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Freeing Joslyn (Freeing Series)

Page 22

by GG Shalton

  “Welcome.” A well-dressed footman opened the door. Joslyn handed him her invitation and he smiled. “Lady Joslyn. The earl has been expecting you.”

  Joslyn was escorted into an elaborate room with a group of people drinking and laughing. An older woman approached her as a few guests in the room walked up behind her. “I am countess Theodora. We are so happy that you have joined us.”

  “Thank you, my lady. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

  Joslyn was introduced to the others and they all welcomed her with politeness. The dinner was delicious, and the conversation revolved around the weather and a new children’s home they were building. Joslyn volunteered to help and was happy she could contribute. Beside a monetary donation, she would spend time there one day a week teaching them to sew.

  A man named Reece approached her after dinner. His father was giving the dinner party, and he owned several ships at the nearby port. “Lady Joslyn?”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  His eyes were kind as he assessed her openly. “We were honored for your attendance tonight. We heard you came from Mallard and had settled in Napery at our king’s invitation.”

  “Yes, it was kind for him to offer as you know Mallard has a lot of rebuilding to do and part of the country is still unsafe. I am happy to become a Napery citizen and look forward to helping the city of Rupert as much as I can.”

  “Perfect. We should meet for dinner at my home tomorrow night to discuss the plans I have for the new children’s home.”

  “That sounds lovely, will others be attending as well?”

  He smiled slowly at her question. “This meeting will be just for us, once we establish some of our ideas, then we can ask the others to join us.”

  Joslyn was a little taken aback by his forwardness but attributed it to how this type of society works. “I will be there and look forward to our meeting.”

  “I will send a carriage.” He reached out and took her hand laying a warm kiss on top. She shivered a bit at his smoothness and flirtatiousness. Many women would probably appreciate his handsomeness, but when she looked at him, she could not help but to think of Maxwell.

  The next night, Joslyn arrived at Reece’s home and was welcomed by one of his guards. He showed her into the solar that displayed an intimate dining table lit up by long white candles. Looking up, she spotted Reece near the window. “My lord are we to dine in here?”

  “Yes, I hope you don’t mind. I thought we could have more privacy to discuss our plans.”

  Joslyn nodded a bit apprehensively. “Of course.”

  Reece walked over and kissed her hand before pulling out the chair for her. “Please sit down.”

  Joslyn took a seat, uncomfortable to be alone in the solar with him. Reece poured wine and handed her a glass oblivious to her nervousness.

  “The children’s home has been a dream of my mother’s for years. She is full of good ideas but doesn’t have time to help.” He winked and took a drink. “But she is very generous with her coin.”

  Joslyn smiled. “We all have our strengths. I volunteered to teach sewing once a week but would love to help out in any way I can.”

  He took a bite of fish and chewed it slowly. Taking his glass, he held it toward her, toasting her before taking another sip. “That is good to hear, my lady. I have a feeling we will be spending lots of time together.”

  Chapter 26

  Joslyn returned home from Reece’s. It had become her routine the last few weeks as she ate dinner there at least a half dozen times since their first meeting. Always the gentle host, she grew to feel a certain comfort with his company.

  Coming around the corner, she spotted Sara on the terrace. She opened the door and smiled, looking forward to enjoying her company.

  “There you are,” Sara said anxiously. “Did you want to take a walk with me?”

  Joslyn nodded and followed her down the path to the beach. It was one of her favorite places to go, watching the waves come in. It made her feel such peace. “I was with Reece. He wanted me to see the furniture he had bought for the children’s home.”

  “You have seen a lot of Reece over the last few weeks.”

  Joslyn blushed and looked away. Sara touched her arm inquiring, “What is it?”

  She admitted, “He kissed me.”

  “What?” Sara giggled. “Did you like it?”

  Shrugging her shoulders, she took a minute to answer. “It was sweet. But I didn’t feel anything romantic for him. He wants to see more of me.”

  “He would be a great catch. Not sure why you are not more excited. Is there something about him you don’t like?”

  “He is handsome by many standards. But not really what I look for in a man.”

  “Oh?” Sara furrowed her brow, questioning her response. “Do you have a standard that you look for in a man?”

  “I want a man that is more rugged, someone who has actually worked. Reece’s hands are softer than mine!” Sighing, she continued. “He doesn’t make me laugh. I could never imagine him doing anything dangerous or spontaneous. He is very proper and a little pretentious. Can you imagine him in war? He wouldn’t last a moment.”

  Sara stared at her in surprise for a moment. “Dangerous? I don’t know if you realize it, but it almost sounds like you are comparing him to the Duke of Norton.”

  Joslyn’s eyes widened at the realization of her statement. Ignoring the obvious, she started to walk back toward the house. “I have to check on dinner.”

  Sara suppressed her smile as she followed Joslyn back to the house. As they entered the doorway, Joslyn’s family were talking in whispers.

  “Just in time.” Joslyn’s mother smiled as she held up a scroll of paper. “This came for you. The king’s messenger is in the kitchen awaiting a reply.”

  Joslyn felt a little uneasy taking the scroll from her mother. She carefully broke the wax seal and opened it, handing it to Sara to read for her.

  Sara read it quickly to herself, looking at Joslyn with a smile across her face. “The king requests your presence at the wedding of his second son, Prince Nullar.”

  “A royal wedding? My presence?”

  Sara laughed. “You are Lady Joslyn now. It’s your duty to go.”

  “But that is Queen Krislyn’s family.”

  Sara tilted her head inquisitively. “I thought you said she was kind.”

  “She was kind to me.” Worry lines swept over Joslyn’s face. “I just wonder if the Duke of Norton will attend. Not that I care, it was just awkward the last time we spoke.”

  Her mother placed her hand on her arm. “All the more reason to go. He has been nothing but kind to all of us.”

  Hesitantly, she looked at Sara. “Perhaps I should decline. It will be full of nobles and I will feel out of place.”

  “You are noble Joslyn,” her sister Mary said with a motherly tone.

  Her mother nodded. “Mary is right. You must represent our corner of the world. You are titled, and these events are important.”

  With an exhausted groan, her shoulders sagged in defeat. “Very well. Please tell the messenger that I will attend.” The family looked at each other and smiled at her answer.

  Joslyn looked at their smiles. It reminded her of how happy her life was now. She took in a deep breath trying to change her mood. “I will, of course, need all of your help with shopping.” They giggled and walked with her to the dining room.

  The next few months flew by as the wedding was quickly approaching. Reece received an invitation as well and offered to give her an escort to the capital. She accepted his invitation hoping he would not make more of it than friendship but was equally thankful that she would know someone going. There would be two days of hard riding and Reece had some friends they could stay with for the one night of their journey. Joslyn had never traveled to that part of the count
ry and was looking forward to the ride. Reece was happy to oblige and made plans to have a small army travel with them. She tried to keep his advances at bay and did not engage in some of his suggestive remarks. He mistook her protests as shyness when she did not allow him to kiss her again. The more she resisted, the more it seemed to encourage him to continue his pursuit.

  The day of their journey finally arrived and Joslyn joined Reece on horseback for part of the trip before retiring inside a carriage until nightfall. His sister Penelope accompanied them as a chaperone to Joslyn’s relief. Although she spent most her time apart from her in a separate carriage.

  They stopped before dinner at a castle with beautiful views of some mountains. Joslyn was greeted by a friendly man who offered to take her trunk into a guest chamber.

  A few moments later a well-dressed man came into the room. “Reece, how are you? It’s been too long. Penelope! You have grown into a lovely young woman.”

  Penelope laughed. “Oh please, Maurice. You know I am pushing forty and widowed twice.”

  Maurice smirked, his eyes landing on Joslyn. “And who do we have here?”

  “A dear friend of mine, Lady Joslyn. She moved from Mallard.”

  “Lady Joslyn? It’s a pleasure to have you in my home.” He looked at Reece. “I look forward to dinner and catching up.”

  Joslyn enjoyed the company and the food. She found the banter after dinner humorous. They kept her entertained with their stories and made her feel welcomed. They left early the next day.

  Chapter 27

  The capital of Napery reminded her of Locket—the luxurious castle set in a picturesque landscape. Fountains lined the streets and the city reveled in the upcoming nuptials of one of their beloved princes. Joslyn felt out of place, but Reece offering her his arm as they made their way down the cobblestone pathway gave her some comfort. They approached the stone arches leading to the front doors of a massive great hall, and upon entering, the king’s guards checked their invitations and escorted them to an elegant dining room.

  “Reece?” Joslyn turned around, eyeing the approach of a pretty woman. “I am so happy you could make it. Father told me you would be here.”

  Reece smiled, taking the woman’s hand and bringing it up his mouth for a kiss. The woman stared at her with guarded reservation before giving her a smile of welcome. “Who do we have here?”

  “This is Lady Joslyn. She is originally from Mallard but was invited by our king to live in Napery. And to my great fortune, she lives only a few miles from me.”

  “Nice to make your acquaintance, Lady Joslyn. I am Lady Stephanie. Reece and my family are old friends.”

  “I am happy to make your acquaintance as well.” Joslyn gave her a friendly smile. She could tell the woman did not like her too close to Reece and wondered at their relationship.

  “Miss Rhodes?” Joslyn turned and smiled at Queen Krislyn.

  She curtsied. “Your Majesty.”

  “I am so happy to see you. I heard you are a titled lady within my home country.”

  Joslyn couldn’t help but blush. “You are very kind, Your Majesty. I am still trying to get used to all the changes.”

  “Let’s take a turn around the room.”

  Joslyn left Reece and Lady Stephanie to walk with Queen Krislyn. The queen reached for two glasses of wine from a nearby servant and handed one to Joslyn. “We may need some wine after all the excitement. There are so many guests arriving.”

  Joslyn walked with her as she told her the history of the castle. The queen showed her portraits and keepsakes throughout the room. “I am so relieved that you are well. I must admit I thought of you often after our encounter in Locket.”

  “That is very thoughtful of you, Your Majesty. My life is much improved since we last saw each other. I am very thankful.”

  “I saw you with that man. Is he your escort?”

  Joslyn turned to look at Reece in the far corner. “Yes, he lives in Rupert and we are friends.”

  “He is very handsome. Have you found someone you favor?”

  “No, Your Majesty. Reece and I are only friends.”

  She raised her brow. “You are young, Miss Rhodes. Surely you are planning to marry some day? Some marriages can be fulfilling. Truthfully, I didn’t want to marry the King of Burra, but he grew on me. I guess Burra men have a way of doing that.”

  Joslyn blushed. “They are surprising.”

  “That too. Have you seen Maxwell?”

  “Is he attending?”

  “Yes, he came with us yesterday, but I haven’t seen him since.” The queen looked at some guests around them and smiled, then turned back toward Joslyn.

  “Is he well?” Joslyn couldn’t help but wonder but didn’t want to appear overanxious to know.

  “He is doing very well. You are kind to ask. Perhaps you will see him at dinner.” She watched the queen wave to a woman a few feet away. “If you will excuse me, Miss Rhodes.”

  Joslyn curtsied and looked around for Reece. She walked around the room, smiling at people she did not know. Not able to find Reece, she made her way back to her chamber. Navigating through the castle to find her bedchamber was a bit of a challenge. Turning a few corners, she came across a group of guests near the garden terrace. Recognizing him instantly, her stomach flipped. She could see the Duke of Norton in the group speaking to a woman—a pretty woman who was laughing with him as they seemed oblivious to others in the room. A stab of jealousy hit her suddenly. Not wanting to be noticed, she tried to walk behind him, only to have him see her from the corner of his eye.

  “Joslyn.” He smiled. “Or should I say Lady Joslyn.”

  Joslyn tried to steady her nerves as the woman and a few of his companions looked at her. “It’s nice to see you again, Your Grace.” She curtsied.

  “You look well. I hope you have settled into your new home.”

  “Yes, Your Grace. My family and I are indebted to you.”

  “Nonsense.” He looked at the woman who followed their conversation curiously. Maxwell touched the woman’s arm. “Marcella, may I introduce Lady Joslyn. I met her in Mallard at a royal wedding. She has move to Napery.”

  The woman’s eyes flashed in annoyance, but it quickly went away. “It’s a pleasure, Lady Joslyn. I am Lady Marcella.”

  A few of the men standing with them took a step forward to introduce themselves. “Lady Joslyn, I am Sir Wilson, but you may call me Wilson. This brute failed to introduce us.” Taking her hand, he kissed it as Joslyn looked at the other man who shifted his feet.

  “And I am Captain Marvin, commander of the Napery Army. Please call me Phillip.”

  Joslyn smiled kindly. “It’s nice to meet all of you.”

  Maxwell took Lady Marcella’s hand and put it in the crook of his arm. “I hope you enjoy yourself, Lady Joslyn. If you will excuse us, I promised Marcella a surprise.”

  “Of course.” Joslyn watched them walk off with a twinge of envy. Looking away quickly to not appear affected by them, she forced a smile at the two men in front of her.

  “Is this your first time to the palace?” Sir Wilson asked, trying to engage her in conversation.

  “Yes, it is my first time.”

  “Then I must show you the gardens.”

  She took his offered arm and walked with him through the terrace doors. Sir Wilson showed her through the maze and she enjoyed his stories of the Napery history. After an hour, Joslyn made her excuses of fatigue and returned to her chamber.

  After a nap, she readied herself for dinner. She was happy when Reece appeared to walk her down to the dining area. Elaborate displays of food filled the rooms while servants passed around every delicacy imaginable. Joslyn enjoyed trying the new foods and speaking to the guests at her table. She could see Queen Krislyn and King Herrick on the dais but did not see Maxwell. She forced herself not to look for him and k
ept up with the conversations at her table.

  After dinner, the crowd went outside for music and bonfires. Joslyn was nervous as she accompanied Reece. He was attentive but acted possessive, not allowing her to stray far from him. She didn’t want to give anyone, including him, the wrong impression.

  She felt relieved when Sir Wilson came to talk to her, and she was finally able to let go of Reece’s arm as she took a glass of wine. More people joined their group and the conversation quickly changed to their mutual acquaintances and the price of horses. Joslyn stepped away from the group when she saw Maxwell talking to a few men close by with Marcella at his side. Trying to blend in with the scenery and go unnoticed, Joslyn stepped behind the bushes next to her and stared at the couple.

  She admitted to herself that they looked good together, but she couldn’t help but imagine it was her and not Lady Marcella at his side. After all, they had spent a few wonderful days together, and she had stayed in his home in the mountains. She wondered if Marcella knew the nature of their acquaintance. Not that it mattered anymore. She had clearly told Maxwell her feelings and by the look of it, he had moved on.

  Watching them felt obtrusive, but she couldn’t help herself. Her diligence seemed to pay off when Marcella whispered in Maxwell’s ear and walked away as he nodded and continued his conversation with the men. She knew it was childish, but she wanted him to notice her. Not wasting a moment, she came out of her hiding place and made an excuse to walk by the group, trying to act unobvious.

  “Lady Joslyn.” Joslyn turned, feigning a surprised look on her face.

  Maxwell smiled as he walked away from his friends. “Are you all alone?”

  She smiled and casually looked around her. “I seem to have lost my companion. Are you alone?”

  He stared at her for a moment before responding, “It appears that I am.”

  Joslyn could smell his woodsy scent and felt her heart beat faster as she tried to keep her hands from fidgeting.


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