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Brides of the Kindred 4_Found

Page 10

by Evangeline Anderson

  “As you wish. Well then.” Slk rubbed all eight of his hands together. “Let us get to work. First we’ll need to collect some samples.”

  “Samples?” Lauren shrank back. “Uh, you mean like chopping off one of our fingers?”

  Slk made a burbling sound and after a moment she realized it was laughter. “Nothing so barbaric, my dear, I assure you. I am an artist—not like those crude butchers who roam the tunnels looking for fresh meat to splice. They need so much tissue because they make so many errors. A vial of blood from each of you is all that I truly require.”

  “Oh, well I can do that. No problem.” Lauren started to step forward and hold out her arm but Xairn held her back.

  “Before we begin, let’s agree on a price,” he said, frowning at Slk. “I don’t want to be surprised by any hidden charges after the alteration is complete and it’s too late.”

  “Most wise.” Slk rubbed his hands together again—they made a dry, papery sound that got on Lauren’s nerves. “Very well. What have you to offer?”

  “Some valuable food cubes containing a rare delicacy—grieza worms all the way from Twin Moons.”

  Xairn pulled them out of his pocket but Slk shook his head, his eyes blinking. “I agree that they are indeed tasty but I have grieza worm DNA in my stock—I can synthesize a batch of them whenever I desire. No, what I really want from you is something quite different, my friend.”

  All three of his vertical eyes were fixed on Lauren as he spoke and she felt a cold shiver go down her spine. Immediately, Xairn pushed her behind him.

  “You can’t have Lauren or any part of her. So forget it.”

  Slk’s eyes opened wide. “Not even a single extra vial of her blood for seed cloning? For that is truly all I desire.”

  Lauren frowned. “Seed cloning? What’s that?”

  “Seed clones are mindless, expendable clones made mostly for pleasure or brief service,” Slk explained smoothly. “They live only a few days and are never fully cognizant of their surroundings.”

  “So…sex dolls?” Lauren said, feeling a little sick. “You want to make a bunch of sex dolls that look like me?”

  “Essentially, yes.” Slk nodded. “An exotic like yourself would make the most exceptional seed clones, I’m certain.”

  “But…to make them just to use them,” Lauren protested. “That doesn’t seem right.”

  “Seed clones are mindless, my dear. They can do and say only what they are programmed to and they do not experience pain or pleasure or emotion as we do.”

  “Xairn?” She looked up at him for guidance.

  “I don’t like it,” he growled, glaring at Slk. “But it will have to be your decision, Lauren. It is your DNA.”

  “Why don’t you like it?” she asked, wanting to get a more in depth answer. “Do you think it’s morally wrong or—?”

  “Xairn cannot bear the thought of you with another male. Not even a seed clone which only bears your appearance,” Slk answered before Xairn could speak.

  Wow. Lauren looked up at the big warrior and saw a muscle clenching over and over in his jaw. This was turning out to be a most informative session!

  “I know you are upset with me for stating your thoughts aloud,” Slk went on, addressing Xairn. “But my time is valuable. And I find that things go so much more quickly when everyone involved knows exactly where they stand.”

  “I’ll do it,” Lauren said, making a decision. The thought of a bunch of living sex dolls that looked just like her creeped her our something fierce, but there didn’t seem to be any other way to get what they needed done. She dropped Xairn’s hand and held out her arm. “Go ahead and take our blood. How long will it take to get the, uh, alteration done?”

  “Not long at all, my dear.” Slk was already bustling forward with an exotic looking blood collection kit in his many hands. “I have only to feed your data and genetic material into my instruments and manipulate the genes—that I do myself of course. It takes finesse and an artist’s skill to correctly mix DNA. Once I am finished I will inject you both with the finished product.”

  “And will we see immediate results?” Lauren winced as the alien needle pierced the vein in the crook of her elbow. The vials of blood Slk was drawing seemed awfully large but she supposed she really couldn’t complain.

  “No, the new sequence needs time to merge with your existing DNA. You will probably see the final results tomorrow morning. In fact…” He looked up at Lauren as he withdrew the needle. “I’ll be happy to offer you overnight accommodations. I have a guest suite for just this purpose.”

  “And what will that cost us?” Xairn growled, holding out his arm as Slk finished with Lauren and moved on to him.

  “No extra charge.” Slk’s three eyes blinked slowly. “I merely wish to keep you both close until your transformations are complete.”

  “Why? Do you expect complications?” Lauren couldn’t quite keep the nervousness out of her voice.

  “No, but it’s best to be prepared just in case,” Slk said smoothly. He finished with Xairn and withdrew the needle. “Now then, I will combine your respective DNAs in the way that will suit each of you best. I’ll only be a moment.”

  Lauren frowned. A moment? He’s messing with our genes, making permanent changes in us and it’s only going to take a moment?

  “You forget, my dear, I am a skilled artisan,” Slk said. Taking the vials of blood to one of the tables, he fed two of them into a slot on the side of a complicated looking machine and then peered at the attached screen. At once a series of colored blocks appeared. “And, not to insult you, but you both have extremely primitive DNA. I could do this alteration with my hands tied behind my back.”

  “I see,” Lauren murmured. She watched in fascination as all eight of the aforementioned hands flew over a touch-pad, changing the colored blocks until they were a rainbow blur on the screen.

  “Ahh, hmmm.” Slk nodded and sat back at last. “There we have it.” He pressed a button and two new vials popped out of the slot he’d deposited the blood in moments before. “Xairn first,” he said beckoning.

  Xairn came forward and held out his arm stoically while Slk injected the contents of the first vial into his arm with a needle roughly the size of a harpoon. Lauren watched, biting her lip. She didn’t have a problem with needles in general but this thing was huge. Why did it have to be so much bigger than the one he’d used to draw their blood in the first place?

  “I know what you’re thinking, my dear,” Slk said, finishing with Xairn and motioning her to come forward. “But I must use a larger needle this time. The size of the altered molecules makes this liquid much more viscous and difficult to inject.”

  “All right.” Taking a deep breath, Lauren moved forward. Slk hovered over her arm with the giant needle for a moment and then looked up at Xairn. “Hold her while I do this. She needs comfort.”

  “Hold her?” Xairn sounded uncertain but he came forward willingly enough. Awkwardly, he put an arm around Lauren’s shoulders. “Like this?”

  “No, like this.” Lauren leaned against him, glad of the warmth of his big body at her back. Then she reached up to wrap his other arm around her waist. “There.” Tilting her head, she looked up to give him a smile.

  Xairn looked back at her quizzically. “And this makes you feel…better?”

  “Yes.” She squeezed his arm. “Much.” Then she held out her arm to Slk. “Okay—hit me.”

  “Very well,” Slk murmured, leaning over her arm again.

  At the last moment Lauren squeezed her eyes shut and pressed back hard against Xairn. She felt him shift uneasily but then the giant needle bit into her arm and all she could think of was how much it hurt. Not just the sharp hollow tip of the needle but the liquid being injected—it was cold. So cold it burned, sending a line of ice and fire shooting up her arm.

  Though she tried not to make a noise, a little squeak of pain escaped Lauren’s lips. Behind her, she felt Xairn’s big body stiffen instantly and
his arm tightened protectively around her waist.

  “Are you all right?” His deep voice in her ear was filled with concern.

  “Fine,” Lauren managed to say. “It…it just stings a little. That’s all.”

  “It is over now.” Slk withdrew the needle as he spoke, which hurt almost as much as when he’d stuck it in. Lauren muffled another moan and was relieved to feel Slk using some kind of glue to close the wound. So at least she wouldn’t bleed out from the gaping hole.

  She sighed with relief. “I’m so glad that’s over.” Turning in Xairn’s arms, she gave him a brief, impulsive hug. “Thanks.”

  He frowned. “No thanks are necessary. I did nothing—I could not even alleviate your pain.”

  “But you helped me get through it.” Lauren smiled up into his red-on-black eyes. Really, when you got over their color they were quite striking. Xairn was extremely attractive in his own exotic, alien way.

  “I would prefer it if you performed your mating rituals in the guest quarters,” Slk said dryly.

  Xairn frowned and stepped away from her. “I think you misunderstand the situation. Lauren and I are not carnally involved, nor do we plan to become so at any time in the future.”

  Slk made the burbling laughter again. “You had better inform your female of that. She is feeling arousal for you at this moment.”

  “She is?” Xairn’s eyes widened.

  This was too much for Lauren. “Hey, I thought you could only read thoughts—not emotions.”

  “I read and understand many things,” Slk said mysteriously. “But as amusing as this is, I do have work to do. If the two of you would please follow the lighted trail to your room, I would be forever grateful.”

  “What lighted trail?” Lauren said but even as she spoke a series of brilliant white spots appeared on the purple-brown flagstones as her feet. They curved around to include Xairn and led out of the throne room/laboratory in a different direction from the one they’d come in.

  “Come.” Xairn nodded stiffly at her but Lauren noticed that he didn’t take her hand. Feeling hurt, she crossed her arms over her chest and followed him.

  “Good night and thank you,” she told Slk as they left.

  “No thanks necessary, my dear. This is an excellent bargain for me. I already have buyers.” Smiling, he held up the extra tube of her blood and nodded. “Please enjoy the guest accommodations. Evening comestibles will be sent to your room and I will see you both in the morning.”

  * * * * *

  Xairn fumed as he stalked down the long hallway the trail of lights led them to. Slk had no right to speak as he did. Broadcasting the thoughts and emotions of others was wrong and offensive. Especially when there was no way they could be true.

  What kind of game is Slk playing? he wondered, taking a sharp right as the lights dictated and finding himself in front of a large green door. How could Lauren find a Scourge compelling or attractive? We are not known for our physical beauty. No, they certainly were not. Xairn was well aware that the grey skin and red-on-black eyes he had inherited from his father looked monstrous next to Lauren’s own smooth, warm brown skin tones and lovely amber eyes. What would people see if they were placed side by side? A beast next to a beauty. That is what they would see.

  And how could Lauren see it any differently?

  Slk must have been lying for his own benefit, Xairn told himself as he pushed open the door to reveal a small but well appointed guest suite. But what does he stand to gain? And why didn’t Lauren contradict him?

  He cast a sidelong glance at her as they entered the room but she was looking elsewhere, her arms crossed protectively over her breasts. Xairn sensed that she was upset about something but he had no idea what. Perhaps she, too, was distressed by the things Slk had said but was too polite to say it aloud.

  That must be it. She doesn’t want to cause me undue emotional pain by contradicting Slk which is why she chooses to remain silent.

  Xairn felt marginally better at this explanation. It was like Lauren’s kind and gentle nature to refrain from hurting his feelings, though it still seemed strange to him. All his life, he’d been raised in an atmosphere specifically designed to cause pain—whether physical or emotional. The AllFather had fed from his pain and he was an expert at causing the maximum amount of damage. To be with someone who wanted to avoid hurting him was a new experience.

  It made Xairn glad that she didn’t desire him as he desired her. If she had, he would have had to worry about hurting her—something he would rather die than do. No, it was far better that he leave her alone and admire her from afar. She was too beautiful, too good and pure for one such as him.

  But if he was only meant to admire her from afar, why did his body still tingle where she had pressed against him? Why could he still smell the scent of her hair and feel the warmth of her in his arms?

  Xairn pushed the enticing but dangerous thoughts away. Looking around the small room, he saw only one sleeping platform but there was also a couch at the foot of it. Good, so he could take the couch and leave Lauren the platform. It wouldn’t do to be too close to her in the night. Especially considering how his body reacted to hers. And in the morning, they would leave this place and he would take her back through the wormhole to her own planet. The AllFather would never again be able to find her—he certainly wouldn’t be looking for a human female with Scourge DNA. And if—

  “I have something to say.”

  Lauren’s voice interrupted his thoughts. Xairn turned to see her glaring at him.

  “What is it? And why do you look so angry?”

  “Why do I look angry? How can you ask me that?” she demanded. “Why do you think I’m angry?”

  “I have no idea,” he said, honestly mystified. “Are you concerned about the effects my DNA might have on you?”

  “No, nothing like that.” She sighed. “You’re really going to make me spell it out?”

  Xairn raised an eyebrow at her. “If you would prefer to speak each individual letter rather than—”

  “That’s not what I meant—stop being so literal.” She sounded exasperated. “Look, what I’m trying to say is, why did you make such a big deal to Slk about us not being ‘carnally involved?’”

  He frowned. “Because we’re not.”

  “Yes, but you acted like the whole idea of being with me was repellant to you.”

  Xairn shook his head. “Not repellant. Impossible.”

  “Why?” she demanded. “Look, Xairn…” She came closer to him and put one slim hand on his arm. “Maybe I shouldn’t say this but we’ve been through hell together and I care about you—a lot. And, well, I thought that maybe you cared for me too. At least a little.”

  Her big, amber eyes were filled with hope—an emotion almost unknown to Xairn. He had been raised without hope or love or tenderness aboard the Fathership. So how could he show them to another? His shaft throbbed at the soft touch of her hand and he moved away.

  “I do care about you, Lauren,” he admitted in a low voice. “That’s the main reason we cannot become sexually involved.”

  She bit her lip. “Are you saying you don’t want me?”

  “No!” Xairn ran a hand over his hair and took a deep breath. “I do want you. Much more than I should. But I don’t want to hurt you. My Scourge nature—”

  She raised an eyebrow at him. “So you’re really going to use that as an excuse? Your nature? Your race?”

  He frowned. “It’s no excuse. It is the truth.”

  “Well, I’m not buying it.” Lauren came forward and poked him in the chest with one finger. “I think you’re scared—scared of any kind of relationship, sexual or otherwise.” She sighed. “Look, Xairn, I’m not normally a pushy person—especially about things like this. But, well, I like you. A lot. And if you like me too and we finally got away from your father, well, what’s to stop us from taking things to the next level?”

  “What exactly do you mean by the ‘next level?’” he asked warily. />
  Lauren smiled. “You could start by kissing me.”


  “You know—you put your mouth on mine? I gave you a kiss before, don’t you remember?”

  Xairn eyed her lush mouth longingly. He well remembered the soft touch of her lips against his own—it had been just after he promised to keep her safe from his father and take her home. She’d been happy and had pressed her lips to his in a display of spontaneous joy and affection. The gesture had deeply affected him but he understood instinctively that it would be a bad idea to repeat it. It was too intimate…too dangerous.

  “You say that I’m scared?” he said, looking at Lauren. “Well it’s true—I am. Because I don’t want to harm you. To do the things I’ve seen done. The things…” He cleared his throat and looked away. “The things I’ve seen my father do to females.”

  “You’re not your father, Xairn.” Lauren’s voice was gentle as she reached up to cup his cheek. “You’re nothing like him. Or any of those other Scourge for that matter.”

  “You’re wrong!” Xairn pulled away before her touch could start an avalanche of desire that would bury his reason. “I am like them,” he said fiercely. “Their actions—their desires—they are my birthright. I have denied my father and forsworn my race but how can I escape something written in my very blood?”

  Lauren frowned. “And these desires you’re talking about…they’re really that bad?”

  Something close to despair welled up in his chest. He wanted nothing more than to crush her to him, to press his lips to hers until she was burned into his senses forever. And though he could scarcely believe it, that was apparently what Lauren wanted too. But I can’t. I must not give in to this emotion, this desire for her.

  “Fine,” he said heavily. “You wish to know about Scourge sexual practices? I’ll tell you.” Pacing over to the sleeping platform, he sat on the side, his shoulders slumped. “Females are nonexistent among my kind but even before they became extinct, they were incredibly rare. So they were kept caged from childhood until they were ripe for breeding.”


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