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The Wrong Prom Date

Page 11

by Moody, Alexandra



  I was a jumble of nerves by the time it got dark that night. Hayley would be arriving at the house for our date any minute now, and each second that ticked by had my pulse racing faster. I really wanted to impress Hayley tonight, and I hoped that what I had planned would work.

  “Why are you so dressed up?” Owen grunted, as he entered the kitchen. I’d been pacing around the room for the last ten minutes as I waited for Hayley to show up, and I started to wish I’d chosen somewhere else to do it. I didn’t want to talk with Owen right now.

  “I have a date.” My tone was sharp, and I hoped he realized I didn’t want to talk about it any further. I wasn’t even that dressed up. I’d just put on my good jeans and a nicer T-shirt than one of the ratty band tops I always wore.

  Owen was either too dense to notice I wanted him gone or simply didn’t care because he leaned against the kitchen counter and sneered at me. “With that Hayley chick?”

  “Yes.” I practically growled.

  “Well, good luck.” It might have sounded like a nice sentiment, but I knew my brother wasn’t finished. “You’ll probably need it,” he continued. “She’s far too hot for a dweeb like you.”

  My knuckles cracked as my hands clenched into fists. Thankfully, the doorbell rang, and I had an excuse to escape the kitchen and my brother. I hurried to go answer it, and as I opened the door, the breath rushed from my lungs.

  Hayley looked gorgeous. She always did, but it was the warm smile that lit up her eyes when she saw me that made my heart soar. She looked genuinely happy to see me, and it was an expression I’d never seen in her eyes before. Not toward me, at least.

  I coughed to clear my suddenly narrow throat. “Hey.”

  “Hey, Ethan.” She sounded so relaxed compared to me, and there was a hint of curiosity in her eyes. She obviously wasn’t freaking out like I was. “So, do I get to find out what our super-secret date is yet?”

  I laughed and nodded. “Follow me.” I took her by the hand and pulled her inside, praying I wasn’t somehow going to mess this up. She happily let me guide her through the house, but she stopped when we walked into the living room and found Owen standing there.

  “Hey, Hayley,” my brother said, giving her a genuine-looking smile. He had his hands tucked into his jean pockets like he was slightly nervous, and his face had completely morphed. He looked nothing like the selfish jerk who’d been grilling me in the kitchen only a minute ago. Somehow, he’d managed to make himself appear like a nice, normal, approachable guy. This wasn’t the first time I’d seen the act, and I knew it probably wouldn’t be the last. He’d been fooling girls for years with this show, and I couldn’t imagine him ever abandoning it when it worked so well for him.

  Hayley’s cheeks flushed bright pink as she smiled back at him. “Hi, Owen. How was your first week back at Lincoln?”

  “It was great. Everyone was so welcoming, but I was sad I didn’t have any classes with you…”

  Hayley’s eyes widened slightly. “You were?”

  “Of course, I was. You were always one of my favorite cheerleaders.”

  Hayley’s mouth had opened slightly and I could see she was at a loss for words. I didn’t miss the cunning glint in Owen’s eye as he noticed her reaction too. It seemed Hayley’s plan was already working better than expected. I needed to get her away from him before she realized that and dumped me on the spot. That would be exactly what Owen wanted, and I couldn’t let it happen.

  “Come on, Hayley,” I said, giving her hand a light squeeze. “Let’s go.”

  She turned toward me, and her eyes were a little dazed. She gave me a slight nod though, and I quickly led her away. It wasn’t until we were out of the room that she seemed to come to her senses once more.

  “What do you think that meant back there?” she whispered to me. “Do you think Owen is starting to get jealous?”

  “Potentially,” I said, giving her a tight smile. “It certainly looks like we’re going in the right direction.”

  Her face became bright with excitement. “You really think so?”

  “Yeah, I do.” It pained me to admit it out loud.

  “Wow,” she continued. “I mean, I hoped that this might work, but it was hard to know for sure. Do you think I should go back to talk to him some more?” She was rambling, and it was obvious how excited she was.

  I quickly shook my head though. “It’s definitely not a good idea for you to go back in there and talk to him. When it comes to Owen, you can’t seem too eager or he’ll lose interest.”

  “Right,” she murmured. “Do you think…” Her voice trailed off as I led her outside and she caught sight of the garden. She let go of my hand as she stumbled forward. “Ethan…” She exhaled audibly. “This is incredible.”

  My heart had stilled with anticipation as I waited for her reaction, and I began to smile as I watched her cast her eyes over the date I had planned. I’d spent the afternoon covering the garden in fairy lights, which were softly glowing from the trees. There was a picnic blanket set up in the middle of the grass, and beyond it was the projector screen that had taken me over an hour to figure out how to set up. I’d been so nervous Hayley would think it was stupid, but by the awed look on her face, she felt the exact opposite.

  “You really did all this?” she asked, finally turning to me.

  I shrugged. “It’s nothing.”

  “This is not nothing.” She grabbed my hand once more and pulled me toward the picnic blanket. It was covered in cushions and almost every movie snack I could think of. I’d wanted the date to be perfect, after all.

  As Hayley sat down on the blanket, she was still looking around my backyard in shock. “It’s like something out of a fairytale,” she said. “You really didn’t need to go to all this effort.”

  “Of course, I did,” I replied. “We’re trying to convince Owen we’re in a real relationship, and if I were lucky enough to date a girl like you, this is exactly the kind of date I’d arrange for her.”

  Hayley looked at me, and her cheeks seemed to warm. “The girl you like is really lucky,” she said. “And I hope she notices you after all of this, because if anyone deserves an amazing girl, it’s you.”

  “Thanks,” I murmured. My whole body seemed to drift upward at the sound of her words, and I felt like I was floating. The knowledge she didn’t realize she was the mystery girl was the only thing that kept me firmly connected to Earth.

  “So, what movie are we watching?” she asked, as she took a piece of popcorn and popped it in her mouth.

  “Mean Girls,” I replied.

  “Are you serious?”


  “You know that’s my favorite movie of all time, right?”

  I laughed and nodded. “That’s what I’ve heard.”

  Her eyes narrowed, and she watched me like she was trying to figure me out. “Madi totally told you, didn’t she?”

  “I can’t reveal my sources.”

  “It was definitely her.” Hayley’s eyes flashed with confidence, and a smile pulled at her lips. “I can’t believe you did research on me before our date.”

  I shrugged playfully though I didn’t admit or deny asking Madi about the film. She’d probably think I was a stalker if I told her the truth. I couldn’t help that I already knew what Hayley’s favorite movie was though. She had done an English assignment on Mean Girls last year and made it quite clear at the time she thought it was the greatest masterpiece ever made.

  “Should we start the movie?” I asked.

  She nodded eagerly and settled into the cushions as I switched on the projector screen. I felt a rush of nerves flood through me as I went to sit down. I wanted to sit close to Hayley more than anything, but I also didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. I might have arranged the perfect date, but I was hopeless when it came to being the perfect date. I had no idea how to act cool in this kind of situation. Owen wouldn’t be having any problems if he were in my po

  “Are you going to sit?” Hayley asked, as she watched me hesitate.

  “Yeah, of course,” I quickly replied. “I was just thinking that we should probably sit quite close. Owen’s bedroom looks onto the backyard, so we’ll want this to look intimate…”

  Hayley glanced over her shoulder toward the house. Owen’s room was on the first floor, and the light was on. He couldn’t be seen through the window, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he decided to check what we were doing out here at some point during the night. The way he’d been eyeing Hayley before had me worried, and despite all the effort I’d gone to tonight, I kind of wished I’d organized a date with Hayley away from the house.

  Hayley looked back at me and smiled as she patted the ground beside her. “You’re right. Good thinking, Ethan.”

  I exhaled as I lowered myself onto the ground beside her. It was dark and romantic with the fairy lights hovering above us, but sitting so close to Hayley made me completely freeze up. Even when the movie started, I couldn’t seem to relax.

  “You could probably put your arm around my shoulders,” Hayley murmured. She glanced up and into my eyes, and the lights of the projector screen reflected off her skin. She looked so beautiful tonight; it was easy to see why I was completely under her spell.

  I swallowed and nodded before lightly wrapping my arm around her. Her head gently rested on my shoulder, and I could smell the sweet fragrance of the perfume she wore. I kept my eyes firmly on the screen, but I wasn’t truly watching the movie because all my senses were focused on the girl sitting next to me. It was a sweet kind of torture to have the love of your life so incredibly close but know she could never be yours.

  It felt like the movie was over in the blink of an eye. Hayley had laughed and spoken half the lines in the film but had quieted toward the end, and as I looked down at her, I saw she was asleep. Her face was so gentle as she rested. During the day, it was filled with fire and passion, but when she slept, she had the smallest smile on her lips and she seemed completely at peace.

  “Hayley,” I whispered, giving her shoulders the slightest shake.

  “Hmm?” She slowly stretched out her body and groggily opened her eyes. She started to gently smile when she saw me, but moments later, it seemed as though reality caught up with her and she jerked upward.

  “I did not just fall asleep during Mean Girls!”

  I chuckled softly. “It looks like you did.”

  “Nope. It did not happen.” She pointed a finger in my direction. “And you will take this secret to the grave.”

  I laughed and crossed a finger over my chest. “Cross my heart.”

  “Please tell me I didn’t snore.”

  “You didn’t.” I smiled and shook my head. “I had no idea you were asleep until the movie ended. I probably should have known something was up when you didn’t shout out, ‘She doesn’t even go here!’”

  Hayley laughed. “That is my favorite line.”

  “I’d say we could watch the end of the movie again from there, but it’s getting late, and it seems like you’re pretty tired.”

  She stifled a yawn as she nodded. “Yeah, I still can’t believe I fell asleep on you. It’s been a really long week.”

  I stood up and held my hands out to help Hayley to her feet. “We’ll just have to watch the end together another time.”

  “I’d like that,” she agreed.

  I walked her from the garden and through the house to the front door. It was quiet inside, and I assumed Owen had gone out. Hayley didn’t ask for him though, and she didn’t seem to look for him either. For once, it seemed, my brother wasn’t on her mind.

  When we reached the front door, she paused and turned to me. “Tonight was amazing, Ethan. Thank you for organizing such a perfect date.” Before I realized what she was doing, she’d wrapped her arms around me in a hug, and I slowly lowered my arms around her to return it.

  I expected the hug to be over almost as quickly as it started, but she held on for several seconds, and the longer she held the hug, the more my heart raced. It was just a hug; but to me, it was everything.

  When Hayley slowly broke away, she almost seemed reluctant. “I’ll see you tomorrow night for your gig,” she said.

  “You still want to come to that?”

  “Yeah, of course. I need to see what all the fuss is about.” She shot me a grin before turning to leave. I watched her as she walked across my front lawn and started down her own driveway. She was almost out of sight when she looked my way one last time. She smiled and gave me a small wave, and I lifted my hand in response.

  I’d been in love with Hayley Lawson for years, but my feelings were only intensifying the more time we spent together. As I watched her disappear from view, I realized maybe Colin had been right: this plan was probably going to break my heart.



  “Your hair looks incredible!” Isla squealed.

  I swiveled around in my chair and gasped when I saw myself in the mirror. Isla had spent the last twenty minutes putting pink extensions through my hair, and I couldn’t have been happier with the result. I looked badass.

  I grinned as I turned to her. “I think you might be my new fashion idol.”

  Isla smiled. “Well, I’m glad I could help.”

  I spun back to take another look in the mirror, lightly touching the pink in my hair. It was such a contrast against my brunette locks, but I loved it. If it weren’t for my parents, and the fact Laurie would probably get me kicked off the cheerleading team, I would have totally dyed it permanently. I wondered what Owen would think of the change.

  “So, what do people wear to a gig?” I asked.

  “Nothing too over the top,” Isla said. “And something you can dance in.”

  “Are you wearing this tonight?” I indicated toward her outfit. Isla was dressed in a short tartan skirt and a T-shirt that was cut just above her belly button. She was wearing knee-high boots I would have sold my soul for, and her hair was pulled back in two buns.

  She did a little spin. “Yup.”

  I nodded and walked over to my wardrobe, and as I started to search through it, Isla took a seat at my desk chair.

  “You know you can see directly into Ethan’s room from here, right?” she said, as she peered out the window.

  “Yeah, I know.” I turned to see Isla waving through the open window. I walked up behind her and found Ethan looking back at us. He grinned when he caught sight of me and started to gesture toward my hair before he drew a heart in the air.

  “Aw, he loves the pink,” Isla said.

  “So he should.” I said. “It looks great.” I mouthed a “thank you” at Ethan before I shooed him away with a flick of my hands. He laughed before returning to his guitar, which was resting on his desk.

  “I guess I can see why you noticed him across the fence,” Isla said. “You hold a front row ticket to the Ethan show. Did you catch sight of what he’s hiding under those baggy T-shirts? That would probably convince most girls to give him a chance.” She giggled, but I shook my head.

  “What’s he hiding?” I asked.

  “Uh, his six-pack.”

  I gave her a blank look. “Ethan has a six-pack?”

  She laughed. “How could you not notice? His room is right there!” She was looking at me like I was crazy. To her, I probably was. What kind of girl wouldn’t check out her boyfriend when she had this kind of opportunity?

  “Oh, I guess I’m just unlucky,” I quickly responded. “I barely ever see him in his room. Let alone without his shirt on.”

  “Well, maybe, you’ll get lucky now you’re dating…” She wiggled her eyebrows at me, and I laughed uncomfortably. It wasn’t getting any easier to have conversations with people about our relationship when I knew it was all for show.

  Isla’s mention of Ethan’s abs did have me curious though, and a small part of me wondered what they looked like. I glanced toward the window before quickly turning away aga
in. I wasn’t supposed to have any interest in Ethan’s abs. I started to walk back to my wardrobe, hoping to put a little distance between the window and myself.

  “So, have you and Ethan ever dated?” I asked, as I mindlessly pushed a few coat hangers around. After Isla’s comment about his body, I was a little concerned she might secretly like him, and my stomach was tied in knots as I considered the possibility she might be the girl he truly liked. Isla was amazing, and I could easily see Ethan falling for her.

  “Ew, no,” Isla replied. “He’s like a brother to me.”

  “So, you guys never got close to dating?”

  “Like I said, ew. I’m not even close to being his type. Plus, I have a thing for guys with tattoos.”

  I lifted an eyebrow and glanced at her. “You do?”

  “Oh, yeah,” she said. “My boyfriend, Dex, has a sleeve on one of his arms, and it is the hottest thing ever. He’s also got this one on his thigh…” She left the comment hanging, and her eyes seemed to drift off as if she were picturing it.

  “Anyway,” she continued, shaking her head as if to derail the train of thought she’d been on. “You’ll see him tonight. He’s the drummer for the band.”

  “Cool.” I hesitated a few seconds before I continued. “What is Ethan’s type?”

  “You, obviously,” she said with a laugh.

  I smiled and nodded even though I knew it wasn’t true. I focused back on my wardrobe and starting pulling out different options. It took a few attempts before Isla and I finally agreed on an outfit.

  “That’s the one,” Isla said, as I tried on a frayed denim skirt and black top. The top was sheer, and I was planning to layer some jewelry around my neck to finish the look.

  “I’d ditch the heels and wear some sneakers though,” Isla said. “Much better for dancing.”


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