Love At Last Books 1-3 (Love At Last Series Book 5)

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Love At Last Books 1-3 (Love At Last Series Book 5) Page 16

by K. L. Myers

  With David’s assistance, a plane will be ready for us by the time we arrive at the airport. I play out our conversation in my head, so I am prepared by the time I arrive at our stateroom. Lillian is closing her suitcase as I walk in. “Hey,” I say, her head turning to look at me. “You’re right,” I tell her, “about everything, and I’m man enough to admit that I handled everything wrong.” I cross the room toward Lillian, pulling her into my arms. “Please forgive me.”

  Lillian shakes her head, wraps her arms around my waist, and places her head against my chest. “We were both wrong, Linc. I’m sorry, too.”

  I reach down, taking the suitcase in my right hand, and place my left on her lower back as I escort her toward the door. “The plane will be ready when we get to the airport. But Lillian, I’m coming with you. I’m not telling you. I’m politely advising you that I will be accompanying you.”

  A soft chuckle eases from between Lillian’s lips. “Is there really any difference between telling and advising me? Honestly, Lincoln, it’s the same thing.”

  Lillian stops once we reach the gangway, turning toward me. “Thank you for insisting on coming with me. You are taking a huge risk by being seen with me at the hospital. Are you sure you truly want to take on that burden?”

  My lips brush against hers lightly. “You’ll never be a burden, Lillian. Never.” My hand slaps her ass, a loud crack filling the air. “Now, get going. The sooner we leave, the faster we get there.”

  Chapter 6


  During the whole eight-hour flight, I sit in silence. Lincoln makes several calls. One to ensure a car will be waiting for us on arrival. Another to David, who we left behind in Lisbon, ensuring that any meetings he had scheduled over the next few days were rescheduled and giving strict instructions that no one was to bother him. Except for David. He is always the exception to every rule. Lincoln’s next call is to his grandfather. I eavesdrop as he quietly discusses the events to come. I’m positive that Lincoln thinks I’m in my own little world, and for the better part of the flight, he would have been correct. But as we get close to New York, it’s time to set my worries aside and lock them up. I need to be fully aware of my surroundings once I step off the plane.

  I take note of the fact that even though it is a one-sided conversation, it appears that neither he nor his grandfather is concerned about security. Lincoln advises his grandfather to make sure that the security detail for his parents is brought up to speed, so they know what the risks are. I think to myself, What a wonderful way to meet the family. ‘Hi, I’m Lillian. My father is a mobster, actually head of one of the strongest families in New York. Yes, the Irish mob is out to kill him and my family, and because your grandson is in love with me, you’re all targets now, too.’ Way to go, Lillian. I give myself an imaginary fist pump in the air.

  “What’s going through that mind of yours?” Lincoln asks, his voice full of concern.

  I shake my head and laugh a little. “Oh, nothing, just that I’ve totally ensured a bull’s eye now hovers on your family’s back. I’m sure they are going to just love me.” Once again, I shake my head. Only this time, my eyes are closed, giving Lincoln the chance to stealthily make his way to me, so it isn’t until I feel the cushion under me move that I know he is sitting beside me.

  “Stop it, Lillian. My family will not think badly of you. What they will think is, who is this amazing woman who has finally stolen Lincoln’s heart?” Lincoln’s hand squeezes mine. “We can’t choose our family, baby. Nor can we choose what they do for a living. We are not defined by our parents or our relatives. Only you can define who you are, and baby, you are amazing.”

  My heart falls a little more in love with Lincoln. “Lillian, you are an amazing surgeon. Hell, the world ranks you as one of the best. Does that sound like someone anyone would be ashamed to know, let alone love?”

  I shake my head, acknowledging the biggest compliment anyone has ever given me. “I’m sorry about everything. When I was a kid, I didn’t want anyone to know who my family was. Once I graduated college, I prayed no one would find out but not because I was ashamed of them. No, it was because I wanted to be me. I wanted to earn respect because I did an amazing job and knew that I had the friends I did because I was Lillian, not Lillian Vicci, mafia heiress.” I lift my face to Lincoln’s and place a chaste kiss on his lips. “Thank you for seeing me and not my family.”

  I stand in the door opening of the plane, taking in my surroundings. I’m not sure who or what could be waiting for me once I exit the plane, but one thing for sure is, I’m ready for anything. The driver quickly makes his way through Manhattan traffic, pulling up to New York Presbyterian. The media is already outside of the building. They’ve been camped there for days, it seems, as Lincoln steps out of the limo, hiding me from the flashing bulbs. “Ms. Vicci, can you give us an update on your father?” a voice calls out. “Ms. Vicci, how do you know Mr. Eastwick? Are you in a relationship?” another voice yells. “Ms. Vicci, is it true now that Anthony Rizzuto is head of the family that you’ll be married to him?” I feel the misstep in Lincoln’s stride as the question is asked.

  Out of nowhere, Angelo appears. His fist flies through the air, connecting with the jaw of a short, balding man with a microphone in his hand. “Now there’s a story for you all to print. Respect the family, will you? You’re all disgustingly bloodthirsty for a story, and when you can’t find one, you make one up. You don’t have to now. That fucked-up jaw of yours is all the story you need. Ask another stupid question, and I’ll be happy to answer you with my other fist.”

  Inside the hospital, I see Sal, Nicco, Remi, and Anthony standing outside a closed door, speaking with my mother. I quickly rush to her side, throwing my arms around her, and finally let the tears I’d been holding in loose. “Mother, I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner.”

  My mother tightens her grip around me. “Hush, girl, you’re here now. Though I wish you hadn’t come. You were safe wherever you were. Everyone will know you are here now, even those we don’t want to know.”

  I listen eagerly as my mother brings me up to speed on my father’s health. Quickly, I go in search of the physician assigned to my father, requesting that I be able to review his chart. Dr. Brandon gladly hands over my father’s chart and eagerly answers my questions. My attempt at being professional crumbles as I review his recent vitals. “He’ll never survive another operation,” I state, assuming that is the next step in my father’s treatment.

  Dr. Brandon’s hand reaches for my shoulder. “Walk with me, please.” I do as I’m asked and follow Dr. Brandon to an empty room. “Ms. Vicci, it is not my intention to operate. As you said yourself, your father won’t survive another surgery. Had your father only suffered another heart attack, we would possibly be looking at different options, but he has had a severe stroke as well, and between the blockage to his heart and his brain, there isn’t anything we can do for him. Your father has been in a coma for several days now, his vitals are dropping daily, and as you say, they are so low now that I honestly don’t see him making it through the night. I’m sorry to say this, but I recommend that you say your goodbyes quickly.”

  I run for the door, down the hall, and into Lincoln’s arms. “I can’t do this, Lincoln. I can’t say goodbye to my dad. It’s not fair.”

  Lincoln clutches me tightly and whispers in my ear, “You have to do this, or you will never forgive yourself. I’ll come with you if you want, but baby, your mom says you don’t have much time. Go do what you know is right and say goodbye.”

  I want to scream and punch Lincoln for being so calm, but I can’t. He’s right. The doctor inside me knows that my time is limited, but the daughter inside of me wants to hold on and ignore the inevitable. My hand brushes across my face, wiping the tears from my eyes as I pull out of Lincoln’s arms. With my back straight and my head held high, I walk past my mom and the boys and head straight into my father’s room.

  The beeping of the monitors and the whooshing
sound of the BiPap machine are all that I hear. There is an old plastic chair beside my father’s bed, and I make my way toward it and sit down. The color of his skin only supports that without the BiPap he wouldn’t be able to breathe on his own. I reach for his hand. It’s cold and pale as I squeeze it.

  “Father, I’m here. Sorry it took me so long.” There is a spike in my father’s rhythm strip on the cardiopulmonary monitor when I touch his hand. “I’m sorry I left the way I did. I never meant to hurt you.” Once again, a quick blip spikes. “I know you can hear me, Father, and I want you to know how much I love you. I’ve never regretted being a Vicci, though I know at times you thought I did. I didn’t. Not ever. I’m proud to be your daughter, but most of all, I’m proud that I’m just like you. No one will ever tell me what I can and can’t do. You’ve taught me to always stand up for myself and to be me. I’m the best at what I do because you were always there pushing me to be better in the back of my mind.”

  I see a brief flutter in my father’s eyelids. As much as I want to get excited, I know that it's an involuntary muscle reaction. Though in the back of my mind I choose to believe that my father is acknowledging everything I’m telling him. “Father, you’ll never have to worry about me. I have someone who will protect me just as Angelo did. He loves me, and he is very powerful, but not in a bad way. No, he is good, respectable, and from a family that even you would like. His grandfather is a senator, and his other was an admiral. He’ll protect me just as his grandfathers protected all of us. I love him. Don’t worry about Mother. I’ll make sure she is taken care of and protected as well. I’m sure Anthony will keep your empire alive, but I’m taking Mother away. It’s time, time we stop living in fear of other families and start living our own lives.”

  I sit quietly for a few more moments and watch as my father’s vitals drop even more. He’s fading so quickly. I stand, squeeze his hand one final time, and say, “I’ll always love you, Daddy. Always.” As I release his hand to get my mother for her goodbyes, a straight line rolls across the screen. A tear slips down my cheek as the door flies open and our entire family fills the room. Everyone is busy saying goodbye as I shuffle to the back and smile knowing I sent him off with the endearment I called him as a little girl. I hope it brought him happiness in his final moments.

  Chapter 7


  My father’s funeral is the hardest day of my life. My mother and I watch as they lower his casket into the ground knowing that our lives will forever be changed. The heads of all the families are present, except for the head of the Westies. Not one soul representing those Irish fuckers showed their faces today. I had hoped that my father’s passing would have ended the war, but it didn’t.

  Last night, two soldiers from our family went missing. I’m sure it is just a matter of time before their bodies are found somewhere. This is clearly a message to the Vicci Empire that nothing has changed. A warning that no one is safe, and to take necessary measures to protect ourselves.

  Lincoln holds my hand as we walk to the limousine, my mother on my other side as I hold her closely. She hasn’t stopped crying since my father passed. I’ve never seen my mother so weak before. In all the adversity that our family has gone through, she has always been strong. Not once did a tear fall from her eyes when my grandparents passed. No, my mother would never show weakness. But this lady beside me, I don’t recognize her at all. She’s a shell of the woman she once was.

  Lincoln’s driver closes the door behind us once we have all gathered inside. He’s quiet. In fact, over the last three days, I’ve barely seen him. Angelo and Lincoln escorted my mother and me from the hospital and to my family home. Once Lincoln was sure I was safe, he and Angelo left, but only Angelo returned later that evening. My already shattered heart ached for Lincoln while my mind tried to convince it that he would be back soon and not to worry. With each passing day, phone calls were all I received with a promise that I would see him soon. I had almost given up hope that Lincoln would ever return, until this morning when his limo appeared out of nowhere to take my mother and me to the funeral.

  I watch as the city skyline grows smaller in the distance. “Where are we going?” I question Lincoln.

  “I’m taking you and your mother to Virginia. There is no reason for you or her to remain in the city.”

  I want to argue, but I know he’s right. There’s nothing left in New York for either of us. My only concern is that anyone can find my mother and me if they follow the trail. It isn’t either of us I’m concerned about; it’s Lincoln’s family that is at the forefront of my mind.

  “Lincoln, I’m not so sure that it is a good idea. Having both my mother and me around will only endanger your family more.” I wait for him to argue with me, but he doesn’t.

  “I don’t care, Lillian. This is for me to worry about and not you. Right now, your focus should be on your mother.” Lincoln glances over at my mother, who is staring out the window, lost in her own world. “I know I’ve kept you in the dark the last few days, but I’ve been preparing for today.”

  “Preparing? I don’t understand. What is there to prepare for?” My lips quiver as I ask the question.

  “You don’t need to concern yourself with the details, Lillian. Just focus on your mother like I’ve asked.”

  I quickly pull my hand from his, my spine instantly going straight, and move away from Lincoln. “Details don’t concern me? Are you fucking kidding me?” My voice rises, causing my mother to direct her attention toward me. “Everything that happens from here on out concerns me, so don’t even think you can keep me in the dark. I’ve been in the dark most of my life, but that ends today. Now, tell me what you have done.”

  Chapter 8


  I knew I’d have to explain my actions to Lillian. I just wasn’t prepared to do it now, in the limo on the way to the airport. “Baby.” I reach for her hand again. “I promise you I’ll fill you in on all the details, but please, can we have this conversation once we are settled safely in Virginia?”

  Lillian sighs deeply, giving in to my request. When she relaxes back into her seat, curling into my side once again, I know I’ve bought myself a few hours of reprieve before I must tell her everything. I just haven’t figured out exactly how to do that.

  I’ve spent the last several days putting multiple security measures in place. With Angelo’s help, I’ve been able to set up the tiny cottage on my property for Lillian’s mother. I’ve also increased security around my property two-fold. Angelo and his father have started peace talks with the Westies, or so I’ve been told by Angelo, but I also don’t expect that to happen overnight, and honestly, they may never work this out.

  What I’m not sure how to explain to Lillian is why Angelo will be living with Bethany and Peanut. When it comes to the both of them, I have a weakness. Although my money can hire a multitude of skilled professionals, what I need is a trained killer to protect them. That’s what Angelo is, a protector and a killer. If Lillian’s life was entrusted to him, then I know I can trust him with what is precious to me. He’ll protect Bethany and Peanut the same way he protected Lillian.

  I hadn’t expected Angelo to accept my offer when I presented it to him. After all, his loyalty is and always will be to the family, not to me. But Angelo will always put Lillian first. He knows that if anything happened to Bethany or Peanut, I’d be devastated, which would, in turn, hurt Lillian. I know it was solely for that reason that Angelo agreed to take on the responsibility. He’s still looking out for her even though she’s now mine. I fear that having Angelo around and involved in Lillian’s life again has the potential to stir up old emotions. Whether those are good or bad or how they will affect Lillian, I haven’t yet been able to deduce, but it is a risk I’m willing to take.

  Two armed men with AK 47s stand guard at the entrance to my home. Once on the property, we pass several other guards. Lillian glances at the armed men and then turns to me, raising an eyebrow. “A little excessive, don’
t you think, Lincoln?”

  After growing up with the mob, how could she feel six armed men are excessive? “No, Lillian, it’s not excessive. These men are here to protect you and your mother. This is all part of what I’ve been doing over the last few days. If I have to hire ten more to ensure not one hair on either of your heads is hurt, then I will.”

  Isabella, Lillian’s mother, glances at her daughter. “He’s right, Lillian. We can never underestimate the Westies.” Her hand reaches out, taking hold of mine and squeezing. “Thank you, Lincoln, for taking me in. No one would have faulted you if you had left me under family protection in New York, but you bringing me out here to be with my daughter during this time means the world to me.” Before I can acknowledge her, Isabella releases my hand, retreating into herself as if no one else were in the car with her. I expect Lillian to question me further about the measures I’ve put in place, but she doesn’t. This buys me yet another delay in having to explain why Angelo will be here in Virginia with us.

  Once inside, I introduce Isabella to Gerard. Gerard is head of security and her personal bodyguard. “Isabella, Gerard will be at your service. He will be stationed here on site with his team and will be available to serve you and Lillian 24/7. Don’t let his kind face mislead you. Gerard spent eight years as a Green Beret before starting his own security company. He may look innocent, but he will slice the throat of anyone who means you harm.”


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