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Debauched: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 4)

Page 13

by Sarah Bailey

  “Oh, I’m so scared.”

  I wrapped my hand around the back of her head and tugged her towards me, crashing my mouth against hers. She moaned a little as I shoved my tongue between her lips, curling around hers.

  “You should be. I won’t hold back.”

  She bit her lip as she pulled back, settling herself against Eric again.

  “I very much doubt you could fuck me as brutally as I got it from Ror last night.”

  “Is that a challenge?”

  Her eyes widened.

  “No! My pussy is currently a no cock zone. I’m sore as hell.”

  “Who said anything about sticking my cock in your pussy?”

  Eric rolled his eyes as my hand left her waist and cupped her little pert behind.


  I leant closer and kissed her neck.

  “Are you sure your tight little hole doesn’t need filling? Hmm?” I squeezed her cheek. “You sure you don’t want me to fuck you hard like Rory did last night? Sure you don’t want it whilst you’ve got a mouthful of cock too?”

  She squirmed, rubbing herself against my hand and Eric who must be aroused by now considering he had Ash all over him.


  “You want this, angel.” I let go of her arse, only to press my hard cock against it instead. “You love it when we’re both giving you attention. Making you fucking wet. Making you come.”

  I watched Ash’s hand dig between her and Eric. He grunted when she slid her hand against his cock.

  “Ash,” he hissed, his eyes closing and his head tilting back a little.

  She stared up at him.

  “You boys are wearing me out with sex.”

  “We’re just keeping you satisfied, angel. Can’t have our girl going without.”

  My hands were at her pyjama bottoms, tugging them down. I was going to fucking blow my nut if I didn’t get inside her.

  “I very much doubt there’s any danger of that happening.”

  I kissed her neck, my fingers slipping between her thighs.

  “We wouldn’t want to test that theory now, would we?”

  She turned back to me, heat lacing her features.

  “No… I guess we wouldn’t.”

  And I knew I had her.

  Time to get further intimately acquainted with my girl and my man.

  Can’t. Fucking. Wait.

  Chapter 21

  There was something special about post-coital bliss. In the moments right after climax where the world seems to fade away and you’re left out of breath with a warm fuzzy feeling in your chest and between your legs. It makes you forget about the shit going on around you. Makes you realise sometimes you can have minutes in your life where it’s just you and the person or the people you love locked in ecstasy. I guess that’s why I rarely said no when one of the boys wanted me. I needed the connection and the release.

  When you love someone, there’s nothing in this world you wouldn’t do for them. Even if it means exhausting yourself in the process. And right now? I ached in the most delicious way possible. Plus I had two very naked, very sexy men next to me, breathing heavily with their eyes closed. Xav’s tattooed arm was resting across his eyes whilst Eric’s was curled around me in a rather possessive manner. I felt like I should have ‘Property of Eric’ stamped across my breasts. Then again, I might need to have all four of their names stamped on me with the way they all demanded my attention.

  The three of us had been locked together in a blur of limbs for the past half an hour or so. Xav gripping my hips as he fucked me deep and hard whilst I was bent over Eric, his cock buried in my throat. I daren’t tell Xav he hadn’t fucked me as hard as Rory did, but even so, he’d gone to town on me. There was absolutely no way I could have any more sex today.

  “I’m done,” I announced. “I need a break. Four men is too much for this girl to handle.”

  “You haven’t even had sex with Quinn in the last twenty-four hours,” Xav murmured.

  “Shut up, you know what I mean.”

  I saw his smile but he didn’t drop his arm from his eyes.

  “You going to kick one of us out of your harem then?”

  “What? No. I love you all too much.”

  “Aww, you hear that, E? She’s in luuuurve with us.”

  I decided to tickle his side and he squirmed away from me.

  “Leave her be, Xavi,” Eric grumbled. “Also this is not a fucking harem. Would you just stop already?”

  “Eric’s right. This isn’t Ash’s harem, we’re a quintet,” I heard a voice from the door. “Is this what you’ve been up to whilst I’ve been worrying about you? Getting your rocks off?”

  I raised my head and found not just Quinn in the doorway, but Rory whose face was flushed and was looking anywhere but me, Xav and Eric.

  “Is that supposed to be a pun?” Xav asked, dropping his hand and staring at Quinn, completely unashamed of his nakedness.

  Eric, on the other hand, sat up and covered the three of us with the blanket at the end of his bed. I didn’t think he was embarrassed about being nude in front of Quinn and Rory, but it didn’t seem appropriate either.

  “What do you mean pun? It’s an actual word, you idiot. A quintet is a group of five.”

  “Of course it has to be a Quinn-tet. Why does this shit not surprise me?”

  Quinn frowned and then it dawned on him and his face fell even further.

  “Shut up, Xav.”

  “Ooo look Quinn’s all mad again. My man, has anyone told you that you’re far too uptight? If only our Ash here wasn’t so worn out, I’d be telling her to loosen you up a little.”

  “Would you shut the fuck up already? Jesus Christ, it’s like living with a fucking five-year-old with you around.”

  Xav grinned and shrugged, putting his hands behind his head. I decided it probably wasn’t a good idea to rile Quinn up further. Crawling out from the covers, I grabbed a t-shirt, noticing it was Eric’s and tugged it on before going over to Quinn.

  “Ignore him,” I murmured running my hands up his chest. “I’m sorry you’ve been worrying. I’m okay, I promise.”

  He leant down and pressed his forehead against mine, his hand coming up to tangle in my hair.

  “Are you sure, little girl?”

  “Yeah… I’m a fighter, Quinn, and I’m going to make sure Frank doesn’t destroy us.”

  He stared at me, his dark eyes so full of emotions. His other hand came up and ran across the necklace he’d given me as if reassuring himself I was still very much his.

  “Good. We can’t do this without you.”

  “Also,” I lowered my voice, “I like that we’re a Quinn-tet.”

  His eyes narrowed.

  “Since you’re the leader and my sir.”

  “Xav’s been rubbing off on you.”

  “If you say so, sir.”

  I shrugged and kissed him, not caring he was a little peeved. Turns out, he forgave me pretty quickly considering the way his arm curled around my back and pressed me against him as he devoured my mouth.

  “Little girl,” he murmured against my lips. “Am I really uptight?”

  “No… Xav’s just being a dick.”

  He smiled when he pulled away. He might be temperamental at times, but the way Quinn liked to fuck made him far from uptight. Still, I meant what I’d said. I couldn’t take any more cock today. I needed a break from these boys and their insatiable sexual appetites.

  I wasn’t trying to be mean about Xav either. I was fully aware of his faults and the way he liked to drive Quinn crazy. It was like he couldn’t help himself. Quinn was his prime target. So if I could diffuse the situation, I would. Like I’d had to earlier when Xav and Eric started on each other. Making sure these boys weren’t at each other’s throats was a full-time job.

  “We still have plans to make, but most of the families have agreed to attend a meeting tomorrow at the casi
no.” He stroked my cheek. “I need you to tell them who you’re with now, little girl. We can’t allow them to side with Frank. It means revealing who I am too, but that’s been a long time coming.”

  I knew that’s what I would have to do. Tell them I was Quinn’s girl, but it didn’t seem quite right because that wasn’t the whole truth. I wasn’t just Quinn’s girl, I was Xav’s, Eric’s and Rory’s girl too. After telling Viktor the truth, I felt freer than I had done in a long time. I had acceptance of who I was which I’d never had before. Not from my mother. Not from Frank. Not from any of the Russo clan.

  “I want to tell them the truth… that I belong to all of you.”

  Quinn’s eyebrows shot up almost comically.


  “Why do I have to pretend it’s just you and me as a couple? We’re in this together. All five of us. I will go to the ends of the fucking earth to protect you. That’s how it’s always going to be. I want to be free, Quinn. Free to be me without having to meet expectations or conform to who people think I should be.”

  He stared at me as if he couldn’t quite believe what I’d said. Standing up for myself hadn’t really come easily for me, especially not when I’d been cowed my entire life by Frank. I didn’t want to be seen as the girl who ran in the face of adversity. I wanted to be the girl who was strong enough and brave enough to stand by their sides. And show the whole fucking world I was proud to be theirs. Proud to be in a relationship with these four men who’d given me more than I could ever ask for. Their love and acceptance had allowed me to blossom. To grow.

  “Do you have any idea of what type of scandal you’d cause by admitting that to them?”

  “We’re already going to cause one when I tell them I’ve switched my allegiance. I’m signing my fucking death warrant tomorrow. No one tells Frank Russo no. No one. No one goes against him. He’s the most powerful man in the city. You know that. He could take us down without the families if he wanted to, but he’d rather not use his own assets to destroy you. He doesn’t think you worthy enough of his time. That’s why he’s got them involved. I’m not stupid. I know him better than anyone else does. Not even Isabella knows what type of man he is deep down. She hasn’t watched him kill. You learn a lot from a man by the way he butchers another.”

  I didn’t even flinch as I said those words. I closed my heart to the devastation. It was time to let go of those horrors and instead, to use what I knew. Use everything at my disposal to destroy the man who’d terrorised me for years.

  “You wanted to go up against Frank Russo, Quinn. You wanted this. And you need my help to bring him down. You can’t do this without me. So we’re going to do this my way. My fucking way, do you hear me?”

  He blinked. Honestly, I don’t think Quinn had ever let a woman tell him what to do before and judging by the way his eyes darkened, it grated on his nerves. But also, I was the woman he loved and he’d sworn to do anything for. The conflicting war going on his head right now was written all over his features whether he knew it or not. I’d learnt how to recognise his moods. My temperamental sir who sometimes drove me crazy, but who I loved with fierce intensity. I was his girl and he was going to bow to me. He was going to do what I said.

  Behind Quinn, Rory was staring at me with a small smile playing on his lips.

  “You think he’s going to blow his fucking top?” I heard Xav murmuring to Eric behind us.

  “She has a point though. We can’t do this without her,” came Eric’s reply.

  Quinn’s hand fisted in my hair and tipped my head back. I met his eyes with my own determination. He could try and bend me to his will, but he wouldn’t be getting very far this time.

  “You are undoubtedly the most infuriating woman I’ve ever met in my entire life and yet… I still love you so fucking much.” His other hand came up and framed my face. “You drive me absolutely fucking crazy, Ash. So disobedient and yet so submissive all at the same damn time.” His eyes were almost as black as night right then. So beautiful in their own way. “I hear you. I don’t like it but I hear you. So you’re going to listen now. You might be the queen of our household, but I’m the god damn fucking king.”

  My heart hammered against my chest. He was right. He was the king to my queen. The ruler of my heart and soul. I’d spent a lifetime wondering if I’d even have one soulmate. Turns out, I had four. At the end of the day, I’d fallen in love with Quinn first. He’d always be the one who led us into battle. He had the command. Only now, he had a queen to walk by his side.

  “Who is in charge here?”

  There was only one answer he’d accept right now.

  “You, sir.”

  “Did you forget that during your speech?”

  “No, sir.”

  I could never forget it. Not the way he took control nor the way he punished me when I stepped out of line and how I craved it. Craved him.

  “If we’re all going to burn tomorrow, we might as well go down being true to who we are.”

  I blinked.

  Does that mean…?

  “We’re in this together. It’s all five of us or nothing at all. Isn’t that right, little girl?”

  I nodded as a lump formed in my throat.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good girl.”

  He let go of me, his dark eyes growing soft. Before he could escape, I barrelled my way into his arms and buried my face in his solid chest.

  “I love you,” I whispered. “I love you. I love you.”

  And I would always love him until I took my very last breath. A world without Quinn or my boys would be no world worth living in.

  Quinn held me close and I felt all of his love pouring out of him with that simple hug.

  “I spoke to Viktor… he understands. He regrets he cannot attend himself, but he’s insisted on sending someone else in his stead.”

  I felt my body sinking as I realised exactly who Viktor would send without Quinn having said it. I pulled away and looked over at Eric, whose features had hardened.

  “He’s sending Gregor, isn’t he?” came his irritated voice.

  “Afraid so.”

  Xav wrapped an arm around Eric and stroked his shoulder. None of us liked the fact my uncle had shoved a gun in his face. I didn’t care what the boys said, I was going to make sure Gregor was aware he couldn’t pull shit like that with my men again or he’d have me to deal with. I wasn’t afraid of Gregor Bykov. Not when I was his younger brother’s daughter. Not when I knew my father would never stand by idly if Gregor didn’t stay in his fucking lane.

  “Nothing is going to happen to you. Not whilst you have me right here,” I told Eric. “He better watching his fucking back.”

  “See, E, our girl has got you covered,” Xav said.

  Eric didn’t exactly look convinced, but there was nothing else we could do about it now. Having Gregor there would kill two birds with one stone. He was Viktor’s eyes and ears and he’d report back to the Russian mafia. No one wanted them involved in this war we were waging against Frank. And this really was war. I wasn’t going to let Frank take away our lives. It’s his life that would end. His not mine.

  When I looked up at Quinn, I saw the pride in his eyes. That’s all I needed. We were going to make sure Frank couldn’t get the help of the families. We were going to do it since we had no other choice.

  I was going to topple the Russo empire and I was going to do it with these four men by my side. Nothing would stop me. Nothing would get in the way.

  I was Ashleigh fucking Vittoria Russo. I belonged to Quinn Knox, Xavier Scott, Eric Nelson and Rory Carter. And I wasn’t going to let a man ruin or run my life ever again.

  Chapter 22

  This fucking tie was doing my head in. Usually, I got Quinn to do it for me, but I was trying not to put anything else on his plate. He was stressed enough with this evening’s plans. He didn’t need to babysit me and my stupid inability to knot a tie. Sometimes I felt so
useless. How could I perfect rope knots to put around wrists but not be able to do this?

  “Need help?” came a quiet voice from behind me.

  I turned at the sound finding Ash in the doorway. What she was wearing took my breath away. Somehow Ash had perfected the femme fatal look. The black silk fabric clung to her curves, highlighting every part of her beauty and fell to just above her knees. She wore deep red lipstick and matching heels. Her blonde hair was pinned up on one side and the curls fell over her shoulder. She had tiny diamond studs in her ears and the necklace she always wore lay against her neck, the infinity pendant twinkling in the light.

  So. Fucking. Stunning.

  She didn’t wait for my reply, strolling into the room with her hips swaying which made my mouth water. Reaching up, she started adjusting my tie for me with a small smile playing on her lips.

  “Has anyone ever told you how sexy you look in a suit?”

  “No,” I mumbled, feeling my cheeks starting to burn.

  When Ash said things like that, it gave me a weird feeling in my chest. I still couldn’t understand how she found me so attractive. I was damaged on the inside and out.

  She leant forward, her lips brushing across my neck.

  “So sexy, Ror. Especially when you get embarrassed and when you smile. Those dimples could stop a woman in her tracks.”

  I didn’t want to stop women in their tracks. I just wanted Ash. Only Ash for the rest of our lives. My hands curled around her waist, tugging her closer as I buried my face in her neck, grazing my teeth over her pulse point.

  “Ror! I need to finish your tie.”

  I couldn’t help myself. All I could think about since I’d been inside her was being inside her again. Touching her perfect skin. Having her body pressed against mine. I wanted to ravage her. Make her scream for me. I loved the sound. And when she came for me. Crying out my name.

  “Don’t care.”

  My lips latched onto her neck. As much as I wanted to bite her, I refrained knowing she couldn’t have that on show tonight. My hand ran down her side and cupped her behind, dragging her closer. Pressing her lithe little body against my aroused one.


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