Love At Last Books 1-3 (Love At Last Series Book 5)

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Love At Last Books 1-3 (Love At Last Series Book 5) Page 15

by K. L. Myers

  “Oh God, Linc. Stop, please stop. I can’t take it. It feels too good.”

  I let go of her clit briefly. “Not going to happen, baby,” I say. “You can beg all you want, but it isn’t going to happen.”

  Her first orgasm comes with her screaming out my name, but I don’t let up. “Come on, baby. Give me one more,” I tell her, her legs shaking as my lips make their way up her body to find her mouth. I plunge my tongue inside, letting her taste herself. To me, she tastes like heaven.

  It isn’t long before Lillian’s body surrenders to another release, but I still don’t give in. No, I may give her cunt some reprieve, but she isn’t getting off that easily. My teeth find her nipple, and I bite lightly, causing Lillian to cry out. My mouth finds hers as I silence her moans. My free hand massages her other breast as her hands tug at my hair, forcing my head harder against her. I growl at the pain that only pushes my own desire higher. My hand once more finds its way to her pussy, thrusting three fingers inside her this time. Immediately, Lillian’s body rises off the lounger, sending her over the edge once again.

  I watch her face as she rides out her orgasm. Contentment and exhaustion mar her beauty.

  I stand and walk toward the salon. “Where are you going?” Lillian asks.

  “To get you a blanket, baby.” When I return, Lillian is half asleep. I cover her with a blanket, then lift her legs and sit, placing them in my lap once more. My fingers stroke her arm as I tilt my head up toward the sky and close my eyes.

  Chapter 3


  Lillian didn’t wake when I pulled her into my arms and carried her to the bedroom. That was several hours ago. I’ve been looking for any bit of news about the wars in the city, but everything I find is based on what the police are releasing. I need to know more. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I dial Angelo and listen as it rings twice before he picks up.

  “I told you not to call this number unless it was an emergency,” he answers.

  “Don’t worry, no one, and I mean not even NSA, can trace this call. Lillian is scared, and she wants to come back. I’ve appeased her for now. She’s asleep, but I need to be able to tell her something. Everything on the news makes it sound like her father is in danger, and that has her worried.”

  Angelo takes in a huge breath and then sighs. “She’s always been demanding, that one. Tell her, her father is fine. I’m not sure how long he will be, though. The Westies are out for blood. They’ve threatened both our families. Once they heard that Salvatore crossed them, and my dad stepped in as interim boss, they’ve made it clear they are coming after us, no matter the cost.”

  “Son of a bitch, Angelo. I can keep her safe, but she’s going to want to speak with her father. I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to hold her off. Christ, I just found her. I won’t lose her again to her family.”

  “I understand, Linc.” Angelo takes in a deep breath. “Trust me, I know how it feels to lose her. Keep her safe and don’t call again. I can’t risk anyone knowing she is with you, and neither can you. There are moles within the family, and until I find out who they are, the risk of adding your family to the list of potential marks for the Westies is too high.”

  “Agreed, Angelo, but if anything happens to Lillian’s father, you have to call and tell me. She’ll never forgive either of us if we keep something like that from her.” My gut rolls at the thought of Lillian finding out somehow that something bad has happened to her father and it isn’t me who tells her.

  “Yeah, I got it,” Angelo speaks, then disconnects himself from the call.

  The top of my forehead tightens, and I rub my fingers across it several times trying to loosen the tension. When I stand, exhaustion finally catches up to me. It was only a matter of time. One can’t run on adrenaline overload and not get to a point when they need to crash. Lillian is still asleep when I open the door to the room. I stand there looking at her. The sheets have twisted around her legs, exposing her milky skin from the waist up. Her chest rises and falls peacefully. I cross the room, stripping out of my clothing until I’m standing next to the bed in my Armanis. I untangle the covers from around her legs to slide in beside Lillian and pull her into my arms. Her head rests on my chest, her arm flopping across my abdomen. I brush my lips against the top of her head and close my eyes praying that sleep will take me away and when I wake up, everything will be just fine.

  My eyes open to the sun shining fully through the window. Lillian is still asleep in my arms. I lie there for a moment and stare up at the ceiling. Why does life have to be so difficult? Normally, I’m the master of difficult. I take complex situations and make them simple. But this, this is something I can’t control, and that is why I’m struggling with the inability to ensure everything works according to the plan. My part will be handled correctly, limiting some of the risks, but having to count on others to field the brunt of the rest is something I’m uncomfortable with.

  I let one hand run up and down Lillian’s back while my other rests against her face, the thumb stroking her cheek. “Wake up, baby,” I say, but nothing seems to stir her. I press my lips to her forehead and revel in the feel of her beside me. “Nothing will ever take you away from me,” I whisper in the air. “Nothing. I promise.” My eyes close for a moment, but when I open them again, it’s almost five at night. Both Lillian and I have slept the day away. I attempt to move my arm, but just that slight movement causes Lillian to stir.

  “Lincoln?” Lillian asks as her eyes open. “It wasn’t a dream, was it?”

  My lips kiss the top of her head once more. “No, baby, it wasn’t.” I know what she is talking about without her saying the words. “Don’t worry, your father is fine.”

  Lillian sits up in bed, pulling the sheet tight around her chest and exposing my body to hers. Even though I’m still wearing my Armanis, it doesn’t hide the fact that I’m hard. Her eyes glance at my erection, then back to my face. She smiles briefly, but that gorgeous smile soon falls. “How do you know my dad is fine?”

  I sit up next to her, taking her hand in mine. “Because I called Angelo last night, and he assured me everything was fine and that we should refrain from calling right now. He said he’ll call us if anything changes and not to let you bully me into calling your dad.” I smile as I tell her the last part.

  Lillian slaps my arm. “As if anyone could bully you, Linc. You’re the biggest bully I know.”

  I push Lillian back onto the bed and climb on top of her, thrusting my erection against her. “Is that so, baby? Let me show you just how much of a bully I can be.” I roll to the side, ripping the sheet from Lillian’s body before I climb back on top and take what’s mine.

  Chapter 4


  We’ve been at sea for three days now. I’ve heard nothing more about what is happening at home, and the few times I’ve been able to convince Linc to let me use the computer, I’ve found nothing new. Though I can’t help but worry deep inside, I know that Angelo would honor his word and call if something were wrong. He would never hurt me that way; at least I keep telling myself that he wouldn’t.

  As I step onto the deck, I spot Linc sitting at a table with breakfast laid out before him and a covered plate across from him. He’s on the phone, discussing business, when I take the seat opposite him. Linc holds up one finger, indicating that he is almost done, and that’s when I notice land off in the distance. My brows scrunch together as I try to think of what island it could possibly be.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” Lincoln asks as he sets his phone down on the table beside his napkin.

  “What island is that over there?” I point over his shoulder and off to the left.

  “Lisbon. That’s where we are headed,” Lincoln replies as he lifts a fork full of eggs to his mouth.

  “Portugal?” I try to rationalize how we’ve been able to sail the Atlantic and end up so close to Portugal in just over three days. “Is that even possible? How fast does this boat go? It feels like we are crawling at
a snail’s pace, yet there’s land in the distance.”

  Lincoln sets his fork down and laughs, reaching across the table for my hand. “This yacht, baby, is state of the art. It runs on water jets, not propellers, so we can average between thirty-two and thirty-five knots.”

  “Knots? Is that the same as miles per hour?” I’m still confused because I don’t understand boat terminology.

  “Well, beautiful, thirty-five knots is around forty miles an hour, which is pretty fast for a yacht. Normally, I wouldn’t have the captain push her this fast, but I wanted you as far away as possible, and quickly.”

  I lift the cover off my plate, exposing some bacon, toast, and eggs. I let what Lincoln said sink in. I’m going to be in Portugal without my passport. Immediately, fear takes over. “Lincoln, I’m without my passport. I won’t be able to get into the country.”

  “Lillian, eat your breakfast and stop worrying. I have your passport.” Lincoln raises his hand. “Angelo gave it to me before we left. He is the only person who knows where we are.”

  My first instinct is to not ask anything since that is what has been ingrained into me from childhood, but then I remember that Lincoln doesn’t have the same rules that my family does, and so I ask, “No one knows where we are but Angelo? Is there a plan you aren’t telling me about, Linc?”

  Lincoln sips his coffee and then sets the cup down. “The only plan, baby, is to keep you safe. All I know is that Angelo wanted you safe and far away from Salvatore. I know he hurt you when you were younger, but baby, you must know that he is still willing to give up his life for yours. I’m sure he is still in love with you, even it kills me to say it. I’m glad he loves you because otherwise, I would have lost you to your family. You would have married Salvatore, and I would have been devastated to never get the chance to have you for myself.”

  Lincoln stands and walks toward me, pulling the seat beside me back away from the table. He sits, resting his elbows on his knees. “Lillian, until you, I never thought of settling down. Hell, I never thought there was a woman who was worth settling down for, and then there you were. The minute I laid eyes on you the day we brought Peanut in to see you, I knew you were special, but it wasn’t until after the bachelor auction and your disappearance that I knew I wouldn’t be fulfilled without you in my life.” Lincoln pulls my hand, forcing me to stand, and then pulls me into his lap. “I can buy anything I want, whenever I want, but I could never buy the way you make me feel.” Lincoln’s lips crash against mine, taking my breath away and stirring my insides. “I’ll never let you go, so don’t even think about it. You’re mine now. Mine to protect, to cherish, and mine to love.”

  My heart stops the moment he finishes his sentence. Mine to love? Is this Lincoln’s way of saying he’s in love with me? My mind starts thinking about the word ‘love.’ What it means to him. Does he want to marry me one day? Have children? I can’t stop thinking of all the possibilities his words could entail.

  “Slow down. I can see the wheels turning in your head at warp speed. Don’t freak out on me now, baby. Yes, I just said I love you. Just roll with it and stop overthinking.” His eyes glare directly into mine, like he sees straight into my soul. “I love you, Lillian. Just let it sink in, so you can enjoy it.”

  I climb off Lincoln’s lap and walk to the side of the boat, leaning against the railing. “Don’t jump, baby. If you don’t love me, it’s okay. You don’t have to jump.”

  I know by the sound of his voice that he’s teasing, but it’s a lot to take in. Do I feel the same? Yes, of course, I do. Should I tell him I love him back? Or is it too corny to do so now that the moment has been broken?

  I watch the white caps in the distance and look at the foaming water alongside the yacht as we cut through it. I don’t hear Lincoln walk to me, but I feel his arms as they wrap around me. “It’s okay, Lillian, you don’t have to say it back. I get it. It’s too soon.”

  I quickly turn in Lincoln’s arms. “How you know what I’m thinking all the time amazes me.” I kiss his lips. “It’s not too soon. I’m so in love with you. You’re all I thought of while I was stuck in New York. What happened between us was serendipitous, but it was meant to be. I knew it the next day when you left and I was all alone, but I never thought you would feel the same way.” Once again, our lips lock, sealing our souls together.

  Chapter 5


  My phone rings, causing me to glance down and read the caller ID. ANGELO is displayed in glowing letters. It’s been two weeks since my last conversation with him. No news is good news, right? That’s what I tell myself as I accept the incoming call.

  “Angelo, what can I do for you?”

  “You need to bring Lillian home quickly.” My heart drops to the pit of my stomach. There is no way Angelo would request this unless something is wrong.

  “Tell me what’s wrong, Angelo, then I’ll decide how quickly I bring her back. I know you wouldn’t ask this if it weren’t dire, but I need to be sure she is safe.”

  “Fuck!” Angelo exclaims. “I can’t tell you it is safe just yet, Lincoln, but you must bring her home. Her father is in the hospital. He had another heart attack, but this time, he also had a stroke. He is in on life support, and they don’t expect him to last much longer. His vitals are weakening quickly.”

  I punch the wall in front of me, causing a sharp pain to radiate from my hand to my shoulder. “We’ll be there as fast as I can get her there. It will kill her if she doesn’t get to say goodbye.”

  “I know, Lincoln, but I have to warn you. Once you arrive with her, everyone will know she is with you, and that does not bode well for your family. This war is not over. The Westies will try to get to her through you and your family. If anything happens and Mr. Vicci doesn’t make it, her mother will also be at risk. Do you understand what I’m telling you? You don’t have to come with Lillian. I can pick her up at the airport and then send her back to you somehow when everything has settled down.”

  “No fucking way, Angelo. That is not an option. We will be there soon.” I want to throw my phone against the wall when I hang up. This is a clusterfuck that I never expected to happen. I had planned for every contingency, even if her father was murdered, but I never planned for a hospital visit, let alone a potential funeral.

  “Lincoln,” Lillian calls for me as she walks toward my office door. “What’s wrong?” she asks the minute she sees my face. “Tell me now, Lincoln. I know something is up.”

  I search for the words that will break the news as gently as possible. “Baby, I just spoke with Angelo.”

  Lillian’s face crumbles, and her knees begin to weaken, forcing me to race toward her and catch her before she falls. “It’s my dad, isn’t it?” Her tear-filled eyes gaze into mine. “He’s dead, isn’t he?”

  The fierce woman who once left everything, including her family, behind to search out her dreams is gone, replaced by a broken child who uncontrollably cries for her father.

  “No, baby, your father is not dead, but it is not looking good either. He’s suffered a stroke and a heart attack.” I lift her face with my fingers, ensuring she sees that I’m here, strong and willing to shoulder her sadness. “I’m taking you to him tonight. I’ve texted David and requested he has a flight ready for us to board within the hour.”

  I feel Lillian’s body shake in my arms as the tears roll down her face. “We’ll never make it there in time, Lincoln. I’ve failed him and my family by not staying and marrying Salvatore. I’ll never forgive myself. This is my fault.”

  “Stop it,” I yell at Lillian. “You will not take the blame for this. This is not your fault. You couldn’t have prevented this if you’d stayed, and you sure as hell couldn’t guarantee that marrying Salvatore Mangano would have prevented it.”

  Lillian nods her head in understanding, just to appease me. I know the signs. I see them all the time when an employee doesn’t agree with an arbitrary opportunity I encourage. They are afraid to disagree with me, so they ap
pease me and do as I ask thinking I don’t know any better, but I do. Normally, they find themselves unemployed. If you don’t have the guts to stand up to me, then how can I be confident they’ll take the necessary risks? Without risk, there is no reward.

  “Lillian, I’m only going to say this once, and then we’ll never speak of it again. If you ever tell me your life would be better had you married Salvatore, that will be the day I’ll walk away. It will kill me to do so, but I won’t stand by you if you think so little of yourself.”

  I watch the tears slowly dissolve, feel the rigidness of Lillian’s posture as she composes herself and then pushes herself out of my arms. “I wasn’t belittling myself.” Lillian places her hands on her hips. “I had a moment of weakness, but I assure you, Lincoln, that it will not happen again. Now, as far as you and me, don’t ever think that you can threaten to leave me as a punishment for my emotions. I can easily stand on my own two feet without you. I’ve done it before, and I can do it again.”

  I start to speak, but Lillian interrupts me. “I’ll waste no more time arguing with you about us. Right now, my only concern is my father and getting back to New York. Oh, and I do not need you to accompany me. I will have Angelo pick me up at the airport.”

  The door slams in my face as Lillian leaves the room. How has everything gone so wrong so fast? My first instinct is to run to her and demand that I will accompany her, but I know that will only make things worse. If I want to win, I must play it cool and be the supportive boyfriend. At least that is how I see myself, but it is possible that Lillian may not see it the same way.


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