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Love At Last Books 1-3 (Love At Last Series Book 5)

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by K. L. Myers

  Four months, damn it. Four months, Angelo and I have slept together every night, yet I can’t get him to take the next step past foreplay. The threats on my life were taken care of weeks after the first incident. I still have no idea to what degree I should be concerned, but just having him in my bed at night is all I’ve ever wanted. As far as I know, there have been no other incidents, and the end of the semester and my birthday are just around the corner. Now, though, I want more. I want all of him, all of it. I want to feel him inside me, not his fingers or his mouth, but him, and I have yet to be able to please him. No matter how hard I try, Angelo never lets it get that far. It’s time for drastic measures, and with my nineteenth birthday close, it is time to devise a plan.

  “Ang, I’m going to Flicks this Sunday with a few classmates, and you’re not invited.” I walk past the bathroom, where he is standing, brushing his teeth. I’m not sure what I expected Angelo to do, but ignoring my comment wasn’t something I would have guessed. Coffee cup in hand, I turn, running straight into Angelo’s hard chest. Coffee splashes from my cup, landing on my chest. “Jesus, Ang, you could have said something, so I knew you were there. Now I have to change.”

  “Don’t play coy, Principessa. What makes you think you can walk past me, toss a line of bullshit about going Flicks on Sunday, by yourself, and expect me to be okay with it?”

  “Ah, Ang, it’s a time-honored tradition here. Besides, this week is the last week that Flicks is playing, and I want to be a part of it. Rhonda said for as long as Flicks has been playing, the end-of-the-year movie has always been The Graduate. I’m going, Ang, WITH.MY.FRIENDS. Emphasis on ‘friends’ so you understand that I won’t be alone or in danger, and I don’t want you to come.”

  “That’s not going to happen. Your father would have my balls if I let you out of my sight for even a second, and I happen to be fond of my balls staying intact.”

  I lower my hand, cupping him through his jeans. “I’m rather fond of your balls as well.” A low groan teases my ears before Angelo pushes my hand away.

  “Stop it, Lillian. This is serious.” A scowl mars his ruggedly sexy face. “I’m not opposed to you going to Flicks, but I won’t let you go alone. I’ll give you your space, but I will not be far away. That is the only compromise I’m willing to make. Either that, or you stay home.”

  I pull my coffee-stained shirt over my head, exposing my barely-covered tits to him. When I see his eyes travel down to take them in, I pass by him, brushing my already hard nipples against his arm. “Fine, you win.”

  Chapter 6


  I swear she pushes my buttons every chance she gets. I’m a red-blooded man, and keeping things from venturing to the next level has been extremely hard. My only saving grace is that I can somehow rationalize it to myself that we haven’t had sex. No matter how hard controlling my inner animal not to take her and fuck her senseless has been, I’ve just kept telling myself I’m too old for her. It’s become harder and harder for me to keep my dick from playing hide and seek in the depths of her warm cave. Each time, I have to remind myself that she is Francesco Vicci’s daughter, not my personal plaything. That doesn’t stop me from giving her pleasure like she’s never known until me, but it does keep me from doing something I can never take back.

  No matter how freely she offers herself to me, her virginity is sacred; it shouldn’t be wasted on a man like me, no matter how badly I want to be the one to take it. It kills me to know that one day she’ll give it away to some punk ass kid who’ll only have his best interest in mind. He’ll only be concerned with getting himself off, and the fact that he’ll be able to brag to his shithead friends that he took a girl’s virginity. Her first experience will be meaningless, and she’ll never know how truly amazing it can be.

  Show her, teach her how wonderful it can be, my inner alpha tells myself.

  “Let’s go, Principessa. You’re going to be late for class.” Lillian walks through her bedroom door, pulling a black tank over her head, hiding the amazing tits she so willingly put on display for me just a few moments ago. She slings her messenger bag over her shoulder and marches toward the front door.

  “You coming, Ang?” Her hand twists the knob, and she walks out into the quiet morning air.

  I march out behind her, closing the door and locking it behind me. If she only knew how much I want to be coming, all over those amazing globes of hers.

  “Why do you always have to make things so difficult?” Lillian questions as we walk to Cubberley Auditorium on Sunday evening for Flicks. I agreed to let her have her time with her friends, but there is no way in hell I’ll let her walk there alone or even be in a dark room without myself being close by.

  “Why do you have to be such a spoiled brat sometimes?” I reply, knowing that the comment will piss her off. I know it’s shitty of me, but I want her to have about as much fun tonight as I’m going to have. When we reach the auditorium, Lillian steps away from me, opening the door and walking in to find her friends. She doesn’t have many, but the few she has all checked out fine, so that relieved some of my concerns. But when I see that her group of friends consists of two girls and three guys, the unease settles in my gut. The girls, I know; the guys, I recognize as Kappa Sigma. I’ve done some legwork on which fraternities I need to keep Lillian away from, and Kappa is highest on my list. These guys throw parties all the time. They’re your typical fraternity portrayed in movies as the drunk fucks who have only two things in mind: Pussy and beer. Their fraternity house even has a dance cage inside for girls to dance in. The only rule is you have to be naked to dance in the cage.

  The fact there are three guys and only two girls waiting for Lillian makes it perfectly clear that this was planned as a date. This fucks with my mind. Did Lillian openly plan to have a date with some random dude while professing her desires for only me? No, that isn’t Lillian’s style. This was not preplanned, or at least not on Lillian's part, but I do as I promised and keep my distance, never letting Lillian out of my sight and taking a seat several rows back. My blood boils when I watch the little prick put his arm across the back of her seat, and I almost lose it when he leans over and whispers in her ear. My first thought is that the little pissant is kissing her neck, letting his tongue run along her ear, but I soon realize that my imagination is getting the best of me. It doesn’t stop me from wanting to rip his arms from his body limb by limb, though.

  As the lights dim and the movie begins, I watch everyone around the auditorium, ensuring there is no threat to Lillian. Not once do my eyes stray to the big screen; in fact, as the movie plays on, I quietly move to take a seat directly behind Lillian. No one is the wiser to my movement. Once again, apprehension fills my body, my jaw grinding and shoulder muscles tensing, taking all my willpower to stay seated as I watch the joker wrap his arm around Lillian's shoulders, drawing her closer to him. Lillian's body jumps as his hand lands on her skin. I watch as she twitches in her seat, trying to politely dislodge his hand from her shoulder unsuccessfully. Eventually, the hand moves to her ponytail, twisting it around his fingers, tugging lightly every now and then. When he finally pulls harder, forcing Lillian's head back slightly, leaving room for his tongue to lick the side of her neck, I come unglued. I’m ready to reach out and break every single finger on his hand before I snap his neck, but my principessa beats me to it when she pushes him away and slaps him in the face. The sound is so loud it resonates off the walls. “You’re a prick,” Lillian snaps. “Don’t ever touch me again without asking me first.” She is out of her seat and moving toward the aisle when she notices me sitting directly behind her. My eyes locking with hers, I only hope that she understands that the fury she sees in them is directed at the asshole still in front of me and not at her.

  Knowing that I can’t let Lillian get too far ahead of me, I lean forward to stand but stop when my face is beside his ear. “Stay away from Lillian,” I growl, “or I’ll take pleasure in peeling your skin from your body with my blade while
I triumph in the sounds of your screams as I do it.” His body goes rigid, and he doesn’t move as I walk away.

  My hand lands on the small of Lillian's back as we push through the doors and out into the fresh air. “I swear, I didn’t invite him, Ang.” The words are out of her mouth faster than lightning hitting the ground.

  “I know, Principessa, I know. Now, let’s get as far away from this mess as possible.”


  My body is still on edge as I sit and watch television. The bathroom door opens, allowing the steam to flow into the hallway. Lillian steps out wearing nothing but a towel that exposes her long, slender, toned legs. My dick twitches and lengthens to full mast behind my sweats. She stands there goading me with her eyes, begging me to do the unthinkable. I reach down with my hand and adjust myself, only making matters worse. Her steps are slow and inviting as she moves in my direction. My body is hungry for hers, knowing that someone else's mouth was on her skin. I want to take her and mark her, proving to myself that she belongs to me. My self-restraint is being tested with each step she takes closer. Lillian's towel drops to the floor, leaving nothing but her stark-naked body before me.

  My heart pounds in my chest, my lungs filling with air as I pant with desire. My fists squeeze the cushions below my legs as I try to keep myself in check. “I want you, Ang,” she whispers, her eyes locking with mine, and I see the desire deep within them. I know I’ve lost my mind when I stand, tossing her naked body over my shoulder, and storm toward her bedroom. Once inside, I toss her on the bed and quickly slide my sweats and boxers down my legs. My cock springs free, singing hallelujah for the whole world to hear because he knows he’s going feel the warmth of her wrapped around him tonight.

  “God forgive me for what I’m about to do,” I say to myself as I climb on the bed and between her legs. When my erection feels the warmth of her skin between us, I almost lose it. “Are you sure this is what you want, Lillian? Be one hundred percent sure, because when I’m done with you, there’ll be no going back. I’ll own you. Body, mind, and soul.” I know this is stupid. If her father finds out, not only will my life be over, but those of my family as well.

  Her hands grasp my face as she stares into my eyes. “I’m sure, Ang. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

  My lips crash down on hers, claiming years of desire that have been buried deep inside me. My tongue licks every bit of her. Her jaw, throat, collarbone, and finally my lips close over her breast. Her nipple between my teeth, I bite and tug, causing her to cry out in pleasure. My hand reaches down between her legs, finding her dripping wet.

  “Your pussy weeps for my cock, doesn’t it, Principessa?”

  “Yes, Ang.”

  I slide a finger in and out of her tight hole as I suck on her tit. Lillian’s back bows up off the bed in pleasure. I continue to work her, sliding a second finger in as I kiss down her chest, then slide my tongue in her belly button and tease her. I feel her clench around my two fingers, and holy fuck, is she tight. Her juices continue to cover my fingers as my mouth finds her clit. My eyes look up over her body to find her panting. I suck, nip, and tease her little hard button while my fingers continue to fuck her. It doesn’t take long for her first climax to consume her body, twitching and writhing under my tongue and all over my fingers.

  Chapter 7


  Pleasure like I’ve never felt before consumes me. I’ve longed for this moment for so long, and now it’s finally here.

  “Oh, God, Ang, please don’t stop. I want you, all of you.”

  “Oh, you’re going to get me, Principessa, all ten inches of me. I’m going to make you greedy for my cock, little girl.”

  The words are so erotic. They’re all I’ve been dying to hear for years. “Yes, yes, I want all of you, Ang. Please don’t make me beg.”

  “Beg? Oh, no, Principessa, I’m not going to make you beg. The only sounds I want coming out of your mouth are the screams of ecstasy you’re going to be making as I fill your tight little pussy with my cock.”

  This dirty-talking Angelo is better than I could have ever imagined in my dreams. I feel the head of his cock push slightly inside me. The fullness sends tiny pains through me, but not enough to make me want to stop.

  “You okay, Principessa?” I hear the concern in Angelo’s voice, and I nod my head, pleading with my eyes for him to continue.

  Angelo bends his face down to mine, kissing me once more as he pushes a little further into me. The sound of my whimper is absorbed by his kisses. He goes very slowly, inching just a bit further each time until he stops to stare at me. His eyes bore deep into mine, looking for any sign that he’s inflicting too much pain on me. He’ll see none. I want this more than I’ve wanted anything, ever. I feel his two fingers find their way between us, rubbing at my clit while his mouth covers mine once more. Our tongues twist and turn while he pushes the last bit until he is fully inside me and he doesn’t move anymore. The sheer size of him causes me to moan in discomfort, and I see the pain in his eyes.

  “Am I hurting you too much, Principessa?” I shake my head from side to side to let him know I’m fine. I can’t seem to get the words out, though.

  “Talk to me, Lillian. Are you sure you are alright?” His hand cups my face. “Tell me, sweetheart, if this is too much for you. Please, you’re killing me with those eyes.”

  It’s then I realize that tears have built up in my eyes and threaten to spill out. I muster the courage to finally speak. “This is so much more than what I’ve ever dreamed of, Ang. Yes, it’s a little uncomfortable, but it’s getting better. I’m adjusting to you being inside me. I’m not crying in pain, Ang. These tears are tears of happiness. This is all I’ve ever wanted.” His mouth collides with mine once more, his tongue thrusting in and out as he moves gently inside me with the same motion. My heart beats faster with each stroke of his erection inside of me. His fingers continue to work between us, ensuring that I focus on the amazing feeling happening between us and not the tightness his enormous dick creates inside me. The teasing of my clit brings me to a climax like no other. I’m screaming his name in ecstasy, begging for more with each continued stroke of his cock. The sensation of the thousands of nerve endings all battling for one more release has me pleading for his release. Ang quickly pulls out, fisting his cock and exploding all over me, covering my chest with his seed. I watch his hand stroke up and down his shaft as he milks every last drop from the tip onto my skin.

  “I’m sorry, Principessa. I got carried away. I should have never entered you unprotected. I wanted to mark you, make you mine. My hunger for you was so strong it made me stupid.” I can see the worry in his eyes as he looks down at me. “I’d never forgive myself if you got pregnant, Lillian. I should have been thinking and protected you. Please forgive me. It will never happen again.”

  Placing my hand on his face, letting my thumb scroll across his lips as he nibbles on it, I say, “There are worse things than having your baby, Ang. You don’t know how many times I’ve dreamt of us being a family.”

  “Principessa, we both know that is a dream, because the reality of the situation would have you being a widow because we both know your father would kill me before I got a ring on your finger and a baby in your belly.”

  My nineteenth birthday came and went without any festivities. Even though Dad wanted to come to Cali to visit, I asked him not to and promised I’d be home for a visit as soon as the school year ended in a couple of months. Besides, I received the best birthday present ever, and that was Angelo buried deep inside me during all hours of the night. My freshman year is almost over, and the man I’ve loved for so many years beside me is the best gift I could have ever gotten.

  When I’m finished with my last final, Angelo and I go for a drive down to Santa Cruz. The long forty-five minute country drive takes us through rolling hills along the rocky coastline and past sights I’ve never dreamed I’d ever see. California is so different from New York, and seeing nothing but open land versus tow
ering skylines has me feeling relaxed. That plus the handsome man by my side. Angelo has rented a beachside condo right by Capitola Beach for the weekend. We stroll along the beach, taking in all the colorful buildings until we come to the cliff area. We sit on the rocks watching the waves roll in and out and enjoying the sounds of the seagulls as they squawk overhead. When my stomach starts growling, we take a walk back toward the wharf to find something to eat. We stop at the Sand Dollar Grille for a beer and burgers, but the best surprise ever is the campfire he makes on the beach as we watch the sunset out over the water.

  “Are you happy, Principessa?” Ang asks me as his lips brush mine.

  “So happy, Ang. Thank you for this weekend away from everything. I know Father will be anxious to see me, and I really don’t want to go back, Ang, but I know I have to.”

  Ang wraps the blanket around us tighter, pulling me closer against his chest. His lips are tender against my temple. “I’m going to miss having you in my bed, touching you and kissing you.” He states, “I think I’ll stay with my family while you are home for those few days, Lillian. I can’t risk having you so close and not being able to touch you.”


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