Book Read Free


Page 28

by Aleatha Romig

  “Ever?” he asked.

  “Ever,” I repeat. “That doesn’t mean I doubt those little rabbits. They might know something I don’t.”

  “Did you know the female rabbit screams when she comes?”

  “She does? How does the male rabbit feel about that?”

  “He fucking loves it. He loves to hear her scream. He loves hearing all the sounds she makes.”

  “Does the male rabbit make sounds?”

  Gently pulling my lips to his, Brody answered my question with a moan and a kiss: a hot, long kiss. A kiss that twisted my insides as my face tilted back toward his and my ass ground against his cock. When his tongue probed, I willingly opened, giving him entrance, feeling his warmth, and tasting his sweetness.

  I’d forgotten how much I enjoyed kissing. It wasn’t the same as fucking. Kissing was passionate and deep. For it to truly be a kiss, the kind that reached from your lips to your core, there had to be a give and a take. It was something that never happened at the warehouse, well, with anyone except Stewart. And even then it felt more like a take than a give. Brody’s kiss didn’t only take: it gave me strength and power. I told myself that I’d remember it tomorrow at the warehouse. I’d hold onto it and hide it. That was my thought as I pulled away from his warm embrace.

  “God, Brody, I can’t do any more than this tonight. And if we keep this up, we will.”

  The gleam in his uniquely hued eyes disappeared. “You still want me to write that contract?”

  “I do.”

  “And you still want Travis Daniel’s name on it?”

  I nodded.

  Brody reached for my hand. “I’ll find that lake, Vik. When I do, it will only be you and me. No fucking Travis, no Parker, no one but you and me and that big-assed blanket.”

  Smiling, I tilted my head to the side. “Thank you. Thank you for writing the contract. The lake sounds truly magical, but there’s something else I want to have there.”


  “The rabbits, because I think they sound fucking hot.”

  “Oh, they are, beautiful, they are.”

  LEAVING THE HOSPITAL I sighed. Even though it was halfway through October, the summer heat was back. I dreamed of the damn lake and the fucking snow. As I placed the dark glasses over my eyes, I imagined the snow-covered mountains and a smile floated across my face.

  I thought about my mother. Thankfully, she was improving. She still hadn’t awakened, but Val explained that it was the way they wanted it. She needed rest and the swelling in her brain needed time to decrease.

  As I got into my car, I looked in the backseat at the present I’d gotten for Parker. From what Travis said, Parker and Stewart had argued about Parker’s desires at the warehouse. I fucking hated to hear Travis talk about it, like he was describing a damn TV show, but the information was helpful. I was confident Parker would like my gift.

  As I drove toward the warehouse, my mind spun in so many different directions. My mother had a housekeeper who promised to be there for Lyle. I thought about bringing him to my place, but his school was closer to his house. Besides, I had a few other things to deal with. Though Marcus was at the university, he said that he’d pick Lyle up each day and bring him to the hospital. Lyle had his permit, but he couldn’t drive alone. I looked at the clock and hoped that my time at the warehouse would go fast. I wanted to make it back to the hospital when the boys arrived.

  With so many swirling thoughts, it wasn’t until I arrived at the warehouse, parked my car in my usual spot, and turned off the engine that the reality struck. When it did, it hit me like a fucking anvil, like one of the ones in those old cartoons, immobilizing me. While my mind spun, my body sat motionless. With each passing minute my skin grew moister from the growing heat. My brain told me to open the door and get out, but my body was paralyzed. It wasn’t until my phone rang that I was even aware of the passing of time. I looked at the screen: TRAVIS.

  Taking a deep breath, I swiped the screen and said, “Hello.” I knew my voice sounded weak and when I glanced in the rearview mirror I saw my pale complexion.

  “Mrs. Harrington, where are you?”

  It was much kinder than his normal where the fuck are you? greeting that I was used to receiving. “I’m in my car.”

  “The GPS said your car has been here for nearly ten minutes. It’s after one-thirty. Don’t you want to be inside before he arrives?”

  Tears threatened my eyes. “Are you here? I don’t see your car.”

  Travis chuckled. “Have you ever seen my car here?”

  I shook my head from side to side. “No, I guess I haven’t.”

  “But I’ve been here, and I’m here now. Do you want to change your mind?”

  “No, I can’t change my mind. I have to do this.”

  “You know his threat is bullshit. You didn’t know about your birthdate. He can’t take away your marriage. Mr. Harrington made sure it was all legal.”

  “I know,” I exhaled. “But Parker thinks I believe his shit. I have to make him keep believing.”

  “Mrs. Harrington, you’re not alone. I don’t give a damn about his plans or even yours. I promise if I think things get out of hand, I’ll make my presence known.”

  “Victoria,” I whispered.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You’re about to watch me get fucked—maybe—if I can’t convince Parker otherwise, so fucking call me Victoria. You’ve been watching for years, and the Mrs. Harrington thing is getting on my nerves.”

  Travis laughed, really laughed, and said, “Certainly, Victoria, if the way I address you is the one thing that’s on your nerves with this whole situation, by all means, I’ll call you Victoria. By the way, you may call me Travis.”

  My lips quirked to a halfhearted smile. “Thank you, Travis, I think I will. Mr. Daniels seems formal, considering the circumstances.”

  “Don’t forget, I’m here. I can be downstairs in seventeen seconds flat, faster if I just jump the banister.”

  “I’ll remember.” I took a deep breath. “I’m coming in.”

  “Do you want to hang up or do you want to talk to me as you come in?”

  Getting out of the car, I grabbed the package from the backseat as I held the phone between my shoulder and ear. “You know, I didn’t think I’d ever be back here. I really thought once he was dead…”

  “What did you plan to do with this place?”

  Entering, I looked around at the tall brick walls and began to descend the stairs. “Do you think it would burn?”

  “Not well,” Travis replied. “Too little wood.”

  “Speaking of little wood… can your cameras see outside? Will you know when Parker is here?”

  Travis chuckled again. “It’s nice to hear your humor. No, I can’t see outside, but I’ll know when he pushes the code on the door.”

  I made my way to the bottom of the stairs and flipped on the lights over the bed. “How does he know the code?”

  “They all have their own code. It was Mr. Harrington’s idea. He also didn’t want to leave you alone downstairs to open the door.”

  I didn’t want to think about Stewart remaining in his chair to protect me—I couldn’t. “What can you see with your cameras?”

  “Everything. Not just the bed area—I can see the entire interior. Part of my job was to be sure that the friends or Mr. Harrington weren’t interrupted.”

  “But no one other than Stewart, not even Parker, knew that you were here?”

  “I never had to make my presence known.”

  I looked around and sighed. “I guess that was a good thing.”

  “Yes, Mrs.… I mean, Victoria, it was a good thing. Someone is entering the code. Remember, you’re not alone.”

  I ended the call and nodded toward the ceiling, not knowing exactly where the cameras were located. I placed my gift for Parker in Stewart’s chair. It was a long silver box with a big white bow. It might have been overkill, but if he fell for it, I would be showing the n
ew owner of my contract how compliant I could be.

  “Victoria,” Parker’s voice billowed throughout the cavernous room as he reached the bottom step.

  I turned toward him, my eyes open wide.

  “My, my, I’m not used to seeing you here fully dressed.”

  “I’m not used to seeing you here at all,” I replied.

  He came closer and brushed his fingers against my cheek. I fought the revulsion growing within as I remained statuesque. His voice was thick with anticipation. “I believe before we leave here today, we’ll need to revisit some of those fond memories. You do know where the blindfold is, don’t you?”

  “My proof, Parker. I need to see this birth certificate you talked about.”

  He slowly walked around me, scanning me from my Christian Louboutin heels to the scooped neckline on my Versace peasant-styled blouse. His voice continued to echo against the brick wall. “It will be a rude awakening for you, Victoria, to lose all that money and all the possessions that my dear friend was so willing to give to you.” Parker’s cold finger traced a path along my collar, tugging my blouse sleeve off my shoulder onto my arm. “No bra strap.” His eyes widened. “That’s a good girl. Perhaps that will earn you some leniency during our hours of education.”

  “Parker, please, show me the proof.”

  Pulling the other shoulder of my blouse he stood back and assessed. “I have friends, lots of friends. If you decide to fight me on this contract and force me to make your real birthdate public knowledge, I just want you to know that they’re interested in your expertise.” He looked down at my shoes again. “It’s not like you’ll be able to afford shoes like those, but you’ll be able to survive. I’ve steered many cunts like you their direction. I already know that they’re particularly interested in you.” His forehead furrowed. “You have a famous pussy. The friends are calling me already.”

  Silently, I remained still as he pulled my blouse down, exposing my breasts. “You’re being very compliant. I was hoping for a little more fight.” He pinched one of my nipples. “I must admit to enjoying a little fight.”

  Oh, asshole, I can fucking fight. “Please, Parker, let me see what you have. I know what’s at stake.”

  Parker placed his briefcase on the bed and opened it wide. I gasped at the contents. There were papers, but there were also sex toys, the most noticeable was a whip, coiled into a circle.

  “Do you like what you see?” he asked with a slimy, toothy grin.

  I momentarily closed my eyes and gathered my strength. When I opened them, I stood taller, reassured myself that I wasn’t alone, and reached for my blouse. Before Parker could say a word, I pulled it over my head, reached for the zipper of my skirt, and allowed it to fall to the floor. Standing in only a black thong and heels, I smiled my best smile, and said, “I do. I like all that I see.” I took a step toward him and ran the tips of my fingers over his shoulders. “I wasn’t sure what your plans would be for today, but I have to tell you that so far your bad-boy routine is making me all hot and bothered.” I reached for my breasts and twisted my nipples. “But I guess that’s obvious.”

  Parker reached for my hair but before he could grab a hold, I took a step backward and shook my head. “Parker, Parker, show me your proof and I’m all yours. You don’t need to be rough… unless that’s what you like.”

  He mumbled something under his breath about bitches and playing him as he rummaged through his briefcase. Finally, he pulled out a familiar-looking folder.

  As he began to hand it to me, I shook my head again and allowed my long, dark hair to sway over my back. “The one thing this warehouse lacks is…” Wood. “…a solid desk to review contracts. You know, your good friend Stewart liked doing it on his desk. Do you like that?”

  “You’re not fucking playing me. I’ve got your goddamn proof,” he said, as he followed me toward the kitchen, in the far corner of the warehouse. I didn’t know how much the friends saw of the building. I only knew that this area wasn’t visible from the bed.

  I reached for a robe that was draped over one of the bar stools and wrapped it around me. “Here.” I patted the stool beside me as I sat. “First, let me see your papers.”

  Never taking his eyes off of me, Parker sat and opened the folder. Turning his smug expression on me, he pointed to a Connecticut State birth certificate. “Victoria, you were born on October ninth. This little illegal change has far-reaching implications, as you yourself said.” Next, he held up a copy of the forged birth certificate. “You lied.”

  Reaching for the birth certificate, my chin fell to my chest and my fingers went numb. Even though I knew it was true, seeing it in print ripped something out of me. I ran my fingers over the seal. It was me, and it wasn’t me. The implications meant that everything I’d always known about myself was a lie. I wasn’t really a Conway. My identity was gone.

  I bit my bottom lip to stop the trembling as Parker roughly seized my chin and pulled my eyes to his. “What do you have to say?”

  I willed a tear to fall as I tried to shake my head while in his grasp. “It’s true. How can this be? Why didn’t Stewart tell me? Why didn’t my mother tell me?”

  “It doesn’t fucking matter how it’s true. It is. And I have no fucking idea why they didn’t tell you.” Leafing through the papers, he located the contract and placed it on top of the birth certificates, and reaching into the breast pocket of his coat, he handed me a pen. “Sign.”

  With sobs resonating from my chest, I did. I signed in each of the places I’d done last night. The only difference with Travis’ contract was the clause that now made it impossible for me to sign anything without him as a co-signer. Each time that Parker pointed and I penned Victoria Harrington, it was a lie. It was my plan B. I prayed I would never need it.

  When the final page was signed, Parker picked up the pages and put them back into the folder. Leaning back in the chair, Parker sighed. “Victoria, I’ll enjoy having you as my pet.”

  My skin crawled at the thought.

  I stood and dramatically swallowed. “I didn’t know what would happen. I’d hoped…” I took a deep breath. “…but that doesn’t matter anymore. I brought you something, something to show you that I can behave. I can be respectful.” I looked down. “It’s something… well, from what I saw in your briefcase, I think you’ll enjoy.”

  Parker’s brow rose. “You have me intrigued. What did you bring me?”

  I reached for his clammy hand and led him back to the chair by the bed. Lifting the box, I said, “Please have a seat. I guess this is your chair now.”

  As Parker sat, I removed my robe and knelt at his feet. Demurely, I handed him the silver gift. Without a word, Parker removed the bow and opened the box. Moving the tissue paper, he eyed the black leather fingerless gloves, like those worn by weightlifters, and the long sleek riding crop. His eyes opened wide.

  “Stewart enjoyed this. I thought you might too.” I turned toward his briefcase and the whip. “I know what you brought, and the choice is yours, but I’d like to work my way up to that. I’ve never…” I let my words trail away as my face fell forward and I willed more tears.

  “Fuck!” Parker said as he eyed my gift. “Stewart was into this shit?”

  I nodded. “Yes, are you surprised?”

  “Fuck, no—yeah. I didn’t realize he was such a selfish bastard.”

  I wiggled my ass against my heels. “He called it our special time.”

  Parker looked back into the box at the gloves. “Why—”

  Before he could finish I offered, “Sometimes Stewart would really get into it. He said the gloves helped his hands with the leather handle. You don’t have to wear them. It’s up to you.”

  The slimy, toothy smile returned. “No, I like them.” He motioned toward the bed. “I fucking want to give this a try.”

  I nodded. “May I go to the bathroom and prepare myself for you?”

  “Yeah. Don’t take too long.”

  I could see his pencil
dick protruding under his slacks. “Do you want me to help you with your clothes?”

  “No, go and hurry.”

  Slowly, I stood and walked toward the bathroom. Just before closing the door, I turned to see Parker unbuttoning his shirt and removing his slacks. Once inside, I sat on the edge of the shower and tried to regulate my breathing. I had no idea how long it would take for the Cytoxan inside of the gloves to penetrate his skin. By leaving the package in the car, the heat coming through the windows caused the powder to be absorbed into the porous leather. I knew to make it most effective I needed his hands to sweat. Though I hated what I was about to do, I knew it was my best option. After a few minutes, I braced myself, took a deep breath, and I made my way back out to the bed.

  Seeing him standing in his boxers, socks, and shoes, I wished for the blindfold: this was an image I’d never be able to erase. Even with the leather gloves and riding crop he looked less like a Dominant and more like a pencil dick. I looked at the bed and noticed the satin restraints at the same time that Parker turned toward me.

  I weighed each word, reminding myself that I needed his hands to sweat. I also knew the most important part of my plan: he couldn’t touch me. Even though the drug was on the inside of the gloves, there was no guarantee it wouldn’t leach through the leather. Making my presence known, I said, “Parker, I know this is your show. Believe me, I know how that works. But if you want me to, I’ll tell you what Stewart used to do.”

  When he didn’t respond, I picked up the thick satin ribbon and ran it through my fingers. “Stewart always said that the strongest restraints were in my mind. He said he could tie me, but that didn’t teach me to obey. By not tying my hands or feet, I had to maintain his positions even when it was difficult. He said that physical restraints were too easy on me.” I raised my brow. “Didn’t you ever notice that I was never tied?”

  Parker nodded. “Maybe Stewart was better at this than I thought.”

  I went on. “He would tell me what to do.” I leaned over the bed, pressed my breasts into the soft cover, stretched my arms above my head, and keeping my ass in the air, spread my legs. “This was one of his favorite positions.”


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