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Love At Last Books 1-3 (Love At Last Series Book 5)

Page 14

by K. L. Myers

  “Look, Principessa, all I need you to know is that I have arranged for you to have your life back. No questions, because I will not give you answers that could endanger you. Promise me that you will do as I tell you. I’m willing to risk my life for yours. Are you willing to live your life for me?”

  A quick affirmation from her was all I needed. Lillian reached her arms up around my neck and whispered in my ear, “Thank you, Angelo. I’ll forever be indebted to you.” I felt her lips ghost over my cheek, and I couldn’t help myself. I had to kiss her once more. I pulled her body tight to mine, fisting her hair in my hand and pulling until her face lifted toward mine. My lips crashed down upon hers, taking what I wanted, only this time it felt different. She was no longer my Principessa. Time had taken her away from me, and I had no one to blame but myself. When I released her, her hand splayed across my cheek, a lone tear drifting down her face. It felt like a goodbye, like she knew that regardless of the outcome, this would be the last night I’d ever be in her life.

  At promptly 4:59 p.m., a limo rounds the corner and parks where I have instructed. Lillian looks me in the eye. “Who is that, Angelo?”

  Her face goes pasty white when I tell her it is Lincoln Eastwick. “Principessa, go with him. He will protect you and ensure your safety.” A frightened look comes over Lillian, and she begins to shake her head as if she is not willing to go. “You promised, Principessa, to do as I asked without any questions. You need to go now. I have somewhere to be in thirty minutes. Please go and live your life for me.”

  “Thank you, Angelo,” she says as she hugs me tightly.

  I hold her back, squeezing her to me one last time. “I’ll always love you, Lillian. Now go.”

  The car door opens, Eastwick stepping out as Lillian runs to him. With an acknowledgment from him, I know Lillian will be safe. The door closes behind them, and the car speeds away.

  It is time. Everything has been put into place. This will be a drug deal gone wrong, and no one will be the wiser as to who the parties in attendance were. Only charred remains of Salvatore and his goons will be left among the rubble, along with a few of the Irish mob from Hell’s Kitchen. As far as Salvatore knows, McGrath has product that he needs help moving. As far as McGrath knows, Mangano wants to meet to discuss a merger between families once he takes over as head of the Vicci family.

  The warehouse has already been staged, the drugs in crates that have been stolen from Salvatore’s warehouse early that day. McGrath and his men are parked and inside when Salvatore arrives. Once he steps inside, I wait two minutes. Just enough time for the two mobsters to realize neither of them set up the meeting. With the press of my thumb on the switch, the explosion rips through the building. Nothing but rubble remains and a fire that rages beyond control. C4 and gasoline go a very long way in ensuring that no one survives.

  My burner phone rings as I climb into my car. “Is it done, son?” my father asks.

  “Yes, sir. Everything went as planned. I’ll make the call now. You head over to the Vicci estate, and I’ll see you in a few hours.” Once the call is completed, I smash the phone and toss it in the Hudson.

  Reaching into my pocket, I pull out my daily cell and dial Francesco Vicci. Francesco answers on the second ring. “Mr. Vicci, sir, my father is on his way to you. I received a call from Gino earlier. He sounded frightened. He said something about Mangano meeting with McGrath at Salvatore’s warehouse. Said I should let my father know.”

  Before I can continue, Mr. Vicci’s voice rings out through the phone. “What the hell is going on, son, and where is my daughter?”

  “That’s why I’m calling, sir. I called my father and sent him to check on Gino. My father just called me, asked me to take Lillian and hide her. He fears retaliation from the Westies. That’s all I know right now, but I assure you Lillian will be safe.”

  Mr. Vicci’s voice is loud and booming through my phone. “I have no idea what the fuck is happening right now, Angelo, but you protect my daughter, do you understand me?”

  “Yes, sir. With my life, sir.”

  Can Lincoln and Lillian find their Happily Ever After away from the Vicci family?

  …. The saga continues with Finding L.O.V.

  Book #3


  By K.L. Myers

  Chapter 1


  I have no idea what is going on or how Lincoln became involved in all of this. One minute I’m running from my family with Angelo, and the next I’m being handed off to Lincoln. One thing is for sure; I need to know. I need to be sure that he isn’t involved in anything that has to do with my father.

  Linc pulls me in close to his side, his arm wrapping around me so tight it is almost uncomfortable. “You’re safe, Lillian. I won’t let anything happen to you.” His lips kiss the top of my head, lingering there a few moments until he speaks once more. “I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to see you again.” Linc’s chest rises and falls quickly. “But now that I have you, I’m never letting you go.” These are the words every woman wants to hear, but I’m not going to believe them until I know exactly what is going on.

  It is a challenge, but I pull out from underneath Lincoln’s arm and slide away from him. “What’s going on, Linc? How do you know Angelo?” I’m sure he recognizes the fear and skepticism in my eyes; he senses I am having issues with what is happening.

  Lincoln’s raises his hands in front of him. “Don’t be alarmed. I promise you, until earlier this week, I had no idea who Angelo was.” He reaches for my hand, but I pull it out of reach. “Lillian, he came to me a few days ago, asking me questions about protecting you. I swear to you on Peanut’s life that I’m telling you the truth.”

  As soon as I hear him swear on his nephew’s life, I know he is telling me the truth. This man loves his nephew more than anything in this world. Seconds is all it takes me to move from where I am sitting and into his lap. His arms quickly enfold me and pull me tightly to his chest. “You really are going to protect me, aren’t you? I’m so sorry I doubted you. It’s just that I never know who I can trust. Please forgive me.”

  Lincoln’s hands cup my face, and he looks me directly in the eyes. “You have nothing to be forgiven for, Lillian. I understand trust issues, beautiful. You can always trust me. I’ll never lie to you.”

  “How, Lincoln? How is it possible that you’re here with me? More importantly, where are we going? We can’t stay here in the city, Linc. They’ll find me.”

  His lips brush against mine, softly. “Don’t worry, beautiful. Where I’m taking you, they’ll never find you.”

  I sigh softly, content to be in his arms, and relish in the fantasy that everything will be fine and no one will ever find me. I know that’s not true. Someone will find me. They always do. My family’s reach is long, across oceans and continents. Little tentacles connect my family to others via phone. Everyone trying to vie for a marker from the infamous Francesco Vicci. Something to set them up on the good side of the Vicci family. As much as I want to believe Lincoln can protect me and keep me safe, it scares me to think at what cost it may come. He’s just a man, a wealthy one, yes, but does he have the means to fight off the mafia?

  “Lillian,” he whispers in my ear, “you’re going to be safe. I can protect you. I can hide you, and I will make you mine.”

  It’s like he speaks my mind. How is it possible that he knows my thoughts? Hearing him say he’ll make me his should frighten me, but it doesn’t. I tilt my head up, my eyes glaring into his. “How did you know,” I say, “that I was wondering how you could possibly protect me?”

  His gorgeous smile lights up his face. “The same way I knew you wanted me the first day I met you. I can read people, Lillian. I know what they are thinking before they do. It’s a gift and the reason I’m so good at what I do.”

  He’s such a smug bastard. I want to tell him he has it all wrong, but he doesn’t. He’s right. I did want him the minute I saw him. It seems like it was forever ago, no
t just a few months, and I wonder how Peanut has been doing. “Tell me, Lincoln, how is Peanut? My last conversation with Doctor Copley indicated everything was well, but I want to know how he is doing, not his health.”

  Before Lincoln can answer me, the car pulls to a stop by his yacht. David, his assistant, stands awaiting our arrival. Beside him is a very large man with bald head, wearing dark glasses and a black suit. Obviously, this gentleman is part of Lincoln’s security detail. The door quickly opens, and David welcomes us. Linc steps out of the car, reaching in to grab my hand, and pulls me out. I’m quickly tucked in alongside Linc as we walk up the gangplank, then onto his yacht. Everything is different this time. There are men in black suits with handguns everywhere. No one says a word as we walk past them. They are focused on everything but us. I follow Linc down the hall toward what I assume is his bedroom. When the door swings open, my assumptions are confirmed.

  “Rest, beautiful. I’ve got some specifics to work out with the captain and the crew. Now, give me your cell phone, baby. You won’t need it.”

  I know why he wants my phone. He’s going to destroy it, so no one can track us. I know it’s the right thing to do, but it feels wrong. I feel like I’m saying goodbye to my life and my family, and I’m not sure how I feel about that right now.

  “Come on, baby. I promise you a new one, one that no one can trace. Please, just give it to me so I can protect you. We don’t have much time before everyone realizes you’re gone.”

  He’s right. Once my family realizes I’m gone, they’ll be all over every piece of technology to find me. I’m hesitant when I reach inside my purse and grab my phone. Linc smiles at me, taking the phone from my hand, then places a chaste kiss on my lips. A shiver runs down my spine, and my nipples harden from that simple kiss. Maybe it’s knowing that he will do everything to protect me. Or maybe it’s because I’ve desired him since that night, the feel of his body pressed against mine, the tenderness of his touch as he made love to me. Or maybe it’s the fantasy of what it would be like for him to take me, uncontrollably and wild, knowing that he can take whatever he wants from me, and I’d willingly give it to him.

  I kick my shoes off and walk toward the chair, grabbing the blanket that rests over the back. It’s not long before I’m curled up on the bed and closing my eyes. Though sleep never consumes me, I imagine what the rest of my life will be like. Unable to turn off the thoughts rolling around inside my skull, I reach for the television remote and turn it on. I flip through the channels trying to find something to hold my attention, but nothing seems to capture me completely. With one more click, I land on a local news channel. The words BREAKING NEWS roll across the bottom of the page. I turn up the volume to hear the news anchor.

  “Violence once again darkens the Big Apple as war between the Irish and Italian mobs erupt. Just a few moments ago, head of both crime families were seen entering an abandoned warehouse just prior to an explosion which claimed the lives of Salvatore Mangano and Quinn McGrath.

  I sit up quickly, my mind envisioning what this will mean for my family now that Salvatore is dead. Will my dad be pulled back to lead the family? His health is not strong enough yet, and that will make him easy prey for anyone who wants to see the demise of the Vicci Empire. How long will it be until the reality of my life comes crashing down on all of us?

  Chapter 2


  We’ve been underway for several hours before Lillian makes her way on deck. I can tell she’s been crying as she heads toward me. I open my arms, allowing her to walk into them, and pull her tight.

  “We have to go back, Lincoln. As much as I want to run away and hide from who I am, I can’t. Not now. There is too much happening.”

  I take Lillian’s hand and walk us to the lounge, pulling her down to sit beside me. “No, Lillian, now is not the time to head back. Now is the time to hide you and protect you. This is what Angelo wanted and what I promised I would do. I am a man of my word, baby.”

  Tears run down her face faster now. “There’s been an issue back home, Linc. I have to go back.”

  I quickly silence her with a kiss. Lillian fights me at first but then gives in. Her lips enjoy the dance with mine. When I break the kiss, her eyes meet mine. I can see the fire in them, but they are also marred by fear. “I know what is going on back home, baby. I know Salvatore is dead. Try not to worry, Lillian. I won’t lie to you and tell you everything will be alright, because I can’t promise that, but what I can promise is that I can protect you, and I will even if it is from yourself.”

  Lillian nods her head in acknowledgment, then places it on my shoulder. “I’m scared, Linc, not just for my family but for yours. If they find out where I am and who I am with, they will come after your family. I’ll never forgive myself if anything happens to them.”

  I understand her fear. It was the same fear I felt when I sat down and planned this rescue mission, but Lillian is worth it. I put measures into place to ensure additional security. The Eastwick name comes with top security to protect them and their assets. Carolyn and her husband live on base. I’ll never worry about her and her kids. But Bethany and Peanut only have me, so before I left, I ensured there was added security for her. I understood the risks. Angelo made it clear to me before he agreed to release Lillian into my protection.

  “Right now, baby, I’m going to feed you, and then I’m going to run you a hot bath, and you are going to relax and think of nothing else but how good it feels to be with me, alone and away from the drama that is unfolding in New York.”

  I feel the rise and fall of her chest against me. The arm wrapped around my waist tightens as she pulls me closer to her. “Just hold me, Linc. I feel so safe when your arms are around me.”

  I let my hand slide up and down her back, comforting her and letting her know I am here for her. When her sobs subside and her breathing evens out, I reach down, take her face in my hands, and press my cheek to hers, then whisper, “You’re safe and protected. I’ll never let anything happen to you.” Then my lips kiss her neck below her ear. She trembles in my arms, causing my dick to harden. It knows what it wants: To be buried deep inside her.

  David appears from the galley, a tray in his hands with two glasses of wine, cheese, crackers, fruit, and thinly-sliced prosciutto. He places the tray on the table in front of us, and I reach, grabbing a glass of wine for each of us. Lillian takes her glass from my hand, bringing it to her lips and sipping slowly. When she pulls the glass away, she licks her bottom lip. I growl with desire, anxious to taste her. I reach out, placing my finger on her bottom lip, pushing slightly down. Lillian’s tongue darts out, licking the tip of my finger, sending a jolt of lightning down my spine and making my length harden even more.

  We look into each other’s eyes, neither of us wavering. Lust, heat, and desire burn within us. Her eyes mirror what I assume mine look like. Lillian’s crashes her lips against mine, forcing her tongue between my lips. My hands grip her hips, pulling her onto my lap. Lillian’s center grinds along my shaft as the intensity of our kiss grows.

  Unable to control myself any longer, I stand with her in my arms. Her legs wrap tightly around my waist as I walk us out to the deck and lay her down on an oversized lounger. The light from the moon shines down on her, shadowing her body with just the right amount of light to make me want her more. She’s beautiful, her mahogany hair glistening around her head. As I stand there looking at her, her fingers begin to unbutton the shirt she is wearing. When the last button is freed from its hole, Lillian raises off the lounge, tossing her shirt to the floor. Her eyes dart to mine, daring me to claim her.

  “What do you want, babe?” I need to hear her say the words.

  “You, Linc. I want you.” Lillian shivers as she says the words. “I want your hands and mouth on my body, driving me crazy with desire.”

  Lillian doesn’t have to ask me twice. I strip my shirt from my body and lie atop her, pressing our skin together. Lillian wiggles beneath me, trying to grasp a lit
tle friction on her pussy as she rubs it against my length. “You want my cock, baby? Just say the word, and I’ll give it to you.”

  “Yes, oh God, yes, I want it.” The words tremble from her lips.

  Her words resonate in my soul, something I’ll never get tired of hearing. My lips brush against her neck lightly as I nibble across her collarbone and down to the top of her breast. My hand glides up from her waist. The feel of her skin beneath my palm only excites me more. I squeeze lightly once her breast is in my hand, my teeth grabbing at her nipple at the same time.

  “Yes, yes, yes.” Lillian’s soft cries of desire fill the evening air. I restrain from taking her right here in the moonlight because I know that tonight, tonight needs to be about her and not my desire or wants. Lillian needs the release, to let go of everything that has festered inside her since we left New York, and as much as I’m dying to sink balls deep into her, I won’t.

  “Tell me, baby, do you want my mouth on that cunt of yours, my fingers inside you, or both?”

  “I want everything, Linc. Don’t make me think anymore. Please, just let me feel.”

  Letting her feel is exactly what I do. I move to the end of the lounger, reach up to unfasten her jeans, and tug them down her legs. Navy blue and black Agent Provocateur Clancie briefs hide the prize I’m looking for. Yes, those briefs are sexy as hell. If I weren’t so desperate to get what lies behind them, I’d ask her to stand and model them for me. Instead, I rip them to shreds with my bare hands. Lillian’s mouth opens, but before she can speak, I tell her, “Don’t say a word. I’ll buy you ten more pairs. Just relax, baby, close your eyes and feel.” My tongue makes one long swoop between her legs before my lips tighten around her nub and I begin to suck. I let two fingers slide inside her, her hips rising off the lounger as she moans. Slowly, I tease her clit with my tongue while my fingers plunge in and out. I make sure to pay special attention to that little bundle of nerves inside her. I know I’ve found her spot when she begins to tremble beneath me.


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