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Once Upon a Kiss

Page 8

by Max Hudson

  As soon as he let me go, all I wanted was to kiss him again. I vowed that I was going to kiss him as often as I could for the rest of time.

  “As much as I enjoy this,” Bertrand said with his playful tone.

  “How much?” I knew I sounded bratty, but so much had led up to this.

  He leaned forward and had a look of just absolute lust in his eyes. “Very, very much. But I think we should head to my home and continue where it is more private.”

  I liked the sound of that. I nodded and let him lead me down the staircases and out of the casino into the fading light of the sun and into the blinding light of the Las Vegas strip. At last, I felt both excitement and peace at the same time

  Chapter Sixteen

  It was the most agonizing car ride of my life. As he drove us to his home, I bounced my leg and held myself back from touching him. We finally pulled up to the front again and he tossed the keys to his doorman. As soon as we stepped through the door, he pressed me up against the wall and began kissing at my neck, biting it softly. I arched my neck and glanced up, there was priceless art above me.

  “Bertrand,” I groaned as he pressed his legs into me, his thigh rubbing against my crotch as he nibbled at my ear lobe.

  “Yes?” he asked hotly into my ear.

  “I feel wildly uncomfortable making out underneath all of this.” I raised my arms to gesture to the hallway of art.

  “Why?” He asked, genuinely curious.

  “I don’t know,” I said honestly.

  “Trust me when I say, you belong, pressed up against all of these masterworks.”

  “I don’t know if that is extremely flattering or way too cheesy.”

  He kissed me again and then grabbed my hand pulling me to a part of the mansion I hadn’t been to before. Of course, there was a grand staircase. We climbed the stairs, two steps at a time, and he led me down a hallway lit by wall sconces that looked custom made to be miniature scenes in stained glass. A part of me wanted to stay and admire each one, but the rest of me had other things to worry about.

  Finally, we reached a large dark wood door with a brass doorknob. I half expected for him to open the door and reveal a secret magical world, but it was just his bedroom. Saying that makes it seem like it wasn’t very impressive, but it was. The bed, first of all, was huge and covered with dark plum colored sheets. The room had abstract art pieces, mostly made of glass, hanging on each wall. The shades were drawn shading the whole room in an eerie but tempting at the same time.

  He opened up a drawer and pulled out condoms, lube, and a matchbook.

  “What are you doing with that?” I pointed to the match he pulled from the book, suddenly concerned.

  He merely chuckled slightly before lighting the match and walking around the room, lighting various candelabras I hadn’t noticed yet in the darkness.

  “Oh.” I was relieved. I was going to have sex with Bertrand by candlelight? It felt right.

  He shook the match out right as the flame was beginning to brush up against his fingertips.

  “Did you burn yourself?” I asked.

  “Do you want to see?” He countered.


  He walked toward me and held his fingers to my mouth, I let them enter slowly and felt the warm, tender skin on my tongue. I sucked gently as he used his other hand to slip my suit jacket off one shoulder and then the next.

  With a pop, he took his fingers back and began pulling my clothes off in earnest. First the jacket and then the shirt, while I was thanking anyone who would listen that the outfit didn’t come with a tie.

  “What about you?” I asked as he threw my very expensive outfit to the ground like he did it all the time.

  “Go ahead,” he said, gesturing like he was daring me.

  I never refused a dare. He was wearing what he usually did to work, a green suit jacket that as I pulled it off, I realized it was so soft to the touch. It was going to be a struggle to keep my hands off of him from now on when I saw him at the office.

  I undid his shirt buttons with surprising grace given my haste and slipped it off revealing his chest. I knew he was strong, but it was something else to see his chest in front of me. He had the right amount of hair leading to the waist of his pants. I started with his zipper and he grabbed the back of my head and pulled me up to kiss me fiercely.

  He started to push me toward the bed and I fell backwards onto the sheets. I rubbed my hands around. “This is really soft?”

  “Only the best.”

  He started pulling my pants off and soon I was in boxers in front of him. I reached up to finish what I started and pulled his slacks off too.

  I looked at his bulge and got an idea. “I bet I can take your boxers off without using my hands.”

  He rolled his eyes but smiled. “What do you get if you can?”


  “It’s a deal.”

  I leaned forward and took the edge of his boxers in my teeth. I glanced up at him, smiling around the fabric. I pulled down, going slow to tease but I had some trouble getting it over his growing cock. Still, I wasn’t going to lose. I made it over, revealing his length, and dropping his boxers to the ground.

  I grinned up at him, proud. “I’m ready for my prize.”

  “A deal’s a deal.” He pressed me back down on the bed and slipped my boxers off letting my straining cock free.

  He took it in his hand and spent a moment stroking it, making me hard for him. Then he slowly bent down and took it in his mouth. The sudden warmth made my head arch back. Without warning, he took me deeper and swirled his tongue. I gasped and then groaned. He took me out of his mouth with a pop then took me all the way down again.

  “Fuck,” I said eloquently.

  I felt myself getting close, embarrassingly quickly, but Bertrand’s mouth was just perfect.

  “Bertrand if you keep going…” I could even complete my sentence.

  He slowly inched his mouth off of my length, and I nearly burst from that, but held it in because I wanted to keep going.

  He stood up and his eyes had a sharpness to them. “Flip over.” It wasn’t a request.

  I flipped over and listened to his soft footsteps on the wood floor. Next, I heard the pop of the cap to the lube and then the plastic crinkling of the condom.

  My heart pounded at each of his returning steps. I felt a finger press against my entrance.

  “Are you ready?” He asked.

  “How considerate.” I joked, hiding my aching need for him to just press his finger a little further. “I’m so ready.”

  “All right.”

  I bet he could tell how much I needed it because he entered so frustratingly slowly. “You’re so tight,” he remarked casually as he added a second finger.

  “It’s been awhile,” I said through a groan.

  “Who wouldn’t want you?” He said with a sudden passion.

  I blushed with my face pressed into his sheets. “Don’t sweet talk me like that before you fuck me.”

  “I just want you to know how much I appreciate you.”

  “I know a way you can show me,” I said hotly.

  “Of course.” He removed his fingers and I felt the head of his cock at my entrance.

  I waited and waited. Finally, he pushed in and I groaned at the burn that was both hot and pleasurable. I gripped the impossibly soft sheets in my fist as he pumped in and out, faster and faster.

  “You’re perfect,” Bertrand groaned.

  “No, you are,” I replied through panting breaths.

  “You know Gavin?

  “Know what?”

  “I’ve never met anyone who can match me in words, in deals, in games. It was like you were meant for me and me for you.”

  “And I’ve never met anyone more dramatic,” I said with a hidden grin. “And don’t worry, I love it.”

  He started moving in and out much quicker than before. So far, besides his quick remarks, he hadn’t made as much noise as I was. Bu
t now he was groaning and panting with me. I knew he was close.

  He reached down and started to jack me off in time with his thrusts. He wanted us to come together.

  It all happened when he swirled his thumb around the head of my cock right as he thrust deep inside, deeper than before. I couldn’t hold it in any longer, I shuddered and came onto his very expensive bed sheets. Not too long after I felt his release inside of me.

  I felt him removing himself and then shuffling off and cleaning as I propped myself up on the bed.

  He returned and took my face in his hand. I expected another fierce kiss but instead he pressed his velvet lips against my cheek.

  He stepped away, gave me an almost shy smile and then left to continue cleaning up but I just raised my hand to my cheek. It was like he had stung me in the most beautiful, heart wrenching way.

  Chapter Seventeen

  After becoming the boyfriend of a millionaire casino owner, not much of my life actually changed. I continued to live in my tiny apartment, I continued to take the bus to work, and I continued working at the casino. The night after we had sex for the first time, we sat down and had a serious conversation about whether I should continue to be employed by him. I wanted to continue being a dealer. I had fallen in love with the job as much as I had fallen for Bertrand. To make sure I wasn’t being treated differently I insisted that I keep the same salary as when he hired me that I wouldn’t expect a raise and I’d start spreading my tips around since most nights that I used to order take out with my tips, he was taking me out to dinner and refusing to let me pay since he was so well off. The main difference in my life was that I was just generally a lot happier.

  I was having great sex, I loved my job, and I was never looking for excitement because it was all around me. Whenever I wanted, I had a partner who would make silly deals and games with me. And most of all, I was done worrying about the Green Man and my New Year’s Kiss. It was a shame that it turned out to be some asshole I followed all the way out here, but in the end, it all worked out for the best. I would be getting a kiss this New Year’s for sure and then probably a lot afterwards. I must have been the luckiest man in the world. I also had stopped assuming that everything was going to turn out badly for me, which had been the trend for years.

  I assumed too soon.

  Months passed and I lived in a dream. It had turned from Summer, to Fall, and then to Winter. At last it was December and New Year’s was rapidly approaching. I didn’t think about the deal with the Green Man, or Felix, very much anymore, but with the date coming up I couldn’t help thinking back on how excited and awkward I was on that lonely night.

  The Green Chapel Casino was dressed up for the holidays. There were wreaths everywhere, Christmas trees dotting the floor and the whole place spelled like pine and nutmeg. I was doing a walk of the casino with Bertrand since it was my day off and I wanted to be around him. Dressed in my nice sparkling suit, I followed him around trying to look official as we greeted customers and handled disputes usually by throwing coupons around. People had a tendency to melt for Bertrand and stop worrying about whatever they were complaining about. I couldn’t blame them.

  “Gavin?” He said, nudging me slightly in the shoulder.


  “Usually I travel for the New Year, but I think I want to throw another gala.”

  “Oh?” I said, my eyes widening up and a smile spreading over my face. “That sounds great.”

  “I remember in your big confession that you wanted to dance with me again?”

  I felt my face grow hot. “I may have mentioned something like that.”

  “I can give you lessons if you’d like. I’m no professional, but my father forced me to learn when I was younger so I’m not hopeless.”

  I scoffed. “Not hopeless my ass, you were a great dancer.”

  “You flatter me.”

  “No, I just like you,” I said rolling my eyes playfully. Part of me was excited to embarrass myself by dancing with Bertrand, but part of me was excited for the party for sentimental reasons. I wanted to tell Bertrand I loved him there. I wanted to make New Year’s Eve be about the both of us. I wanted to replace my memory from last year with this year and celebrate that moment, hopefully, for years to come.

  We continued to walk around the casino interrupted by the sound of heels quickly approaching us. When we turned, it was Claudia. I was about to wave but I saw the panic on her face.

  “What is it?” Bertrand was immediately in concerned brother mode. His gaze hardened and when Claudia ran up, he put his arms around her.

  “I went to your office to find you but when I stepped in, Felix was there.”

  “Felix,” Bertrand said the name with such contempt and I was feeling similarly. I never saw him again after our “burger date” of sorts. I thought he realized that I wasn’t going to be on his side for whatever scheme he was cooking up and then ran off with his tail between his legs. But after all these months he was back. What was his plan?

  “Did you call security?” Bertrand asked, already rushing toward his office.

  “I did, but he’s refusing to leave.” Claudia was keeping up with us but she sounded winded from running around trying to find us and then now. I wanted to tell her she could stay behind and didn’t have to face this asshole, but she also looked determined so I kept my mouth shut. She could handle him.

  Finally, we made it to the office. We stepped inside and there was Felix, sitting in Bertrand’s chair, a shit-eating grin on his face and a security guard on either side of him.

  “Felix, what are you doing here?” Bertrand demanded.

  “I can’t visit the place where I grew up without being accosted by security guards?” He asked glancing at the muscled individuals around him.

  I looked at the desk and all the papers scattered around. Bertrand kept his office neat. Just visiting my ass.

  “Please leave Felix. I will not hesitate to get a restraining order this time. I tried to give you a chance to come back and apologize. We were brothers. But I can see you don’t ever intend on changing your mind,” Bertrand said more calmly than I knew he felt.

  “Brothers?” Felix’s tone sounded vile. “You gave that title up when you took away my legacy. You stole what I deserved.”

  “You don’t deserve to even sit in that chair,” Claudia said with venom in her voice.

  “Why do you even let that one talk.” Felix sneered.

  I stepped forward, my fists clenched, but Bertrand put an arm out to stop me. I frowned but stepped back.

  “Leave Felix. I will not ask again.”

  “Fine.” Felix stood up and started marching out, followed by the security guards. Before he left, he turned, one last thing to say. “I saw your invitation list Bertrand. For your New Year’s Eve party.”

  “What about it?” Bertrand demanded.

  “Well I didn’t see our dear old dad’s name on the list, so I decided to invite him. I just heard back and he said he’d be there. Well, goodbye.” He left all of us in the room without another word.

  “What does that mean?” I asked the two siblings. I knew their dad sucked, but what could his coming to the party do to help Felix? Their dad was the one who let Bertrand take over the casino according to Felix.

  “I’m not sure,” Bertrand said, not looking at me. He was glancing around, probably trying to figure it out too.

  “Can’t you tell your dad he can’t come? He doesn’t own the place anymore,” I offered.

  Both Claudia and Bertrand were silent.

  “What do you know that I don’t?” I was suddenly very concerned.

  “Technically, our father does own the Casino,” Claudia explained, wincing slightly.

  “But you got the deed to the place,” I said, spinning to look at Bertrand.

  “I do. But it came with the condition that if my father is unhappy with the state of the casino within five years of handing it over to me, he can take it back. I signed it thinking he would
never come back and I had to because he wouldn’t let me have the place without it.”

  “Would he be unhappy with this place?” I asked.

  “No,” Bertrand said slowly. “But I have a feeling Felix might have a plan involving that clause. Maybe he thinks he can convince our father to take it back?”

  “Well he can’t do a thing to this place,” I said. “Just make sure he can’t come back.”

  “Yes,” Bertrand said thoughtfully, but far away. “I will give his picture to every guard. I’ll have them make sure he can’t come in again.”

  “That’s great. And just don’t let him into the New Year’s Party. It’s no problem. He can’t take this place back.”

  “Yes,” Bertrand said but I could tell he couldn’t quite believe me.

  I took one of his hands in my and gripped it. He finally focused his vision on me. I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek, then his forehead, and then his lips. It was a ritual I had picked up to remember each of our first kisses. It was kind of silly and dramatic, but everything about my life was like that now. I didn’t do it often. I saved it for when Bertrand was stressed about something. With each kiss I saw his shoulder relax, his jaw unclenched, and his body folded toward me.

  “We’ll get through this,” I promised.

  “Do you want to bet on it?”

  I smiled. “In a heartbeat. I know I’ll win.” I was being confident for him, but I had a bad feeling in my gut. If Felix were serious, that would mean it was all going down on New Year’s Day. I still wasn’t sure if that was the luckiest day of my life, or the worst. I guessed I would find out.


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