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Hell of a Lady

Page 11

by Anders, Annabelle

  She wished the last year had never happened!

  Lord Carlisle wanted to court her!

  Despite the wager!

  Despite the scandal that would follow her until the end of her days.

  He wanted to court her!

  Even after she’d admitted that she’d willingly given her virtue to St. John!

  The walk outdoors today ought to have been calming, but all sorts of tension hung over the party.

  Cecily had been disapproving, Sophia hurt, and Emily disappeared with Blakely. A roaring filled Rhoda’s ears when she assumed they’d likely be discussing more of the details for the elopement.

  For her elopement.

  And Lord Carlisle had kept his distance, choosing instead to escort both Coleus and Hollyhock. She didn’t blame him but…

  She walked behind, on Lieutenant Langdon’s arm, forced to make meaningless conversation. Well, it wasn’t meaningless to him. He spoke of a few exploits at war, and admittedly, Rhoda encouraged him.

  All the while, she watched the tall man walking between her two obnoxious but lovable sisters. He’d bend his head toward one of them, making her giggle, and then dipped his head toward the other.

  Their mother strolled on Mr. Findlay’s arm a short distance ahead, and the other two couples made up the rear.

  Rhoda felt horrible. She’d upset both Cecily and Sophia, and she had done nothing but pressure poor Emily since they’d arrived. At least Emily had located a spare pair of spectacles today. It hadn’t been fair of Rhoda to insist she go without.

  She’d treated her dear friends atrociously. What on earth was the matter with her?

  Even now, she illogically resented her sisters for basking in Lord Carlisle’s attention.

  She released a sigh.

  He wants to court me.

  “I must admit, you seem a trifle distracted this afternoon, Miss Mossant.” The lieutenant’s kindly words pricked her conscience yet again.

  She turned to look up at him. The man’s appearance was unique in that she’d never seen such bright orange hair on a person before. “Please forgive me, sir.” He also had brilliant blue eyes and an easy smile. An abundance of freckles blended in with his weathered complexion. “I haven’t slept well,” she added, which was surprisingly true.

  He patted her hand where it sat on his arm. “Perhaps the walk today can rectify that. I’ve always found the outdoors a good antidote to sleeplessness.”

  “Do you experience difficulties sleeping?” A mild curiosity surprised her.

  For the first time since meeting him, she saw something other than kind pleasantness cross his features. Ah, the haunted look of a man who’d been to war. This time, she patted his arm comfortingly.

  “On occasion,” he said.

  Perhaps Rhoda had overlooked this gentleman too easily as a prospective husband for Emily. She needed to reconsider.

  Certain misgivings had formed at the thought of Emily marrying Lord Carlisle, bearing his children. Unease settled in her gut. She didn’t wish to see Justin White with Emily but didn’t examine too closely why.

  She set out to discover more about the military man while they meandered through the garden. Yes, perhaps the red-haired man would be a better match indeed.

  Throughout dinner, Rhoda attempted to ease the awkwardness that had been stirred up earlier that day. She asked about Little Finn and Lady Harriette but even so, a tension had developed between Cecily and herself.

  She hated it. She hated that her miserable outlook on life affected the friendships she held dearer than anything else in the world.

  When the ladies removed themselves to the large drawing room, Rhoda drew Cecily aside, so the others could go before them. After they’d passed, the two strolled at a more leisurely pace.

  “I’m sorry. I hate when we are out of sorts. I’m consumed with worry over—” She shook her head, utterly overwhelmed. She didn’t even know what to call all of it. “Can you forgive me?” Rhoda genuinely needed to repair the rift that had arisen between them.

  Cecily nodded, but her expression held concern. “I hate being at odds with you as well. I feel as though I’ve been away from all of you for so long that we no longer truly know one another.” She glanced down at her fingernails. “You didn’t return any of my letters.”

  More guilt. “I’m sorry.” Rhoda didn’t know what else she could say. She’d so wanted to confide her worries and fears to Cecily but dared not. “I’ll do better in the future. It’s just that…”

  Cecily sighed. “I know. Well, I don’t really know, but I can only imagine some of what you went through with St. John’s death. I just wish you’d talk to all of us about it. About your feelings. We love you, you know. Nothing you’ve done can ever change that.” And then she stopped and took Rhoda in her arms. “Don’t shut us out,” she whispered.

  Rhoda squeezed Cecily tightly, doing her best to hold back tears. “I’m trying not to. And I love all of you, too. I’ll do better with my correspondence in the future. I promise.”

  Both girls held on for a few more moments before Cecily stepped back and dabbed at her lashes. “I have a better idea than that. Why don’t you return with Stephen and me to Southampton? If you’re with us, you won’t need to deal with all of this betting and whatnot in London. You won’t have to do anything rash.”

  Rhoda hadn’t considered simply not returning to London. But even as she felt tempted, the thought of her two younger sisters and mother came to mind. She couldn’t allow them to be exposed to the scandal alone. Not after she’d run away.

  And her mother was going to insist upon returning to London once the house party wrapped up.

  “Coleus, Hollyhock, and your mother are welcome as well,” Cecily added, as though reading her mind.

  Only her mother would never abide missing the entire Season.

  “I’ll think about it.” Rhoda offered in light of their new understanding.

  The gentlemen didn’t spend much time over port, instead choosing to join the ladies after less than half an hour. When they strolled in, Coleus began plucking away at the pianoforte, causing Sophia to stand up and suggest, “Let’s play Sardines!”

  Rhoda wasn’t really in the mood for games, but it wouldn’t be fair for her to not show any enthusiasm. After all, she’d helped Sophia cook this scheme up.

  Emily played Sardines unusually well, and if she could get a particular gentleman alone for a short while, in a confined space, hope was that she could bring him closer to some sort of an offer.

  The plan had been for her to get Lord Carlisle alone.

  But would Emily really do it? Could she?

  Did Rhoda want her to?

  Truth be told… She did not.

  I do not!

  Emily nodded firmly. “Splendid idea, Soph.”

  Coleus stopped her atrocious playing and rose excitedly. Oh, yes, dear Coleus would find this all very intriguing.

  Lord Carlisle shook his head but then met Rhoda’s eyes and smiled. Warmth spread through her limbs at the thought that he was no longer angry with her.

  Had he felt her watching him all day? When he held her gaze, she did not look away. She wanted to tell him… everything. She wanted to apologize.

  She’d hurt him. She knew and felt sorry. But courting led to offers and offers led to marriage. Surely, he’d not wish to be tied to her and all her scandals!

  A niggling voice taunted her though… What if he does?

  “Just so everyone knows the rules. One person hides. After the others count to one hundred, they seek the original sardine out. When they find him or her, they take cover as well. The last person to find the packed in sardines is the loser,” Sophia explained for those who hadn’t played since they were children. Which would likely be most of them.

  “Any rules about where a person can hide, Soph?” Emily perked up. The house was massive. This game could go on for hours.

  “Er…” Sophia puckered up her mouth thoughtfully. “Bedchambers
are off limits, and the nursery, of course.”

  “Of course,” Cecily agreed although she appeared less than enthusiastic.

  “Very well. Who shall be the first person to hide?” Coleus rubbed her hands together.

  “I’ll think of a number between one and twenty. Whoever comes the closest wins.” Sophia winked at Emily. Alarm bells went off in Rhoda’s head. Sophia and Emily were going to cheat! A wave of misgivings attacked her. What would Emily do? Why was Emily looking so determined?

  Rhoda hadn’t spoken with her about pursuing Lieutenant Langdon instead. Panic set in. Everything was moving far too quickly now.

  Sophia made an elaborate production of asking everyone for a number and then shaking her head until it was time for Lord Carlisle to guess.

  Of course, he chose correctly.

  Rhoda’s heart skipped a beat. Emily had the same look on her face that she’d had while devising methods for Cecily to kill her first husband.

  Not Lord Carlisle! Rhoda had changed her mind!

  The earl smiled obligingly and rose. “No bedchambers and avoid the nursery then.” At Sophia’s nod, he walked toward the door.

  “Everybody close their eyes now.” Rhoda pretended to close her eyes but could see just enough to catch sight of Emily tiptoeing out of the room and Sophia waving her along.

  No! Should she cry foul? But she could not!

  Should she chase after Emily? Bring her back and avoid embarrassment for them all?

  Just when Rhoda could hardly stand in a second longer, Emily slipped back into the room. Maybe she hadn’t found him yet.

  “Ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred!” Everyone opened their eyes.

  Emily looked more than a little out of breath.

  “Good Lord, Sophia,” Coleus complained. “You’re the slowest counter I’ve ever played with!”

  Rhoda followed Emily into the foyer. She’d stick to her like glue, if necessary. “I thought I heard him heading toward the attic.” Emily sounded quite convincing, but Rhoda knew better.

  Most of the party took off toward the stairs. Sophia smiled wickedly. “I’d imagine he’d head for the kitchens.” Sophia grabbed Rhoda by the wrist and dragged her halfway down the hall. Cecily followed at a slower pace.

  Rhoda tried to resist but aside from wrestling her friend to the ground, she could not manage to get herself free. When had Sophia become so strong?

  Where had Emily gone?

  “What’s going on?” Rhoda whispered to Sophia. “Let me go, will you?”

  Sophia just grinned.

  No! No! No!

  Rhoda broke free and took off at a sprint in the opposite direction. Rounding the corner, she nearly slammed into her mother, who was just peeking inside one of the large coat closets, illuminating the inhabitants with what seemed to be an amazingly brilliant candle.

  Her mother’s loud shriek echoed in the corridor. “Miss Goodnight!”

  Such a reaction was not without merit. Along with her mother, Rhoda clearly identified her dearest and most innocent friend pressed intimately against Lord Carlisle’s chiseled form.

  Lord Carlisle’s arms were wrapped around Emily’s tiny little waist. He’d been kissing her as though a man possessed.

  “Lord Carlisle?” She couldn’t help the betrayal she felt. Not twenty-four hours ago, he’d admitted to wanting to court her! And already he could kiss her best friend?

  “Good God, Justin!” Prescott, who’d silently appeared behind her, sounded nearly as shocked as her mother.

  Rhoda couldn’t help feeling betrayed by the last man in the world whom she’d trusted. Upon catching sight of her, Carlisle’s brows furrowed. He glanced down at Emily and shook his head in a daze. “But I thought…” His voice trailed off.

  And then Rhoda’s gaze met Emily’s.

  Good God, what had she done?



  Scared to death at what would assuredly happen next, Rhoda reached inside of the closet and dragged Emily out. She refused to meet Carlisle’s gaze. She couldn’t. How could he?

  Chaos had erupted in the foyer, everyone arriving to see what all the outbursts were about.

  She couldn’t look at him. She wouldn’t cry. She didn’t know why she even felt like doing so.

  Lost in her own vortex of despair, Rhoda just barely listened as her mother chastised the couple and then addressed Prescott.

  “Your Grace, I expect you’ll have a word with the earl. This is quite unacceptable! Something must be done to remedy this! Otherwise, it will reflect upon all of my girls!”

  Rhoda could not remain to listen to her mother’s complaints. Instead, she dragged Emily upstairs to her chamber. The poor girl hardly needed to be dragged.

  She’d gone rather pale herself.

  Rhoda’s mother was going to insist Carlisle make an offer.

  Emily had landed herself a husband after all! Lord Carlisle! Rhoda couldn’t erase the image of his arms around her dearest friend, his mouth on Emily’s.

  On Emily’s mouth! Kissing her!

  As they practically ran upstairs, Rhoda couldn’t help thinking she deserved this. She deserved all of this. Once inside Emily’s chamber, she covered her face with her hands and moaned. When she peeked between her fingers, she saw Emily looking quite confused.

  Dear sweet Emily, who’d done nothing more than what she’d been instructed to do.

  Rhoda shook her head. “I can’t believe you did it! I can’t believe he did it! I’d thought he wasn’t the type. Why are all men destined to turn out to be disappointments?” She dropped into a chair in resignation.

  “He’ll make an offer, won’t he?” Emily’s expression went from confusion, to concern, and then accusation. “Why didn’t you tell me that you’d told Lord Carlisle about your engagement to Blakely?”

  Lord Carlisle had discussed her engagement to Blakely with Emily? Not that it mattered, but couldn’t anybody keep a secret anymore?

  “He told you?” How dare he share something she’d told him in confidence! In her mind, she imagined Carlisle and Emily talking about Blakely’s plan to use her for revenge. Had he laughed over it? Had they decided together that it was the only way she could be redeemed? “Quite the little tête-à-tête the two of you shared.”

  Oh, God! Rhoda was jealous!

  Emily twisted up her lips into a grimace. “Lord Carlisle thought I was you.”

  “That’s ridiculous.” Likely excuse. “I’m at least six inches taller and—”

  “I was standing on a box. And I’m wearing your perfume, remember?” Was it possible? “Rhoda, do you, are you—?”


  She couldn’t be. And besides, it was too late now! “I mean, he’s been a friend to me. But I… I’m not at all…” And then she realized how much courage Emily had shown. “You did it. You actually did it.”

  “Well, you said you wouldn’t leave with Blakely until I did. Figured I’d best get it over with.” Oh, God! Blakely! She was going to have to marry Blakely now! She’d promised Emily! And truth be told… she didn’t have a choice.

  A knock sounded at the door and, without waiting for an answer, Cecily stepped in.

  She regarded them both with a murderous light behind her eyes. “You two deserve to be thrashed! Did you plan this together?” She glared in Rhoda’s direction. “I’ve no doubt this was your idea.”

  She must think Rhoda had been hiding this scheme from her earlier. But she hadn’t!

  Cecily turned to Emily. “But you cheated, I’d venture to guess, at the game. And now! Now there is a kind gentleman sitting in the duke’s study who’s going to be forced into offering for you. He’s going to sacrifice his freedom due to no fault of his own. What you’ve done is utterly reprehensible!” She paced back and forth, waving her hands in the air. “How could you? Both of you? How could you?”

  Rhoda couldn’t allow Cecily to blame Emily for this. Rhoda had pushed her. If
only she hadn’t made that blasted pact earlier this week. She’d only done in it an effort to spur Emily to make more efforts at flirting. “You don’t understand, Cecily.” Oh, what a mess she’d made. With everything. “And you never will.”

  “Why don’t you explain it to me then?” Cecily sat down beside Emily. “You’ve been secretive for months now. We’re your friends, aren’t we? Tell us what’s wrong. I mean, besides the obvious. Besides the fact that St. John took advantage of you and then died. What else is bothering you?”

  Rhoda didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t tell them everything! She couldn’t!

  “None of us are perfect. You know this! I made a horrible decision when I married Flavion, but all of you stood beside me. And then I committed adultery. Adultery, Rhoda. Whether it fits the legal definition or not, I lay with a man who was not the man I’d married. What can you have possibly done that is any worse than that?” Cecily cried.

  Rhoda couldn’t tell them. She just couldn’t. She squeezed her eyes together.

  “Why are you blaming Rhoda?” Emily demanded.

  Oh, Emily!

  Now Emily and Cecily would be at odds with one another.

  “She had nothing to do with it. I compromised Lord Carlisle. I am the person responsible for that poor dear man sitting with Prescott now. And I’m glad.” Emily jumped up and strode across the rug to wear Rhoda sat. “Now Rhoda is free to marry Blakely, without worrying about me. And she won’t have to worry about any stupid wagers, or insincere praise… or worse! Now, if both of you will excuse me, I have some business to attend to.”

  Where could she possibly be going off to right now?

  “What business?” Rhoda demanded.

  “I’m to schedule your elopement.”

  Oh, hell.

  Justin could not believe his own stupidity and utter lack of self-restraint. He sat in Prescott’s study, stunned, berating himself in a thousand different ways for his behavior.

  When she’d first stepped inside, he’d thought she was Miss Goodnight. He’d even said her name, hadn’t he? But then the scent of her perfume had made him think she was her friend.


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