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Hollywood Love: Book 4: A sexy celebrity romance (Hollywood Billionaires)

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by Jillian Dodd


  Title Page

  Copyright page

  Friday, October 3rd

  Saturday, October 4th

  Books by Jillian


  Book #4



  Copyright © 2014-2017 by Jillian Dodd

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  Jillian Dodd Inc.

  N. Redington Beach, FL

  Jillian Dodd and The Keatyn Chronicles are registered trademarks of Jillian Dodd, Inc.

  Friday, October 3rd

  Driving up the California coast


  I’m cruising up Highway 1 when my cell rings.

  “Hey, Keatyn,” I say. “Hang on.” I carefully pull to the side of the road and put my flashers on. “Sorry, I have the top down and couldn’t hear you.”

  “It’s okay. I was just calling to see if you wanted to fly up to Sonoma with me today.”

  “Oh, thanks for asking, but I decided to drive up the coast. I’ve never been farther north than Malibu. Vanessa said the drive is breathtaking. She even lent me one of her convertibles.”

  “How fun! I’m jealous. It is so beautiful. You’ll love it. And there’s something so freeing about hopping in a convertible and blaring your music.”

  “That’s exactly my plan. I didn’t even make reservations anywhere for tonight. I’m just going to stop wherever I feel like it.”

  “What time should I expect you on Saturday?”

  “Is around noon okay?”

  “Yes, that’d be perfect. Um, have you talked to Maggie yet?”

  I sigh. “No, I’ll be honest. I’m kind of chicken.”

  “Don’t be. Maggie definitely speaks her mind, but she was really excited to hear you’re coming. I do think you owe her a call though.”

  “You’re right. I’ll do it as soon as I hang up.”

  “What about your parents? Have you talked to them? Or your husband?”

  “Vanessa gave me the name of a private investigator, who had Collin followed yesterday. There are pictures of him screwing his secretary. He lied when he said he would stop. Not that it matters. I’m not going back.”

  “Do your parents know?”

  “I haven’t told them. He works for my dad. They won’t understand.”

  “I know it’s been a long time since I’ve seen your parents, and I know you blame them for some of the past but, Ariela, you chose your path. You were eighteen when you left Eastbrooke and were in your twenties when you got married. You may have felt pressure to stay on that path, but you chose it. You can’t blame your parents. I’m sure they thought they were doing what was best for you.”

  “Wow. Tough love, huh? I expected that from Maggie, not you.”

  Keatyn laughs. “I may be quoting Maggie. I’m also a little worried.”

  “About what?”

  “Riley is my best friend. All I want is for him to be happy. And I’ll love whoever he chooses as long as she makes him happy.”

  “I saw him leave with Jennifer Edwards and saw the article about them. Are they dating?”

  “Yes. I know you came here on a whim, Ariela. I get it. But until you are sure about what you want, don’t mess with his life.”

  “I understand. Thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I press end on my phone and just stare at it, Keatyn’s words echoing in my head. She’s right. I did come here on a whim. But at the same time, I’ve wanted to do it for so long.

  Before I chicken out, I call my father. I was going to call Mom, give her my typical update. I’m fine. I just need a break. It’s time I take responsibility for my life.

  After getting through his assistant, my father answers with, “When are you coming back home?”

  “I’m not. I’ve hired an attorney and am filing for a divorce.”

  “You’re what? Why?”

  “Our marriage falling apart isn’t all Collin’s fault, Dad. I never loved him the way I should have.”

  “Is that why you’re really in California? Are you looking up that boy from high school?”

  “The boy who you said would never amount to anything?”

  “Yeah, what was his name?”

  “It’s Riley Johnson. And you were wrong, Dad. Riley is the CEO of a movie production company. A multi-billion dollar company. He’s more successful than Collin, and even you.”

  “So, you want to trade up?”

  “No, I’m following my heart. I wasn’t strong enough to do it when I was eighteen, but I’m strong enough now.”

  “Collin will be devastated.”

  “Oh, I think he will be fine, since he’s sleeping with his secretary. But you probably already knew that.”

  “Ariela, you have a good life here.”

  “No, I don’t. I’m miserable. And even if Riley doesn’t give me another chance, I’m staying in California. This was my dream too, not just his.”

  “You’re a little young for a midlife crisis, darling. Your mother went through something like this in our marriage. She started seeing Dr. Vance. Maybe we should make you an appointment.”

  “Let me guess, that was about the time she found out you weren’t faithful, and she decided she liked her life enough to settle for part of you? Or she was fucking Dr. Vance to get back at you?”

  “Ariela! How dare you?”

  “Mom told me about your arrangement. I think it sucks, and I don’t respect it. Call me a fool, but I believe in true love. And I’m going to find it. Collin will be getting the divorce papers next week. Goodbye, Dad.”

  I’m shaking and crying when I hang up. I look over at the ocean. I didn’t realize when I pulled over that there’s a beach right here. I get out of the car, grab a mat out of the trunk, and go sit in the sand.

  As I sit down, I decide to call the one person who always understood what my parents were like, my best friend from high school, Maggie.

  “Maggie?” I say when she answers.

  “Ariela?” she asks. “Are you crying?”

  I say yes and tell her everything that happened after high school. What my dad had said. How he told me going to California would be the biggest mistake of my life. How I got back together with Collin, the boy I had dated from home. How I married him. How unhappy I’ve been. What made me decide
to come to California. What’s happened with Riley. What my dad just said. And, finally, how I’ve missed her.

  I figured she would chew me out, but she says, “I missed you too. I heard you’re coming up here.”

  “I am.”

  “It’ll be okay, Ariela.”

  “Do you really think so?”

  “I don’t know if Riley will forgive you, and I don’t know if you will end up together. But that really isn’t the point. You have to be happy with yourself, first and foremost.”

  “You’re right, as usual. I thought you were going to chew me out.”

  “Oh, I still might,” she says. “But I can’t do it when you’ve been crying.”

  “Thanks. See you tomorrow.”

  Trinity movie set - Studio City


  Knox kisses my neck and then my lips.

  We’re both shirtless. Nude pasties cover my nipples and we’re both wearing underwear for this scene since a sheet is strategically covering Knox’s ass. My legs are both outside the sheet, one bent on the bed, the other wrapped around him.

  “Slowly arch your back into him,” the director whispers. “This is the night you’re going to conceive your love child. Good. Now, Knox, gently wrap your arm around her buttocks and pull her even closer. Good. Can we get that?” he says to the camera man. “Close in right there, their chests coming together.”

  “Coming together,” Knox whispers in my ear.

  I try not to laugh, but I can’t help it. It bursts out of me.

  “Cut!” the director yells. “Come on, guys. Stop screwing around.”

  “But we’re supposed to be screwing around,” Knox says innocently, which makes me bite my lip to keep from laughing even harder.

  “Start over,” he says. “Let’s do it again.”

  “Yes, let’s,” Knox whispers to me.

  “Stop it,” I say out of the corner of my mouth. “The sooner we get this done, the sooner I can catch a plane.”

  “I’ll be serious if you let me come with you this weekend.”


  “Action,” the director says.

  Knox kisses my neck and then my lips. I slowly arch my back toward him. He gently grabs my ass and pulls me closer.

  “That’s it, beautiful. Knox, run your hand across her cheek and look into her eyes. Now, together, tighter, you’re doing it. Perfect. Okay, cut. Let’s remove the sheet. You ready for this, Knox? Your ass’ first film appearance?”

  I laugh again. “It’s about time, Knox. My naked ass has been in the last two.”

  “Yeah, I am.”

  We both take off our underwear, him leaving on the sock that covers his male parts and me with a pastie that covers mine.

  Getting back in bed, Knox gets on top of me. The makeup artist spritzes his back with mineral water, so he looks like he’s sweating then she works on his butt cheeks, adding body makeup so they look perfect on camera.

  My makeup artist is doing the same, spritzing a little water in my cleavage, checking that the body makeup is still covering my tattoo, and adding highlights.

  The whole time they’re getting us ready, Knox is talking to me and asking me if I’m okay. He’s always made me feel comfortable doing sex scenes, which are awkward at best.

  “Action,” the director says.

  Knox grips my hips, pulling his chest up off mine and grinding into me.

  “Hang on! Wardrobe, we forgot to take off the nipple pasties.”

  I roll my eyes at Knox, as he leans up so makeup can come in and fix my chest. She decides to add some shading to highlight my cleavage and then retreats.


  Knox grips my hips and we pretend to make love. Compared to all the other sex scenes we’ve done together—although the papers are speculating their raciness—these scenes are more sensual. More loving. And we’re definitely showing more skin. After five movies—and a whole lot of sexy times—our characters have finally let their guard down. We think the enemy is gone, and we’re allowing ourselves to fall in love.

  I reach up and run my hands through Knox’s hair then down his muscular arms as scripted.

  “I love you, Harper,” he says to me.

  “I love you too,” I whisper as he pushes his hips into my spread legs.

  Then we kiss. Lots of open mouths. The lip sucking his character is known for. We pick up the pace as per the script.

  “Alright, Keatyn, we’re coming in for a close-up of your face. You’re in ecstasy.”

  I toss my head back, letting my breath become ragged. I’m pretty good at faking an orgasm. As Knox continues to grind against me, I’m instantly transported back to Aiden’s dorm room, to a time before we had done it, when my insides throbbed just from the friction.

  “Oh, oh,” I moan, letting myself go. My insides start contracting and I moan again.

  “Knox, it’s your turn now, faster. Faster,” the director whispers.

  Knox goes faster causing more friction between my legs.

  “Holy shit,” I say as Knox fakes an orgasm and collapses on top of me.

  “Perfect, cut.”

  I slide into my robe.

  “Where the fuck did that come from?” Knox whispers to me. “That was the best orgasm you’ve ever done. Aiden would kill me if he heard me say this, but your moaning was making me hard. I was afraid the sock was gonna fly off.”

  “I’m sorry. I just really got into it. This was supposed to be our special night, right?” I say, trying to cover up the fact that I did have an actual orgasm. What the fuck has pregnancy done to me?

  “I don’t know what it will look like on camera, but it felt smoking hot. We’re gonna burn up the screen on this one.”

  “That’s what people want, right?”

  “It’s sad, though, don’t you think?” he says somberly. “That this is our last Trinity movie.”

  “Yeah, it is. Ten years of on-screen love.” Tears start to form in my eyes. I can’t believe this is the last one. This set is like a second home and these people are like my family. “What are you doing?” the makeup artist asks. “Is there something in your eyes?”

  “Um, no. I just need a minute,” I tell her, then I run to my dressing room and cry.

  Knox peeks in the door. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

  “I know, Knox. It’s just—it’s just—I really did get turned on.”

  He slowly sits down, shocked by my admission. “What? Why? Are you and Aiden okay?”

  He hands me some tissues.

  “We’re fine, but I remembered this time before we had ever done it. We were kissing and sort of dry humping and it totally got me off. But there’s another reason.”


  “You’re going to figure it out eventually. I don’t have a weird flu thing, Knox. I’m pregnant.”

  His mouth drops open for a few seconds then he grins and pulls me into a hug. “Congratulations!”

  “Thanks. No one knows. We haven’t even told our families yet. But it’s doing weird things to me. I’m nauseous. Hungry. Smell everything. My boobs hurt. My emotions are everywhere. And I’m really freaking horny.”

  “Aiden must love that. How far along are you?”

  “Almost seven weeks.”

  “Um, I think it’s best you don’t tell Aiden about this.”

  “But I tell him everything. And I was thinking of him.”

  “He’d probably understand, but he’d still want to kick my ass. I don’t want it to affect our friendship.”

  I blow out a big breath of air. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I used to have to beat off before our sex scenes. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been nearly as professional.”

  I laugh. “Well, thank you for that.”

  Knox laughs too. “You ready to get back at it?”


  We’re in the limo heading toward the office when Knox says, “While we’re alone, I want to talk to you about something.�

  “What’s that?”

  “I’ve been working on a script.”

  “Really? What’s it about?”

  “A guy who’s immortal. Sort of.”

  “Is he a vampire?”

  “No, he was hit by lightning. It plays out in the present, but it goes back into the past too. The guy always dies—getting hit by lightning—but instead of being dead, he wakes up in a different time. Every time he wakes up, he looks for her.”


  “His true love. He’s found her in every life he’s lived. You get to see pieces of his past lives as he’s trying to find her in the present.”

  “And when he does?”

  “They’re speed dating.”

  I laugh. “Speed dating? That’s kind of funny.”

  “It’s a romantic comedy with a time traveling twist.”

  “So, when she meets him in the present, is it instant? She falls in love with him?”

  “Well, that wouldn’t be any fun. She hates him, of course. She’s jaded. She’s had some bad relationships and doesn’t want a man. Her friend dragged her to speed dating. On the surface, it’s a funny love story but, at its core, there’s this epic romance that transcends time.”

  “Can I read it?”

  “Yes. And, if you like it, I want us to do it together. It’s so different from anything either one of us have done. And if Captive will take it on as a project, we could set our own schedule. Work around your life and Daddy’s Angel.”

  “My mom is the queen of romantic comedies. I haven’t really done anything like that.”

  “Your action films are all commercial successes, just like your mom’s romantic comedies, but as you get older, don’t you find yourself wanting a different kind of success?”

  “Like an Academy Award?”

  He nods. “This is the kind of project I think they would like.”

  “Now, you’ve got me excited.”

  He laughs. “Oh no, not again!”


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