnoticed as the man stomped off in the opposite direction.

  After a few minutes, she knocked on the door. Andre cracked it open and then cocked his brow. Opening the door wider, he reached for her hand. “We will be leaving tonight instead of tomorrow.” He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it. “Come and lay with me for a bit, I want to rest.” His mood swings kept her on guard as he seemingly forgot their earlier encounter.

  Closing her eyes, she swallowed hard, trying not to give away her aversion to spending time with him or her nervousness about eavesdropping. She sat on the bed as he undressed. He slid into his bed and reached for her, pulling her next to him. She remained in her gown as he kissed her head and laid back on the pillow. He stroked her hair softly as he closed his eyes and his breathing steadied. Not wanting to wake him, she laid as still as she could until she could be sure he was asleep. After several minutes, she took a deep breath and squirmed out of his grip. Looking around the room, she reasoned within herself that he would not try to harm the king. What was he thinking? Treason?

  She felt the bed move and quickly closed her eyes to feign sleep. Feeling his arm wrap around her, she stiffened as he moved her closer to his chest. “Joslyn?” he whispered.

  Slowly, she opened her eyes feigning restfulness and let out a moan. “I feel so sleepy.”

  He kissed her forehead. “I was only going to lay down for a minute. I must have fallen asleep. We need to wake, I want to leave within the hour.”

  Joslyn sat up and straightened her dress. Andre was already dressing, and she walked toward the door.

  “I will have a guard escort you to the carriage. Don’t speak to anyone about our departure, just follow the guard.”

  “As you wish.” She left the room and hurried to her chamber.

  Sara was nowhere to be found, and Joslyn felt she would bust if she didn’t tell someone. Slamming the door hard, she turned to find Abbie standing near her window. Frustration on her brow, she looked around the room in haste. “Where is Sara?”

  Abbie’s countenance swayed as she looked surprised at Joslyn’s sharp reply. “She is in the kitchens packing some food for our journey.”

  Joslyn looked up seeing Abbie’s eyes glistening. “Forgive me for my abruptness. I need to find Sara right away.”

  Chapter 18

  The drive was treacherous as they rode hard toward the mining towns. Abbie rode inside with Sara making it impossible for Joslyn to tell Sara the information she had heard. Andre rode on the outside with a few of the guards.

  After a few hours of riding, they stopped for the night. Andre was practically glued to her side, making any private conversations with Sara impossible. The next day they traveled for hours until she saw the lights of the village. Reaching for Sara’s hand, she gave it a squeeze. Sara lifted her eyes and met Joslyn’s unwavering stare realizing she had something she wanted to tell her. Giving Joslyn a slight nod of understanding, they agreed to speak later.

  Arriving back at his castle in Preston, she braced herself for the haughty stares of the staff. Andre met Joslyn at the carriage and walked with her to the castle. “Meet me in my chambers.”

  Joslyn nodded looking over at Sara cautiously. Knowing she had to speak to her before she burst, she tried to come up with any excuse. “May I bathe first?”

  “Don’t be too long.”

  She looked at Abbie and asked, “Can you prepare a meal for us and steam my purple gown?”

  Abbie nodded and walked away. Joslyn turned to Sara. “Can you assist me with my bath?”

  Sara agreed and followed Joslyn to her chamber and as soon as the door was shut, Joslyn pulled her toward the window. “Sara! I overheard Andre speaking to some man at the castle. They are planning to do something to the king.”

  Her mouth fell open, shocked. “Joslyn, you must tell no one else.”

  “What should I do?” Visibly shaken, she wrung her hands.

  “Nothing.” She said sternly. Touching her arm, she pleaded. “Promise me you will speak of this to no one.”

  “How can I do nothing?” Joslyn shook her head, searching Sara’s face, taken aback by her response.

  “It’s out of your hands. No matter what you do, it won’t end well for you.” She reached over and hugged her tightly. “Pretend you didn’t hear anything. Please! They will kill you.”

  Joslyn pushed away and stared into her face. “I can’t.”

  “Who would believe you?” Sara lowered her voice and challenged her. Taking a deep breath, she continued, “You must think of the consequences. If the king dies, then Andre will be king. If you tell anyone, he will hang you and your parents.”

  Joslyn placed her hand on top of her forehead, rubbing her head in consternation. “Oh Sara! You are right.”

  Sara closed her eyes trying to compose herself. “Come, let’s straighten your room and pick out something to wear for Andre.”

  Joslyn followed her through the room. “Sara?”

  She turned and raised her brow. “Yes?”

  “Do you think that my parents are well?”

  Sara shrugged her shoulders. “I pray that they are. Andre ordered that they be taken care of.”

  “The three months are up.”

  “Yes, but he said if you please him, he would take care of them.”

  “He lies, Sara. He won’t even allow me to speak about them.”

  “Josie, we have no choice but to believe they are well.”

  She grunted. “I will find another choice.”

  A knock on the door interrupted their talk. Sara went and opened the door. “Please come in.” A few servants carried in some warm water.

  The next few days went by as usual. Joslyn watched Andre closely waiting for a change in his composure. But his demeanor did not falter, he took afternoon rides and invited Joslyn for dinner every night.

  On the fourth day after arriving back home, a messenger from the palace came. Joslyn was in the garden with Sara when the guard summoned her to Andre’s solar.

  “His Grace requests your presence immediately.”

  Sara reached for Joslyn’s arm as a sign of reassurance. She looked over at the guard. “Is everything all right?”

  The guard shrugged. “He did not say.”

  Joslyn walked past him and made her way to the solar. Upon entering, she spotted a few of Andre’s advisors and three guards. When he looked up to see her, he gave her a weak smile. “Gentlemen leave us.” The men left the room, closing the door behind them.

  Andre motioned toward the seat on the other side of his desk. Joslyn concentrated on controlling her expressions as she lowered herself onto the chair. “What is it?”

  He cleared his throat and studied her face. “It seems there has been a horrible accident.”

  “What kind of accident?”

  “The king is gravely ill.”

  A gasp escaped as she brought her hands up to her mouth. “What happened?”

  “I don’t have many details. The missive I received requests for my immediate presence. I may have to take over his duties until he recovers is all they are saying. But the messenger is a friend of mine from childhood. He said the rumor is that the king had an unfortunate accident in the gardens. They don’t think he will recover. Which means you are looking at the new king.” He lifted the corner of his mouth in a sardonic smile.

  Swallowing hard, Joslyn lowered her eyes. “My condolences, Andre. I know he was like a father to you.”

  “Not quite, but he was my uncle.” A quick laugh escaped his lips. “I wouldn’t feel too bad for him if I were you—he hated you.”

  “I don’t wish him ill will.”

  He snorted. “So tactful. That could be a weakness, my beauty.” Standing up, he walked around the desk and took her hand. “Come sit with me on the sofa.”

  Joslyn allowed him to lead her to sit down beside him. He kept a hold of her hand and leaned in closely, rubbing her palm with his thumb. “The council wants me to take a wife. They believe a married king is more stable and could provide a few political alliances. They have someone they want me to meet. Apparently, she was there for the wedding, but I was not properly introduced due to my indiscretions, as they so delicately put it.” He gave a mocking laugh as he reached out and ran his finger down a strand of her hair. “One of the leaders on the council said you were a distraction to my duties and they requested that I not bring you back.”

  Joslyn nodded her head, secretly relieved she would not be going.

  He let out a sigh. “My position is volatile right now. My uncle still lives and until he is dead, I will not be viewed with complete authority. A few council members would prefer my second cousin to become king, he is my uncle’s grandson. But he is young and was not named the heir.”

  Joslyn had heard of the controversy, that it was part of a written promise by Andre’s father when he allowed his brother to take the throne, that his son would be the Royal Duke and heir. Apparently, they were on the verge of civil war and this was part of the peace process when he was a baby. If the king had no male children, it would pass to his nephew. Grandchildren were never mentioned.

  “I understand, Andre. I will wait for you here.”

  His face scowled as he squeezed her hand. “You will not wait here.”

  Her heart beat faster praying he would not put her and her family on the streets. He took a minute and then let go of her hand.

  “My steward John does not trust them. They are adamant that I marry as soon as possible and blame you for causing me to be put in the vault. Some say you need to be eliminated.”

  The blood drained for her face. “Eliminated?” she replied in a shaky voice.

  He waited a moment watching her squirm. “I will move you to my home in Tomko. That is another private residence of mine, near the border. We will tell no one where you are. They won’t suspect as the home goes mostly unused.” He reached out touching her face. “When I become king, I will threaten to kill anyone who interferes with my private life. You belong to me and no one will ever take you away from me again. I will flay the Duke of Norton for trying to take what is mine.”

  She noticed his hands shaking, as his temple throbbed. Finding it hard to swallow she took a deep breath. “What about when you get married?” she questioned, almost afraid of his answer.

  He smiled as his eyes searched hers, his hand moving over her skin. Finally, dropping his hand, he looked away as he stood up. “Such questions of the future are not easily answered.”

  Her stomach turned at his declaration. He walked toward the table pouring a glass of wine. Frantically trying to concentrate, images of her family crept into her thoughts. Closing her eyes, she forced herself to ask him the dreaded question. “Perhaps I should return home to Merle instead and wait for you there?”

  He lost his smile, seemingly annoyed at her question. “It remains the same rules, Joslyn. If you please me, I will assure they are safe. Don’t ask me to return home again. It upsets me.”

  Running his hand over his beard, he sighed. “Am I not good to you?”

  Joslyn lowered her gaze, trying not to anger him. “Yes… It’s just…”

  His jaw tensed as he assessed her. “Then don’t question me!”

  She tightened her body ready for his assault. But after a moment, his face softened, and he reached for her hand. “Once I go through the coronation ceremony, I will take you to Locket.” He turned her hand over and kissed the inside of her wrist. “Now, go prepare yourself. I want tonight to be special as I won’t see you for a few weeks, possibly months depending on how long the old man holds on. When I return, I could be king.”

  Joslyn ate her breakfast in her room. Andre had left earlier that morning. He had insisted that she stay with him the entire night and left a rose on the bed for when she woke. His twisted mind kept her on edge as his obsession was misplaced. Pushing the thoughts away, she finished her breakfast in a hurry as she put her plan together.

  A few hours later, she rested on her bed thinking of her parents. She had to make sure they were well and did not trust Andre with their welfare. She submitted to all his demands to keep them safe. If they were taken back to the jail or worse, she would run away and not care of the consequences. Looking up, she watched Abbie pace around her room as she found items
to take on the trip.

  “Abbie?” she whispered, watching her stuff extra slippers into a satchel.

  “Yes, Misses?” she answered not looking at her as she worked.

  “I was thinking that since the residence in Tomko is so much smaller, that I really don’t need two maids. Andre will not even be there.”

  Abbie stopped working and looked at Joslyn.

  She continued. “I also don’t wish to separate you from your mother. Why don’t you stay here until Andre returns and sends for me?”

  Her face looked stricken. “I don’t know, Misses. His Grace did not leave those instructions.”

  Joslyn cleared her throat. “I believe he said that you were assigned to me?”

  Abbie nodded. “Yes Misses.”

  Joslyn shrugged her shoulders. “Then it’s my decision. Besides, he will not even be here.”

  Abbie hesitated but reluctantly nodded her head. “As you wish.”

  Joslyn smiled, “Then it’s settled. You will stay here and help your mother. And I will go with Sara. And after Andre returns, I will let you continue your services again.” She forced a smile and hopped off her bed walking to the door. She turned back trying to appear unphased. “I will send the guards for my bags.”

  Joslyn left later that evening to her new home. Their carriage headed to Tomko which according to the guards was a day’s ride away. Sara sat beside her, and they quietly agreed to not speak of any significant subjects until they were sure no guards rode outside the carriage,

  After an hour, the girls moved the curtains and found themselves alone. Joslyn leaned closer to Sara and whispered, “I need you to go back to Merle.”

  Sara gasped. “Are you mad?”

  Joslyn looked back outside and then whispered, “Not mad. I am desperate, Sara. Merle is only a day’s ride away from Tomko. Think about it, two days at the most.”


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