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Beautiful Corruption (The Corruption Series Book 2)

Page 21

by Jessica Manson

  “You are truly an amazing creature,” Odin said still rubbing my cheek.

  “So, I’m a creature now.”

  “Aren’t we all?”

  “Some more than others,” he laughed at me. I got up and walked around the room. “Oh, how I have missed being able to walk.” The spell worked wonders because my body felt better than it ever has. I felt full of energy. I felt awake for the first time in a long time.

  I slipped my dress on and searched for my panties. “Did you have to get dressed?” Odin asked with a smile on his face.

  “Yes, we still have work to do.”

  “I got some work for you,” he said wiggling his eyebrows.

  “I bet you do.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his perfect lips. He laid down on the bean bag and pulled me on top of him. With me in control this time we lost ourselves in each other one more time before leaving the library.

  By the time we joined the others, it was dinner time. We all met in the dining room. “Dude, how did you heal so fast?” Cal asked.

  “A spell.”

  “Why didn’t you do that days ago?”

  “Because I didn’t think about it.”

  “You’re a witch with the ability to heal yourself and you didn’t think about it.”

  “Nope,” I said taking a bite of my spaghetti. “Plus, I didn’t remember how to.”

  “So, when is this going down with Slaaneth?”

  “Hopefully today if everyone is ready.”

  “We’re ready.”

  Suddenly there was a big bang at the front door as if someone was trying to break in. We all jumped up on guard. “Gunner, Bristol, take Ava and Elijah and hide. Don’t let them get my babies. Fate go with them. If anyone comes near them that isn’t one of us, kill them,” I ordered.

  “Who is at the door Lilith?” Odin asked.

  “Slaaneth’s army.” With a snap of my fingers my outfit changed from a dress to a black leather outfit. The top fit perfectly to my breast with two straps that formed an x around my stomach and tied in the back leaving most of my skin exposed. The leather pants hugged every one of my curves. My shoes changed from flip flops to knee high black combat boots. The guys stood there looking at me with their mouths open. “What? I need to be able to fight and I can’t do that in a dress.”

  “I’m not sure I’ll be able to fight with you looking so sexy in that outfit,” Cal said.

  “He’s right. You are smoking hot,” Brant said.

  “Shut up and get ready to fight. There is at least fifty people out there.”

  “How can you tell?” Latham asked.

  “X-ray vision.”

  “Smoking ass hot and more powers than we can count on one hand. My dream girl,” Cal said.

  “We should gather at the door. Be ready when they enter,” I instructed. My witch and my vampire was ready for me to call upon them. I was ready for their attack.

  “Hey Lilith, I think you need to decide which one of you will fight,” Odin said looking at me sideways.


  “Because your eyes look like they are having a fight of their own. They are red one minute then yellow and swirling the next. They just keep going back and forth.” Even though my eyes changing like this is pretty cool, it is also frustrating because I can never tell when they change. It doesn’t feel like anything and it doesn’t affect my vision.

  “That’s because I’m going to use them both,” I said with a smile. I turned my focus back to the door and used my x-ray vision to see what they are doing. “They are almost through the door. Everyone get ready.” Everyone bared their fangs and growled in unison. They were ready. These humans wouldn’t know what hit them. “Daveh, Razi, you two go invisible and take them out. If they don’t know you’re there, they can’t fight you off.” I scanned the area once more, this time going out a little further just to be safe. “Oh no.”

  “What? What’s wrong?” Odin asked.

  “Tainted ones are waiting in the trees.”

  “How many?”

  “At least a hundred.”


  “Man, with that many Tainted Ones we should have some type of weapons,” Cal said.

  I snapped my fingers, and everyone had a sword in their hands. “How’s that?”

  “Hell yeah. You are a badass for real.”

  “What about you? What weapon will you use?” Tristan asked me concerned.

  I smiled at him, “I am my own weapon.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  The humans finally broke through the front door. As soon as they got through, I raised my hands and pushed them backwards with force using an energy wave causing them all to fall to the ground. “Do you even need our help?” Cal asked sarcastically.

  “Of course, I do. I just thought I’d get us a head start.” Everyone charged toward the fallen group and took them out one by one. I went past them and headed straight for the Tainted Ones.

  A few ran toward me, but they didn’t stand a chance. I hit the first in the nose the way Odin had shown me knocking him backwards. I ran a clothes line on the second one throwing him into a flip before he landed on his ass. The third one swung at my head causing me to duck. When I dropped to the ground, I spun in a kick making him lose his balance and he too fell to the ground.

  Ten more came out of the trees. I was taking them out one by one, but they were starting to gain on me. Once they formed a circle around me the witch had a trick up her sleeve. I dropped to the ground then pushed off of it and flew into the sky. As I came back down, I was spinning at the speed of a tornado. I slammed into the ground in the middle of the circle I just escaped from making the earth shake. It caused them all to fall.

  While they were down, I shot fireballs from my hands blasting as many of them as I could. They began to scream in pain. Three big red eyed vampires towered over me. “Hi, boys,” I said with a smile. I spun in a circle jabbing my hands three times. When the spin was over, I held three hearts in my hands. “Bye boys,” I said as their lifeless bodies fell to the ground.

  I had taken out sixteen of the Tainted Ones while the others were still fighting the humans. A group of five came out of the trees this time. While they had me distracted, I didn’t see the other group of four that came out as well. One of them grabbed me and threw me against a tree. That shit hurt, but I jumped up and was ready to fight again. I sent a fire blast from my hands burning three of them.

  Two more charged at me, I kicked one straight in the chest sending him flying through the air at top speed. He didn’t stop until his head hit a tree a few feet away. His head split and blood gushed from the wound. He didn’t move. The second tried to grab me but missed when I ducked. I kicked him in his knee causing it to snap backwards. He screamed in pain.

  I ran past him and charged at the four that were left. The first one I got to, I ripped his heart out. Without pausing I kept going. The next one I kicked in the face making his head spin. I also ripped the heart out of the third one. When I reached the fourth one, I jumped on his shoulders and twisted his head with my hands breaking his neck.

  As his lifeless body fell, I jumped to my feet. When I stood, everyone in the group was staring at me with looks of awe. “What?” I asked wondering why they were looking at me like that.

  “I know I have said this before, but I am for real this time. I’m in love,” Cal said.

  “Girl you got some serious skills,” Tuls said.

  “I had a good teacher,” I said looking over at Odin.

  “I didn’t teach you those moves. That was all you.”

  “I’ve taken out twenty-four tainted ones.”

  “Only seventy-six more to go,” Brant said stating the obvious.

  “Well get ready because they are all coming out at once. Spread out but stay behind me. I’m going to send another energy wave.”

  As the rest of the tainted ones came out from the trees, I lifted my hands
and sent an energy wave toward them. The first line of them fell to the ground. I started shooting fire balls at as many as I could. I took out five of them before one attacked me from behind. He wrapped his arm around my neck trying to choke me. I donkey kicked him in the knee. When he loosened his grip, I jumped up and flipped over his head onto his shoulders. I snapped his neck then ripped his head off.

  Another one came at me with speed like I had never seen before. Odin intervened and chopped his head off before the Tainted One even knew what happened. “Thanks, sexy.”

  “Any time,” he said with a wink. I watched Odin for a second as he took out three more vampires. He was swift and skillful. He worked his sword like it was an extension of his arm. He had become one with the sword. I was getting hot watching him fight. He was so sexy in the way he moved so effortlessly.

  My eyes stayed on him until another vampire came at me. I let him think I wasn’t paying attention and when he got close to me ready to attack, I jabbed my hand straight into his chest and pulled out his heart. A few more ran toward me and I easily took them out as well.

  With all of us fighting it didn’t take long to take the rest of the tainted vampires out. A hundred lifeless vampires lay dead on our front lawn along with fifty dead humans. The yard was a bloody mess. With the flick of my wrist I started moving the bodies into a pile. Once they were all piled up Latham jokingly asked, “Bon fire anyone?”

  “Why not?” I said as I snapped my fingers and the pile of dead bodies went up in flames.

  “You’re really getting a hang of those powers of yours,” Parker said.

  “Someone once told me that I had to control my powers not the other way around,” I said smiling at him.

  “He was a smart man,” he said teasing.

  “I’m just going to say what everyone else here is thinking,” Cal said. “Lilith, you are a sexy badass. And you may or may not have given us all wood with your sexy ass moves. And yes, that even includes Tuls.”

  “I’m not afraid to admit that I got some ladywood watching her. She was flawless in the way she moved. It was beyond sexy. Hell, it was downright beautiful,” Tuls admitted.

  I couldn’t help but smile even though their compliments were making me uncomfortable. “Well, I don’t know about y’all, but I would like to wash the vampire off me and go finish my dinner. Odin, will you get Ava and Elijah and let Gunner know it is safe to come out?” I said walking away from the group.

  I went into my bathroom, peeled off the leather outfit and stepped into the shower to rinse off before soaking in the tub. Once I was sure there was no more blood on me, I stepped out of the shower and ran me some water for a bath. When the tub was full, I stepped inside. The water was hot against my skin relaxing my every muscle.

  Odin came into the bathroom. He undressed revealing his gorgeous body to me. I couldn’t get enough of this man. Just looking at him made my whole-body tingle. He got into the shower and I watched him as he washed the battle off of him. Watching the soap run down his body made me crave him. I needed his touch again.

  When he had his back turned rinsing the soap out of his hair, I joined him in the shower. When he turned around, I pushed him against the wall dropped to my knees and took him in my mouth. I moved my head back and forth in a quick hungry motion. A moan escaped him causing me to move faster. He tangled his hand in my hair and pulled slightly. When he was almost ready, I stopped pleasing him.

  When I stood up, he threw me against the wall, lifted my legs and inserted himself inside of me. Finally, the craving I had for him was getting fulfilled. He kissed my breast feverishly while thrusting into me so hard I was sure we would crack the wall. I began to moan uncontrollably as I was reaching my release. I could feel his grip tightening on me letting me know he was ready too. With our bodies in sync with each other, I ran my hands through his hair grabbing it in my fist and came harder than I ever had before. Odin held me in place for a few minutes before letting me go.

  “Lamia mea,” he whispered in my ear. I loved it when he called me that. Especially when he whispered it in that sexy deep voice of his. It always sent a tingle down my spine. “You are so beautiful.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” I said with a smile.

  “I’m serious. And when I saw you in that outfit fighting,” He closed his eyes and leaned his head back remembering that moment. “I wanted to take you right then and there.”

  “Same here baby. When I was watching you, it made me want you so bad it hurt.”

  “I can’t get enough of you. You are like a hunger that can’t be filled, and I crave you constantly.”

  “Then have me.” He picked me up and carried me to the bed and he did just what I told him to do. We made love to each other for the next two hours. We made love like we were making up for lost times even though no time had been lost. And we would have kept going, but Ava and Elijah woke up needing to be fed.

  When we went downstairs to make their bottles, everyone was in the living room watching a movie. Odin joined them taking Elijah with him while Ava and I went into the kitchen. Wasn’t long and Gunner was standing next to me taking Ava from me. I turned toward the sink to make their bottles when Gunner spoke to me, “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure,” I said cautiously.

  “What are you doing with Odin?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Are you back with him?”

  “Of course, I am with him. He is my husband. Why do you ask?”

  “Because when you left, it broke him. But when he found out you left him to be with Tristan, it nearly killed him. I had to watch my best friend go through heartbreak. I know some people would say it’s just heartbreak; he will get over it. But not Odin. He loves you so much. Like I said, it nearly killed him, and I can’t watch him go through that again. Don’t break his heart again Lilith.”

  “I understand your concern. And I’m sorry you had to go through that with him. But Gunner, Odin is my world. He is my life. My air. My heartbeat. I would never do anything to hurt him.”

  “I hope not.” That was the last thing he said as he and Ava left to join the others in the living room. I finished making the bottles and joined everyone else. We watched movies for the rest of the night, just enjoying each other’s company.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  When I woke up, I decided that today would be the day that we summon Slaaneth. We couldn’t keep putting it off. He would send another army. And when he does, he would probably send a lot of more Tainted ones than the last time. Not to mention, it is a gloomy and rainy day, perfect for summoning a demon.

  As soon as Odin woke up, I sent him out to get the supplies we needed to summon Slaaneth. A knock sounded on my bedroom door, it was Tristan. “Mind if we talk for a minute?” he asked as he entered my room.

  “Sure. What’s up?” He walked over and sat on the bed across from me and ran his hands through his hair. He looked frustrated, but also sad. There seemed to be a deep sadness inside of him. When he didn’t speak, I asked, “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “Have you had sex with Odin?”

  His question caught me off guard. I didn’t understand what business of his it was. “Why are you asking me this?”

  “Have you?”

  “It’s none of your business if I have or haven’t.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes then.”

  “As a matter of fact, yes I have. But it’s none of your business. Odin is my husband and that’s what married people do Tristan; they have sex together.”

  “You are my wife. Mine damn it. He had no right to fucking touch you. I understand you can’t help it because you don’t remember, but he shouldn’t have taken advantage of you like that.”

  “Hold up. I am Odin’s wife; he has every right to touch me. And for your information I’m the one that asked for it.”

  “Maybe so. But he should have said no. Lilith, it is killing me to see the two of you

  “You don’t see us together. We don’t kiss, we don’t hug, we don’t even hold hands in front of you. As a matter of fact, we don’t do anything in front of you or anyone else in this house.”

  “No, but you are in his bed, laying on his chest, making love to him when it should be me. I should be the one holding you. I should be the one you make love to. It should be my lips pressed to yours.”

  “Tristan I’m sorry.” Catching me off guard, he pressed his lips to mine and kissed me softly. I could remember getting kissed like this before, but I couldn’t remember by who. All I knew is that it wasn’t Odin who had kissed me like this. I tried to not kiss him back, but the longer his lips were pressed to mine the more I felt like it was right. Like I was supposed to kiss him.

  He pulled away from me looking at me with such sadness in his eyes. “Lilith…”

  “Why did it feel like we have done that before?” I asked cutting him off. I ran my fingers over my lips trying to remember what my mind wouldn’t let me.

  “Because we have.”


  “No Lilith, it’s not impossible. You are my wife.”

  “But I’m married to Odin.”

  “Yes. And to me.”

  “How can that be? I can’t be married to two people at once.”

  “Yes, you can, and you are. You married Odin under the laws of the coven. Then when you left him you married me under the laws of humans.”

  “Why can’t I remember?” I asked more to myself.

  “Because when you went to Land of Lore…”

  “Tristan, I remember what the leprechaun did. It was a rhetorical question.” I got up and paced around the room frustrated. “Tristan, I don’t know what you want me to do. I don’t know what you expect of me. All I know is, I am married to Odin. All I can remember is loving Odin. I don’t remember us ever being together.”

  He got up and walked over to me. “All I’m asking is that you give me time. Give me a chance to help you remember.”


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